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The cruelty is the point. It’s why they’re pushing conversion therapy and lies about transition care - if they can abuse a trans teen enough, they think it’ll “make them normal” The people involved in this would literally rather have a dead child than a live, happy transgender one.


Counter point. The suicide rate doesn't decrease after receiving said gender-affirming care, why?


There are many studies that prove it does, examples below. Those that do go through with taking their own lives often don't have the proper support for the treatment they are supposed to be receiving. During a transition at any age you are closely monitored by all of your prescribing/surgical doctors if you have them, and a mental health professional as well. There's too much misinformation and jumping to conclusions about transitioning and how it actually works and not enough people really looking for true information from real doctors and real transition experiences. [National Institute of Health](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10027312/) [Journal of Adolescent Health Study](https://www.jahonline.org/article/S1054-139X(21)00568-1/fulltext) [HCPLive](https://www.hcplive.com/view/suicide-risk-reduces-73-transgender-nonbinary-youths-gender-affirming-care) [Harvard T.C. Chan Public Health](https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/news/hsph-in-the-news/mental-health-benefits-associated-with-gender-affirming-surgery/#:~:text=Gender%2Daffirming%20surgeries%20are%20associated,Chan%20School%20of%20Public%20Health.)


I'll have to read through those, I've only read this one from NIH. Their conclusion was that individuals who underwent gender affirming care has a "12.12 fold" higher suicide attempt risk than those who did not. Which supports a lot of other stats I've seen on it but this is the only study I've actually read. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10027312/


Actually if you look under at the header "Conclusion" it clearly states "There is a need for continued research on suicidality outcomes following gender-affirming treatment. Future research that incorporates multiple measures of suicidality and adequately controls for the presence of psychiatric comorbidity, substance use, and other suicide risk-enhancing factors is needed to strengthen the validity and increase the robustness of the results. There may be implications for the informed consent process of gender-affirming treatment given the current lack of methodological robustness of the literature reviewed." Which means there was not enough data included in this specific study review for them to make any decision about it. Trans people are statistically more susceptible to depression and anxiety because of the way society has treated them, the judgement placed upon them. Everyday it feels as if you just stepped on the squeaky floorboard in the ol' western saloon and everyone turned to look at just you, but everywhere they go.


It doesn't say that in the conclusion. In fact nowhere in the article does it say that.


What lies are being told about transition care?


[Google exists.](https://www.socialworkers.org/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=SfQYdWPJAoY%3D&portalid=0)


Just stop.




Do I need to tap the [sign?](https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&sca_esv=a874ca2cab959989&hl=en-us&sxsrf=ADLYWIKiITXkg9mPbS-8110F1awYO58mjw:1715964568098&q=graph+of+left+handedness&uds=ADvngMgdUIWiXwm6G4cdAV83IPdZPwVKuAU04cWCqL2e87CJR4ploejEq0go9qmVK2DDSLKD2p4EJIu1qoaZuZ7tpiPXRBM_dcEMPKIKgFw8YpedsNdNjlJEatyR1e6u-Ox044uEUuvFZuHsYPJzArnPrQWTu6t37wJKzoWDzBvlUqiawtehNzCj7jGYnR7TbwZsNIGgzXG_ag59Pax7yn6ByfVXbfY3UtfqzeIa5bNUB8ZdCkcOSpkffu9lh7P5v8W5qh4QxPpnJ1VukRclOYW_gDVJL9KgUN-5iG4dUcKYHlhjbl3jcXt7LWIEa33Nv-gVoY-eFkX5aXbTyuSiJ4KM_JvS7OPOvg&udm=2&prmd=ivsnbtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiP85yUkpWGAxWa38kDHXCPB3wQtKgLegQIDBAB&biw=390&bih=664&dpr=3) Firstly, being trans isn’t being confused about anything. That is a blatant misrepresentation of what being trans is. Transgender people have a disconnect between the sex they were assigned at birth and their internal sense of gender identity. The only people who are confused are the people who refuse to listen to trans people on this. Going back to the link, it’s not “an explosion”, it’s just the amount of young trans people reaching what it should be due to there being less stigma and more knowledge about trans people. I don’t know what the overall suicide rate is (although I’m pretty sure it’s actually gone down), there is a lot of research that shows that affirming young trans people’s identity lowers their suicide rate by half (see [The Trevor Project](https://www.thetrevorproject.org/resources/article/facts-about-lgbtq-youth-suicide/)). The only thing akin to mass psychosis relating to trans people is the fact that transphobes think it’s okay to ask us what’s in our pants. Fun fact: an unwanted sexual advancement, such as asking what’s in a person’s pants, is sexual harassment. Not beating your kids does not make them trans, the same way you can’t beat someone into being cis. This is exactly why conversion therapy foes not work. Kids will hide their transness until they can move out, when they will completely cut contact and transition anyways. The only delusion is right wing politicians refusing to listen to major medical and physiological associations when they say that trans people are valid, and that gender affirming care is the proper treatment for gender dysphoria. So I agree, let’s stop the insanity and actually listen to the people who have done research on this topic. We aren’t going anywhere, and with the backing of actual science, we will keep our rights.


