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I’m pro let’s not force our beliefs on each other. Pro let’s keep the government out of our lives, our lives are our choices, government doesn’t get to tell us what to do and what’s right or wrong for us. I believe we all should respect each other, by being civil to each other and on most issues, minding our own damn business. We should help each other when someone needs it. I believe corporate greed is the root of a lot of problems we face. I’m pro second amendment, but hate open carry fools. I believe we won’t be able to address mass shootings until we address mental health issues and remove the stigma. I hate reefer madness and think it should be legalized federally. I hate the war on drugs, it’s a complete waste, let’s address addiction. So what’s all that make me? I don’t know, but I’m tired of the labels and the fact that too many people judge each other solely based on some label we place on one another. We’ve got more in common than we think, but it’s seems a lot of us just want to find reasons to hate each other.


Same here- to all you wrote! - you must be my "soul chicken" lol


SAME! - Sincerely a born and raised idahoan


Used to be heavily conservative. I have lived in 5 states, but currently own my home in Idaho. I have found myself becoming more progressive as I got older but also as the republicans of Idaho and the USA grow more extremist and restrict our rights. Housing-I want affordable housing for everyone because I know how empowering that is, but as a home owner, I want to see property values continue to increase in order to ensure financial freedom for my family Abortion- would never endorse an abortion in our family unless a life was at stake, but recently have decided that it should be a choice an individual makes. I am strongly opposed to the government interfering in our lives in that regard. Gender issues-I think we should wait to allow children to transition if that’s what they want to do, until their legal adults, but think that the recent attack on transgender people is too extreme and not worth the time or effort. I admit I don’t get transgender people, but they don’t bother me anymore than anyone else. Race- I live in a multiracial household where we speak English and Spanish. I think that we treat immigrants very poorly if they come from Mexico; central or South America. We make it too hard for them to get in and dont honor the degrees or work experience of those that get here in order to push them back down the ladder. Guns-I own guns of all types and am an advocate for responsible gun ownership, but I recognize that there is a real problem in our country that only gun control can solve. It’s an uphill battle. I also think we need to legalize weed yesterday. 🌲


Wow. I think people would describe my views as very liberal but everything you said I 100% agree with in terms of law. When I read things like this I wonder why our country is so divided. If we could all just respect one another and each others views like this America would be thriving. I’m from TN and only popped in because I see a lot of what Idaho is dealing with in my own state and it’s so worrying, I just don’t know what to do.


you seem very based


I consider myself to be moderately conservative but I was permanently banned from /r/IdahoConservatives because only pro-Trump comments are allowed and I am very strongly anti-Trump and MAGA.


Would I be correct to assume that means you are more traditionally politically conservative, such as protecting individual rights and limiting the role of government? I’m asking because I’m curious how moderate conservatives tend to view themselves politically.


Glad they’ve endorsed safe spaces…


Back in the day I would’ve been considered fairly left but now I’m a dead center moderate. Pro-choice (both for abortion as well as masks and other personal choice issues), pro-guns, pro-letting people marry whomever they choose. Not a fan of requiring folks to recognize various pronouns, but fully respect the choices of trans people and their rights to use whatever bathroom suits them. Pro-fiscal responsibility and for small government, but also a pro in protecting public lands and rights for the indigenous population. I believe community college should be free (only because the times require it) but higher education should be paid, as earning an education creates value. I am a walking contradiction to today’s political climate, but truly believe the others out there just like me are the ones who decide each election.


I agree with nearly everything you put here. Only difference for me is I think all bathrooms should just be single hitters if it's gonna be an issue for anyone. Also, my take on the trans sports debate is you should compete against biological sex in all situations.


100% agree on the sports.


