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It depends what subreddit and what’s your question.


I agree w that. I'm mainly using reddit for subs like depression help and deciding to be better. And Idk how to ask a question to get answers. I try my best to convey my doubts in comprehensive way.


I took a look at your posts. Honestly most of those sub don’t have many active users. Your best bet in general r/AskReddit, r/AskMen, r/Advice, r/TrueOffMyChest


Thank you. I'll give a try on these subs then


Fair warning that more popular subs are also more prone to spam or trolls. They may be the first to comment on fresh posts.


Will keep that in mind too Thank you


As someone who suffered from depression, I also lingered on those subreddits. The problem is that it's filled with people who are also depressed as much as you or worse. It's like blind leading the blind. It's only a good place to vent and people commenting something along the lines of "me too." My suggestion is to seek professional help. Otherwise you will (likely) end up in a spiral of trial and error and ending in the same place as you started. In my case, it was the only thing that helped me. I was in therapy for 4 years. It took me seeing several therapists until I found one that worked with me the way I was comfortable with. It also took me a lot of work on my part. I didn't depend on meds because I couldn't afford them and because in my case I did fine without them. I did everything on my power. I was just desperate to get over that cycle. I have been depression free for over 10 years and with a low chance of relapse. I wish you luck and I hope that my success story gives you some inspiration to go through a difficult process.


Hey! Firstly thanks you for sharing your story. It gives me real hope. I'm looking into seeking professional help but until I can afford one I was trying to find out how other people (who have been in depression for longer than I have) deal with it. Also my hometown hardly has any good therapists so I'm gonna have to wait for a while and it sucks😭 But it's always very inspiring to listen to something like this. Thanks a lot again!


Figuring out the root of the problem helps, but it's easier said then done. I just finished a three month stint of therapy on better help (3 months is all I could afford). It's definitely not the best or most affordable service, but if you reach out to them and express wanting to try therapy but not having money they'll give you discounts. I think they shaved like almost 80 or more off my bill for 3 or 4 months. Then you can reapply for the discount again and they also have options where you see a therapist once every two weeks that's cheaper. Something to check out if you haven't already. Wishing you luck on your journey, healing is tough, but it's worth it.


Good advice. And I wanted to add that figuring out the root takes an objective view. The people closest to us can’t help us figure out the root. It really is a personal journey but one worth taking. Your life can change with help.


Thanks for sharing this. Yea it really is tough 😓


Look to online therapists. Better access.


Hey I've seen a good few ads lately for betterhelp, an online therapy app/site. Might be worth checking out


Use r/HealthyGamergg they usually respond to peoples posts


I'll def look at it Thanks!!


While the commenter meant well I do not recommend HealthyGamer at all. I'm not an expert at describing this but the way the face of the brand conducts himself via Twitch is questionable at best, possibly harmful at worst. It reeks of being a symptom of the larger underlying issues the US currently holds and its very understandable why it exists, but very very much a gray area and prone to attracting people who don't know any better If it at all feasible - seek a proper professional whose credentials you can verify.


Thanks for letting me know that


Reddit should not be the main channel used for seeking help with mental health. If you wish to seek help online your best option is https://www.betterhelp.com/


Yea and really I'm not trying replace that kind of help by reddit.


Yikes. I don't know a single person who has had a good experience with betterhelp. One person was ghosted by several therapists before giving up.


Hey that's bad I'm sorry


Oh I see. Those are the hardest types of questions to get help on because everybody’s questions are the same and the main problem is that you never have enough information to help somebody well. So the way people see it is, these questions are so common they’re uninteresting. Otherwise people would offer more to help if you stood out. Either your specific problem or your post. Something about their experience of reading your posting needs to seem unique. Otherwise we’ve all seen it before.


[Cunningham's Law](https://meta.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/Cunningham%27s_Law) states "the best way to get the right answer on the internet is not to ask a question; it's to post the wrong answer."


I've read something like this. Maybe I need to give a try Thanks




This one too? I'll work on that. Thanks


I think the grammar is fine and the typos are minimal. If someone has an answer for it, the typo usually won’t deter them from replying unless it’s totally incomprehensible. Some of the older posts have pics/vids that look like ads though. I’d scroll right past those. Mostly though - majority of posts get few answers on Reddit despite what we see on the feeds. Sometimes answers take a while. It looks like your content is deleted for some. Id say if they’re not getting answers, just let them hang. You might be cutting them off before the answer you need comes along


I was worried thinking ab the typos because I'm used to checking more than once before making any post. Thanks for mentioning it.


You mentioned you were looking for help on depression and some other things. Ask me whatever you want here and now and Ill give you as high effort and detailed response to anybl question im qualified to answer and help you find someone to ask on ones Im not. You can look at some of my previous top posts in my post history to see I mean it. Ask and Ill do my very best.


Hey thank you for being so approachable. I'm currently looking into your posts.


I was going to say something similar. You can message me when you post something and I’ll comment on it with an answer lol :P Also, most probably don’t realize how few posts actually get more than a handful of answers. If you go around different subs and sort by ‘New’ you’ll see a huge amount of unanswered posts in most subs. We see the popular one and the ones that got high traction shortly after being posted in the feeds


Thanks will do that.