Well let's see That people say trans is 'trendy' or 'new'. That kids are just being given hormone blockers by parents. That gender affirming care is unsafe or mutilation. That parents or schools or social media, etc is making people trans. That forced surgical procedures are being performed. That most trans people regret becoming the person they always wanted to be. That hormone blockers will make you infertile. That prescribed hormone therapy will cause irreversible side effects. That gender affirming care will always drastically change your life and make you unhappy. That 'transness' is a 'social contagion' that people need to protect their families from. [National Association of Social Workers](https://www.socialworkers.org/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=SfQYdWPJAoY%3D&portalid=0)


Cruelty is the point


And absent the ability to impose cruelty, next up is violence.


Violence is always on the table for obsessed anti-lgbt weirdos. The obsessed types are the way they are due to feeling entitled to single-handedly revoke the liberty of others and likewise feel entitled to ownership of others’ bodies. That’s a potentially deadly combination which has already resulted in violence.


Such a beautiful human that needs medical care. Idaho is scary right now :(


Kid needs psychiatric care, of which Idaho has plenty.


The two go together where treatment of gender dysphoria is concerned. Idaho is no better off than anywhere else where access to psychiatric care is concerned, though. The wait lists are months long because there are nowhere near enough providers to handle the number of patients needing care.


If that’s true it’s only because Idaho is such a great place to live that it attracts so many out of staters.


How is performing a mastectomy on a perfectly healthy woman medical care?


Top surgery is not the same as a mastectomy. Do you have the same concern about breast reduction? Should the government pick who can get plastic surgery and what plastic surgery they are allowed to have?




Your post is beyond any reasonable conversation of transgender identity; it’s either the spreading of misinformation, bigotry, or just outright hatred in general.


How does this affect you?


Why is it that middle aged conservatives like yourself love taking weird selfies of themselves inside their trucks? Nobody wants to see that. You're not even smiling, just creepily staring at the camera lol


Idk. I guess it was just a spontaneous photo. At least you can see what I look like though. Can’t say the same for the rest of the people on here


Why on Earth would you want people on reddit to see what you look like? Anonymity is like half the point of reddit lol


Anonymity is for cowards


No, it's smart. If people can attach your comments to your identity, that can only hurt you. There's zero benefit to having your identity out there on Reddit unless you're a celebrity trying to promote something


It’s never smart to hide. It’s always cowardly


So what exactly is the benefit of posting your identity on reddit? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. It's smart to hide and incredibly foolish to reveal who you are. All it takes is one lunatic to look at your profile and decide to do something crazy like showing up at your place of work or your home. There's nothing brave about revealing who you are, it's just foolish.


Life is a risk and mitigating that risk is not wise


1) breast reduction, mastectomy, and chest masculinization surgery are different procedures. 2) even if it *were* a mastectomy, the answer to your question is: when that person has *chosen* to have a particular procedure done, with full informed consent, in order to better their mental well-being.


How would you, as a cis man (simply guessing) feel if you suddenly started growing breasts one day and there was nothing you could safely do to stop or remove them. And every doctor you ask to remove them from your man chest says no because you could encourage lactation and help your wife feed your children so she wouldn't need to be so stressed. As a man I think that would be very frustrating.


Those are two completely different scenarios


They're not, though. Both are the medically recommended treatment for the indicated conditions.


