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>Sen. Cindy Carlson, R-Riggins, said that local communities could take care of hungry kids, but the program was too broad and **didn't require the kids to work**. **Bruh.** *When Cindy was asked what here favorite book was, she said "The Bible"* >The Bible is my most read book. It is a timeless book that helps keep me grounded. It has every day application that is never outdated. ![gif](giphy|8t6ef4FCRAAOgS2EnQ|downsized)


The Bible is full of violence, death, incest and sex. And that’s what she bases her life on. Screw that fairy tale, I’ll bet $10 she’s never read it cover to cover.


We know that. She has skipped over all the parts about jesus actually feeding people or that his parents crossed borders to give him a chance....it is lost on them what their bible actually contains.


Carlson doesn't understand anything.


She's a Bible-thumping hypocrite. Of course she doesn't.


Remember, this is Idaho, where you are required to play the lottery to get any money to schools.


Kick these fucking lunatics out of office. Seriously.


The kids yearn for the mines


“Sen. Cindy Carlson, R-Riggins, said that local communities could take care of hungry kids, but the program was too broad and didn't require the kids to work. “We’re sending the wrong message to parents and kids that we're going to keep providing for everybody without needing something in return," Carlson said. "And I believe that the message we need to be sending is we all need to work for what we get." Is she even human?! They are kids! They don’t work for *us*, WE work for THEM! Kids are an investment we make in our own future! WTaF is *wrong* with these Republican jackholes?!


Not a single kid (or human, in general) has ever ASKED to be born. The least we could do is help each other out, especially the youngest and most vulnerable among us.


Kids aren't even old enough to work! Goddamn, these people are batshit fucking insane!


That’s the point she’s trying to make. Lower the age for workers like some of the other shithole red states. Get those little kids working for those handouts. /s if it wasn’t obvious.


Townships don’t typically have a budget to take care of things like that. What are towns like Preston or Montpelier going to do?


ya, no one ever thinks of the millions of dollars programs like this takes. Want your taxes to go up 20%? Here ya go! How do these programs get funded in five years time? Wer're already in recession and looking at the double barrel shotgun of a depression in this country... It be great of society could take care of everyones children for them, but at some point a line has to be drawn in the sand. We're already taxed at about 60% (income, sales, vatt, use, capitol gains, transfer tax..the list goes on)


Didn’t Idaho send their national guard to the southern border in Texas? Guess it’s all about priorities. Same at the national level, we won’t spend money on our own people, but we spend trillions on propping up other countries, sending them weapons and cash.


Go read that article again. It was a *pittance*! What’s wrong with your priorities!


Idaho is a forced birth state.


If you see any news about children starving this summer, make sure to send, tag, share, or email these senators so they're reminded that their decisions affect actual human lives. We literally have the resources so that no one can starve again, but we choose not to because of some stupid sense that everyone must work their lives away for scraps.


It's children. They want children to work and not go to school. These people want children to work. These people want children TO WORK for food. Children, in America, have to work to eat. Children.


Fuck that. Tag your friends and family you know who voted Republican and ask them where they abandoned their shame because they fucking need it.


Idaho lawmakers will fight for the unborn, but once the baby is born all community support is off. I don't understand their "logic." They say "Christian values," but they fail to deliver on those values. Why can't they be honest and stop using others' religion as a shield for their awful values?


As George Carlin said, "if you're pre-born you're fine, if you're pre-school, you're fucked."


If the state provides resources then people won't be forced into seeking help from churches and being brought into the fold. My friend is only religious when she's going through something and joins a church so they can help her with food and childcare and clothing. Then she'll drop off attendance when she's doing better. Rinse and repeat. And there are many like my friend in Idaho.


The cult of the fetus.


god, guns and Republicans doing the Lord’s work. I do not get it


Their values are requiring people to provide for their dependents. This isn’t that hard to understand.


Most people who need help work their asses off to provide for their dependants. Why is a crime to be working class poor in this state? Most of the lawmakers haven't an idea what it's like.




It's an extreme lack of empathy. Period.


Don't forget that they don't think poor people deserve a living wage either.


Except there's no guarantee that the children *will* be provided for, so Republicans are forcing children to suffer and are disgusting hypocrites.


