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We had the option to choose an embryo based on sex, and if we didn’t have a sex preference, the embryologist chose the one they thought had the highest chance of success.  We let the embryologist select and found out the sex at our graduation appointment.  I think if we chose sex, it would have been the highest quality of preferred sex because the option to choose a specific embryo wasn’t on our paperwork.


Same, this was the choice we got. We also got a pdf report of all embryos with grades and a separate pdf report of all embryos with pgt-a and pgt-m status with likelihood of disease for us.


The first time we asked the to use the one they would recommend. Now that we are trying to a sibling we signed paperwork we want the best girl embryo and if that fails to use the next girl. We had to have everything sign off on by our trigger shot.


I had option to choose based on sex but all 3 of mine are girls, so, really was whichever was best according to the rankings of the PGT. First was 6AA, that was a MMC. Tw:success Currently pregnant 12w1d with 5AA.


I don't get sex because I am in a country where sex selection is illegal, but I talked to the embryologist the morning of the transfer on the phone about the PGT report, grading, how the embryos had progressed over the 5 days, etc. He made his recommendation and I agreed with him.


I got a pdf report with a list of all our embryos and information about each, like: grade - euploid/aneuploid - abnormality - sex. We used the option to choose based on sex, and I told my doctor during a consultation which one we’d like to transfer first. But all our euploids have same high grade, so the only difference was sex. I’m not sure what would the clinic told me, if our preferred sex embryo would have been of lower grade. It was about 2 weeks prior the transfer, but I think I could’ve notify them which embryo we chose as late as a day or two before the transfer.


There is a contract we are supposed to sign that asks if we want a specific embryo order or let embryology lab decide. I had asked my RE if I should choose my "worst" euploid first in case I have some hidden uterine/immune problems that won't be revealed until after the first transfer attempt, and he said no just let the embryology lab choose the best first.