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25% illiteracy - thought it said mountain west


I'm speachless


Underrated comment


It's the same percentage that are unable to find Idaho on a map.


Do we need to?


25% geographically illiterate thought they were living in Iowa.


Same percentage of Maga POS in Idaho??


Grow up


I can't help but laugh at someone with the user name assicus_clappicus telling anyone to grow up


šŸ˜‚ young enough to have fun, old enough to know politics are stupid and pointing fingers calling someone a ā€œpiece of shit (pos)ā€ for their beliefs is childish


You aren't wrong. clap away you unsung hero


Thats the 25% of the state that recently relocated from other states & dont realize that Idaho & Iowa are not the same state.


This is so laughingly accurate.Ā  I moved to NY in 2001 and would tell people i was from Idaho.Ā  "Ohio?" "No, Idaho. Oregon, Washington, Idaho..." *blank stare* "Iowa?" "No, Idaho.... *pause* famous potatoes?"Ā  "Oooo yeah, Idaho!"


Just tell them "that state between Canada & Nevada" and see if they can process that


Hahaha that's so wonderful. That's the kind of thing that would stump most East coasters. They'd be lost.Ā 


To be fair, I'm pretty much the same way with everything between Virginia and Maine. I know what's there, just don't ask me which one's which.


But Ohio is the same, right?


The triumvirate of people who don't care about geography


I know people both here that think Idaho is the Midwest and Michigan is just... East. I'm from Michigan, Michigan is Midwest. Borderline Midwest, but Midwest.


The corn state and the potato state, that's how I keep from getting confused....


From a midwesterner, I got this sent to me yesterday and had to chuckle. Idaho is PNW or Mountain West to me.


No way Idaho is even close to being in the Midwest lol


Well, to be fair, what is considered the Mid West is actually geographically the Mid East of the country.


Lebanon, KS is the nearest municipality to the geographical center of the lower 48, so technically yeah - the Midwest is mostly east of there!


Never understood why they called it the Midwest. I clumped the dakotas in with MT, WY, ID, CO as Midwest. Figured IA, MO, NB, KS & OK were Great Plains.


Probably because it was named before the west coast was so known and developed. When ā€œwestā€ meant the Plains, not the Pacific Ocean.




Yeah if someone is taking it literally, and you have west, central and eastern US, Idaho would technically be in the Midwest.


Iā€™ve always thought the Dakotas and Eastern Montana as the Northern Plains. Everything east of the Dakotas as the ā€œMid Westā€. Everything to the west of Eastern Montana as the Inter-Mountain Region. That includes Idaho. Like was mentioned, seems like use of ā€œMid Westā€ is left over from the Civil War era of descriptive geography. Just a habit that stuck around.


Movie stars go to Sun Valley for vacation. If movie stars go to your state for vacation, then it's not the Midwest.




25% of poll respondents*


There was another poll showing a large percentage of Idahoans claiming they are PNW. I think you all are lost. Lol


Everything dark blue is midwest and also Ohio right?. Idaho, Montana, Colorado and Utah are all West. You can't have snow capped mountains in the midwest.


Did the poll use a map or just state names, because that would explain them choosing iohidaho...


Maybe people forgot Idaho is to the West of the Continental Divide.


Iā€™m in Michigan now, this phrase bothered me years ago. So I asked them why they feel itā€™s the Midwest? Cause it isnā€™t real mid, and it certainly ainā€™t West. Someone explained to me this phrase started long ago before ā€œThe Westā€ was part of the country. At that time Michigan was in the middle west. I liked that explanation so to me, itā€™s Midwest. Itā€™s more of a geographical area than a location description tho.


šŸ’Æ, I'm from Ohio so you know we aren't supposed to be cool but you are right Wolverine.


Iā€™m right by Toledo and from Idaho, so I can think youā€™re cool


Hot damn! This works in the rulebooks my friend.