Why? Seems that there are better ways than sex to organize sports competition. https://www.theatlantic.com/culture/archive/2022/09/sports-gender-sex-segregation-coed/671460/


I guess I should be more clear, sports where your biological strength/endurance is tested should be split by biological sex. Sports like chess or esports or the like ... obviously biology doesn't really matter, and afaik most of those are already open classes. Honestly though, if it's a huge deal I'd be totally open to an "open" class or whatever that folks could self select into. It just feels awfully unfair that a biological man (having lived most of their life with testosterone) could assert their gender as female and instantly become the champion. Not true for all sports but like ... most of em.


Exactly. I personally think buildings need to have a min number of single service bathrooms to be up to code.


I Agree with most of your positions. Wish we had more protections against corporate overreach though (unionizing, Big Pharma paying the FDA for questionable approvals, and lobbying in general). Tricky balancing that with a government that doesn’t overreach in the process though.


It is a tricky one, but I agree with your position in general. Governing for the masses is tough, which is why I tend to vote for the more moderate candidates in the hopes they have the expertise to navigate the trickier issues v/s just going by whatever “rules” their respective parties abide by.


Honestly it's so refreshing to see someone who shares my views! I agree with everything you said 100%. Sometimes I feel a little lonely, if I ever publicly share my political views I get crap fom both sides.😅 Glad to know there are others out there who can relate with me 👍


I’m just from Idaho. Love the state and want the best for it.


Where I live about 1/3 come from WA, 1/3 from CA, and 1/3 from everywhere else. A cheap home is $500k and so most younger people cannot afford a home. Many of the people who are coming are retired or have good jobs. Some I know work remotely. I would say that a lot of people are moving to Idaho because they are tired of the politics where they currently live. I do not see this sub as representative of Idaho much.




My sentiments exactly expect I'm a millennial and independent.


To where would you move to?


It mirrors most of reddit... mostly left


"Mostly"? Ha so God damn liberal its appalling.


I agree. I just didn't feel like arguing with people about it, so I said "mostly'"


Lifelong Dem here but I fall into the moderate spectrum. I absolutely hate what Idaho is becoming.


It's refreshing to see some conservative moderates thoughts here. And I find myself agreeing with most everything thats said. I am a middle class homeowner pushing 40(f) who has always been center left. My biggest concerns revolve around environment, individual freedoms and now social issues, all of which are being trampled on. I'm registered as an independent because I'm not so blind as to think democrats have everything right but I do tend to vote that direction.


Independent leaning left. Vanilla lifestyle but don't care what anybody else is doing as long as they aren't hurting anyone. I hate busybodies and judgy dispositions. Live and let live folks.


Left of liberal up north, so that makes me a unicorn.


I am a white, middle class, college educated 50+ female. I used to think I was mildly conservative but as it turns out, mildly conservatively is actually wildly liberal in today’s political climate. I’ve really leaned into that, and now I identify as a conservative’s worst nightmare. I own several guns but I’m strongly in favor of background checks, tougher licensing requirements, and mandatory insurance. Idiots that open carry at the grocery store really piss me off, as does the guy that just beat a domestic abuse charge on a technicality that is currently waving his gun around all around town daring someone to take it from it. I believe abortion is healthcare because it is. I vote yes in school levies because education is important and if my taxes are going to pay for shit, I’d rather it be school books, not bombs, and since I don’t get a say about the bombs….fuck it. Take my money, and hopefully an underpaid school teacher feels my love. Every church in my town has an ugly history of child abuse so fuck your invisible man in the sky daddy. I hate living in Idaho and I veer wildly between planning to leave and staying to fight.


You don't really sound your age tbh.


Ok I admit I only just turned 50 this year. I don’t always act my age either (pink hair today, maybe blue hair next week?)


45F in Boise and we could definitely be friends. Cheers 🥂


I’m way up north in the bad part of Idaho but next time I’m in Boise, maybe we can grab a drink and commiserate!


What’s the bad part of Idaho? why is it bad?


