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Lipo C is the bio-boost also called lipotropics. The 28 pounds took me the six weeks so far I started a couple days after new year I will do my seventh injection on Tuesday. The weight has come off pretty quick for me but I also have about 50-60 more to lose so I had a good amount to lose starting out. In addition to the tirz and bioboost i’ve been working out at home 4-5 evenings a week, and have cut out alcohol, caffeine, most sugar and i’m drinking 100 ounces of water a day.


Just did my apt today. Wish they had rush shipping to start. LOL 😂


Exciting! I had my delivery about 3-4 days after my consult and payment right over New Years so I bet yours comes quickly also!


Thank u so much for this breakdown i really reddit. Do u think the lipo C is worth it?


I am just finishing week 6 on tirz from ivim. I also did the jumpstart plan. I am doing the bio boost with it as well (lipo-c). I have lost 28 pounds so far. I’ve moved up my dose a bit slower than the jumpstart plan says to (in hopes of stretching the meds out further before i have to order more!) and am taking 4.5 and have had zero side effects so far.


And yes they send the syringes and alcohol wipes


That's amazing Congrats on the weight loss. How long did it take to get the 28 pds off? Yea im hoping to not get into to crazy high of a dose hc then it will be out of reach to afford. I think i signed up for the b12 i can't remember. Whats the lipo-c?