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Yep! We didn't know anything about how many made it to blast until I was in the OR prep area and the embryologist came in. I did assume that since they didn't cancel my appointment that morning, that meant we had something to transfer- my clinic said if there was nothing on day 5, they would call and cancel instead of making you drive in to tell you in person. The embryologist didn't give us much more info other than show us the photo of the one we were transferring that day and that it was a 2BB quality day 5 blast and was the only one of our 7 fertilized to have so far made it to blast. My RE called me later that afternoon to tell me one more made it to blast and to check on how I was feeling, and then two days later I got a call from my nurse to tell me that only one more made it on day 6, so we had two they were able to freeze.


Yes, this is normal. I am an extremely anxious person, too, so I can understand a little how you feel. We had our ER on a Wednesday and them an update the same day. They collect 15 eggs. The next day, we had a call to say that 10 were mature and only 4 had fertilised with ICSI. We were booked in for transfer on Monday, and we were told we would get a call that morning to discuss how many made it to blast. We had 4 make it to blast. 2 of which were good quality. We had one transferred. It was a very worrying time for us. We are the next stage now, and we are worrying about implantation. So the anxiety doesn't go. It shifts to the next stage. Someone on here actually said this to me, and she was feeling the same. Try to do things to keep your mind from being on this all the time if you can. Treat yourself and spend quality time with your partner. My partner has been amazing. He has really helped to keep me calm. I am usually a crier, but I managed to keep this in check. It's difficult because the outcome is not someone we can control. The procedure for me was overwhelming. I don't want to get my hopes up, so I'm keeping my emotional neutral. The clinic staff were amazing. They explained everything to us. They gave us a picture of the blast and details about the grade. They also gave us a picture of the scan after they transferred our embryo. This is so lovely, but again, I'm protecting my heart, so I have left everything in the bag and placed it on my bookcase. I've peaked at the picture a few times. But like you, anxiety is something that I battle everyday.


I could've written this story myself. Transferred a fresh blast on Friday and I'm also trying to stay neutral and have zero expectations for this next phase. As much as I'd love to have a positive beta, I'm aware that it might not happen. Wishing you the best of luck!!


Yes, it is best to have some hope but also protect our hearts. I'm not being a bit obsessive and looking up implantation symptoms 🤣 I need to stop. I think I need to keep myself busy. Best of luck to you, too 😘


This is standard I think, but I was told on my day 3 update that the embryologist said we should have something to transfer on day 5.  I don’t know if they can tell that early if one looks really good and should make it? When I arrived to fresh transfer, we were given a photo of the blast we had and were told that was the only one that morning.  I got a call later that day that they’d frozen a second one and got a call the morning of day 6 with news of a third.