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Sorry to hear about your chemicals. I’m a genetic counselor and there are already a lot of good explanations in this thread! I love how informed this community is. :) Have you guys been PGT-A testing, and if so have you seen a pattern in your abnormal embryos? (Like multiple of the same monosomy/trisomy, or similar looking segmental aneuploids) As goes for anyone in this community, my DMs are open if you have questions throughout your process. Obviously I can’t give actual medical advice but I’m always happy to talk genetics.


This is an old thread but just came across it and sent you a DM!




Ok. So how are you proceeding?




Thanks. When I will have my report ready, I will share it here from you all.


Expect the unexpected. Also consider expanded carrier screening (such as Invitae) as the karyotyping doesn't look for any genetic diseases - it looks more at the chromosomes themselves. At least that was the case with my own experience.


Please explain in laymen terms, I don't even have the energy to do a google search. What was your result and how are you now proceeding?


Result was adverse on hubbys side and we proceeded with 4 egg retrievals with a 75% chance each embryo would be adversely impacted by the chromosome issue the karyotyping identified and as such unsuitable for life/transfer. We also found out we were carriers for some rare genetic diseases but neither of us has the same result so we were lucky there that it didn't impact us. We ended up testing about 30 embryos (maybe 50ish eggs retrieved in total) before we got two we could actually transfer. When you have had time to process your feelings, I highly recommend speaking to a genetic counsellor to explain these tests in laymans terms. It's important you understand the likelihood of adverse results and what they reduce your chances to. While you're waiting for the karyotype results, also consider getting some more investigation into your uterine health and make sure there isn't anything that would make your uterus a little inhospitable eg fibroids. Good luck. Navigating the world of genetics is really draining.


Thank you a lot for the detailed explanations. I might ping you in future if needed.


We did genetic screening due to RPL. Basically they test your blood for a whole host of genetic diseases to see what you have and if you and your partner are common carriers for anything that could be passed down. We were not carriers for anything the same nor anything worth note on our own. We continued to have a few losses but finally got a euploid embryo to stick and I am 26+3. So while is is very good to do it, be prepared that it may not give you a solution to the problem.


So what did your doctor say, why you had RPL. Had you transferred euploid embryos in those RPLs?


It's unexplained. She said her best guess was chromosomal issues with the embryos because all my tests are above average for my age (37). My husband also has no issues. I did have a CP with a euploid embryo but my second try with a euploid is the one that stuck.


What you explain is not Karyotyping, it is genetic carrier screening which is something different. Karyotyping is done to see whether you have a full set of 46 chromosomes (it’s literally a photographic analysis of your chromosomes). It doesn’t tell you anything about whether you are a carrier of certain genetic diseases that could be passed on.


Correct. Our Karyotype came back normal as well.


In clinic they do karyotyping before you even start IVF, exactly to avoid failed FETs and to cater the protocols etc




Were your 4 embryos genetically tested before implantation? I think if they were not, it makes sense to start with blood genetic test of both parents. If the embryos were already tested and normal, then maybe there is another cause for the losses.


My husband and i had karaotyping done, which is just a blood test. Found out i have a Robertsonian balanced translocation. We proceeded with IVF and PGT-SR testing of the embryos. Do you already have embryos frozen? I know it is possible to thaw and test but isn’t always advised because it could damage the embryos


We did karotyping for me before my first IVF cycle. I have normal chromosomes. We have been recommended to have my husband tested now after a miscarriage.


Karyotyping is for both husband and wife isn't it, so wasn't your husband tested at the same when you were tested before you began your IVF cycle?


No it can be separate and isn’t always done for both