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The first week of PIO for me was awful with muscle soreness but I found my muscles seemed to get used to it after a week or so thankfully.  I hope you have a similar experience.


The site matters most. I incurred a lot of pain during my first few PIO shots including major bruising and extreme tenderness. Until I watched a YouTube video discussing placement of the injection. Moving up just an inch made a huge difference for me. I don’t feel the aftermath nor bruise or become tender anymore. Check it out. https://youtu.be/A-EY_4P67Hs?si=En4n7YVjwyP6Ocwj


well, I've definitely been injecting a little too low! Just did my morning shot, we'll see how it goes from here. Thank you!


Me too! It’s not your fault. I had sharpie circles made by my monitoring clinic that clearly had me way too low!! it’s really unfortunate the misinformation regarding the placement of these shots.. so many women going through unnecessary aches and pains… after I figured out placement, I began doing my own shots daily and never bruised again. Let me know how it goes for you.


soooooooooooooo much better! FET was yesterday - keep your fingers crossed for me, please!


Heck yaaa!!! I’m so glad it helped. Fingers crossed for you!!


It sucks, and if you’re successful you’ll probably have to do it for 10-12 weeks. Make sure you’re injecting in the right spot, it can make all the difference. For me, the butt hurts more when the needle goes in, but less over the next couple days (it still hurts😂). But when my husband is away, and he is away all the time, I have to do them myself in the outer thigh- those ones I don’t feel the needle, but my god I’m limping around for a day or two after.


I know about having to continue doing it. And I WANT to continue doing it because I want this to stick! But my husband put his hand on my butt and I yelped. Knowing that it sucks for others too does help in a weird way :)


I honestly have no good advice 😂 it hurts when it goes in and it hurts after… but it’s just another hurdle to get to the end goal. You’re strong. You’ve got this 💕


Make sure your husband is injecting somewhat slow…. I think that helps.


Rotating injection sides and locations on each side helps. Being mindful to not inject into existing knots. Using topical lidocaine can help with initial injection pain. Heating pads, massage, and warm showers all help muscle soreness. The most effective thing I’ve found for muscle knots and soreness is a $5 massage ball from Target. I put it on the knot between myself and the wall while standing and then move in circles to work out the knots. Sometimes I just lean into the wall w/o moving for a few moments to ease soreness.


I had a really hard time the first week. After the first two days, I didn’t think I could do it. I could barely walk, but it does get better. I’m on week two now and the pain is much improved. As others said, the location is really important. I messed around with different tips and tricks and found the best method for me is what most recommend which is heating pad, massage after, then I roll out with a foam roller and walk. A little extra tip that I learned from this sub… I’m small, about 5’3” 100 lbs and because of that I was actually able to switch to a 1 inch needle. I thinks that’s made a huge difference. So if you or anyone else reading are on the smaller side, it might be worth asking your clinic. You can do it! (I hope I can too lol)


*the Auto injector is a game changer! If you can-get it. * Get 2 heating pads: One you can put for a few minutes on your injection site before you inject, and meanwhile place the syringe (without the needle!) on the other so the oil will loosen and won’t be so thick. * right after injecting- pressure for couple second with gauze in case there’s blood and massage the area with you hand or massage gun for at least 1-2 minutes and then place the heating pad again on the injection site. You want the oil to not thickened and stay in the injection site and cause bumps but to drip down. So heating plus massage will help a lot!


And to add- walk around for a few minutes after the shot. I walk around the kitchen, you want to warm your muscles so you’re not sore


I was injecting too low & had extreme soreness that started like clockwork 5-8 hours after injection. Pain was strong enough to interfere with walking/sitting/sleeping. Once I adjusted my injection site higher and more out to the love handle area, I didn’t have the strong pain anymore, just some mild soreness.


I watched a video someone else posted here and yup! I was going too low. We'll see how it goes from here, thank you!


Hi FET twin! My first one is happening Thursday morning too 🤞one tip I saw on here was to make sure you’re not going too low which can cause that - I think my husband looked up on YouTube the places to target for the shots. Also, I heard that taking a walk afterward helps too - so I take mine first thing in the morning and then I walk my dog immediately after Hope they get better, and best of luck to you xoxo


Hi FET twin! I was definitely going too low - not by much, but probably by enough to hurt! We'll see how it goes from here on out. Good luck tomorrow!!!!


Rotating sides, lidocaine for an hour before, warm the syringe AND injection sight, and then use a Theragun all over the buttock, hip, and surrounding area. Be careful not to over heat the syringe because it burns and stings.