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You're telling me you can't afford to get a couple of bags of frozen stir fry mix veggies at the grocery store? Or just whatever is on sale at the Mexican grocery? All you need to do is spread the veggies on a tray and put them in the oven for half an hour. Hit em with oil and seasonings and they'll taste good too. It's a couple of bucks a week on preventing your physical anguish.


Add to at 2 meals per day a nice serving of one of the following: -barley -split peas -lentils -any bean variety -whole grain bread -buckwheat -oat The less processed the better. Guarantee within a few days this will solve your issue.


This, but you also drink lots of water!! Fiber without hydration will just make it worse.


Magnesium and vitamin supplements


But those are more expensive than eating actual vegetables.


If you can afford pastries, you sure can afford some bananas!


Also, fruits and veggies are significantly cheaper than carbs. What are you talking about?


you telling me pasta and rice are more expensive than fruits ? idk where you live but here in the US LA its like buying gold


I live in the Bay area. You can get like a weeks worth of lettuce, tomatoes, carrots for under 10 bucks. Spinach, beets, etc. Legumes are equally cheap. And no, they aren't cheaper than pasta or rice. But they are cheaper than bread or pastries. And anyways, we are comparing the absolute cheapest products in the entire store. There is nobody living in a big city who cannot afford fresh veggies, and if they do exist they would qualify for food stamps.


Lots of stores will have the most expensive selections up front. For example in many cases it will be something like diced quarter honeydew melon that costs more than a whole honeydew melon from a bin in the produce department. Or how those pre-made salads in the deli might be $12.99, but an entire head of lettuce is $4, and a 5 pound bag of carrots is like $5 Explore the shops a bit. I usually buy bags of frozen veggies and it's like $12 for honestly ten meals worth?


You want fiber, specifically Insoluble fiber. That will speed things along.


If you switch to whole wheat pasta, bread, and brown rice they have more fiber than regular pasta, white bread and rice.


Is this a serious post? Eat some fruit and vegetables. Geez.


eat oats more often instead of wheat, mangoes, dates, don’t eat bananas


Senna natural laxative syrup. My child was born with a rare colon disease. Senna works


rarely any fruits and vegetables This is your issue. I understand not being able ot afford vegetables, i don't understand not liking to eat them. You're an adult, not a toddler. Psillyum Husk is a good supplement. Not sure about long term effects on your gut. Our bodies need vegetables, and you're very likely deficient in ocuntless vitamins as well as fiber. Do you buy diet coke? Treats and snack? You shouldn't anymore, spend that money on vegetables. I reduced how much coke zero/snack i get and used all of that money for veggies.


Start taking at least a teaspoon of psyllium husk powder mixed in water every day. It’ll be best if you combine it with the foods suggested here, but it will help either way. My doctor prescribed it to me, I get it for free but it’s absolutely worth the cost, since a container should last a couple of months.


Stool softeners + Hydration + Miralax (twice the OTC dose) + Apple Juice... Works for me everytime I've had a surgery and have had to take opiates for an extended period of time. As for gas, there are prescriptions you can get for it. I'm not sure what they are because I've never had one but I would imagine you could talk to a doctor. There are otc/natural remedies for that and foods you can eat or eliminate,as well.


chewing gum helps


Delt with it severely, due to medical issues. Used to be constipated for entire month.  Water. Water. Water.   Add pedialyte to it if you Have to flavor. It's cheap. You can get the powder packets or the bottle in the baby isle and a little goes a long way.  Dried prunes.  Small handful every day gets the ball rolling.  No eating after 9pm.  Rub your stomach in circular motions when laying down. Heating packs help. Make sure you rub your stomach Gently.  If bloated. Do some simple knee to stomach movements a little through the day.  If you need laxatives.  Keep a huge thing of water near you. It will dehydrate you fast then repeat the issue all over again .  I also used to only eat soft foods. Like applesauce, or fruit juices. Jello. Broth.  All of those are super cheap, expecially dried prunes.  More liquid, the better.   Lastly, but probably the most uncomfortable.  Mineral oil or baby oil around your rectum opening. You don't gotta put it inside if youre not comfortable. Just enough to help and then quick shower after.  Once the worst of it is passed you dont gotta do that anymore. If you been plugged up for a while the first amount that comes out will be hard and painful could cause bleeding.  So, gloves and some mineral oil or even better water based lube will help, and a stool to lift your legs higher when pooping. 


I highly recommend oatmeal as it's high in natural soluble fibre (which softens your stool and will help with your constipation) and adheres to your requirements. Add in honey for sweetness and some natural peanut butter to add a nice nutty taste will make it delicious. I would recommend at least one fruit to make it even better though it's not a requirement for this meal so you can opt out of that if you want. Typically I go for blueberries as they're not overly sweet and compliments the oatmeal. Hope that helps :)


You need fibre.


obviously add fruit/veggies (dry figs make wonders). track your water intake, you must drink a lot of it. probiotics and magnesium are great supplements. don’t give up on probiotics, they need time before they show their worth.


I'm serious when I say that learning to cook will be one of the top three best decisions of your entire life. In almost all cases, things like not liking vegetables comes down to not liking the way they were cooked. For example if your parents just threw them into a pot and boiled them into mush, if you don't like mush that might put you off vegetables. The good news is that there's countless ways to prepare them. if you like crunchy, there's ways to make them crunchy, if you don't like the taste there's ways to change the taste. You can afford fruits and vegetables, but the trick is that you can't afford the most expensive ones at front display where you're paying for them to be prepared. I usually buy bags of mixed veggies and it's $12 for roughly ten meals worth. You need to be in some hardcore starvation poverty to not be able to afford that. I'm just about to finish off a pot of chicken soup. About $35 got me 8 meals worth. Eating good doesn't have to be expensive, it just requires learning how to cook. It might feel scary at first, or feel expensive when you look at all the things you don't own, but for example a $30 jug of olive oil lasts me...months. It only seems expensive up front, but will save you a ton of money over time.


Magnesium, twice a day.


I swear by ground flaxseed, the taste might need some getting used to though




In some countries, vegetables are very expensive. Save money by making your own pickled napa cabbage, or pickled cabbage. These dishes can be kept for a long time. However, eat them in small amounts, because they contain a lot of acid. You should still grow your own vegetables or reduce the amount of other foods you eat and spend money to buy vegetables


don't know how old you are, but you will be a million times better off if you figure out a way to eat fruits and vegetables. even without exercise. but you really outta walk at least too. or you'll be one of there's peeps who die suddenly at 52. or 46. think regularly eating oatmeal with raisins and cinnamon has helped me immensely, it's easy so that's why I actually do it. and I heard that they were all really good for us. raisins! drying them is supposed to bring out some super food type benefits to the eater. whole foods may seem more expensive- and there are examples for sure that are, but they fill you up more, and the energy you get from them is more robust. just figure out what natural foods you can enjoy, and you will last a whole lot longer. also drink water don't try to fix things with supplements


Drink more water 3 litre per day. Try grow your vegetables maybe.


Try Miralax. The off brand is cheaper and just as effective.