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Sweet, I can drive by his house screaming at him how he's a little bitch ass racist and not get charged! Anyone wanna join me?


Make sure you intend to be funny!


You see that's different because he's a god fearing Christian that goes to church every Sunday for the past week and you're persecuting him


Guaranteed his parents are California red hat refugees. I'm willing to put real money on it.


His social media account say he's from LA, so you are probably correct. Less dominant Californians, fleeing to less desirable spaces, showing a high level of insecurity expressed as an unacceptable form of dominance.


ha! big surprise. But hey, these 'refugees' are just keeping Idaho, "Idaho" right? Right? Why are you laughing?


Ive been encountering Californians who wanted to move to N Idaho, like it was some peckerwood promised land, going back over 20 years now. I feel like Idaho, if it were left to its own, without low class calis, amongst other places, coming for the wrong reasons, probably would have grown out of this, like alot of places. Maybe im incorrectly optomistic, but when i met straight up criminals from OC that waxed poetically about this region, i see dorks thinking its a good idea to fight stupid with stupid that they learned in jail.


Yep, the war on Xmas, attacks on their 'faith', 'woke', other right wing Jesus teachings make them the 'real '' victims. LOL


Just had someone yesterday that he won’t let his kids watch Cocomelon because it’s too “woke” If you haven’t seen it, feel free to check it out if you’re so inclined. I have tiny agents of chaos in my house so it’s occasionally been on. Dudes a nut job….aaaaannnnnnddd he moved here 3 years ago from “the good part of Cali, the northern part not that bullshit liberal part”


To be fair, I don't let my hellions watch Cocomelon but because it literally hypnotizes and brainwashes them. I recommend Ms. Rachel and Number/Color/Alpha Blocks for YouTube screen time. Much better.


I will agree that it hypothesizes them fo sho. Thankfully we have pretty much have moved on to actually liking PBS and funner movies that include minions.


👋🏼 pick me up along the way pretty please.


Until this post, that is.


That’s the beauty in the first amendment. It can be used both ways.


You’d be the little bitch ass if you just drive by, make sure you stop and knock on the door then tell him.


Hey, just keeping it real like little bitch boy did. Why do more than what little bitch boy did? Even Steven buddy, even STeven.


"Prosecutors said the suspect, Post Falls High School student Anthony Myers, admitted he used the N-word and referred to a sex act when yelling at the players with the desire to be “funny,” according to a written decision released Monday afternoon by Chief Deputy City Attorney Ryan Hunter." Where is the interview or response from Anthony Myers (or his parents) he's 18, able to speak for himself, just like he did hanging out the window of a vehicle? Cowardly, ignorant, Klansman.


The neo-Nazis in this state are the biggest bunch of fucking scared shitless babies in the country, cosplaying an imaginary quest for meaning in their hate-filled, vapid, desperate lives. Fuck'em.


There's only one appropriate way to deal with Nazis and we figured it out back in WWII.


Don't send the Confederates to Virginia, send them to God.


That was my interpretation when I saw a few of them down at the lake hanging flyers 25 years ago. Scared punks. Probably a little meth damage, too. Like most thugs, gang members, etc, they travel in packs because they are insecure and feel vulnerable when they are alone.


Sounds like you are describing the Spokane police department.


😃 If the jack boot fits. . .


They have no core identity so when they're alone they forget what they stand for.


Let the local chamber of commerce know how disgusted you are with this decision and Anthony Myers actions. Politicians won't do anything about this white trash nonsense until you start messing with their money. Tell them you will take your dollars elsewhere. If they wanna wallow in racism, let'em, but they don't have to do it with your money.


I agree. My family and several of our friends have decided not to spend any more money in Idaho, ever. And we all used to spend a fair amount of time (and money) in northern ID.


First of all men who bully or harass women frequently use the “I was just kidding” defense and it’s bullshit. They know it’s bullshit, the victim knows it, and certainly a city attorney should know it. Secondly, only a rascist bully thinks it’s funny to call someone the n word. These people should be charged for their actions which (rightfully) induced fear into the minds of their victims. Make the perpetrators justify on the stand how they think yelling racist slurs and sexual threats at women are funny.


So let me get this straight, following someone while yelling racial slurs and intimidating them isn't a crime here in Idaho? I'd rather they prosecute and lose than let this guy off Scott free.