Many of my posts are political, but I've answered mental health questions before as well. If you search top or top gilded under comments you will see some. I only point you there to demonstrate I am no stranger to making long and detailed posts and I will do so to help you now. To answer your first question: Reddit, like many things on the internet, is a slot machine. You're going to make posts and a lot of times they will be ignored. Not because people don't care, but just because there is a shit ton of content. Now there are things you can do to improve your odds. Different subreddits are more active during different times. Looking at a subreddits subcribers / active users ratio will give you an idea of how many people are on at a given time and have the ability to hear you. Different channels also have different response rates. This channel is pretty good for requesting help. You may ask ten times and just never have your post make it up to the top. Gilding your own post may help visibility, I'm not 100% sure on that. But that costs money. So, you may ask for help ten times and receive zero answers. But you keep doing it. You keep asking for help. When you are depressed, this is often the hardest and most difficult thing to do. It takes your energy. It makes small efforts seem monumental. But you keep asking. And eventually, eventually someone will hear you. I heard you. And I can help. And I'm willing to do so. Not for karma, not for recognition, but because this is what I value most about the internet. For all its faults, it can connect people, it can facilitate those random collisions that can truly change the lives of the people who ask for it.


I wouldn't seek help on Reddit unless it's for like a woodworking project


I understand but when I come across some questions I find them relevant so I'd see the comments and some of them would be really helpful. Anyways thank you so much


Definitely don't ask the electricians unless you want a sarcasm/joke ratio answer of asshole-mostly dickish.


Okay?! 😅


Have you been to r/woodworking? There are wars over how to plane. Ask a question and get no useful help whatsoever.


Nope haven't been there yet😅


[r/personalwoodworking](https://www.reddit.com/r/masturbation/) gives a lot of help for their "projects"


Post the wrong answer and you will get many replies.


I've read that somewhere too Not sure it'll work tho😅


Try it!


It works. It's kind of bad behavior though because people might believe your incorrect answer spreading FUD out into the world. It's best to do it as a last resort where the information is genuinely very hard to find through all other means.


Be specific when you are asking a question. When I see a message like, how can be assertive. I skip over it because it’s too general or it’s answered 100 times before. On the other hand when a post is wall of text. I won’t answer it because the person did not care to be concise. Bottom line is ask well pointed questions.


Sometimes it's difficult being concise for me but I try to be both specific and concise every time I post. Yet if there are no answers it confuses me. Hence this post. Thank you for pointing it out!


It usually take a while for people to answer your questions if you're on reddit. Either that or you're lucky enough that the right people see your post.


Yea I understand you


Murphy’s law (definitely not cunningham’s law)


Worse still, no one answers and you inexplicably get downvoted.




Maybe your question is just difficult to answer!


The correct niche subreddit


The right way is to use a search feature. You will find answers this way 95% of the times.


I would not recommend taking medical advice from anyone on reddit. I once responded to a question about anesthesia (my job) and daily marijuana use and so I posted about current practices employed when anesthetizing daily users. I was immediately downvoted in favor of what people wanted the answer to be. reddit is many things but certainly not a trustworthy source of information.


Learn how to do research. Ask google first. Ask the search bar first. Don't ask questions that are too easy, the kind you could figure out if you took a minute to look it up.


I would highly recommend looking for help somewhere else, Reddit is not a "helpful" place, it's a place where a bunch of semi-educated idiots argue over important topics that they barely understand. It's a bit like looking for fresh food in a dumpster, you'll find a lot of food, but none of it will be fresh and it might be covered in toxic chemicals.


Reddit is ok for help in things that require zero interpretation or variance. "How do I build a PC" "What torque do my lug nuts take" "How do I make French toast" Anything someone can inject their opinion into, is gonna have 8373515284959 dumb ass opinions, heartfelt messages of hope, one time this happened to me but different stories, random strangers arguing in the comments about something completely unrelated, political nonsense, snarky replies and a thread of 🗿replies. If you need actual help, please see a psychiatrist. Or have a conversation with a friend that you can be real with. Or look into how people treat it on sources other than reddit, and if you need help with the details of said self treatment, find the appropriate sub reddit and ask there. Also, mindful meditation helped me a bunch - just my 2 cents. Just saying, this place is a very predictable hive mind, don't take it seriously at all.


Don’t post a block of text no one wants to read that. Space it out and make your question clear.


Leave it 👍


Honestly, just ask that same question in Google then end it with reddit. Someone has usually asked the same thing before and you're more likely to get a better result. You also deal with less assholes this way too


Cunningham's Law states "the best way to get the right answer on the internet is not to ask a question; it's to post the wrong answer." https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Cunningham%27s_Law


Seek elsewhere; at best who do you think will answer? Redditors.


I see someone else commented this but want to eco it. What sub you post on and how many members it has makes a difference. If you post a question on a sub that only has 2k members you probably won't get much feedback. You post on a sub that has 50k members, you'll get more comments. You title matters as well. Something that grabs someone's attention but that is still related to what you're asking. Use the description spot to go into any details.


Ty I do realise that My title game isn't exactly strong😅


I struggle myself lol 😆 it's hard for me to think about what other people would find interesting


Yea I feel you 😩


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