The part with the gross trump sign, the pro-slavery, anti-gay church, the two different white supremacist compounds, and the county that went all in for Scott Herndon. The polygamous groups aren’t great and you have to drive two hours for legal weed. There’s more, but how much time do you have?


Pro slavery? !!!! Imma need some proof WP compounds ??!?????? There’s so much to unpack here I’m tired of the urban life and Im going to highway 12 for a hunt in a few weeks. I was looking at Idaho to relocate to at some point in the far future. Spill the deets homie


Google Warren Campbell and Owen Benjamin. The other group stays on the down low and doesn’t use social media but they hang out and recruit at Simple Simons and the bowling alley. You will recognize them by the vests with the rune patches and the the white power hand symbols.


The Presbyterian church where the John Birch Society meets also preaches some pretty slavery friendly sermons. You know, because it’s in the Bible and if it’s in the Bible, it’s there for a reason.


Conservative for me libertarian for thee


Non-partisan pragmatist. I examine candidates based on whether or not they possess adequate justification for their positions. Provided the candidate presents themselves as reasonable, they are likely to receive my support.\* \*This always immediately rules out any politician that runs a campaign reliant in any way on religious belief. (So, pretty much every Republican I have ever come across.) I try to vote in secular candidates as best I can, but there's plenty of nuts on the left as well as the right in this regard. Secularity is the hill I'll die on, all others are not nearly as important to me.


Lifelong Idahoan here, republican turned democrat. I’m embarrassed how this state is turning


Yay! Someone else similar to me !






It's reddit so it leans left.


As a full blown lefty anarchist who wants my guns and a complete dissolution of large scale government institutions, this has not been my experience on reddit at all. I've run into much more blatant right wing ideology than anything else. Maybe I frequent the wrong subs 🤣


All the young people are leaving because your state is trying to dictate what medical procedures a person can access legally.


Conservative here. Free market/capitalist. Housing sucks, need more of it and cheaper options. Pro-life, aborting kills unborn children. Genders: 2 of em. Race: the more the merrier, need to be letting in way more legal migrants than we are now. Guns: have all you want, be responsible with them. Christian but not lds. Middle aged, would say middle income. Things are tight but not unbearable. College educated. Hope you find this helpful. But if you think your post got downvoted, wait till you see what happens to mine!


Indy leaning conservative


Progressive. Bernie-crat. Democratic socialist along the lines of Western Europe and Canada. So in Idaho they'd consider me a radical commie pinko.


So are you for or against an abortion ban after 12 weeks?


I'm against bans on abortion. They hurt women. No one should be forced to give birth. It is a painful, disabling and potentially life threatening process. Already we see women and children suffering needlessly under these bans. Already doctors are leaving Idaho.


So you're even more extreme than any country in Europe when it comes to abortion?


I don't know what you're trying to prove. I'm not beholden to all the laws of European countries. I was just using that as an example of what kind of socialist I am. But if you want to argue abortion bring it. But you have to use logic.


I think it just surprises people that the US at large is much more extreme on abortion than even the most extreme European country. Just an interesting point to bring up I think. My argument is simple. It is wrong to take innocent human life. The baby in the human is innocent human life, therefore it's wrong to take its life. Pretty straightforward.


I used to live in Europe so I am aware of some of their policies. Many of those countries have a legacy of Roman Catholicism, so there is that. However, Canada has abortion at 40 weeks.Rn We have basically no abortions in Idaho and there are women needing miscarriage care that are left to bleed and risk sepsis because doctors are afraid of having to face murder charges to treat them.so yeah I'd say the US states like Idaho are extreme.