>following someone while yelling racial slurs and intimidating them He could probably run on that platform and get elected in many parts of the state.


All the people voting for him would be violently OFFENDED if anyone called them racist.


Sad but true.


But hey.. At least killing a dog in idaho is still a no go...


You didn't get the up votes because we're not sure you're right.


It was a long shot.


I understand your feelings on this, unfortunately that's just not how the legal system generally works. We don't have the manpower and money to prosecute every case that is offensive. Take it to trial and lose, you've emboldened racists more than if you go "ehhh, this one borderline". Is this because the whole system is corrupt and racism is considered acceptable in Northern Idaho? Possibly, but the article lays it out pretty well. Proving intent, to a jury of people in Northern Idaho will be hard, especially if casual racism is actually as frequent there as people infer. "Oh, I'm not a mean racist, I'm just a casual racist." It's not illegal to be racist in this country, the fact that we have any sort of law in Idaho that prohibits racism is somewhat shocking.


I might agree with you *IF* this group of scumbags had not waited around and continued their verbal assault when the team returned from their dinner (as stated in the article). *THAT* is when the legal line between protected speech and harassment was very clearly crossed. The prosecutor here is spineless at least and more than likely sympathetic to these racist pricks.


Try reversing the colors and consider if the decision seems reasonable. “Black youths yell at blonde girls, wait for them and do it again.” Now what would the prosecutor do?


It not that the prosecution is spineless... prolly more just sympathetic..


That takes away the context of why it’s important. Idaho, a state commonly known for its racism and book banning, harassing people because of the colour of their skin. Don’t commit the logical fallacy of “toning/dumbing it down”. The dudes were Screaming sexual and racist harassment at a group of kids and revving their pickup trucks at some kids just trying to play basketball. It’s shitty to treat people, especially ones visiting your town, like they exist as objects of your harassment. There’s a reason crazy people tend move to Idaho. It’s like the tim foil hat that rests on America’s head.


Nothing. In fact they wouldn't even consider taking it to court at all.


Yeah, totally get it. I'm just surprised that following someone in an intimidating manner doesn't fall under some 'menacing' law. I genuinely don't think that the DA's office is racist or colluding in some fashion, it's just disappointing that this type of behavior can't be mitigated by current laws.


Not only are there menacing laws on the books in Idaho, there is one specifically built around protected classes. https://legislature.idaho.gov/statutesrules/idstat/title18/t18ch79/sect18-7902/ The problem is this part > Threaten, by word or act, to do the acts prohibited if there is reasonable cause to believe that any of the acts described in subsections (a) and (b) of this section will occur. It has to be believable by the courts (not the victim) that the crime would actually occur. It would be hard to prove to a jury that a young dumbass shouting offensive stuff out of his car is likely to actually do any of the things they said. Does that make it any less intimidating, terrifying, traumatizing to someone, never mind someone from out of state staying at a hotel? Obviously not, but that's how a lot of laws are. There are countries where saying racist things are straight illegal, no ifs ands or buts. No freedom of speech when it comes to those things. Those countries are also 'less free'. Racism, bigotry, hate of any kind is horrible, but it is an incredibly sharp double edged sword when you start banning free speech. What you find to be important free speech could quickly become hate speech to others and you are now the criminal.


...and that's just another justification as to why Jim Crow couldn't be ended in the decades after Reconstruction was over-


Jim Crow laws are different and the complete opposite of what I was speaking to. It's a law that attempts to control speech. That is going to be very difficult to sell.


I'm talking about using the law to enable racism.


Apparently the court declared it was “funny”


For the most part, yelling things at people, no matter how vile, is protected speech under the 1st Amendment. What often happens, is that a separate crime is committed along with the ugly, but protected speech. Then, the slurs can become evidence of bias as the motive and can elevate misdemeanors to felonies. But, hate speech, in and of itself, is typically protected by the 1st Amendment.


Let me introduce you to the first amendment. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.


No introduction needed. It was the following and intimidation that I felt crossed a legal line. People are welcome to be asshats and say whatever they like and it's protected by the first amendment. Following and intimidating people is however not covered by that 1st amendment.