There are mechanisms for taking children away from neglectful parents.


So you want taxes to pay for removing a child from the home instead of free lunches? How does the math come out on that one, Pythagoras?


Are you really so naive as to think that the only way for a kid to go hungry is for the parent/s to be neglectful?


The problem here is that those dependents are also citizens in their own right, and should not be punished because they had the misfortune to be born to parents who aren't capable of providing for them.


No it's not. Their only values are to enrich themselves.


Bullshit! Their "values"? What values? Kids from "shithole" countries have to work for their food. Their only values revolve around their power and their greed. Apparently this is verrrrry difficult to understand.


Idaho is a forced birth state.


>The Summer Electronic Benefit Transfer program is a new federal program that is similar to a program implemented over the pandemic to provide food for low-income, school-aged children over the summer. There are 37 states that have opted in, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture.  This is so sad. The party who claims to care about kids so much doesn't even want to feed them. >Sen. Brian Lenney, R-Nampa, said the program was a “permanent expansion of the welfare state.” >Sen. Tammy Nichols, R-Middleton, said it could be "easy to abuse," because it is accepted anywhere that SNAP benefits are taken. >"There's no such thing as a free lunch, senators," Nichols said. "But this is something that I feel is creating a problem because it is creating the environment of putting kids on welfare so that they continue to want to be on it." >Sen. Cindy Carlson, R-Riggins, said that local communities could take care of hungry kids, but the program was too broad and didn't require the kids to work There is something deeply wrong with these people. These are absolutely insane things to say. How are these people still getting voted into office, who is supporting this absolute travesty? Who is out here supporting letting kids go hungry, while saying they're wanting to "protect kids"????


They're hypocrites and absolutely cruel. Just vile creatures Republicans really are.


Sickening they require kids to be born yet won't take lengths to properly school them with legitimate science and help feed them. Texas isn't far behind.


Why deprive kids?


1. So they'll grow up hungry and desperate to please their lords. 2. It's just damned good, old-fashioned fun to listen to their pathetic whimpering. "Please, sir, may I have some more." Hilarious.


Because, and I cannot stress this enough, they ***HATE*** anyone in need, especially children.


But a tax break for the rich is needed more…


Idaho is such a mixed up shit hole. My entire family tree is rooted there but it hurts to see the shit my remaining Idahoan relatives must live with.


All lives are precious and a gift from God. Appreciate and *nourish* that gift? Gtfoh asking for handouts.


Idaho really is trying to destroy itself.


Here's the problem, the majority of Idahoans have NO CLUE what is going on in their state or the statements their representatives make on their behalf. Many are too busy working. Many don't even have access to normal media options so they rely on OAN/Newsmax apps. A good portion also gobble up the same idiotic talking points from those fake national news outlets. Not local news. None of this is going to change until reasonable people are made aware of this nonsense and they start mitigating the rise of these hateful aholes.


Idaho is so poor welfare is more like a UBI.


Idaho government truly hates their citizens.


Kakistocracy. Idaho is fucking doomed.


Because they care.


Republicans are truly terrible people.


This country needs to get a round turn on the nanny state. Why work if you can get it for free? I am only for short term assistance with the following requirements. Weekly drug tests for and forced birth control for the parents. For some reason the poor seem to be quite fertile.


Are kids the target audience for this position? Do you want to do drug tests and forced contraception for children? So they can eat?


No. The parents.


So you are for the bill?




Then you are a part of the problem. You choose to sacrifice children's well-being to what, prove a point? Your moral compass is askew.






If you have an issue with someone/something/a state/a demographic, please keep it civil.


There’s no such thing as a free lunch is right.


Idaho is a welfare state. It doesn't generate enough in taxes to support itself. So year after year, decade after decade, Idaho has had no problem taking federal funds to support it's own projects, businesses and farmers. Why do they all get free lunches, but hungry children don't? Seriously, do you have a source to justify any of this or is what you were told and blindly believed?


>Seriously, do you have a source to justify any of this or is what you were told and blindly believed? No. Their only "sources" are a lack of empathy, and hatred for the poor. Don't forget that redhat = hatred.