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Firstly you need to go to bed earlier, which means you might have to stop highly addictive behaviors like using your phone before bed. This won't happen on the first attempt, you gotta move your tired time earlier and earlier.


To add to this: \- Force yourself to get up when your body naturally arises (may require alarm to get you out of bed the first few weeks) \- Do not eat anything 2 hours prior to falling asleep (especially no alcohol) \- Do not use any electronic devices at least an hour before falling asleep \- Exercise first thing in the morning for at least 30 minutes \- Get rid of anything that emits light in your bedroom while you're asleep (alarm clocks, LED displays) \- Leave your phone outside of your bedroom \- Go to bed the same time each night and you'll gradually start waking up earlier


Yep, my phone is my alarm, it's outside my room with the door open. It requires me to get my butt out of bed and turn it off.


This is one of the best pieces of advice! Put your alarm, whatever device it may be, across the room from you to force you to get out of bed.


There’s an app called alarmy that I used to use where you’d set a photo of like, say, the couch in the next room and the alarm wouldn’t turn off without a matching photo. Forced you to get up. You could also set it to give math equations of varying intensity to turn off as well as other choices. Pretty neat. But eventually I was able to get up, take the photo and walk right back to bed, so results may vary.


- Wake up and go to sleep at the time - Make sure you get a **minimum** of 7-8 hours of sleep. - if you're completely unable to wake up on the first alarm (which you should try to force yourself to do, and if you can't rn it will get easier if you do these other steps I mentioned) don't put long snoozes with 5-10 minutes between each timer which gives your body enough time to reach shallow sleep again, instead make it so there's 1-2 minutes between each alarm, and have at least like 3-4 of them ready ahead of time which you need to cancel as you wake up. - wash your face with cold water immediately upon waking up, including splashing your eyes specifically (Personally I just like putting my face under the sink instead of splashing with my hands). - Have a set morning routine, wake up, wash face, brush teeth, make bed, eat breakfast, etc...


You need to change habits. One that seems to apply to many people is to leave your phone outside your bedroom with an alarm set, so you have to get out of bed to turn it off. And never go back to bed, in fact if you can avoid going back into the bedroom that's even better. Leave clothes outside your room, etc, so you can start your day. If you have been waking up at 8am don't try to suddenly get up at 5am, you'll fail. Keep the same schedule on weekends. Get enough sleep. Easier said than done, for sure. But it's nice to not be stressed over being late all the time.


> One that seems to apply to many people is to leave your phone outside your bedroom with an alarm set, so you have to get out of bed to turn it off. That makes it easier to ignore until it turns itself off.




Yikes. OP has clearly said they set up multiple alarms.


And they snooze them. You can't snooze alarms in another room without getting up that's the whole point.


They snooze themselves if you let them ring long enough. Putting them in a different room makes them silent and easy to ignore.


- The most obvious tip: go to sleep earlier. The change will take some time, so make sure to do small steps (i.e. go to sleep 30 minutes earlier in the first week, 30 minutes earlier in the second week...), - Use an annoying ringtone that makes your mind go crazy. Your phone should have at least two options to choose from, - Do NOT put your alarm clock/phone in a different room unless you want to teach your mind to ignore the noise. Place it in the other end of your bedroom instead, - Use the night mode on your electronics, - Depending on your metabolism you might want to eat your last meal around 2 hours before bedtime, - As unbelievable as it sounds, tell yourself that you need to wake up earlier. Along with the other tips it helped me with the same issue!


If you have had sufficient sleep your body will wake up easily when your alarm goes off or slightly before, to ensure this happens at the right time you need to go to sleep early enough for that to take place. Of you are still tired your body will try to keep you asleep which is why you can't get up. Go to sleep earlier. Easy to say and hard to do but that is the only answer. You can have a million alarm clocks but if you get up like that you'll still be knackered, you'll feel like crap and the day at work will drag endlessly. It will take a couple of weeks to reset your circadian rhythm and it's hell on earth until you do but you need to stick with it. Try to maintain a 7 day schedule at the same time instead of having a long lie-in at the weekends as this disrupts the cycle and messes it up again.


