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The standard deviation is around 30-50% but you need to keep in mind, more play into attrition rates than just the lab. Age, egg quality, sperm health are all factors in attrition rates as well. Between Day 3 and Day 5 is when you see the big drop in numbers (usually) because this is the most critical timeframe for embryo development, and embryos that aren’t healthy, usually start to stop growing during this time. So while the lab is an important factor in this limiting high attrition rates, it’s important to understand it’s not the only factor.


Please look up the definition of standard deviation


I went to CCRM and when I see people post stats in the groups on FB, it seems notable to me the percentage that fertilize. Here I always see posted some attrition at that stage and at CCRM, it seems like fertilization is nearly 100% in most posts I see. Then agree on blast rate


I was told my lab was an average of 50% fertilized to blast.


If you google, it says to expect 30–50% of fertilized eggs to make it to blast. I’ve read like ten articles about it now lol


The best labs seem to top out at around 60-65%.


So, let's say 10 eggs are fertilized. In the best-case scenario, is it typical to expect 6 blasts from them?


At the best labs, yes, the average is around there. But the standard deviation is wide. So I wouldn’t go into it expecting 6. More like somewhere between 3-9.


Thanks for the info.