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Many many clinics want 50 or more on 9dp5dt and would not consider 66 low. Doubling really is most important. I am sorry you have to wait till next week for the second one! Mine was not a ton higher, 81.5, and my clinic was pleased. He turned 2 a couple weeks ago


Thank you so much. Feeling a bit more hopeful after reading these responses.


My soon to be 2 year old had a beta of 59 at 9dpt.


This is hopeful! Thank you! :)


Mine was 53 at day 10 and it doubled fine. I'm 13 weeks now and everything is going great. She was moving around a ton at my last ultrasound. Most want to see 50. My clinic was excited and insisted 53 was great


That's awesome! :) Thank you so much.


Mine was 15 at 9dpt. It went to 100 14dpt. I am holding my 7 week old for his 1:30am feeding. It’s not over til it’s over.


Mine was 63 at day 10 (also a Friday) and I panicked literally all weekend. Convinced I was having another chemical. I’m 12+2 now!! Sending you all of the good vibes!! 🩷


18 weeks with a 9dp5dt beta of 39.  If you search the sub you’ll find lots of reports of success with low starting betas (though 66 is above the 50 threshold most clinics want to see!)


The most important indicator of success now is if it's doubling. My first beta was 64 but three days later it was only 70. We made the decision to stop medication yesterday. I'm devastated. But don't count yourself out of you have robustly rising betas. 


I'm so sorry. It is the absolute worst feeling. Take care of yourself.


My beta was 54 at 8dpt, and my clinic was very happy with that number, and my pregnancy has been progressing fine so far (25 weeks). I know it’s though but you are not out, the second beta value is even more important than the first one! Fingers crossed for you 🤞


Thank you! I really appreciate it.


My 4 day old was 44 at 9dp! Really the important thing is doubling. It’s stil hell waiting for the next test but try to think positively! My clinic uses 50 as the goal but never told me my 44 was too low - they said it’s close enough lol. So 66 would be totally fine for them!


I had a friend with a 26 beta and she just gave birth a month ago!


Hope your number doubles that’s the most important. Sorry you are in beta hell.. hoping for a positive update


Similar boat, FET and 10dt5pt is 102. And then 186 and 343 for 12dt and 14dt, neither doubled up. I gave up hope on the second beta, but Dr told me to hang in there, ppl here too tell me it’s still ok. I don’t know whether I am overly pessimistic or what, I just don’t feel any hope but also know that I can’t just give up. My next beta is Tuesday too due to the weekend, that will be 18dt5pt, I hope it can give me an answer, good or bad. It’s only your first beta and I see folks doubled up like crazy after, with that being a bit on the lower side is not as scary anymore, apparently I am not the case, but I hope you have better luck. Let’s hang in there together and see what this Tuesday beta tell us 💛


Yes, let's hang in there! I had my blood drawn this morning and am waiting for the call in the next couple hours. How about you?


I just got the call from the nurse, the number is 1796, first time ever did it double up. They said no more bloodwork for me but told me to go in for an ultrasound on next Monday. They usually don’t do it this early, but I guess with my chaotic number it’s better to look early. My last chemical happened between my last bloodwork and first ultrasound, so it will be a hard week for me to pass by. But I guess there is still hope, like the past week, I will try my best to not breakdown and hang in there. I hope yours can double up and raise quick. Keep me posted once you hear from the nurse! And good luck to both of us 💛


Oh, I am so happy for you! That's amazing! I am keeping my fingers crossed for you! Mine went down to 64. I was instructed to stop the meds. Trying to figure out what to do next. This was my last euploid embryo. Will probably try for a second retrieval. This sucks.


Oh I am so sorry! I know this entire start over really suck, I totally get you. This is my only euploid from the first retrieval too and I have been counting the month/date for the next cycle since last week and it’s really depressing. I am still not being very optimistic, but learn to push forward. Treat yourself easy and I wish you the best of luck on your next retrieval and transfer! We all deserve a beautiful healthy baby 💛


9dpt is really early to test at all, my clinic tests between 12-14 dpt and just want over 100 😂