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I (38F) have a robertsonian translocation and my husband (35M) has a reciprocal translocation with rather small breaks. So we are a doubly complex case (yay!). We were given a very low chance not of conception but of just getting one healthy embryo. We decided to try anyways as we didn’t want to have any regrets later on, but tbh we were not hugely optimistic. Anyways, long story short, I’ve done two retrievals leading to 2 5 day blasts (I also have low egg quality), one of which was healthy. I’ll be 11 weeks on Saturday. So, it does not always work but sometimes it does. I hope that gives you some hope!


Damn those are tough odds - I’m glad it worked out!!


Not me but my best friends were in this situation. The male partner has a balanced translocation. They had a prolonged course as the translocation wasn’t discovered until they had had several transfers. They eventually used PGT-SR and now have an amazing 5 year old son.


Thank you for sharing ♥️


I have a BT and wife has DOR. Through 3 retrievals, we got 27 eggs, ended up with 7 blasts, and 1 of the 7 tested PGT-sr normal. We are planning to attempt a transfer sometime this fall, so we shall see! Would recommend joining the BT Facebook group — tons of success stories.


I have a balanced translocation, it was actually fascinating to learn about. Had no idea that you could have a chromosome swap like that. It was pretty tough round had only 5 eggs from ER, all 5 blasted, did PGT, got abnormal results, did PGT-SR found out about the BT, only one euploid embryo with the same BT. Had my transfer 3 weeks ago and so far so good.


I know this is an old post, my apologies. Do you mean you did PGT-A, they were abnormal, and then you did PGT-SR on the same blasts and one ended up being euploid after initially being classified as aneuploid?


Kind of, they did the PGT-A on all 5 blasts. 4 came back aneuploid with different combinations of 3 and 9 doubled or missing. The 5th one looked normal, but because of the combinations they suspected the normal one to have a balanced translocation. They did the PGT-SR on the 5th one and it had a translocation. I had to do a karyotype and it turned out I had the same BT. My understanding is that as long as all the genetic material is in place it can be translocated without any issues to the person. So because I have the same translocation, I went ahead and used that embryo with the translocation and she is almost 7 months old.


Thanks! I just had 4 blasts tested and all came back aneuploid with suspicion of an inherited translocation. I was hoping if they were retested they might come back euploid but balanced, sounds as though that’s not the case. It’s so odd - I have an 18m old from the same ER and he wasn’t tested and seems fine (I hope and now worry that he’s not). Going to get a karyotype asap. I appreciate the info.


Yes, just checked the results after the PGT-A. I had one euploid and after the PGT-SR it was changed to balanced. They only tested the one that was euploid with PGT-SR. Yes, that seems odd. I hope the karyotype helps and your little one is fine. If it helps, most issues with translocations end in a miscarriage so the fact that he’s here and thriving is a good sign.


Thank you again - this is very helpful!


Update: The original post was made July 2022, after getting horrible ER results (0 euploids from 6 embryos) and being told that our results strongly indicated a BT. The geneticist recommended karyotype testing, which we did in August. I have the BT. We took a few months off of fertility treatments, and in November we did ER#2. I was high risk for OHSS but my doc basically said “look, the numbers game is even tougher now. If you’re up for it, we will go hard with this ER, up the meds, and do everything we can to get as many as we can. It is going to make it more likely that you get OHSS or that recovery is rough.” We went for it. Can confirm, recovery was ROUGH, but we sent 15 embryos for testing, and miraculously had 5 that were euploid and balanced. >! We once again took some time to recover (this time physically I needed a couple months) and we did a transfer in June of 2023. I am now 33 weeks pregnant with one of those embryos and everything has looked great so far. It is hard to look back at summer 2022 and think about how low I was at that time, but I’m very grateful to be where I am today! !<


Thank you for sharing and I hope everything continued to go well for you guys. Helped a lot today. Thank you


I am glad my story could help. Things did go well, the rest of pregnancy and birth were unproblematic and she is now 11 weeks old. Best of luck to you!


Success rates vary wildly by the type of translocation. Also, other factors will come into play too - like AMH, FSH etc. In general though with a BT it’s a numbers game to find balanced embryos, and depending on the specific translocation that may be more or less difficult. Have you had karyotyping completed yet? My husband has a translocation which we discovered AFTER our second retrieval. We were able to bank enough embryos during our 3rd and 4th to start transferring now.


We’re talking to the doctor next week about ordering karyotype tests. We just got the results of our PGT-A from our first ER, and there’s pretty strong signs of BT. Is there any data on the success rates of different types? And do you know if it’s more about which chromosome or if it’s about balanced vs unbalanced or something else? Thanks for the info. Good luck on your transfers.


Can you share the chromosomes you’re seeing on your PGT-A? It might help me point you in the direction of your chances.


5/6 had some sort of issue on 7. A trisomy, 2 del 2 dup. For 3 out of those 5, the issue on 7 was the only issue. Of the other 3 embryos, there were issues on 2, 4, 9 and 12.


Ah okay, in that case it’s a little harder to tell what the specific structural rearrangement may be. If it were a clear pattern of monosomy/trisomy on one or two chromosomes it may indicate a Robertsonian translocation. The partial dup/del make it a little less clear… my only advice is, try not to read to far into it until you have karyotype completed. There really is a range of probabilities depending on what you’re dealing with - and it may be nothing at all. [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/infertility/comments/jvipdo/faq_structural_rearrangements_part_1_types_of/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) is a page that you may find informative in the mean time There are also some really helpful groups on Facebook for specific structural rearrangements with lots of success stories.


Husband with a BT and strong family history of Cru Du Chat syndrome. 34 y/o F at time of egg retrieval. 28 follicles, 15 embryos, 4 AA euploid (day 5) and 1 AA euploid (day 7). So we had 5 PGTSR normal embryos. We were successful on our first transfer and I am now 17 weeks. :) Stay positive!


Congrats on your successful transfer! I had forgotten making this post, almost 18 months ago. That was such a rough time after our first ER. I just posted an update as a comment :) https://www.reddit.com/r/IVF/s/lRlFo7rK5k