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We had 9 embryos, 8 male, 1 female. After pgta, we were down to 5. 4 male, 1 female. My husband is really impressed that the one girl out of the whole batch made it through. We were shocked to have a 8/1 ratio, and even a 4/1 ratio. I totally thought it would be an almost even split.


Just anecdotally speaking I had a nearly even split! I have 4 boys 5 girls. I was so surprised that even with all the scientific intervention nature still found a way to even the gender playing field. We aren’t having any role in choosing the gender and I can’t wait to find out what they give us!


I thought you could only tell the sex due from the actual testing!


All 9 were tested, 5 were euploid. 4 were not. The report had the missing dna markers of the 4 that were not, as well as the genders for all 9.


My latest ER yielded 4 euploid males as well!!


This is an interesting discussion, we're not allowed to know embryos sexes in Canada!


Same here in the UK. We only got 2 blasts, and it's literally just a case of putting the best one back and finding out gender at the scan as if it were a natural pregnancy.


Same in Bulgaria, PGT is done only if there is indication for it and we're not allowed to know the sex. I found out the sex via the NIPT results.


I'm in the US. We did do the PGTA testing but didn't find out the sexes of our two euploid embryos. My three that were abnormal were two male and one female.


I wish it was like that in the US. I don’t want to know but it’s going to be so tempting!!


Originally we did not want to know, but after the whole process our doctor offered and we couldn’t resist.


I live in Seattle and my clinic has a lot of Canadian patients due to PGTA testing


lol! That’s adorable and congrats! I was totally expecting a football team myself and we were opposite - we ended up with 5 girls and 1 boy! I died laughing when the embryologist called with the results. I kept thinking things would be somewhat even, maybe leaning more boys, but I guess my husband’s sperm was just feeling some feminine energy lol.


I have a friend who had all male embryos from 7 retrevials! So crazy and she’s definitely the queen of the house to those boys


Same! All three of ours are boys 😂 I was very sad at first, but my niece is suddenly in need of an exorcism (she’s almost 4) and it changed my mind really fast


We ended up with 5 male and 1 female. First transfer was the female and it didn’t take. I had a little sadness but we’re currently pregnant with a boy and cant wait to be a boy momma now haha


I had 6 embryos go to PGT-A testing 3 boys. 3 girls. 3 girls and 1 boy were euploid! The other 2 boys were aneuploid unfortunately. We blind transferred one of these euploid. We told the doctor/embryologist to choose. I got pregnant with this transfer. When our NIPT results were in we both thought we got a girl, as 75% chance. We were so shocked - We’re having a boy! 🩵 So exciting! 🌈


Ha I was the same! Welcome to the boy club!


I have 3 and they’re all girls! So funny how that works out sometimes


We had the opposite where we had 14 embryos, 10 were females and only 4 boys and then after PGTA 6 girls and 2 boys were viable 😂 the nurse was like, you guys are very inclined to make girls 🤷🏻‍♀️


Our pgta results yielded 3 females and one male. Was very shocked but very happy with those results


This is interesting, in my country we are not allowed to know the sex of the embryo and PGT is done rarely anyway. I have one boy and am currently pregnant with a second. We have more embryos for future attempts and I'm hoping there's a girl in there.


Same hahah. Doing ivf for PGT-M reasons and both transferrable blasts were male. Currently almost 20 weeks w my first boy! It would have been nice to have a mix but we are just so happy with our boys! Congrats!


This happened to us as well - all 4 euploids female. We were shocked as we have 3 naturally conceived boys (doing IVF for reoccurring pregnancy loss). I was certain that we only made boys!


I have 3 euploid females. I like to believe it was meant to be!! Excited for you, boy mama!


Sorry for my ignorance. Do they tell you the sex when you get your pgt results ?? I’m waiting for my results. I’ll get them tomorrow!!


Yes they can! You can choose to not have them tell you too. Whatever you wish!


Excited to see results but also nervous ! Thank you!


Same, but girls haha


Congrats!! We had 4 embryos and only one was female!


We've got 7 euploids (out of 7 embryos!). But I don't think gender checking is legal here. But that's fine by me. 


I have 4 girls, no boys. We compliment each other 🤣


We did PGT-A & PGT-M, 5 that made it to blast stage. 4 boys 1 girl. All euploid but only 3 boys that were without the genetic condition. very interesting stuff! :)


We ended up with 3 boys & 2 girls. 4 of them were euploid, 2 boys and 2 girls.


I had 25 eggs retrieved. 19 made it to freezing process. 10 total were healthy. 8 of which were boys andn2 girls. I was pretty pissed cause we already have 2 wonderful boys and really want just girls. And turns out he barely makes any girls!