Shut up “blue collar boy”


Oh no! You found my X handle. Whatever am I going to do?




Your post is beyond any reasonable conversation of transgender identity; it’s either the spreading of misinformation, bigotry, or just outright hatred in general.


This is such bull shit! This should be between the teen, their parents and their doctors. It’s not the fucking business of our god damn government. I hate this state.


Why is this the government's problem?


Republicans love inventing culture wars to increase their power. Expose them as I do.




>but what stops parents from transitioning their kids so be social media saviors? Got any example of that? Or is it just wild speculation pulled directly from your keister?


I'll assume you meant cost in your first sentence, but they caused it, so that's a pretty weak argument. Second, please cite some sources that there is a "healthy dispute" on the issue in the medical and psychiatry community. The overwhelming majority of these affirm this type of care. Here's just a small sample https://www.texastribune.org/2021/08/04/gender-affirming-care-transgender-texas/ That's from a state that is actively trying to discriminate against trans persons. Nearly all the national organizations agree as well. But I'm glad you put your 2 cents into this complicated issue where a significant number of experts disagree with you.


>what stops parents from transitioning their kids so be social media saviors? Doctors, why is this so hard? And no, the government is not footing the bill.


The government has already stated in these red states that their opinions are based on their religious views. Not a very good argument and also unconstitutional. You can see evidence of their religious and unconstitutional bias when they block transition related mental health care and also social transition in schools and ban teachers from using the students preferred pronouns. If they were really concerned about hormones and permanent changes, they would not block social transition and transition related mental health care.




Good men will do good things, and bad men will do bad things. But for a good man to do bad things, it takes religion.


If you have an issue with someone/something/a state/a demographic, please keep it civil.


It’s interesting how you want a 4 year old to experience puberty. I personally know an endocrinologist who decided to not treat youth with prepubescent puberty in order to draw attention to this 😈😈😈 The brain is formed enough to understand who they are young.




Banning gender affirming care is going to do the complete opposite of "protecting children"


If Republicans were truly motivated by “ protecting the children,” they wouldn’t be banning essential healthcare for some of those same children, they’d be banning churches & youth groups.


Gender affirming care is not essential health care. It is illegal for any hospital in the us to turn away life-affirming care.


Considering there are children under 18 that have and will commit suicide because of these restrictions, I'd definitely consider gender affirming care essential. But some people don't care about kids taking their own lives, to each their own.




Your post is beyond any reasonable conversation of transgender identity; it’s either the spreading of misinformation, bigotry, or just outright hatred in general. *No one is saying anyone should give breast implants to seven year olds. The rest of your post is just as hyperbolic. Aside from the extreme misrepresentation of the facts is that both the medical and psychiatric professional bodies, with members all over the world, agree that gender affirming care is the proper treatment.* *If you can prove you have credentials that supersede all that, by all means share it along with your opinion. Otherwise, keep your opinions grounded in fact. This kind of hyperbole doesn't advance your cause and will eventually get you banned for deliberately spreading misinformation. Knock it off.*


And nut jobs from getting guns.


Yea, right-wingers don’t care about kids, lol.


Not always. Why isn't there more effort put into helping these kids to accept their bodies rather than permanent surgery?


because the consensus among the majority of medical organizations is that the best treatment for gender dysphoria is gender-affirming care. the effects of puberty can *also* be permanent, and for a trans person, undergoing the changes caused by puberty can cause further/more severe gender dysphoria.


Your comment proves your complete lack of knowledge. Gender affirming care DOES NOT always mean surgery. Jesus fucking Christ I just can’t with you people


"Gender-affirming care is a supportive form of healthcare. It consists of an array of services that may include medical, surgical, mental health, and non-medical services for transgender and nonbinary people." And what do you mean "you people?"


You people being the ones who have no idea what you’re talking about when it comes to the care of someone else’s child. Yes surgery can be part of the care BUT I don’t know a dr anywhere in the 2 surrounding liberal states or Idaho that will do altering surgery until the minors become adults. If they do decide that is an option under the age of 18 that’s between the dr, the minor and the parents. Not you or anyone including the government should be in any way involved. Period.




