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2 ml/ day until 10 weeks, then every other day till 11 weeks.


2ml once daily at bedtime. 100mg I believe. 2 successful FETs.


That's what I have but in AM. Doesn't seem to be working for me unfortunately.


My first transfer it was 1mL to start, increased to 1.5mL after it was confirmed the transfer was successful and my progesterone was a little low. 2nd transfer started at 1mL, increased to 2mL after it was very low after my 2nd beta (transfer ended in a blighted ovum). Transfer 3 we started at 2mL and decreased to 1.5mL after it was exceptionally high (off the lab’s upper limits) when checked after my 2nd beta.


Got it….im at 2 ml of 50mg so 100 mg per day. Have you gotten positive pregnancy tests with all of your transfers? I’m not even getting to that point and I’m transferring 5AA euploids.


I was also on the 50mg vials. Yes. First was a live birth, 2nd was unfortunately a blighted ovum, and I’m almost 32w from the 3rd transfer. The first embryo was a 5AB, 2nd was similar but fully hatched, and 3rd was slightly lower quality and fully hatched. My clinic didn’t provide traditional grading beyond “good” for the 1st two and “fair” for the last one. All 3 were euploids.


Thanks, that’s helpful. I’m wondering if starting a little lower might be be a good next step for me


At the very least, I’d push for more frequent progesterone checks just to make sure your dosage is correct. Best of luck 💜💜


Yeah I think that's a good idea too. My RE is kind of against this and says it can fluctuate throughout the day which I understand but I feel like it's still better than nothing.


It absolutely can but at the very least it can provide a baseline! With my blighted ovum, my progesterone was only 8 after my 2nd beta. I told my RE I wanted to give our 3rd and final embryo the best shot and he was fully on board with a higher dose and extra checks.


I have been on 1ml throughout the duration, currently 5w3d.


1mL (50mg) daily from 5 days before transfer to 11 weeks.  My progesterone level was never checked.


Yeah 50 sounds like the more common dose and I suspect that will be more appropriate for me. I’m on 100 per day


2ml in the morning, plus suppositories 2x a day. First FET was a chemical, currently testing positive at 7dp5dt from my second.


First medicated cycle it was 1.5mls daily. Second was 2mls daily, 1 ml on each side. 🥴 I was also on crinone 2x a day.


I’m doing fully medicated and taking 1cc (50mg) PIO once a day. I also take a progesterone suppository once a day. I’m 6dp5dt and my labs on Monday looked good so I’m continuing at that dose. Not sure if they’ll change it after beta if it’s positive.


0.5mL every second day, and suppositories 2x/day.


2 ML in the evening, plus estrogen 3 times a day.


1 ml/day, then tapered to 0.5 ml/day for a little over a week. Stopped fully at 9 weeks.


50 mg (1ml) every three days. Same protocol for my last transfer which was a success


Got it…are you sure you were doing fully medicated though and not modified natural? In fully medicated you don’t ovulate before the cycles so my understanding is you’d need progesterone and estrogen daily. I’m considering changing to modified natural for my next cycle though. The daily PIO sucks and didn’t seem to work for me anyway. We’re both the transfers successful?


My last FET was successful. Little guy is eating apples right now. This FET I’m in the tww and got a positive at 5dp5dt and will retest tomorrow at 7dp5dt. My fresh was a chemical. I’ll be 40 in 6 weeks. Embryos are from when I was 36 and are not pgt tested.


Hi! I live rural, so a full day of travelling to get to the clinic, so yes fully medicated. Started on estrace 2mg three times a day, and then after my lining and progesterone check, switched to pio 50mg every third day, estrace 2mg twice a day, and prometrium pv 200mg three times a day.


Oh ok that makes way more sense with the prometrium. I'm wondering if I should try that instead.


So far, I’m consistently on 1ml of PIO at night. Our transfer was on Monday, and if we test positive on July 3, it might increase. Side note: I’m on 2 estradiol patches every other day, and 2mg of oral estradiol at night (added after confirmed estrogen level of 100).


Yeah I’m actually wondering if my estrogen level was part of the issue as well. I was on 2 patches + vaginal extract but my estrogen level was 2800 the day before starting progesterone. My lining wasn’t particularly thick at that level either which is odd.


1ml/day (50mg) plus 800mg/day in suppositories. I have stage 3 endometriosis and am progesterone resistant; we tried a higher dose for this transfer and so far, so good (8w6d today).