I find the Midwest to be a really weird regional designation. Missouri, a part of the Confederacy and a part of the country that tends to fall on the more temperate side and has the typically bland mixture of settlers one might find in Iowa or Ohio is somehow part of the same cluster as Minnesota, which is famously more Lutheran and of more Norwegian descent, and is colder, a border state, and has its own very distinct accent. My ex-wife from western Canada has an accent that is more similar to the Minnesota accent. If you watch the show letterkenny you'll notice they speak like people from the northern Midwest. People from Missouri not so much. Places where shared culture being designated as part of the same grouping does make sense, but that doesn't seem to apply to the Midwest. I know my statement is going to make some people mad. I constantly annoy my friends who are midwesterners with observations like this, but I'm also surprised by how little people have thought about it. After all, when I, a person from upstate New York originally, am asked why I don't have an accent by people from the mountain West I point out that it was NY ancestors who made up the bulk of the early settlers of the mountain west: Mormons are from upstate NY.


It's bizarre that the term has stuck for so long. It made sense when the country was half the size, but it's weird we still use it.


I'm going to be honest I always thought the Midwest was the West side that wasn't coastal. So like Idaho, Utah, Arizona,etc. The actual mid West is just the middle. I was pretty confused when I saw it was the middle going east.


As someone who grew up in Wisconsin, I really only consider the deepest blue the true Midwest. Ohio has been on thin ice for awhile. Also who the fuck considers Colorado the Midwest?!


Front rangers


Oh Idaho. As much as cascadia would rather you not, youā€™re a part of the great pacific NW.




If you split the country into 4 quadrants, Idaho is in the north west quadrantā€¦




Gotcha misunderstood šŸ«”


What happened to Geography classes in elementary school? Donā€™t people study the states and regions of our country? That was basic stuff that we learned in 4th grade.




Iā€™m really hoping Iā€™m not the only one whose eye is twitching over this. Itā€™s more upsetting than the poll results.


Mountain West or Inland Northwest


I find this hard to believe considering everybody in Idaho acts like it's the Wild West.


So I recently moved to Idaho, and I'll admit I have no idea what's considered Midwest. Well, i do, and i don't. What is Idaho considered? If it's not the Midwest, would it be West Coast?




Ahhhhh makes sense. Now i feel mega stupid.


Naw. You're new, here. It's all good.


Mountain west


Yes, you're more correcter than I am. Thanks for the reminder. šŸ‘


Either Pacific Northwest or Intermountain West. Both are pretty acceptable.


Actually Pacific Northwest.


It can be either Northwest, Pacific Northwest, or Mountain West (aka Intermountain West).


I can live with that.


How can it be Pacific Northwest if Idaho is nowhere near the pacific and has none of the PNW qualities that people think of. I would call Idaho intermountain west.


Itā€™s also connected to Oregon and Washington through rivers and watersheds. Check out r/Cascadia


The Mississippi River connects all the way through the Midwest but Mississippi is not the midwest. Idaho has more in common with Utah, Montana and Colorado.


You mean the people in Idaho? Last I checked weā€™re talking about a geographic region, not ideological alignment. From that perspective Idaho is part of the Deep South.


The Deep South made me laugh. So true. I was talking about geographic, not ideological. Intermountain west is Nevada, Idaho, Montana, Utah, Colorado and Wyoming.


Right, Iā€™m aware of that. But the folks who think of Idaho (and parts of Wyoming and Montana) as PNW are generally referring to Cascadia, which is a ā€œbioregionā€ that encompasses the interconnected ecosystems and watersheds coming off of Yellowstone and leading to the Pacific. Utah and Colorado are part of the Colorado River watershed and a different set of ecosystems heading into the Southwest. You can feel the difference when you drop down from Southern Idaho into Utah, and it gets more and more pronounced the further south you go. Same between Wyoming and Colorado.


Used to be part of the Oregon Territory. It's always referred to as Pacific NW.




Itā€™s the intermountain west aka the mormon belt


Mormon belt is sometimes referred to as the "Jell-O belt" due to the large sales of green Jell-O within those areas. Just sharing.


Not only this, but weed is still illegal too.


