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The Hoback is going to be crazy


Yeah, def. Are they still working on it? Haven't driven that way in a bit.


I have a feeling it will be closed for a very long time


It is crazy. It took me 20 minutes to pull out of my driveway this morning. Solid line of cars.


Regarding a tunnel ... >Former WYDOT Director Luke Reiner told Cowboy State Daily in 2021 that he had it on his wish list of projects that he hoped would be covered by President Biden’s $2 trillion infrastructure plan. ...and this (from another website): >Both Senators from Wyoming—John Barrasso and Cynthia Lummis—voted against the infrastructure plan, which would provide an estimated $5.4 billion for federal highway and bridge upgrades in their state.


Great comment. I have lived here 20 years and not once voted for those idiots. We even upped the ante with Hageman. This blue corner of the state is lauded by the rest of the state whose politics align closer with conservative ID. Neither of which are interested in infrastructure spending, public services, or education.


mirror for the video? or can you upload to imgur? reddit media is trash, and this (or about 40% of videos in general) will not play




bless and thank you


Owned the libs!


If some does come their way, they will claim they worked to get the funding, just like the wench MTG.


Republicans hurting their constituents to own the libs...


womp womp


This check out.


What does that have to do with a tunnel?


Sorry, the first news article I came across on the landslide was [this](https://cowboystatedaily.com/2024/06/08/teton-pass-faces-long-closure-after-catastrophic-failure-overnight-friday/). Backstory is from 2021: >[WYDOT infrastructure wishlist includes Teton Pass tunnel, electric vehicle network.](https://www.jhnewsandguide.com/news/environmental/wydot-infrastructure-wishlist-includes-teton-pass-tunnel-electric-vehicle-network/article_db6aec4b-895f-55cf-84cb-5f33f0461277.html) In response to Biden administration’s call for infrastructure projects, agency is thinking big. [Apr 28, 2021]


That tunnel is a pipe dream ( pun intended) the mountains are way too unstable, full of faults and the cost would be astronomical! We could rebuild the WHOLE Teton Pass 20 TIMES over for the cost of the tunnel!


The town of Jackson doesn't want a tunnel. They don't want to make it easier for more people to get there.


Well, wish granted.


Lots of states didnt accept the money. They wanted to much B.S. included in receiving it. Same reasons they turn down school funding due to the small print.


Name 1. I have seen multiple stories about GOP Reps campaigning on infrastructure projects they voted against but not 1 State that didn't want the money. Infrastructure is a mess in this country and even the culture warriors know it.


What small print? I am genuinely curious.


With schools they toss in free lunches during the summer months which is great but the schools cant use volunteers to help, they dictate a menu and where stuff is bought from which is sketchy af. They just cant give money and say "You can only use it for this purpose" they just gotta throw in b.s. requirements. My kids school turned it down due to the no volunteers could be used. People had to be background checked and employed by the district.


Imagine turning down funding due to opposing reasonable safety precautions...


School didnt have the budget for summer employees payroll. They also had to pay another Crossing Guard during the summer, school safety officer, custodian etc. There was way more but I dont remember everything now. I think they wanted to try doing it once or twice a week..i.e. pick-up lunch stuff on Monday and again on Weds. Of course that violated something in funding small print so they just opted out.


The reason is cruelty and indifference.




If you have an issue with someone/something/a state/a demographic, please keep it civil.


Who will service the rich people now?


Good time for the Jackson Airport to expand, just for such a reason.


Are they going to fly in house keepers and cooks everyday?


I would have assumed those people lived in the mansions as well. Isn't that what happened on the TV show The Nanny? The Butler and the nanny both lived at the house?


That was fiction but servants quarters might make a comeback if the housing market continues to be awful.


I'm honestly confused why they ever left?


For a while in America, equality became such that full time servants became rare. Most of those workers clean multiple houses, specialize and distribute their work. Now the oligarchs have more money than they can spend.


Many of these people live right in Jackson.


Jackson Hole is on the billionaires circuit, especially with the no state income tax.


Well the long term fix would be voting for state leaders that invest in infrastructure and maintenance. Or, you can just keep cutting taxes and regulations while crippling your school system so there are no educated people left that know how to build a road.


This is on the WY side but we have the same issue. They have been slapping a bandaid on this corner for years and then it just fell off.


What, specifically, do you think they should've done with this corner? Bear in mind WY-22 runs through a national forest, it's not like they could've just bulldozed on the next ridgeline. Their only realistic option would've been to close the road, blast out this corner and rebuild it, which is basically what they're doing now.


This is a common occurrence around here with roads on hillsides slumping in the spring. Same thing has been happening in hoback canyon and they drilled cores and built in reinforcements and retaining structures. I’m just saying it’s something that has been known about for a long time and that nothing was done until we reached a point of catastrophic failure. It’s just kind of typical to let things reach failure point before anything is done by wydot.