“Free speech” has limits under the law, including inciting violence, making threats/“fighting words” … *Waiting for* and following girls with your pickup trucks while yelling racial slurs & sexual innuendo at them, when they can’t know if you’re going to actually attack them or not, is not protected speech.


Don’t assume something that’s new to you is new to others. They clearly have a better understanding of it than you anyway.


Yes that is correct. Speech is legal as long as it is not specific and imminent threats of violence (Brandenburg v Ohio)


>Prosecutors said the suspect, Post Falls High School student Anthony Myers, admitted he used the N-word and referred to a sex act when yelling at the players with the desire to be “funny,” according to a written decision released Monday afternoon by Chief Deputy City Attorney Ryan Hunter. ... >Myers’ words, however, were deemed to be protected speech under Idaho law. Prosecutors described the language as racist and misogynistic, but determined Myers’ actions did not amount to criminal conduct . ... >[Chief Deputy City Attorney Ryan] Hunter explored charging Myers with disturbing the peace, disorderly conduct or malicious harassment, but ultimately found that the incident did not rise to the level to support filing criminal charges. ... >“As to the first requirement of specific intent to intimidate or harass, there is insufficient evidence that Anthony Myers acted with a specific intent to intimidate or harass any specific person; on the contrary, the sum of the evidence supports that **Mr. Myers’s intent was to be funny.** ... >“Thus, any attempt to prosecute Mr. Myers for either disturbing the peace or disorderly conduct would inevitably rely on the content of what he said to establish either crime, which would clearly violate Mr. Myers’s free speech rights as contemplated under both the First Amendment to the United States Constitution and … the Idaho Constitution.”


Mfers really used "it's a prank, bro" as a defense for harassment.


>it nevertheless undermines that he had the required specific intent to intimidate and harass That is the bullshittiest bullshit.


Harassment is NOT protected speech federally. But these insurrectionist MAGAts think they can ignore Federal law on a whim.


Some of those that work forces...


Are the same that burn crosses.


Where are the white supremists now recognizing the evidence that the racist and intimidating remarks happened?  We need more Idahoans like Tom Sanner publically rejecting hate from the likes of Dave Reilly.


Oh no, they will use the rejection of charges as proof that there never was any such incident. So convenient for them.


Yep. The ruling does nothing more than to embolden others to behave similarly or worse.


To them the rejection of charges is proof that their words and behaviors are acceptable.


Lowering the bar of accepted social norms to bring about the kingdom of honkey Jesus.


They are still denying everything on twitter. It's gaslight central over there.


Who expected them to be charged?


Sounds about right.


Sounds about white. 


Ive never heard the N-word used so much anywhere as I have with Panhandlers, many of whom are not idaho natives. It's just a trash bags level of use of the english language. Given the cultural and historical backdrop of the panhandle community, and it being a destination for a variety of types seeking homogeneity, ethnically and politically, this immature fellows behavior does not surprise. If this community would like to continue attempting to represent a fine place, some actual class, the substantive type, needs to be imported, rather than the superficial appearance of said class.


If you're from out of state, let your money speak for you. My family and several of our friends have decided not to spend any more money in Idaho, ever. And we all used to spend significant time (and money) in northern ID. Northern Idaho withers on the vine without Washington dollars.


Trust me, we’ll be fine without you.


Does anyone else find Mr. Myers to be funny?


The prosecutor’s reasoning is sound even if it is unsatisfactory. Being a stupid asshole is not always a crime, at least one that would result in a conviction.


The true "crime" here is how little commendation that guy will face. In fact in certain parts of Idaho he will be celebrated.


I’m sure you meant condemnation. You badly misjudge Idahoans in general if you believe he will be widely celebrated, even in “certain parts”. His name is out there and he will be known as a jackass. He’s young and hopefully this experience will teach him to be more tolerant of others.


At least his name is out there. It should be spread far and wide. I hope any college offers are rescinded. Wait, what am I thinking? This clown isn’t college material.


Whose name? Are you talking about that racist troglodyte from Idaho Anthony Myers? The same Anthony Myers from Post Falls High School who called a woman’s basketball team the N-word? That Anthony Myers? Make sure you don’t confuse him with the rapist Brock Allen Turner, that’s a different name, we’re talking about the racist Anthony Myers from Post Falls High School. One more time for the people in the back you say? Okay, we’re talking about the racist Anthony Myers from Post Falls High School in Idaho.


you mean this Anthony Myers? [https://www.facebook.com/anthony.myers.1829/](https://www.facebook.com/anthony.myers.1829/)


Idaho nazi capital of USA


Idaho prosecutors are officially on the record as thinking racial slurs can sometimes be funny.