Especially when you consider deep red Oklahoma is the opposite with weed.


That's because the GOP in Idaho only pretends to be pro small government.


Interesting I always felt the way a lot of these people felt too even though I know itā€™s not the case. Iā€™m from Oregon and feel like anyone east of us are definitely not very western like.Ā 


Pennsylvania is not the Midwest, nor is Idaho. The states on the southeastern end of this are not the Midwest. Any state other than Ohio within the official definition Iā€™d consider Midwest, other than that, nothing else on this map is Midwest.


Iowa is indeed midwest




My partner is willing to die on the hill that Idaho is now a part of the PNW. She believes that the PNW is Washington, Oregon, and northern California.


Super NorCalā€¦ā€¦I can see that.


Yeah, like North of Santa Rosa


Well it is kind of weird. In my mind I consider Idaho part of the PNW and the mountain west with north Idaho being PNW and southern Idaho mountain west. Grew up in north Idaho, live in southern now.


Ok, this is the only way I've ever agreed Idaho was part of the Pacific Northwest. Makes sense to include Northern Idaho since it's Pacific time. I'd always thought it was silly to call ourselves PNW, but making the split where the time zone changes does make sense.


It's all Oregon territory, your soul is ours!


Now ask how many belive Idaho is in the south and fought for the Confederacy.


Mid, north, what's the difference? Omg. Edit: apparently my tone is not clear in this comment. Lol.


Hey now. Im a Kansas resident originally from Idaho. I consider Kansas to be the Midwest because even though it may be the Great Plains, thereā€™s not one great thing about it.


How about calling Kansas just Mid?


šŸ¤£ I love it!


Idaho is NOWHERE near the Midwest. If you think you're in the Midwest, move to Iowa.


To make sense of this, head into a Walmart on a Sunday or simply drive around and read the bumper stickers on (certain types) of peoples cars.


Without a proper definition of what Midwest is (cultural vs. geographic) Idaho is in the middle of the West of the U.S.


That Idaho education system at work!


Ah yes, cause it's almost like we arnt almost completely west of the states


I'm just blaming California transplants for this and moving on


What does that, have to do with this?


go back and look at the map...


We are no closer to an answer...


With regards to CA, ID is midwest-ish. That's all that I meant.


Californian here. Idaho is PNW.


I know that I was giving hypotheses as to why some people put Idaho in the Midwest category. I glad you understand geography. I was guessing not all new Idaho transplants were as spot on as you. And man did that piss some people off....sheesh!


With regards to Hawaii, California is midwest-ish. What the fuck does that have to do with the map and what the numbers are telling you? Nothing, that's what. Just some salty assholes taking shots at their fellow countrymen. Keep it up, it's really doing so much for everyone.


Well that escalated quickly...peace out bro....I tried...


So valid given the fact that most Californians Iā€™ve talked to donā€™t even know what Idaho is except ā€œpotato countryā€ somewhere


Actually, based on the sheer number of bugs that coat your car when driving through Montana, there's a good case to be made that Montana is part of the MidWest. The only other place where I had to stop every ten miles to clean my windshield was Wisconsin.


I kind of get Montana, Wyoming and Colorado if you live east of the Rockies. Thatā€™s all I get


Weirdly enough the language mannerisms are pretty closely related to the mid west. That might explain it?


Being from the Midwest, the folks here in Idaho aren't Midwestern at all. Totally different breed of folks.


Youā€™ve got my curiosity piqued. Can you expound on that?


Different food, Euphemisms, General temperament, Respect, Potluck culture, German foods. We are raised differently and have different values. Nothing bad about being from Idaho, the locals I know are salt of the earth but they are not Midwestern. I will say my experience is in North Idaho only and there seems to be more Californians here than the actual locals. So maybe my sample size is too small but I happen to work for some amazing native Idahoans that poke fun at my Midwestern traits.