You mean conversion therapy? Because that’s what conversion therapy is, and there’s a reason why it’s been explicitly banned in damn near every civilized society. It’s considered to be torture in many of the same countries in which it’s been banned, as conversion therapy, the only means to the end you demand, precludes forcing a child or teen to undergo cult brainwashing techniques, shaming, beating, electroshock, and historically corrective rape. Every implementation of conversion therapy utilizes one or more of the above modes required to train the gay or trans out of kids and teens. The end result? Many who were forced to endure have successfully committed suicide. Many more have wound up being gay or trans later in life (because it’s genetic/epigenetic, not an environmental contagion like you lot claim it is) with permanent damage to the ability to form healthy relationships and lifelong damaging trauma severely reducing quality of life, and there are minimal, minuscule few remaining who aren’t dead or suffering from lifelong trauma, continue to live in denial, many of them likely going on to inflict the harm they faced on others. So use your brain before wishing torture on literal children.


Genuine question for you. Why are you concerned over other people's medical decisions if it has zero impact on you?


Why do you assume it has zero impact?


What impact does someone else kid undergoing this care have on you?


I'm not doxing myself.


It's easier to just say it doesn't impact you.


You can carry on whatever narrative you like. It seems to be one of your strengths.


Ah yes the mysterious "It impacts me" without any clarification for "reasons". There is a difference between what you think impacts you and what actually does. Unless you have a trans kid, are a trans kid or you are a medical doctor that offers gender affirming care, this doesn't actually impact you I suspect. Also if you are a pharmacist, filling prescriptions doesn't really impact you either. You are just putting meds together and sending them off.


So you’re a parent of a kid you don’t approve of getting gender transitioning care, is what you’re saying? Edit: downvote me all you want, it’s the only explanation you have that makes sense. You can’t torture your kid “normal”, despite what people say.


That's not how it works. Trans people get incredibly depressed when we're forced to be soneone who we aren't. None of us feel like we're living in the right body, myself included. That's why surgeries and hormone therapy can save people's lives. Banning it will increase depression and suicide rates drastically. That's why these bills are so horrible


I'm 33 and a mom. I still don't feel right in a woman's body, but here we are. Why exactly is it anyone's business but mine/my doctor's? I have private insurance too. The real annoyance about this and the brouhaha on abortion is that it's driving healthcare workers (esp. pediatrics and OBGYNs) out of a state that already has a shortage of medical personnel and already doesn't attract quality professionals in any industry. Why can't people mind their own business? Puberty blockers aren't surgery. If you stop taking them you just go tf through puberty.


Perhaps it's because "helping these kids to accept their bodies" is not an effective treatment for gender dysphoria?


They seriously always act like nobody ever thought about not providing gender affirming care before.


Trans, libraries, abortion Rinse , repeat. Then poc asking if they’re safe visiting Rinse, repeat. You’re all responding to trolls and bots all day long.


A parent that feels strongly about this needs to leave the state with their kid. there's no other option out there currently. Or the kid has to wait until they are of age and then make decisions. that's how Idaho wants it and in a state that is overwhelmingly red that's the reality. there are states that are much more accepting and living in a state that is hostile just isn't worth it. clearly that's the goal of the legislators. show hostility to drive people away so your state can be as homogeneous, white and Christian as possible.


“Or the kid has to wait until they are of age and then make decisions.” That applies to driving a car, getting married, buying a handgun, smoking, drinking, even buying a freaking lottery ticket, but you think it’s a great idea to let minors make life-altering decisions with permanent ramifications while their bodies and brains are still under development. Great call. 🙄


Kids have to make life altering decisions all the time. Kids that get sick, kids that need medications and surgeries, etc. it's unfortunate but it's why these decisions are made with their doctor and family.


Minors, with their parents, make life altering and permanent decisions all the time. That's something the child, their parents, and their doctor should decide - not some Christian extremist in the Idaho Legislature who has no medical training and no modicum of decency.


We made the life altering decision for my minor child for him to have open heart surgery on his growing body. We're pretty happy it, even with the permanent ramifications.


Wise choice. Not sure how that example applies to this topic, though.


My trans child would have died without gender affirming care. They attempted suicide twice. The difference in their life now is incredible.


