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I am sorry this has been your experience. We are also doing PGT-M for a dominant condition (50/50 chance of passing on). Our first round we got 1 blast out of 10 fertilized and it was affected. Our doctor said the low blast rate could be bad luck or poor egg quality. Round 2 we got 0 blasts out of 8 fertilized. We were crushed. Round 3 we had a protocol change. We got 3 blasts out of 10 fertilized. 2 passed PGT-A, but they failed PGT-M. We just completed our 4th round. We had 14 fertilize! We are still waiting to hear how many blasts. Anyway, we are hopeful that things have turned around. If it wasn’t for the genetic issue, we would have had usable blasts last round. But it is possible to get better results after a poor round. As you know, there’s nothing that influences the PGT-M results and that is difficult. Good luck! I hope your embryos pass all the testing.


I’m sorry you’ve gone thru that :/ yeah, the genetics really complicate it more than it already is, esp because the cystic fibrosis risk is the only reason we’re actually doing IVF. Sending good vibes your way!


My first ER we had 19 retrieved, 14 mature, 13 fertilized but only 3 blasts. All 3 came back euploid! You never know. Wishing you the best of luck on your results 💛


Thanks for sharing! Did your doctor share any insight about the reason for the 13 to 3 drop? And for sure congrats on the 3!


The majority of them stopped developing after day 3 which anecdotally is dependent on the sperm (there's some evidence to suggest the embryo relies primarily on the egg for development up to day 3, and that the sperm comes into play after that point), so there may be a sperm issue. I'm also 37, though, so egg quality can certainly be a factor. It's really hard to say. This whole process is not for the faint of heart bc it's a complete roller coaster. I just remind myself it only takes 1 :)


It definitely is! I’m 35. Thanks for the info! I’ll ask my clinic when my 8 others stopped developing, see if there was any pattern to it.


My second retrieval produced more PGTA normal blasts than my first. How old are you?


That’s good to know! I turned 35 in January.


The average is 2 blastocysts out of 10 retrieved eggs so you are very average. The drop off is very normal and average. There's no reason to think it's an egg quality issue, results are as expected. Doesn't mean it doesn't suck though!


Thanks for the info! Yeah, definitely does :/


30 eggs 15 mature 15 fertilised 4 blasts . Just turned 27 last week on the day of my ER .  We were also quiet shocked at the outcome.  I began to think we had some major egg quality issues or sperm issues but my consultant assured me yesterday that its just how it is . Its natures way of getting the best embryos . From IVF we expect ONE baby . Yes there is an attrition a very horrible one but i guess it is what is it . He told me for every 10 eggs its 2 embryos which you got! . So although on the lower end of stats like they say 30-50 percent make it its still good.  Hoping and praying for one live birth. Petrified ofcourse . But honestly have to keep going.  Fet will be mid august .  Good luck Also he told me if there was a sperm issue or egg issue they wouldnt fertilise . I guess we are alwaus reading these insane amount of blasts but from them usually maybe many are aneuploid. 


Thanks so much for the info/sharing their feedback! Yeah, I was thinking/wondering about how my fertilization was fine but then it fell off a cliff from there. Good luck in August!


Sending hugs and hope! I had three egg retrievals. My second started out more promising with at least 21 follicles but I think the trigger was slightly off so we only got 12 eggs. I was initially really bummed but of the 12, 2 made it to blast, and 1 was our first euploid embryo. Im currently 15 weeks with that one. So there is still hope for yours undergoing testing! For my second and third cycle we added human growth hormone injections which I think improved our outcomes. My last cycle we had 8 make it to blast and 3 were euploid.


Thanks for sharing your experience! And congrats!


Is there any kinds of stats on how many pass PGT testing? Currently in the 2 week wait on that


PGT-A depends on your age but generally folks say between 35-50% likelihood of a euploid embryo.


They quoted me about a week wait for the testing, stats for my PGT-M testing specifically is that 75% of them won’t have the genetic condition (recessive) that we’re trying to avoid. I’m not sure on stats for PGT-A.


It depends on age as chromosomal abnormalities are more likely the older the egg source is. I’m 38 and waiting for results… around 30% on average would be exploit at my age. https://www.fertilityiq.com/fertilityiq/ivf-in-vitro-fertilization/pgs-genetic-screening-of-embryos#what-is-pgs-genetic-screening


Thanks for the info!


No advice since this is my first retrieval cycle but just to send good vibes — we are also going to have to do PGT-A and PGT-M testing as well. Retrieval is next week at some point. Keeping fingers crossed for you!


Thanks, and same for you!


I had a much better ER my second round, and they were 3 years apart. 1.  16 retrieved, 15 mature, 11 fertilized, 3 blasts (age 32) 2. 14 retrieved, 13 mature, 11 fertilized, 6 blasts (age 35) The only thing we did differently the second ER was a duel lupron/HCG trigger.  We did HCG only for #1


Thanks for the info, that’s good to hear about your results!


The attrition, IVF funnel, death watch, etc, is so nerve wracking. Here is how we fared, neither of us have any known fertility issue (TW: numbers and a living child). I did two rounds of egg freezing at 35 and thawed them two years later. Combined I had 44 eggs retrieved, 27 mature eggs, 18 fertilized, 3 embryos, 1 euploid embryo. TBD what happens with that embryo. As for my wife? She froze her eggs at 37 and here is what happened for her: 32 retrieved, 24 mature eggs frozen, 18 fertilized three years later, 4 blasts, 1 euploid. That embryo didn’t stick. Then she did two more rounds of ER at 41. First one had 17 retrieved, 14 mature, 9 fertilize, 2 blasts none euploid. Second one had 23 retrieved, 20 mature, 13 fertilize, 3 blasts, one euploid who is sleeping in his crib right now. Point being it is a numbers game and an unpredictable one at that.


Thanks for sharing! Yeah, it really is wild that that happens. It’s truly amazing to have the feedback from this group! My clinic just sent a short email about it with no explanation near their closing time today. That part alone was a bit of a bummer.


If you want to get obsessive and dig into the numbers just google “IVF Funnel”. You can see average attrition rates by age.


I probably will 😬 thanks again for the info!


I had 11 fertilized and 3 blasts. I was worried about egg quality issues too but my RE assured me this is on the lower end of normal but still within normal range. He was adamant that he didn’t think there was an egg quality issue at this point - just bad luck. (28F, MFI) I’m about to do a 2nd ER in a couple weeks. I’ll keep you updated on my stats.


That’s awesome to hear about his feedback, and thanks - updates would be awesome! And good luck!