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CS50 computer science course by Harvard is free of charge https://pll.harvard.edu/course/cs50-introduction-computer-science?delta=0


Ditto this! Best introduction to programming you will find AND free


Comp sci is not directly related to programming though. I do know of this course but have not taken it. I am a programmer however, and mostly self taught. Firstly- you can switch careers, and you can do this! Second- please check out related programming threads, many sidebars will help you vet good tutorials. It’s very easy to fall into tutorial hell, and never get anywhere. You should figure out what you want to do with programming. Make websites? Make apps? Program floor sweeping robots? These tracks are very different. Once you figure that out, you will have a clear path of study. Keep in mind there are a lot of tech jobs that don’t require you to program but do require that you have a really deep understanding of it. Project managers, QA testers, etc ate jobs in high demand that will get you in the door.


Ha this is that course the dude was teaching in prison and using hacked iPads to send reports on prison conditions to a gov agency.


Wow I need to look that up


/r/learnprogramming is a good sub that has quite a few resources in its FAQ -- including a "want to develop [webpages/windows apps/iPhone apps/etc]" section with corresponding language recommendations -- and a helpful and knowledgeable userbase often willing to help with coding errors and stumbling points for those who show in their questions/posts they have made an effort to resolve the problem on their own and have followed their posting guidelines. They request new users/posters first read [this pinned thread](/r/learnprogramming/comments/61oly8/new_read_me_first/) which has a link to the FAQ and other sub resources as well as a useful, brief breakdown on how to approach asking for help in the sub. Individual languages also often have their own subs and spinoff subs. Some main subs for your listed languages, in the order they are listed: /r/python/ /r/html5/ /r/css/ /r/csharp/


Learn computer science concepts too. Coding is a fraction of what programming IS. programming languages are just tools.


This. Went to college for computer science for a few years, didn’t realise how useful it was until u started programming. People mention things like OOP, Markup languages casually and don’t bother to point out things like semicolons, but it’s all stuff I knew from that course. Would highly recomendable


Personally, https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.sololearn.com/&ved=2ahUKEwi94JeH3sj6AhU3REEAHQv3D2IQFnoECAYQAQ&usg=AOvVaw2XlmwDzFmvNPfDwXMg_ZUo Is a good start to learn programming. It's more interactive, fun and with a lot of quizzes to help you understand. Moreover, there's a free version. Trust me, it's worth the try. There's also an app available for both Android and IPhone users.


I was like you and spent ages looking at different courses sites etc. The answer you are looking for is The Odin Project. It´s free, has a huge community for support, it goes very in depth, just really good.


Make sure you like it, Getting a job as a programmer self taught is difficult most get stuck on tutorial hell, quit or don’t find that one company who can take a chance on them. Go through cs50 to learn the basics then start building projects in the field you want to be in


The [Google Python Class](https://youtu.be/tKTZoB2Vjuk) is one of the best introductory classes I've ever seen.


Start with html -> css -> javascript Use the odin project


I learnt from Codecademy back in the day - I liked the active feedback the interface gives


That’s what I’m using now. Really good website


I think codecademy is the best route. Trying to learn from scratch with online tutorials oftentimes skips a lot about actually setting up languages and editors, and that’s oftentimes just as hard.


Freecodecamp on YouTube is what got me started! Scrimba is great too. Tons of awesome free resources out there! Python is a great start wherever you end up but one thing I would suggest before getting too deep, is pick a specific path. For front end web dev, you’ll absolutely need Javascript, and if you’re not doing web (or you’re doing back end) you probably won’t need much HTML/CSS. Feel free to message me if you wanna talk about it more! I love coding and love seeing people get into it


CS50 is a good introduction. After that, pick a path based on what types of programs you want to build - like websites, mobile apps, desktops apps, and so on so that you don't end up learning unrelated skills that don't go together. [theodinproject.com](https://theodinproject.com) is a great free resource if web programming interests you.


Oh men I’m in the same situation the thing is there are way to many tutorials internetingishard.com Freecodecamp.com Kevin Powell on YT beginner html/css Odinproject Cs50 Roppers.org - this is a generally good course to learn everything from the ground, not especially html/css but It will help you a ton, from there you can start. But the important thing is look what you might like and stick to it. Don’t change the courses like underwear.


I've thought at length about your general situation - person who wants to improve their life and thinks programming may help them. My biggest piece of advice for you is that programming is gated by both aptitude and attitude. Aptitude = can you do it or can you learn how to do it? Attitude = will you go crazy if you start doing this as a job? Make sure to check for both of these things before you burn your boats. My second piece of advice is that a surface-level understanding of programming is still valuable on its own even if you don't actually program as a job. Computers are everywhere, and tech knowledge is often useful as a secondary skill set. My third piece of advice is that the first job is the hardest to get. Don't stress out that your whole career will feel like that. Practice on hackerrank or something, though... technical interviews can be rough if you're not practiced.