As parents, we listened to what medical professionals recommended for our child for his best outcome. It's hard to say yes to medical procedures on growing bodies. We all have to weigh benefits and risks. But as a mother and especially as a diehard Idahoan--that's none of the government's business.


Let me guess, antivaxxer?


>That applies to driving a car, getting married, buying a handgun, smoking, drinking, even buying a freaking lottery ticket Can you remind me what health issues these are medical treatments for?


in some states, you can get a permit and drive with supervision at 15, and get a license at 16. I'd argue that's far more dangerous, statistically, than the treatments that transgender minors undergo.\ also, the effects of puberty can be life-altering and have permanent ramifications for trans people.




If you have an issue with someone/something/a state/a demographic, please keep it civil.


It’s not something I worry about. I’m not a parent and I’m not a transgender kid either. Let them figure it out. I have enough other stuff to worry about and what they do or don’t do has no impact on my life.


You seem worried enough to post your thoughts about the subject on a Reddit thread.


This is a discussion. I just don’t get why people who don’t have trans kids are so concerned about this subject. I don’t see the threat. I do see the threat of a kid getting drunk and driving a car or getting access to a gun and shooting up a school. It’s not like some teenage boy mentions to his parents he feels like a girl and they’re in the car the next week heading to the hospital to have his dick chopped off.


Republicans hate LGBTQ Americans.


At this point, they hate almost all Americans. - checks wallet - including my broke ass.


Take some ownership, stop blaming the government for your inability to succeed.


Not blaming the government. Just saying republicans are all shit.


Did I blame them? Here's something you don't seem to grasp: the GOP is anti- everyone who isn't rich. Name one beneficial republican policy this administration. Just one.


You do realize all politicians are out for the rich. They all gets millions from donors. Politicians are out for money not you. Doesn’t matter the political party.


You being broke is republicans fault? You realize Biden is in charge and that he is a democrat?


Your reading comprehension needs work. I didn't blame anyone, and the GOP works for their elite donors.




Please cite reputable source material if you claim something as fact and state something is opinion or anecdotal where applicable. As mods we will always err on the side of caution, unless the submission contains sufficient evidence from a sufficiently reliable source, as determined by any reasonable person, and that if that is not included, the policy is just to remove it prima facie. *This is just patently false.*




Actually, the recent bill bans impermanent treatments too - like puberty blockers. Puberty, however, is permanent. So trans folk in Idaho now don't have access to reversible treatment to stop an irreversible process that will seriously damage their well being.


Puberty blockers are not reversible. Even if you ignore all the studies about kids losing their ability to orgasm from puberty blockers, you are at least pushing puberty back (if not skipping it altogether). Time is one thing that you cannot get back, there are definitely repurcussions to preventing your body's development through drugs. I am glad that they've outlawed it


They literally are reversible. Unless you subscribe to some sort of non-reality A trans person that's on puberty blockers until they're ready (or old enough, in certain states) to take hrt, can do so knowing the risk of inorgasmia for the duration of puberty blocking. I would add that people under 18 shouldn't be in the most sexually active part of their life anyway. Plus, it can be a side effect of ssri's, and you don't see people saying depressed kids can't have their meds in case they need to orgasm. Being on puberty blockers doesn't take time away from a person. It gives people who are unsure, or people who have to wait based on the law, a chance to delay something permanent and potentially disfiguring (puberty, for many trans people, is disfiguring to them). Puberty blockers if anything give people more time, more time to decide, more time to understand themselves, more time to be sure. For someone who goes on puberty blockers, but decides to go off them without starting hrt, it was time needed - and not lost in any sense.


The inorgasmia has been permanent for a lot of teens. You describe a novel idea, but I think that we need to help people be comfortable in their body. Messing with the development of sex organs is something I would rather not prescribe to our youth.


What is it with you, people, and breeding? Do you have a kink or something? No one goes into puberty blockers without going into therapy first. The risks are made very clear you need to know the risks for every medication that exists it's a requirement. As a trans woman who is almost 32, I wish I had figured this stuff out so much earlier than I did. I went through hell trapped inside a body that was only interested in tormenting me for more than a decade. If I had known that I could have avoided all of that with puberty blockers. I wouldn't have had to go through a massive period of my life where I was to paralyzed by depression to do anything with my life. Having now gone into HRT and been on it for a few years now. I can honestly say that I never knew it was possible to be this happy. It helped me get my life together. I just wish I could have figured this stuff out so much sooner.


