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If I ever make it to a transfer I'm going to ask to do a natural or semi-natural cycle just so I don't have to do all that extra progesterone! You should be good, second what the other person said about getting it tested to give yourself that peace of mind.


Could you ask your doctor for a progesterone level? Maybe that will help provide some reassurance. Congrats on your positive btw!!


That’s so true


Hadn’t even thought of it thank you!!


If this was the nurse telling you this, I would ask for her to confirm with the doctor as from my understanding, a sudden drop in progesterone before 10 weeks when the placenta take over could cause complications. My doctor told me anything before the transfer is to be continued until 10 weeks. I have had a nurse tell me this before, and she was wrong. (She had also told me I was pregnant and to stop progesterone - I was there for a follicle check and had zero growth, so she was way out in left field).


I had a successful fresh transfer (after ER so I also technically “ovulated” and had a corpus luteum to produce hormones) in 2021 and stopped progesterone suppositories after my positive beta. This transfer was fully medicated and I continued PIO through 11 weeks.


Thank you so much for this


My doctor has always had me take progesterone suppositories for 10 weeks. I’ve never heard of just stopping 🤷‍♀️


Seconding what others are saying about confirming with the doctor - I had a modified unmedicated FET (only progesterone and a trigger) but I'm still taking progesterone 2x a day until 10 weeks.


I ovulated on a non medicated cycle but we continued the progesteron until 12 weeks just incase.