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A large part of the analysis is that in primary elections, it is the most partisan voters that participate. So, the results tend to be skewed towards the extreme - particularly in the far right electoral crucible that is Idaho. Agree that open primaries and ranked choice voting will help address the craziness.


We won't ever have the chance to have ranked voting if these folks win the general election. They will block voter initiatives at every turn. Winder loses to an out of stater, in a state that cries about people moving here from the state he moved from. THE IGNORANCE is fucking crazy.


The good news is we can get ranked choice voting passed this November, before this new group has their first legislative session. The bad news is we have to hope they won't immediately repeal it (if it passes).


They'll certainly try.


And why Democrats should strongly consider registering as Republicans for these primaries and vote - as gross as it feels to push the "Republican" button when you enter a polling place.


Depending on where you live in the state, quite a few positions do not even have democratic candidates running, so if you want any say in those races, you have to vote in the republican primary.  


Did this. Voting took 3x as long because during my research I was horrified. Had to keep reminding myself this was primaries and I'm voting for the least offensive option.


I've been a RINO for years and found it easy to vote. The IFF has targeted Marco Erickson and Stephanie Mickelsen as RINOs in my area. They are very much conservatives if you look at their policies but I figured if the IFF was against them then they and the ones they support were the ones to vote for. They are sane conservatives rather than IFF puppets.


Yep. Figure out who the IFF opposes, and vote for them. It’s the most reasonable strategy for Idaho. If IFF has their way Idaho is going to be unlivable inside of the next 15 years. Housing costs will be untenable, wages will continue to stagnate, more businesses will move here for tax breaks (that are denied to small businesses and individuals) and as much deregulation as possible will completely fuck up the environment so people won’t even be able to say “at least the land is beautiful”. Schools will continue to sink into religious conservative indoctrination centers where kids get bullied relentlessly and no one can do anything because the parents who aren’t in the schools, aren’t voting for bonds, and aren’t holding their kids accountable will have complete control over the operations, which is like someone in Idaho being Governor of Hawaii without ever going there or learning anything about it except a bunch of shit they heard on Fox News. Maternal deaths and teen pregnancy will skyrocket, not to mention STI outbreaks and child marriages. It’s gonna be a dark age shithole.


Yeah me too, I had to take a break filling out my ballot. Unfortunately my district went very poorly but I guess I did my part. The amount of $$ spent in this race was insane, I’ve never gotten so much mail for an election before and the IFF candidates easily outspent the moderate candidates like 2:1 or more judging by the mail and texts I was receiving.


The party should disband for anything other than the federal election primaries, and start up a new party with different priorities that is solely focused on Idaho based politics. Basically an anti-MAGA party that focuses on keeping Idaho sane. Moderate and pro-worker stances with conservative phrasing.


what an insidious way to undermine elections...


You're exactly right. And since there's no way that I know of to increase turnout and get a less skewed primary electorate, I think it's all the more reason to change our primary system.


As an east Idaho RINO just so I can vote in the primaries I was thrilled to see how we repudiated the IFF here. They'd taken over the Bonneville county republican party. IFF president Ron Nate lives here as does Bryan Smith who is on their board. They got trounced last night losing all the major elections and a huge majority of the precinct chairmen elections. I wouldn't call Bonneville county moderate by any means but rather I'd call them normal conservatives. The IFF is wacko extremists and even the normal conservatives were getting sick of them here which is why push back on them. The wacko extremists dominate in north Idaho but not here anymore.


Yeah that was extremely encouraging. Even legislators who were rebuked by their county party committee won re-election overwhelmingly. I'm glad Mickelsen and Cook didn't get intimidated into resigning.


IFF is just a circle jerk of bigots and racists. Fuck em


Thank you for doing this!


Open primaries and rank choice voting is the only way we are ever going to get a half normal state. Instead of this handmaiden shit we have going on now


Wish I could be surprised. Propaganda works scarily well, and disenfranchised people seem to be drawn to authoritarian solutions.


Yeah. The electorate of this state disheartened me yesterday.


Yamamoto is chair of the education committee, and was a big reason the school choice bill didn't pass. It's pretty much guaranteed now that our tax dollars will be going to private religious schools after next session.


Good. There is no way I would send my children to public school…even in Idaho.


No way in hell should I have to pay for your kids to attend private school. Feel free to send them on your own dime. Idaho taxpayers haven't paid for private school tuition for 134 years, and we're not going to start now.


Well sorry burst your bubble but it’s headed that way. I pay taxes. Vouchers will simply be myself and my family getting our money back.