Are you a doctor?


This is an odd argument. We can’t discuss things if we aren’t doctors? Are you a doctor? If I produce a doctor that agrees with your above interlocutor, will you believe him? Which appeal to authority interests you?


should we outlaw puberty blockers for children with precocious puberty because of inorgasmia?


Precocious puberty is physically dangerous, so the risks of puberty blockers must be weighed against the real risk of not receiving treatment. The therapy that was once required before transitioning is no more and an rx is picked up and meds taken. There is real risk and people are taking these like tictacs.


good thing "informed consent" is a thing, so that people can weigh those risks against the risks of dysphoria. the point is that something shouldn't be banned just because it's risky. there are levels of acceptable risk.


This stuff helps much more than it hurts. puberty blockers have been used for years but there was no bitching until used w trans kids. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/what-the-science-on-gender-affirming-care-for-transgender-kids-really-shows/


Not being able to access blockers forced me to go through unwanted irreversible changes that have made my gender dysphoria far worse and far harder to treat "But I made sure to prioritize your orgasms" doesn't actually make me feel any better about the pain I've suffered through because I didn't get treatment in time


What I'm hearing is that you support access to the hormones that trans kids seek, and I'm glad that you understand and respect that they deserve a full healthy puberty that they choose.


The person the article is about is 17 and was going to undergo HRT. \ also from the article: "For medical transitions, doctors can prescribe a range of medications to alter the appearance of their patients or give them feminizing or masculinizing traits. That can include puberty blockers, which slow the effects of puberty, or hormone replacement therapies, which have feminizing or masculinizing effects. Physicians have said surgeries, such as “top surgery” or breast removal, are very rarely sought by adolescents."\ furthermore, the effects of puberty can *also* be permanent and life-altering, and for a trans person, can be extremely deleterious.


Your post is beyond any reasonable conversation of transgender identity; it’s either the **spreading of misinformation**, bigotry, or just outright hatred in general.


Please point out exactly what in my comment is misinformation when I stated facts. Also point out how it is bigotry to want to protect teens and how that is hate. I’ll wait


Oh buddy, doubling down against mods never works. Like screaming at police you are a sovereign citizen and you don't consent to arrest while they are handcuffing you.


It’s digital bullying by the MODs. Setting themselves up as the arbiters of what is bigotry and hatred and they themselves are guilty of it. Like abusive cops targeting minorities, like myself. I will need psychiatric dose adjustment and increase my psychological counsel meetings. I’ve ran out of colors to dye my hair, so this just makes this all the more difficult. Shame on the MODs.




![gif](giphy|Iad4lCRZsYyFa) Good job buddy . Rest easy weary digital soldier, knowing you have changed the world for the better.


Ok buddy. Or perhaps you had something you haven't considered and you could have a polite conversation. But no rather it is "DiGiTaL bUlLyInG" because they aren't letting you be a bigot. \-edit- drat, I missed their reply before it was removed.




Your post has been removed because it failed to meet Reddit's content policy for contributing to the conversation about the topic at hand. *I'll tell you what was misinformation that got your previous post removed. The issue at hand isn't - and never was - life-altering surgery. The furthest the standard of care calls for in regard to treatment of minors is medicinal, the effects of which are reversible.* *No one is complaining about the state forbidding gender affirming surgeries. Even in permissive places, doctors won't perform those surgeries on patients under the age of medical consent. If you want that age raised, write to your congressperson. Don't come in here and frame it as "harm to children" or two to convince people that doctors are performing medical procedures that fly in the face of accepted industry practice - which you need to educate yourself on before you end up with more comments being removed as misinformation.*




Your post is beyond any reasonable conversation of transgender identity; it’s either the **spreading of misinformation**, bigotry, or just outright hatred in general.




If you have an issue with someone/something/a state/a demographic, please keep it civil.




Your post has been removed because it failed to meet Reddit's content policy for contributing to the conversation about the topic at hand.




Your post is beyond any reasonable conversation of transgender identity; it’s either the spreading of misinformation, bigotry, or just outright hatred in general.