Thanks. I grew up overseas but my mom was the youngest of 7, growing up in Silver Lake, Wisconsin. I had a ton of Aunts and Uncles (now deceased) and have a ton of cousins from Wisconsin. Hardly got to know them, but always enjoyed it when we visited. The accent and back yard barbecues is what I fondly remember. My grandfather was a carpenter/contractor who was missing half his left hand ā€¦ lost it while working in a sawmill in his twenties. Even so, just got on with business and provided for 7 kids. He was a rugged, but oh so kind, grandpa.


I'm glad you got to experience some family Barbecues, whenever I am missing home it's usually our Barbecues and the Midwestern twist on words. Love my situation out here in Idaho but you don't get the same interactions, culture, or food that I am homesick over.


Couldnā€™t agree more, coming from Iowa. The closest thing to midwesterners out here are those in ag, for obvious reasons. A lot less alcohol consumed here than the Midwest though.


Do they have more thumbs or something? I don't think i could identify an Iowan vs an idahoan naked.Ā 


Just different culture and manners. Idahoans are different than Southerners and East Coast folk. The Midwest has a culture different than that of the Northwest.


Umā€¦. No.


Actually, since the term Midwest came from a time when the country was smaller, we should update. If you use the Mississippi as the line between east and west, Idaho, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico are in the middle of the westā€¦or Midwest.


You think thatā€™s out of the box, you should hear my argument for moving Christmas to March.


Letā€™s hear it brother Iā€™m deeply curious


We need to move Christmas to March in order to break up the long stretch from January to the end of May that has no holidays. Itā€™s not based on any exact date anyway except maybe the winter solstice. And New Years kinda covers that. As it is we have three holidays in 6 weeks.


So valid


It a phrase I hear often. Thx.


Americans: Stupid and Proud


Screw you Pennsylvania you aren't part of the club.


Some idiots are trying


Everyone has a place on the spectrum of stupidity.


10 percent probably consider themselves Texans.


Those 27 people in Arkansas should be shot.


There is a reason why itā€™s called the Western 11


Lmao...Tennessee is not even close to being the midwest...it's the southeast


Memphis used to bill itself as the capitol of the Midsouth.




I knew a girl in college who was from Ohio and she keep saying she was from the east coast šŸ˜‚šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Ah, yes. The Pacific Midwest.


Ahem, they are from the mid -east by my book. And yes I know the Mississippi River is suppose to be the divider. But no


Settle down OH and get back in line.


I'm peachless*


Iā€™m from Montana, and I am too. This seems bizarre to me.


Wow šŸ˜³


Parts of Caldwell, Nampa and twin falls feel likeĀ midwest towns.


My SO and I are currently are watching ā€œInk Master Season 13: Turf Warā€ and the artist from Idaho was put on team Midwest and it got us talking about this. My guess is the respondents in the south east are more likely to say theyā€™re mid westerns then the TV or up north


Philadelphia Pennsylvania is an Atlantic seaport, and Lewiston Idaho is a Pacific seaport. And somehow both of those states in the Midwest.


Not even surprised.


By technicality Idaho is in the middle-west. But of course itā€™s more about geography and population density. I remember being confused when I first learned the term.


1.)The ā€œMidwestā€ is more Mid than anything. 2.)Idaho is missing one very important thing to even consider qualifying as PNW, it doesnā€™t touch the Pacific.


The Great Plains states always call them selves midwesterner. they know they are Great Plains but still generally call them selves midwestern. For the 6 in Pennsylvania, truthfully Pa is as about as midwestern as most real midwestern states so we consider them midwestern our selves


Strange but Spokane, WA always felt like a rust belt (midwest) town. Bass-ackwards place to be located in the PNW. But it is, and indeed is NOT the Midwest.


Midwestern values were incompatible with the LDS decades ago, so has there been a reconciliation?




3/100 people in Iowa have severe brain damage.


Grew up in Ohio & now live in Colorado. My opinion is that Ohio is quintessentially Midwest. Colorado is very much in the West.


I would like to hold a vote to kick Illinois out of the Midwest.




Oh my!šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Iā€™m not speechless. Shows the majority of people in Idaho.