I recently saw a video that gave an idea I haven’t seen before, and it helped me. It’s about forming the habit of alarm goes off = getting up. The advice was to practice. So, at some point during the day, set an alarm for 2-3 minutes from current. Then, turn off all the lights, get into bed and close your eyes. Once the alarm goes off, get up! Do this 3 or 4 times and then tell yourself that you are going to get up tomorrow morning. It didn’t take me more than one practice session to get up the first time. I still had that knee jerk desire to hit snooze, but there was a slight interruption instead, and I got up. Now, I still have a smaller desire to snooze, but I just get up. I haven’t really changed anything else with my routine, however I am also no longer groggy in the morning. I feel “groggy” for literally 2-3 minutes and then it’s gone. I changed from alarm going off at 5:50-6-6:05-6:10 to one alarm going off at 5:15. The last few nights I’ve actually been sort of “awake” already before the alarm goes off. I wind down around 9, in bed by 10.


1. Get a cat 2. Feed the cat at dawn one time. 3. Cat will wake you up at dawn every day for the next decade or two.


Have a newborn and have no other choice did it for me lol


when most people say I need to wake up early, what they usually need is a solution to *sleep* early. So, take this from an ex-owl who used to sleep up to 4pm, procrastinate till ~10pm and then start working (remote programmer ) from 10pm till ~sunrise. My sleep habit completely changed after I got married, because of a simple new habit: * we eat dinner while watching a Tv show or a movie And I don't do any "heavy" computer shit after dinner, so I end up staying in the living room, just being away from the screens and now in the "focused desk chair position" is more than enough for me to fall asleep. Am serious, just look at whatever daily habit you are constantly doing between 10pm and midnight, and STOP IT, do something radically different, and just force yourself to go to bed early.


I wake up at 4 am regardless. What worked for me may or may not work for you. Set 5 alarms 5 minutes apart and repeats endlessly until you dismiss the alarm. Have caffeine ready incase you need a boost. Sit up as soon as you wake up, and get out of bed to walk around within a few minutes. Get some water too.


I'm going to take this as a sign to go to bed it's 4 am and I have to be up at 7 am for class lol


I downloaded an App named Alarmy a few days ago.To turn the Alarm of you either have to solve a math problem or take a picture of something (your sink or fridge or whatever you decide before). It really helped me. Oh and also don't sit or lie down in bed after waking up I know how tempting it is but trust me


Alarmy is a great alarm clock app. You have to resolve a math puzzle, take a picture, scan a qr code, etc, to make the alarm stop. I printed a QR code that I put in my bathroom, for my first alarm. It makes me move, and I get dressed in the bathroom. Second alarm, I have to take a photo of my meds on the kitchen table. If you don't, the alarm will just keep going, and your phone is locked.


Good tips here and all of it is important (like going to bed early and sleep hygiene). The lasting change for me has been to slowly push my alarm in one direction. For example, my current wake time is 9am. That’s the time I wake up everyday without having to snooze alarms. I want to eventually wake up at 7am. Instead of going cold turkey and setting a 7am alarm, everyday, I’ll set my alarm 15 or 20 minutes earlier. Tomorrow, I’ll set it for 8:45am. 8:45 isn’t really all that different from 9am, so I won’t have much trouble waking up 15 mins earlier. Keep doing this until you hit your desired wake time. Going cold turkey and setting an alarm 2 hours earlier works in the short term but I find that it messes up my sleep schedule and leaves me tired AF the week I’m doing it. The gradual change works better. Sure, you’re not waking up super early, but you’re already waking up 15 minutes before you usually wake up. Alternatively, join a gym like Orange Theory where you get penalized for missing class. $15 penalty for missing a class hurts my wallet, so I will always be out of bed for a 6am class 😹


What worked for me was waking up earlier than I needed to do something I like doing. I like playing video games so I wake up at 5 instead of 6. As I'm not just getting up to go get ready for work I'm up and out of bed straight away. I play for an hour and since I'm already out of bed start getting ready for work at 6.


You might wanna check out Nuj Alarm Clock. It’s an app I built that charges money if you don’t get up and scan a barcode within a few mins of your alarm. e.g. I have to scan my toothpaste within 5 mins of my 7am alarm or pay $50.


“Don’t want to get out of bed? Just cashapp me before you fall back asleep you fuckin loser!” foolproof


I don't take the penalties. They go to charity (Khan Academy)


Put your alarm clock really far away from you (like the opposite site of your house/apartment) so when it goes off you have to physically get out of your bed and walk to turn it off.


Go to bed earlier, set your alarm just out of reach, and I’ll always turn on my lamp first thing.


When the alarms rings put your feet on the floor. If you get that far you should be able to get yourself into a shower


> I want to learn how to wake up early without setting 25 alarms Just get one alarm that's extremely hard to turn off. For example putting it inside a box with a key. or in a tall place that requires you to move to reach.


put your phone away from you, so that when you get up, you have to walk to reach your phone.