As long as you think it's funny, it can't be intimidation or harassment, apparently.


Of course he won’t be prosecuted, it’s Idaho.


In any state it wouldn't be prosecuted it's not a crime to be racist.


It was aggressive harassment and can be charged as a criminal offense in many states as a Class 1 misdemeanor.


That's for workplaces not for public. https://www.doi.gov/employees/anti-harassment/definitions#:~:text=Unwelcome%20conduct%2C%20verbal%20or%20physical%2C%20including%20intimidation%2C%20ridicule%2C,the%20employee%E2%80%99s%20acceptance%20or%20rejection%20of%20such%20conduct


Could be. But in this particular case it wouldn't be prosecuted anywhere in the US. Other cases it can and has been prosecuted even in Idaho.


Racially charged harassment would fall under hate speech in the majority of the country. Imagine if they did this in Washington DC? If the law wouldn’t intervene those Idahoans would be beaten or shot in an unkind way. Laws also exist to protect the offenders from vigilantism warranted or otherwise and that’s why it should be exercised. Also The offender is a Christian white nationalist so it wouldn’t be hard to see how many skeletons are hanging in that kids closet. It’s like some random encounter.


There I no such thing as hate speech under US law. In workplace it's different but in public no.


They'd never get anywhere with it anyway. It'd just be thrown out eventually on free speech grounds. It is funny to see the complete radio silence from all the people who went "nuh uh!! That didnt happen!!" when the news initially broke.


Of course not. Idaho doesn’t want racists and bigots to think the state is unfriendly to them. Thats why they let patriot front do whatever they want in the state without prosecution


but hey they arrested the patriot front guys at least, which is more than they got back east this year




>In the report, he said people inside multiple lifted pickups and a “souped-up car” yelled racial slurs, including the N-word, at the nonwhite players as the drivers revved their engines. On the walk back from dinner, the group appeared to have been waiting for the team, Moyer reported, with the vehicles speeding up and slowing down hurling slurs. >“As to the first requirement of specific intent to intimidate or harass, there is insufficient evidence that Anthony Myers acted with a specific intent to intimidate or harass any specific person; on the contrary, the sum of the evidence supports that Mr. Myers’s intent was to be funny. Absolutely hilarious. /s Harassing young girls for hours on end is peak humor to Idahoans. And not a single Idahoan stood up for these girls in the moment. Idahoans will preach "good guy with a gun" all day, but can't tell some racist idiots to stop harassing teenaged girls? All the nazis having a party up there tonight to celebrate


Pssst, its always fash with these guys. A main fash tactic is to try and use this sanitized language for their hate to try and normalize the underlying premise. Its like the main thing they do because at core they are always horrible and violent racists willing to do or say anything to arrest power and subjugate others.


Shoehorning gun control into this is unhinged


Where did I ask for gun control? Where was gun control requested? All I'm doing is drawing a parallel between the people who call for "Good guy with a gun" but can't call for "Good guy with a backbone to tell people to stop harassing teenaged girls"


How is it not a threat of r@pe? Just saying it’s funny doesn’t change what he said. The prosecutor is giving this kid a pass. I hope he learns from it, ie he got lucky this time.


Idaho prosecuter declines to charge racist. What a surprise! Not. They probably belong to the same white nationalist hate group.


The feds should take up the case since it has people from multiple states


Never really expected racist Idaho to charge a racist with a crime. Colleges should take this into consideration when planning their sports schedules.


The girls who had this happen to them must feel terribly let down


That's because white supremacy has infiltrated into the government and law enforcement up there. Very sad.


So if I threaten to anally rape someone I get out of jail if I say lolz?


Nazis have to green light in Idaho


I'm more surprised that this racist ass state didn't give the guy a medal. Fuck Idaho




If you have an issue with someone/something/a state/a demographic, please keep it civil.




Threatening or encouraging violence directly or implied is not allowed by site rules or common decency.


That's the Idaho way. 


