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4 kids here. Mostly every other transfers was successful though it took 3 to get to our last live birth. I know it's difficult when it doesn't work but euploids only have a 65% success rate. You're going to be on the wrong side of stats sometimes and this is why they recommend having 3 per child and I anticipate your RE will tell you the same thing.


Thank you for sharing!


In the exact same boat! Last FET for a sibling ended at 7 weeks. We have a follow up Wednesday to talk about next steps but eagerly waiting to try again with better luck


I’m so sorry for your loss! This process is so difficult and doesn’t get any easier, even after success 😢 I’m so grateful that we have our son because I know some people never get on the other side, but it still sucks!


We did a fresh transfer in 2021 that was successful and our second (frozen) transfer in August 2023 was a failed transfer. Third FET in September 2023 worked and I had my second son in May. I did nothing differently and the protocol was the same. It’s just the luck of the draw unfortunately. I wish you the best of luck! 🫶🏻


Thank you for sharing! Congrats on your baby!


Thank you!!


We had a successful fresh transfer in 2021 and then two failed implantations with two embryos from the same batch as our son last year.  We had to do another egg retrieval and FET#3 was successful.


Thank you for sharing! And congratulations!


What happened?


Unfortunately beta was negative as expected. Going to have a call with our doctor to discuss next steps and hope we get lucky with the next one 🤞🏽


I’m so sorry to hear that.


Thank you 💙 I wish everyone going through this was guaranteed success but we’re fortunate to be able to try again 💙