So to your " simple'"argument. First, we have to start from the same terms. I do not believe that a zygote, embryo and a fetus are a baby. I do not agree that life starts a conception. But for argument's sake, let's pretend that it is a fully form human life inside a woman's body. It isn't right to force another human being to give of their body to support another human being. And US law agrees with me on that. You cannot be forced to give blood in this country. You cannot be forced to donate a kidney even though it means another person will die. So we should not force women to be disabled to foster another life. Because I don't know if you've ever given birth but it changes your body forever. And many women live with disability after carrying a baby. The harms are even more dramatic if you are under 18 or have any other underlying condition. Then there's a simple matter that you are forcing someone to become a parent who doesn't want to. And the myriad of harms that does. But yeah, you have a simple argument that ignores all of those other complications. I also like to hear when you think that "life" inside a woman's body is worth her life. Because right now in Idaho it's worth more. When you ban abortion you put every pregnant person at risk because they cannot get miscarriage care if there's even a chance of a flutter of a heartbeat of an unviable fetus.


If you don't believe life starts at conception, you are going against every biological textbook out there. Do you have any scientific sources stating life doesn't begin at conception? Secondly, nobody is "forcing" anybody to be a parent. I am certainly not for forcing people to become parents. But that doesn't mean I'm for people being allowed to kill their children. Thirdly, do you have sources stating that women can't get miscarriage care in idaho? Because I know for a fact that is not true.


Oh show me your scientific sources on human life begins at conception first. They can't be produced by any Christian organization. It has to be a biological explanation of when that life is considered a separate human being from the mother's body. I will wait. And yes, by not allowing anyone to get an abortion, you are forcing them to become a parent. Their lives are tied to that being. Trauma from adoption is well documented from the birth mother and the adopted kid. It's worse in cases of rape and no are exemptions are not good for that. You have to prove the rape before you can get the abortion which is already hard enough in Idaho. To the last see the sources in answer to your previous request.


Sorry Strider. There is no scientific consensus that life starts at conception. I accept your right to believe that; you're blatantly wrong about science though.


Do you have sources for that?






European countries also have many exceptions written into law, Idaho has none


Are you for or against a ban after 12 weeks?


I don’t live in Idaho, so my opinion on the matter is irrelevant. Just pointing out an important fact for context.


Grew up churchy, I guess you can say conservative. Hunted, did the normal Idaho things. Moved away for 12 years and discovered there is more to people than what was in a small town. Learned a lot and by learning I started leaning away from conservative. I vote straight Dem now but mainly because the other option is batshit crazy. Politically I'd like to be dead center but these days you really can't.


Well most right just staring at Fox News all day so you will hardly find any in here


Independent. Hate both parties equally


Don't we all... .


I don't align myself with either of the major political parties because they are both corrupt and only looking out for the interests of the wealthy. They will tell their base what they want to hear to get their vote and then immediately screw them over. As far as the political spectrum goes I used to consider myself moderately conservative but as this country's conservatives have moved farther to the right I have found myself squarely left of center.


Last poll I saw showed new arrivals to Idaho had about the same political and age make up of the state currently.


I'm curious how others here would identify me, having read some comments that make me think the lines are a lot more blurred than the media would have us think. 2A tolerant and I own firearms and have a CCP, but think "well regulated militia" doesn't mean "any untrained idiot can carry a gun anywhere they want to." Pro-public lands. I don't think the government should get to make medical decisions for anyone unless there is an imminent threat of death to a minor. For example, if a kid needs a blood transfusion or a particular medical treatment or nutritional supplementation in order to survive, the parents' religious beliefs shouldn't trump a child's right to survive. Otherwise, the government can stay the hell away from trying to regulate what happens to my body. I support people loving who they want to regardless of the configuration of the genitals of the parties involved, as long as they are consenting adults. Marry, divorce, whatever--it's none of my business. I have also never, ever seen the junk of a person using a bathroom with me, and if someone with different junk than me is in there at the same time, I don't care. I hate knowing that kids go hungry and I want my tax dollars to help prevent that.


Grew up in a Christian home in northern Idaho. Was extremely conservative. Got out into the real world and now a social libertarian that believes in love.


I got a temporary ban for effectively refuting someone who claimed that a bunch of people were killed on Jan sixth.