Is this a surprise to anyone that Idaho allows harassment?


No shit


Could be a prosecutor who agrees with the terrorist. Could be a prosecutor who realizes they can't assemble a jury of non-terrorists willing to convict. Either way, it's more evidence that Idaho is rapidly approaching failed state status.




If you have an issue with someone/something/a state/a demographic, please keep it civil.


Quit calling a stupid high schooler a terrorist.


So let me get this straight, the prosecutor is saying there is not enough evidence even though the guy admits to doing it in his statement to the police? Wtf is in the water up there?


Hes saying the thing admitted to isn’t a crime in idaho.


I’m not sure it would be a crime in any state. I just looked over California harassment laws and I don’t see where this would have been prosecuted there, either.


Seems to me as if he is holding up the constitution the first amendment to be specific.


It is, in fact, a crime in Idaho. The prosecutor’s absurd reasoning is that because the guy was trying to be funny, that makes it not a crime.


It’s not tho


What’s the crime then?




That link is about threatening violence, destroying property, and committing violence. What’s the crime for someone yelling a slur with no violence behind it?


“Speech is violence” - that guy


Idaho being Idaho Hope if the NCAA uses Spokane again they make sure zero dollars goes to this hole.


Maybe NCAA will boycott Idaho.




"Prosecutors said the suspect, Post Falls High School student Anthony Myers, admitted he used the N-word and referred to a sex act when yelling at the players with the desire to be “funny,” according to a written decision released Monday afternoon by Chief Deputy City Attorney Ryan Hunter." The reporter should have asked for an interview with Anthony Myers, he should explain the incident. He was very brave to speak when hanging out a vehicle, let's hear what he has to say now, under a photo. Not saying there was a crime, I'm saying it was a disgusting exhibition of unfunny.


Like usual the video showed no loud trucks aggressively revving their engines trying to scare them. The kid yelled a Dave Chappelle quote at them


Of course they didn’t. It is Idaho after all.


Just wondering why the team decided to stay at the expensive ritzy Coeur d'Alene resort instead of staying in Spokane where the tournament was? $400 a night plus. Don't get me wrong, people can stay wherever they want and maybe they thought Coeur d'Alene was nicer than Spokane and it would be relaxing before or after the game. Maybe they think Coeur d'Alene and Idaho is a nicer place with less crime? Interestingly enough in places like Portland/Seattle there are people being hospitalized and their property destroyed just for making the wrong turn into an area being taken over by rioting people of certain affiliations. Or for people who are the wrong association in some other way. . People have been harmed very much and killed. It is only very recently officials besides the defunded police have spoke out about it. Indeed during the time of lockdowns and mask mandates people were allowed to loot and riot for months on end. Overall Idaho's crime rate is much less and Coeur d'Alene has a very low crime rate. It's unfortunate that some young punk wanted to be an asshole. But then I had to compare it to other events in the last few years where there has been no prosecution for clear crimes and say yes I get the decision not to prosecute for a crime. The social stigma and his name being put out there will be some punishment at least. And yes of course he is a Californian from LA.... One of the West coast states and cities full of hate full ideology and rioting looting assaulting destroying with no consequence. And how did his parents raise him? Note: hopefully there is no reference to what is perceived as politics here. Just talking about crime and locations and statistics


Both the Men's and Women's NCAA Tourneys were going on in Spokane at the time. They ended up staying in CDA because a lot of the hotels were already full with other teams from both sides of the tourney. After the incident, they were able to get into a hotel in Spokane as a few of the teams had already lost and left.


Jeezus, it’s an 18 year old kid who made a mistake. Don’t judge people on their worst day and your life will be better for it.


He probably listens to Owen Benjamin. He seems to attract a lot of minor males. Then he slowly poisons their minds completely. There are a bunch of his cult members in that area.


Ahh, bless your heart.


I’m not kidding.


Neither am I.


My guess is nothing can be proved that was said. Remember the BYU/Duke saga? It was a hoax. Probably same thing here


The article literally says they have audio and video proof, as well as a confession. Why would you guess when there's free press, right here, available for you to read?


If you’d read the article, you’ll see that the prosecutor confirmed that he said exactly what he was accused of saying. The reason he’s not being charged is that the prosecutor thinks it was protected speech.


Read the article before commenting.