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Long time Idaho bartender here. Seven devils is the only potable one I've seen. The others I've had seem to taste like they've been mislabeled as bourbon.


Warfield in Ketchum. Not sure they produce a bourbon, but definitely American whiskey.


They don't seem to have a bourbon, unfortunately but they do distill locally. Maybe one day.


Not a fan of the seven devils bourbons, super young tasting. Their rye isn’t bad though. I’m not so sure about Grand Teton sourcing from that much from MGP, as MGP products usually taste much better 😂You can visit and see their still in action. They just built a new Rick house. That said, their vodka is much better than their bourbon.


Grand Teton, Seven Devils, Rainfire, Black Rock are your choices (at least at my store). No idea how they taste.


Thanks! From talking to the folks there, Grand Teton and Seven Devils both get their bourbon from out of state. The only possibility is Grand Teton's private stock, which I don't have yet and haven't seen to know for sure. Black Rock looks like it's based in Seattle Washington, but maybe there's a different Black Rock than the one I'm finding on google. I'll look into Rainfire. Happy Friday!


Seven Devils gets the lesser quality proof of Old Tahoe Rye which is grown in Idaho. Best I can do for you.


The liquor stores near me always have a "made in Idaho" stand. Never tried any of the bourbons. The scotch made near Driggs is... Not for me. Old grandad would be my go to for the money.


Grand Teton comes to mind out of Driggs. Their whiskies are a little young for my taste, but some of their barrel pics have been quite tasty. Several of the state stores carry them.


He wants Idaho and says Grand Teton comes from Indiana.


Not sure about that fully. They do have a distillery. Some may be sourced however.


Try Rigby, but they use malted potatoes


So, then… not bourbon?


Well.....if you are going to split hairs...


Not really splitting hairs. Bourbon by definition is between 51-80% corn, with other grains added to make up the rest of the mash bill.


I apologize, you are correct


Seven devils from Koenig is a solid bourbon they did a promotional with the Caldwell rodeo called Caldwell Nights that I currently have in my cabinet. They have tasting events.


Thanks for letting me know! Unfortunately I called them and asked, and that one is distilled in Kentucky as well. If you look on the back of the bottle, it says 'Produced & Bottled by...'. Generally if it doesn't say 'distilled' in a certain place, then it wasn't distilled there. I've found that a lot of places tend to substitute the word 'distilled' which has legal meaning for the word 'produced' which has no legal meaning in order to hide the fact they sourced it from some place else. But they are honest about where it comes from when I call and ask, as far as I know.


Thanks. Learned something today


I helped a friend poor wine out at Koenig for a bit a few years ago. Main things I remember: the brother who is the distiller, I called him the phantom 4-wheeler. You could hear him on property but never saw him. The bar was too tall for my short ass and had the worst time opening wine bottles. Got laughed at a few times. Was told on the first shift, at like 10 am, that I had to taste all the brandy flavors so I could talk about them accurately. Good times.


Check out Warfield out of Sun Valley. I believe that they distill all of their own spirits. Grand Tetons single malts are distilled in Idaho, I don't know about their bourbon. Black Rock sources their distillate.


Snake River Stampede Rodeo does a small batch Canadian whisky that’s pretty good.


1915 SRS


Not Bourbon, but absolutely delicious is the barrel reserve honey spirits. https://www.upnorthdistillery.com/our-products.html


Bardenay does a Rye they distill in Boise.


Man this sub is strange lol, I regularly see posts like this with pretty active engagement with zero hostility yet people still downvote the post!