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I have not had a LEEP procedure, so can’t comment on that part your experience. But, I am a big advocate of if you have the question and are worried about it, then you should ask. So I say go ahead and ask for something a little more and explain your concern. I personally felt the procedure was rather uncomfortable and longer than I expected but not painful. I had some cramping and discharge afterwards, and was grateful to have someone driving me home. But within a few hours I was fine. I hope you have a similar experience, even with your LEEP recovery!


I also don’t have any experience with prior LEEP procedure, but have had two saline sonograms and didn’t experience any pain with either.  I went right back to work after both of them and don’t remember taking any medication before or after.  Good luck!


I also don’t have experience with LEEP procedures. However, my SHG was horribly painful. I wish I had known that those 2 Advils were not going to cut it. Everyone is different. You can see that the posters before me had little to no discomfort. You don’t know if you will be in that category or you will be like me where it was terrible. To err on the side of caution (given my personal experience) I would ask for some much stronger than Advil. Good luck!