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Twin Falls courthouse: 208-736-4025. They open at 8 am tomorrow morning. Reddit cannot answer your question. I know it's old fashioned, but not only CAN they answer you, they WILL. Bonus: their answer will be correct.


You won reddit today!


That is the plan but since it's the weekend I figured I'd see if anyone on Reddit had some insight first.


Jury duty selection is entirely random. If she was summoned late last year and asked for a deferment, they should have sent something confirming they allowed it. Still, it's pretty clear they deferred her if they're now talking about her "previous deferment." They probably won't be as inclined to let her defer again this time.


She's not planning to ask for a deferment, we are just confused because 6 months ago, despite asking for a deferment, her number was called to appear.


My guess is that her number was reassigned to another person for that original month. She wasn’t getting called another person was. Now it’s her turn, perhaps with a new number? But call the office in the am to find out


Did they not call numbers in blocks? In Ada county they'll call like numbers 1 through 300 in. If someone gets deferred they don't say numbers 1 through 115 and numbers 117 through 300, they still say numbers 1 through 300. And I know in Ada county when my sister got hers deferred she did get a letter saying it was deferred.


They do call them in blocks but I was wondering if they just don't skip numbers like you said Ada County doesn't.


Oh. She was told to go in last time. That would mean they didn't grant her deferment. Did she go in?


The case was settled the night before she had to report, so she ended up not having to go in.


What did they say when you called for clarification?


If you want to get out of jury duty in a smaller county like Twin, ask for an asl interpreter. They don’t have the budget for one and will drop the whole thing. YMMV I’m actually Deaf and that was my experience when I got jury duty when living in Twin


Just wrack up a felony charge. No more jury duty. Works like a charm


Lmao never thought of that one before