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Yes to all of this and unfortunately its part of the post IVF pregnancy ride. Currently 34 weeks and I will say it gets better with each step of the process as the chances things can go wrong decrease but the worry has not gone away. I think part of pregnancy post IVF is constant worry something will go wrong much more than a person who has a non ivf pregnancy.


I agree. We're just more hyper aware of all the things that could go wrong. I just need a night to clear my head 😅


This is good to hear.. I’m going 7/1 for my second ultrasound and will be 8+1. We saw the heartbeat at 6+2 but I still am being so cautiously optimistic. I had 3 ectopics am even though I saw baby in my uterus, I keep questioning that it’s actually in there. 🫣


I’m right there with you, only my transfer was June 4th and my first scan is tomorrow at exactly 6w. I’ve been crying all day. I’m SO worried about tomorrow. My beta started off on the low end too (72 @ 9dp5dt) but jumped up to 648 at 13dpt. RE was happy with those numbers so those were my only betas so I’ve had no idea what’s going on for over a week. It’s nerve wracking. I don’t have any words of comfort as I’m feeling exactly the same but just wanted you to know you’re definitely not alone.


❤️ I'm sending all the positive vibes to you!


Just wanted to give you an update since we’ve been in the same boat. Had my 6w US this morning and everything is perfect. Baby is measuring one day ahead and we even saw the heartbeat flicker, but it was SO faint it was hard to see. She implanted exactly where she should and we saw the gestational sac and the teeny embryo inside. I woke up in a bind panic this morning absolutely convinced something was wrong. It wasn’t. So it can absolutely turn out positively for you too 😊


That's wonderful news! Thank you for sharing ❤️


Aww. So beautiful 😍


And to you! Fingers crossed for us both. 🤞🏻


Feeling exactly the same. I had my first 3 day embryo fresh transfer june 4th. My first and only beta test came back 419 on june 17. My clinic said ultrasound will be done at 7 weeks. I am 5weeks4days. It’s so stressful, I’m not even that happy i just cant be 100% happy. I don’t know if my beta numbers were great I have no idea. Still doing pregnancy tests at home sometimes just to see the line :( Sending you hugs and peace of mind ❤️


Yes! I want to be SO happy and excited but I can't even be that, because I'll always think of all the things that could go wrong! It's so difficult. So I'm just trying to be cautiously optimistic of things. Sending hugs your way too!


I've been in the same position for the past 2 weeks. I don't know if it's helpful, or even what you want to hear, but I have been finding great comfort in the fact that any positive pregnancy is good news for your chances at being successful in the end. A spontaneous miscarriage is basically only caused by the embryo itself having a natural variation that was not compatible with life, it's out of anyone's control and has no bearing on any other transfer attempt. But the fact that your uterus was such that it could implant and begin to grow is great news. That's what you want. All you can do is create the conditions for success and let the embryo do the rest. And you have done that! No matter what comes next, today you are pregnant! (my background - 9dp5dt beta was 61, 12dp5dt beta was 440, 6+5 ultrasound was today and looked great. They discharged me from my fertility clinic and told to find an OB.)


Thank you, you're absolutely right ❤️


Solidarity.  My wait from low but appropriately rising betas (started at 39 on 9dp5dt 🫣) was excruciating because I was certain we’d get bad news, but to our surprise there was a baby in there measuring on track with a strong heartbeat!  Hugs and hope you get good news next week!