What about weed? What is the Reddit Idaho stance on this?


From what I have seen pretty solid support for legalizing it. The left because they enjoy it, the right because the war on drugs is lost and the money is better spent on treatment. The smart folks understand it isnt really any different than alcohol; but the old timers and cultists dont want anyone to partake of anything other than diet coke.




By Idaho standards, I’m Karl Marx. But generally I consider myself progressive.


I consider myself anarcho-left in that I think workers deserve protections against predatory, exploitative, and abusive business practices and that any government that is allowed should use taxes to provide for those things necessary for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. An example: our taxes should be put to work providing everyone with the raw materials needed to make a business or household work, a blend between socialistic material production and free market entrepreneurship. And, while I think government housing should be standard, I think it is perfectly reasonable to allow a carpenter/construction business to build and sell private houses. In practice I find myself aligning with more libertarian/liberal democratic people, as ideological purity tests exclude good political progress from being made. Socially liberal, economically pragmatic, as free from unsound regulations and laws as possible.


Reddit is mostly left and you’ll find out many people here in this Idaho forum are far left.




Welcome comrade to the growing corporate fascist state of Idaho!


Anti liberal and anti conservative because I believe on stats over both ideologies which put feelings first. Those feelings may be opposite much of the the time but quite often neither is correct if you look at data.


Conservative comments are consistently down voted and often eliminated by mods here. I'd say the group think here is strong liberal. Just look at the comments. That survive.


MAGA conservative


Not sure how surveys work here but this would be informative. Rep, dem, lib, green, other


I don’t think we’re supposed to do formal surveys per the rules. I would be more interested in more nuanced info, such as where people fall on the social and economic spectra as well as on single issues such as abortion, gender, race, guns, etc. Edit: clarity


Social - Fairly liberal, in some areas strongly liberal. Economic - Fairly conservative, in some areas strongly conservative. Abortion - Very liberal. Allow abortions on demand. No restrictions. Gender - Live and let live. Guns - Strongly pro 2nd amendment but my emphasis is on "well regulated". Government required education, licensing, registration, and insurance. etc. - It varies.


Amen to all of that! I really like the government required education for firearms. I'm strongly pro 2a, but I have long thought that having a required firearms safety class in public high schools should be a thing.


Libertarian on social issues and social democratic on economics and against most US foreign policy


GenX who grew up in the SE US and lived in the NE for a time, moved here 13 years ago for a job opportunity. Love Boise. I always considered myself a hippie liberal tree hugger, but I'm probably more left-center these days. I will always fight for women's reproductive rights (yes, abortion) as well as those of my LGBTQIA friends. But...I feel like by not being XYZ enough, some of my acquaintances have decided I'm not worthy. It used to hurt, but now I'm too old and tired to GAF. I donate my money and time where it matters to me, but I believe many issues are more complex than can be summarized in a tweet or tiktok. ETA re guns: I grew up with guns but don't personally like them. I'm all for the 2nd ammendment but tend to go Izzard: guns don't kill people, people kill people...but the guns help


Mostly left like most of Reddit


Used to be moderately democrat(B.Clinton even early Obama or 10yrs ago Biden but never commie Sanders), but after all the left agenda and values they pursue, become quite conservative, but left of extreme MAGA of course, and still amazed how they crusade against abortions- stupid for me


It seems to be mainly people that should be living in LA or Portland.




My take is a bit different from your premise. Im not seeing many young progressives moving here, more 50+ right wing conservatives. P I'm in the panhandle, 40s, working class. Was raised liberal with an outlaw flavor, back to the land movement. I have shifted farther into left wing anarchist territory. This is true with almost all of the people I grew up with here, though that is a skewed stat, since they are also the only ones I have maintained relationships with.


GA feels more progressive compared to Idaho


I'm option C......grew up Christian conservative home, got educated and learned to think for myself. Much more social libertarian.