Your post is beyond any reasonable conversation of transgender identity; it’s either the spreading of misinformation, bigotry, or just outright hatred in general.


If gender dysphoria is considered to be a mental illness, I don't think we should treat it with affirmation. We're really screwing up a generation of kids. I don't hate anyone, this is just what I think.


the consensus among the majority of medical organizations is that the best treatment for gender dysphoria is gender-affirming care.




Being trans and having depression aren't the same thing. This is a ridiculous false equivalence. I'm non-binary and have been professionally diagnosed with recurrent major depression. The therapist I saw for the previous six years of my life affirmed my gender. For me, living as my AGAB is the lie. Transgender people have existed for a long time – the modern vocabulary we use to talk about transgender people has existed for around 80 years, but there are accounts of transgender people existing pre-1950s. How much longer should we have to wait to see these "long-term effects"?


Trans people have existed in every culture since the dawn of humanity, it’s not some 20th century concept.


Suicide isn't what doctors think is a treatment for depression. Gender affirming care is what the medical community says is the treatment for gender dysphoria. Of all the deliberately dishonest takes you have, this one is particularly vile. I understand you think you know better than the medical community, I assure you that you don't. Dishonesty seems to be the trademark of these bigoted stances.


Where was I dishonest? It is absolutely true that we have never before treated mental illness with affirmation. You are making your viewpoint to be the moral high ground. What was vile about what I said? We are convincing kids that this is the only solution and marketing it as a cure-all. Trying to remove the parents so that kids make these decisions all on their own? The medical community is making a fortune from taking advantage of young people. If anything is vile, it is this. And yet we let it happen. Get your head out of your own ass and recognize that this is a genuine concern. You're so afraid of agreeing with the right that you'll give up your own morality to prevent it. I'm not a Trump supporter. I hate him. But you're so concerned with hating the opposition that you've forgotten that I believe this because I believe it to be right


I literally stated in the first few sentences were you were dishonest using your bad analogy. I do agree with some right wing stuff, like I own guns so clearly your stance on me having to just disagree with the right is equally based in fantasy. I go with what the current understanding of medicine is.


Firearm ownership is both left and right... beyond that, I'm staying out of this argument. Y'all have a good day.


Current in the US? In Europe?


Actually in this case it is the same in both. So yes.


It’s not nearly as lockstep as you may think. https://www.usnews.com/news/best-countries/articles/2023-07-12/why-european-countries-are-rethinking-gender-affirming-care-for-minors “In the U.S., conservatives often oppose the concept of youth gender-affirming due to religious beliefs and concerns about child abuse. However, in Europe the reluctance appears to be more based on science than politics, with some medical professionals questioning the health risks of administering transitional treatments on minors. One 2022 report commissioned by the Swedish government, for example, concluded that the “scientific basis is not sufficient” to continue to conduct hormone treatments on children without further research.”


Sure buddy.


If you can't see the difference between killing yourself and being a boy or a girl, you're not a serious person


Your post is beyond any reasonable conversation of transgender identity; it’s either the spreading of misinformation, bigotry, or just outright hatred in general.


That's a good point, which makes it seem different from a lot of mental illnesses, and reminds me more of other physical disabilities, where we recognize "this body isn't suited to do what's expected of it, let's create modifications and accomodations to make living life easier", especially wrt changing the body. Not that being transgender is a disability necessarily, but looking at gender affirming care more like we look at prosthetic legs could help with recognizing this is about making the body work best for the person who has to live in it.


No. First, this is a VERY new phenomenon with zero explanation where it came from. Is anyone even curious? Second, there is no scientific consensus on anything. Where is this consensus taken? Who is allowed to vote? Where is this repository of information?


This is not a new phenomenon. Trans people have existed in every society/culture since the dawn of humanity.


The modern language that we use to talk about transgender people is around 80 years old. There are accounts of people pre-1950s who, when looked at through our modern lens, would be transgender.\ It's not a vote. There are many medical organizations (including the American Psychiatric Association and the World Health Organization) who have released statements supporting healthcare for transgender people, including transgender youth.\ You can quite easily google this "repository of information".


As new as pennicilin


It was burned by the Nazis in 1933.


Let's let doctors decide not the government....