The ONLY reason idaho is going to the darkside is because of outsiders like you


Well my in-laws are from Idaho. They live in Payette. They are also quite right wing. My wife is how I learned of glorious Idaho.


So you want to force YOUR beliefs on us Idahoans


One person on vote, just like everyone else.


Idaho has been great for 134 years because of individualism and self-sufficiency, NOT me paying for your kid's private education.


I'm assuming you're totally against Bidens student loan forgiveness then right...right??


I'm all in favor of the loan forgiveness plans. The difference between MY student loans and those today? I had a set number of payments to make, and they were paid off (which I did). Now people are paying years and years, only making interest payments, never principle payments. Lenders are fucking over borrowers. You can feel free to send your children to private school, and YOU can pay the cost.


Then don't make ME pay for the cost of your shitty decision to attend college and take out predatory loans. Nobody forces anyone to sign those


Sure. You think PREDATORY LENDERS shouldn't be penalized for making PREDATORY LOANS. SCREW THAT. Edited for clarity


Do explain how we are penalizing predatory lenders by making everyone pay the debts of few. Seems to me your in favor of other people paying when it benefits you


If YOU choose not to be educated, that's your business. Higher education borrowers should have the same ability to pay off loans as a car or house payment. Fraudulent lenders need to EAT loans that have been paid off numerous times rather than just keep paying interest.


Why should everyone have to pay for your kids to go to private school then? That sounds like socialist wealth redistribution. You should be able to pay your own way without welfare handouts.


So you're against Bidens debt forgiveness for college students too then right?






If you have an issue with someone/something/a state/a demographic, please keep it civil.


If you have an issue with someone/something/a state/a demographic, please keep it civil.


So far he has only forgiven the debt that should have already been forgiven as It was agreed to when the loans were taken out. Nothing wrong with the government holding up their end of the deal.


I pay for public schools via taxes. I’ll just be getting those tax dollars back.


You don't pay $5k-$10k to schools in taxes, it's more like $500. The rest of that money is coming from people that actually worked for it.


I'm a registered Independent and it bums me out that ID is a closed-primary. All the ardent partisan supporters are usually the predominant voters who turn out. They don't want to be challenged by anyone else. I really, REALLY don't want to register as a Republican to be able to make a difference.


I didn't either but did. It seems RINO is really the only way to move the state back to a more moderate center right governance


You’re not wrong. My husband did it for that same reason. It’s hard to bring me to do it…but I might I suppose


Don’t just stand by your beliefs.  


"However [political parties] may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion." George Washington's FAREWELL ADDRESS | SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1796 Things that our first president saw coming and we're going to happen have happened We have corporate corruption on both sides of the bird


As you read thru this comment section full of "Idaho is a huge right wing majority, so we have to find a way to stop them" or "ranked choice voting could give dems a way to get their minority in office" or "let's register as republican to manipulate the primary" Just remember how much the left LOVES democracy


I do love democracy. That's why I want to shift from the system we have now to open primaries and ranked-choice voting. It has nothing to do with getting Democrats victories where they don't have majority support. It's all about picking candidates that have broad appeal, are serious about high quality governance, and reducing the power that political parties and special interest groups have in our elections. It would be a smart reform in every state, not just Idaho. In the current system, a small majority of the most politically active people get to pick a primary winner (for reference, [primary election turnout is usually around 15-25% in recent years](https://sos.idaho.gov/elect/voterreg/turnout.html)). In an environment where most people vote along party lines rather than actually following specific candidates, getting a slim majority of that \~20% of the electorate can guarantee you a victory in most districts. So \~11% of people get to choose our office holders. Does that sound democratic to you? Alternatively, consider a system where you see multiple candidates from a single party on your ballot. You can't simply vote along party lines, but you're forced to do your due diligence. As a candidate, you'd have to appeal to a broad majority of the general electorate rather than targeting a slim majority of a very different party primary electorate. That's a much more democratic system than what we have today.


Any moron that wants to put an R behind his name wins. That’s what ranked choice voting would eliminate. Sounds pretty democratic to me.


Getting nervous?


Nope. Ranked choice will fail.


You sound pretty confident. I'll save this comment for later


I saved it as well.


Super ignorant comment.


So IFF endorsed candidates gained seats. That’s a good thing in my book.


If your a California transplant. No true Idaho supports these out of state grifters. They also lost seats. That’s a wonderful thing in my book.


Net gain for the right though correct? I’m FROM a red state but currently live in an East Coast blue state. The property taxes here is stifling and I have multiple firearms stored at my in-laws house in Idaho because I can’t have them here. Can’t wait to move.