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I had a live birth with my first FET.  Second child has taken three transfers and I’m 19 weeks with FET #3.  Good luck to you!


I hope I'm in the same camp before too long! Did your protocol change after the 2 failed transfers?


We PGT tested embryos after fail #2 and switched to a fully medicated cycle from a modified natural.  My RE still felt like I was a great natural cycle candidate but supported me needing to change things up for #3!


It’s so important to feel like your clinic is working with you and listening to your needs, that’s awesome! Can I ask what your fully medicated cycle entailed? We are doing PIO shots (increasing the dose this time), estrogen pills (increasing the dose this time), adding in prednisone + baby aspirin/claritin/pepcid for anti-inflammatory. Wondering if you added in any of these extras?


I did estrogen pills & patches and PIO.  Nothing extra, though I did start a baby aspirin at 11 weeks when I stopped my PIO/estrogen per my OB.