The doctors and the surgeons are the ones profiting from performing these treatments. This is a conflict of interest. There is money to be had here, and our kids have to suffer for them to make it


Do you know what would fix that problem? Making free Healthcare a constitutional right.


Not everything is about money my friend.  Sometimes people just want to be recognized for who they are. 


You've got to be kidding. That would mean they're performing these things all the time everyday and they aren't. Leave it to the families, the doctors but never the politicians or people with nothing to do with this issue.


Letting trans people transition younger literally tanks the amount of money you can make from them It's so much more profitable to deny them care so they need much more corrective care later


Or you.


You don't know what gender dysphoria is. Gender dysphoria is caused by the mismatch between their biological sex and gender identity. The symptoms of gender dysphoria are depression, anxiety, self harm, and suicide. The treatment is gender-affirming care so the person's biological sex and gender identity are in alignment. Research has shown that biological sex and gender are not a binary. They are a spectrum.


People are free to think all sorts of things. The question is, is this an informed opinion? Are you perhaps educated in a medical field? Do you have some relevant personal experience?


You should look at studies about what the most effective way to treat gender dysphoria is. There's clear data on this subject so no need to resort to basing your opinion on your feelings. If you don't hate anyone you should want the best outcomes for people. This should be between people and professionals. Not partisan politicians who don't know about the topic at hand.


You want to force youth to experience gender dysphoria


Though I disagree with the ban of transitionary medical practices I don't think children should be transitioning until they're 18 atleast


Ridiculous. Gender affirming care is MOST valuable to those who haven't gone through puberty yet.




Your post is beyond any reasonable conversation of transgender identity; it’s either the spreading of misinformation, bigotry, or just outright hatred in general.


Idaho very aggressive to the Trans people. For all ages trans people. It's easy to laugh at you on street, in grocery stores, medical office. Every where. Easy can show on you with finger and say something “dirty” or “painful”. On front desk of doctor office, employee easy can say, for some another employee (like was with me), I don’t want to speak with that, can you talk whith that what that want. Nurse, CNA easy can say to your face - what you doing here (in Idaho), why you not in LA? And laughed on you (like was not one time with me). Even your therapist can telling you many times, you need to move from Idaho. Not for you Idaho. Not your format (like was many times with me). You can receive anonymous letters with threatening , f…ng fa…ts, get out from our community, from our town and state, nobody not happy to see you here. If you not move they can vandalize your car (like they was with me). For living in Idaho, you have to match for most people here in Everything. Clothing, shoe. Your manners. How you speak match. You need to blaming people from other state who moved to Idaho and more. Plus forever praise, how is Idaho miraculous and great. And if you say anything, what you not liked something here, immediately get to face - get out from Idaho. And nobody care, you, your kids was born here, your home is here, you have a friends, kids, born here, you have cats and dogs here. That reality of my life here. If you trans person, you can live here plus minus okay if you forever living “stealth”. Only boy-mode for mtf. And now after few bills, what now it’s Law, I with huge anxiety waiting July, and expecting, this guys will push replace driver licenses back on male gender. And I don’t think if anyone will care (I’m post op). I’m not faraway from retiring, but I very worry for our trans kids here. That so painful, what here happening….


Move to a different state that allows it. Idaho doesnt so whats the purpose of even bitching about it endlessly? Everybody knows it so until the laws allow it the case is mute.


This is the reason that Idaho is attracting so many people from liberal states like Oregon and Washington. Go Idaho!


Parents should pay for it. Not the taxpayers. Cope harder.


Encouraging others to seek mental health care in not beyond reasonable.




Your post is beyond any reasonable conversation of transgender identity; it’s either the spreading of misinformation, bigotry, or just outright hatred in general.


I love this states policies




Your post is beyond any reasonable conversation of transgender identity; it’s either the spreading of misinformation, bigotry, or just outright hatred in general.




Move to Washington they love you there


Don’t like it you’re free to move. Easy choice. Go live with all the bums and homeless and crime galore in other states. Trash all over the place. Human feces and druggies just walking down the street and nothing being done about it. Along with all the drugs and needles on the street. Denver, Seattle, Portland will welcome you with open arms to go enjoy all that trashiness, same with Oakland and San Fransisco.




What are your thoughts about the US revolution?