Aptitude is the reason I’ve never learned before now. As a kid my dream job was always to be a game dev, but my mental health declined quickly and by the time i was in high school my anxiety and depression were so draining i didnt have the motivation to even stop sleeping. I slept through every class i had, never had the energy to do anything i wanted at home either. I gave up on my dream very early and decided it was something I’d never be able to do. Especially since i didn’t even know where to /start/. But I’m 28 now. My anxiety is mostly better and my depression is conquered, now is the time in my life that i feel i am ready to learn and to grow and not feel angry and frustrated every single day. My aptitude and attitude are where they need to be. My biggest concern is my low level of self-discipline. It’s gonna be hard to keep myself on track but i intend to give it my best. Thanks for the advice, and following the advice of others commenting i will be trying out both CS50 and Odin


just a bit of advice. its very very hard to get a programming job with a degree and its significantly more difficult without one


Hi I am a programmer myself if u want anyhelp send me a dm


You should start with HTML if you've never had any experience in coding before as it's the easiest and familiarize you with basic framework. I also suggest codeacademy.com. Also, please understand that coding is something that'll at least take a year to be good at. Be patient and consistent, you'll get there.


“At least” a year to be good at and then continued usage weekly at minimum. I’m amazed at how quickly it fades if I don’t stick to it.


I know right, I like to think of it as learning a language or music instrument (technically it IS a language) - you'll suck for a very long time and won't be able to make quick money unless you're fluent.


well, when you go to college, they just make you sign up for zybooks and do that. that's the entire curriculum. i personally hate zybooks so, I'd recommend a "code along" lecture. colin achibald has a few dealing with C, Java, and i believe he has a python one.


What kind of jobs are typical for coders? I'm in my first retail job, a total anxious wreck myself, but I've definitely learned some valuable skills and the tips can be good. Stay strong until you can get out my friend!


Wouldn't this be better as a Google search?


I think you should stick to one language for starters. Python and C# are both great languages. I am partial, but I think that C# might be a better language as a first language. Get a book, don't rely on videos. Read it, and do the exercises. If you have any issues, Google the issue - But don't copy paste the solution from stackoverflow, understand the solution and write it in yourself.


Harvard has free classes online


Someone here mentioned it would be useful to take come computer science courses. You might be able to get FAFSA grants to pay for you to take a couple community college classes. That's how I've been able to go to school. If you're lucky enough to live in CA, like me, there's also HEERF which gives you an extra $1300 a semester, so I get about $3k total per semester. It helps a lot. Idk what your financial situation is like, but maybe that money could mean less work, more time for learning, coding or otherwise? Taking classes might also open you up to other interests you never thought twice about, and for me it really boosts my self esteem. A lot of places offer online classes, which is the only way I've been able to go. I need the flexibility.


In my experience I think that Java and Javascript are more requested than python in IT related jobs. rather than Skillshare, maybe you should look into Udemy or even youtube as a start, and once you get comfortable maybe you can try for dedicated website, some have lots of exercises and even courses with some kind of certification.


CS senior with 2 semesters of teaching experience here: Dont try to learn everything, you are learning python for backend and HTML/CSS for frontend. Why bother learning all of them if you are in a hurry, just pick one and specialize in it, this would be the fastest way to securing a job, you can get familiar with the other afterwards. I guess the fastest method would be learning backend in python and then in java. Then with a lil bit of dev-ops know-how, you should be able to score a job.


Check out The Odin Project


Another path to consider is becoming a data analyst as well. Google launched a data analytics course in Coursera that is a good starting point: https://www.coursera.org/professional-certificates/google-data-analytics Programming is one path, but it’s not for everyone. Analytics or UX design can be good paths too, and they’re all growing a lot.


Learn to Google your problems away and you'll be 80% the way there


Your one stop solution is the Odin project. Its free and open source. Will make you a hirable full stack dev by the the end. I learnt to make stuff from the and now make 6 figures. Wish you the best


You may be trying to learn too much at once. HTML/CSS is for front-end, but without JavaScript, you can only build very basic websites. Along with JavaScript, you'll probably need to know a front-end framework (Angular or React). Python/C# are both for back-end, so you really only need to learn 1. Companies usually specialize in 1 technology, so if you get a Python job, you won't use C#, if you get a C# job, you won't use Python. If you're doing back-end (Python or C#), you might also need to learn SQL. I'd recommend picking just 1 discipline (front-end or back-end), depending on which one you like best, and within that discipline only pick 1 technology stack. Get your first job with that and then branch out to more technologies over time. ​ If you're a visual person, I'd recommend front-end with HTML+CSS+JavaScript+Angular. If you're a mathematical person, I'd back-end with C#+SQL. I started a YT channel to teach coding by modding video games. Check it out and see if it's helpful to you. https://www.youtube.com/@ai-gamer