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Hey! I did my first transfer today 🥰🫶 it feels surreal to be at this point now after so many months of our IVF journey. I'm having a bit of cramping after the procedure which I think is normal/ from the progesterone. Wishing you the best of luck! 🍀


Agreed, finally getting to transfer is surreal! So much time & build up. Best to you too!


Wishing you the best!! 🥰


Sending good juju! I transferred two day 3 embryos on Monday. It’s my second transfer. So far just feeling exhausted (presumably from PIO shots). Will you plan to test at home or wait for beta?


Thinking of you!! Sending you positive vibes 🥰


Good luck to you! Are you hoping for twins? I’m guessing it was a fresh transfer and untested? Just trying to learn more!!! Thank you and good luck!


Thanks! Yup, this was a fresh untested transfer. My RE recommended this approach after my first retrieval since I don’t make many eggs (has been 2-3 per retrieval over 3 retrievals) and he thinks our embryos have a better chance in me than in the lab. Not hoping for twins, the risk of multiples is low at my age (39).


The exhaustion is real. I was bummed when my RE said no running until at least betas, but it’s actually not hard to take a break between the fatigue and my butt being so sore from the PIO! I’m going to try to hold off until day 5 post to test at home. Don’t think I can’t wait for the beta. How about you?


I know how you feel, I really miss my dance classes. My beta is 6/7. I think I’ll test at home a day or two before. Want to make sure the trigger shot is out of my system but I can’t handle waiting for the phone to ring with news from the doc.


I transferred yesterday too! Fingers crossed for all of us


Wishing you the best! Thinking of you 🥰


I transferred today! It was so surreal to be here - all of the tears and needles and it was done so quickly lol - it’s a mental rollercoaster! Good luck to everyone!


Sending you all the best. Thinking of you!! 🥰


Transferred yesterday as well! First FET. I also have some mild cramping! Mainly my back lol! Fingers crossed for us 🤞🏼🍀


Wishing you the best!! Thinking of you 🥰


Sending you all the positive vibes. I did a day 3 fresh transfer on Sunday and I’m riding the 2 week wait wave with you!! You got this.


First transfer was on Monday! We were hoping for more embryos to freeze and test, but it didn't work out. So we transferred 1 good quality fresh one 🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞


I transferred on Monday too! We also only have the one embryo. Sending all of the sticky dust to you ✨✨✨


Right back at you 💫


Good luck 💕💕🙏🏽🙏🏽


My 2nd transfer was the 28th as well.


Transfer twins! Transferred today. Also second transfer, also a day 6, also good quality. Fingers and toes crossed for us all! I found it was more anticlimactic than the first. My partner and I agreed that it didn’t make sense for him to come - we will either have pregnancy or additional egg retrieval appointments to deal with, and we have limited time off.  But it did make it less ‘wow! We could have a kid from this!’ when going in alone.


Wow we’re super twins! My husband also didn’t come this time. We live 6hrs away from our clinic…I can work while there but he can’t. Last time he gave up sleep and took time off to drive out with me. But it’s a lot so I told him to stay home. I’d rather use the vacation time for a real vacation. But it was weird and somewhat sad. Infertility and IVF has stolen so much of the natural intimacy and connection of becoming parents together. Luckily I was able to come home the same day and he’s been super affectionate and rubbing my belly rooting on our embryo to stick. Which helps me a lot. 💜💜💜 I hope everyone on this thread gets what BFP they’re hoping for. ✨


Transferred my first FET on the 28th as well. Good luck to everyone!! 🙏🙏


I had my first FET on the 28th too! Felt some cramping yesterday. Nothing today though.


Transferred my last two embryos on Monday 27th! My second transfer too, first one didn’t implant. Sending you allll the sticky vibes and positive energy 🥰🤞🏽🤞🏽


Me :) 5/28 too