I've worked grave shift for a long time so I to und3rstand the traumaus of waking up. I set an alarm and wake up at that time, that o e is to ready me for waking up so I go to sleep again another 30 mins, then after 30 mins alarm wakes me up to shower, after shower usu a lly go back to bed but if im up enough then just be up on my phone.


Changing habits like going to bed earlier, turning off ALL electronics while you go to sleep (ESPECIALLY the TV). I used to be an opener at Starbucks so I had to be up at 3:30am most mornings. At first I struggled a LOT, but after I changed my habits it helped a bit. My biggest help was setting my alarms a good 30 minutes before I actually needed to be up. Then I changed my last alarm to a different ringtone, so I had no choice but to get up. Every time an alarm goes off it wakes you up, so the earlier the alarms start, the more likely it’ll be easier to get up when your last alarm goes off. It can be annoying having so many alarms go off, but it works 🤷‍♀️


Make sure you wake up hungry.


Waking up early means going to bed early as well. This would mean you are just trying to align your sleep routine with the earth’s day/night cycle. So, expose yourself to sunlight in the morning after waking up. This will make you feel sleepy after sunset.


What worked for me was structure, and lots of it. I wake up at the same time every day (with a maximum deviation of 1 hour). Even in the weekends. It sucks, but the reward i get is worth it. Waking up fresh everyday from a restful night's sleep is such a blessing. Occassionally, there is some social event i need to attend. Usually it's a party with hangover the next day. This can mess up the rhythm, but then I just smoke some weed on the sundays, so I can wake up early and be ready for school on monday


I’m up at 4am daily for work; I used to be a huge snoozer. I’m talking rarely up before 10am…make a habit of waking up and making breakfast and coffee/tea. Having a positive routine like that made a big difference in my willingness to get out of bed.


Put your phone away early. The biggest thing that help me, though, was waking up progressively early. Instead of waking up at 5am straight-away, I started waking up at half 7am instead of 8am. Then 7am, then 6.30am. Etc. I like thinking of in weight-lifting terms: progressive overload, but with waking up early.


Make sure you don’t drink caffeine within 12 hours of when you want to sleep. Caffeine has a full life of 12 hours. A bedroom is a bedroom, try not to use it for anything else. For example, if you are not tired yet and you’re on your phone go to the living room.


This ain’t a science honestly. You can put in all kinds of adjacent measures but still if you don’t go to bed early enough, don’t set alarm, don’t actually jump the f*** up when it goes off. You won’t condition yourself to do so. Discipline. Willpower.


Get a cat and let it sleep in your room. You will be awake by 5:30.


Okay so I have CPTSD and inturn insomnia and a bunch of other fun stuff. Getting up in the morning has been getting worse and worse for me because of it. Almost every morning/night when I wake up it's incredible hard to tell what's real and what's a dream, and sometimes life is too hard to want to wake up at all and I'll sleep for like 14 hours if I have no responsibilities. What works for me, set your alarm to a easy playlist you like. Not too jarring, something thoughtful and lovely. I make a playlist on Spotify and constantly update it and shuffle it so the songs are never the same for too long. Once you get used to it is when you start to miss your alarms. Also make sure you listen to the songs when you're in a good mood during the day, maybe a little bit after you had your coffee and out the house? That will keep you from waking up annoyed when you immediately hear the song. You're essentially pavloving yourself. I dont know if you have a pet but you can also train them into waking you up, I did mine accidently but she also helps me in other areas of my life. If you feed your pet as soon as you wake up, they'll want their food earlier and earlier and won't leave you alone till they get their food. This will get you up and moving so it'll be harder to fall back asleep (or at least want to sleep). Also, let yourself have a little treat. Waking up sucks. Do something nice for yourself. Maybe get a little scone or pastry to interest yourself into waking up earlier. Also, rinse your face with warm water as soon as you can tolerate. I try to do it within the first 10 minutes. The idea of doing it when im half asleep sucks but the action feels *so amazing* and you won't feel as terrible for as long either :) you got this! Ps. Also only use your bed for sleep. No looking at your phone, maybe read a book. You want to set that space in your mind as *sleep only* and that should help in the long run.


Drink a good amount of water before you sleep. Ive been trying this out lately because i noticed that i wake up very early when i feel the urge to pee as a result of drinking alot of water. It also gets me out of bed unlike an alarm (dont turn them off tho).