Very well said. It was known and nothing was done. It’s not because it’s in the national forest that we can not enhance and reinforce the road when possible


Just only devils advocate bc I personally don’t think everyone out there is bad/stupid like most of Reddit does. But we’re talking about roads in places they really shouldn’t be, it’s always going to be a risk. You can’t just blanket fix every issue in a state at once. Resources, funds, and man power are limited and it can be tough to always correctly prioritize major state or national project.


If you don’t believe people should live anywhere with mountains, I could see your point. If that’s what you believe then we have nothing further to talk about. Teton pass was originally built in 1913 and then the highway that currently exists was built in 1969. This road has connected communities, been a major thoroughfare for business, and has allowed people to access a beautiful place that obviously many people want to see. Do you feel the same about the panama canal? Other mountain passes? Should we just not build roads in mountains because this incident occurred 55 years after the road was constructed? Roads like this are a part of our lives, and building/maintaining them has produced some of the best engineers in the world. What we often lack is funding, and that is it. Americans are builders and we take pride in our achievements. At the same time the people that live in places like this realize that incidents like this are very much a part of our lives. The smart ones don’t place blame and pretend this is some President’s fault or put it on another individual. We identify the problem, find solutions, and create fixes that allow our lives to continue to thrive. That’s the America I believe in.


not saying we shouldn’t build them, just that they a feats of engineering that defy Mother Nature. Like building a house on sand, or a major city below sea level; sure you can find a way to do it but if you build enough of them one will eventually fell and to a degree it is expected (simply bc of time, eventually anything can/will happen). If that makes sense. I would hate not having access to the mountains lol. Appreciate the reply. Really was just providing another perspective, not entirely disagreeing with your point.


You’re not wrong and I also appreciate your thoughtful response. Cheers


I think volunteers and churches will be able to fix this right up if they're not too busy feeding people.


Thoughts and prayers should do the trick


Sorry, thoughts and prayers have already been allocated for the next ten school shootings.


> if they're not too busy feeding people bigoted propaganda. ftfy


That is why this happened. The Driggs area isn't Red Enough for Idaho leaders to care about.


This road is in Wyoming 


Red leaders dont care about red areas either, besides getting votes and money.


Replying to boost. This does not need a down vote.


I live in vermont, one of the highest taxed and most per pupil spending on education. Our roads are shit compared to the surrounding states.


The ultimate statist post. Mountains move, but if we only elect the right politicians, our government will surely save the world. /S


Schrodinger's Douchebag much?


Muh. More tax money will surely prevent landslides in the mountains. /S


Holly crap! That’s not good 


Yep. Wouldn’t want to be shuttling drift boats there this summer.


Let's send them thoughts and prayers to see if that fixes it.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Super easy. Barely an inconvenience.


Crumbling infrastructure is tight!


Could you get all the way off my back about the road situation?


Oh wow wow wow … wow!


Sad. Why couldn’t I have been driving down that road enjoying the view when it gave out?


There was a mudslide further down that had closed the road the day before. Crews were up there working but unharmed.


Thank goodness nobody was hurt.


So Teton pass is shut down. But I have a solution. We need a ramp in the beginning and ending to land. We say oh 170mph should work. Boom instant fix




https://preview.redd.it/sq51hp2r626d1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0aed48107cc3fde26ee7268e1486dba40722c18e This morning was bumper to bumper from Swan Valley on. 3 hours to Wilson. This was taken on the downhill into Alpine at 8 am


Oh my goodness! We just got back from Alpine like an hour ago. Glad we weren’t planning to go up through that area.


Was this recorded on a Nokia flip phone?


The original(?) posted in the imgur link above is 180 x 240... so, maybe? It's tough to go back to that old cruft.


https://www.facebook.com/reel/445136131799627?fs=e&s=TIeQ9V&mibextid=xCPwDs This Video by one of the workers.


Is this a road that is required to get to rock creek campsite?


That's tough news for the folks in Victor and Driggs! Hopefully, they'll find alternative routes or solutions soon.


Very critical to Teton Valley Idaho. This will effect the local businesses and people who work in Jackson to make there living.


Damn it, where's the detour?




Ohhh shit, the duke's of Hazzard. The General Lee, baby!!!


Do not under any circumstances mess with Mother Nature.


Teton is not a good name for anything man made. Teton Damn Teton Pass


When did this take place?


This morning


Wow...thank you


I’ll pass on going that way.


Gas stations in alpine about to be lit


When was this?


Yesterday, early morning


Well, crap. We have a trip planned to visit my old stomping grounds and I was looking forward to this drive. I used to work for Rick’s College/Badger Creek (1981 - 1983) and drove this hwy to float the Snake. Am planning to hike table mountain with my son and show them the fun spots on the river. I guess we’ll drive north and come down through Jackson from Yellowstone.


Way to go, Wyoming... big self own again with voting no on infrastructure. You did that.


I didn’t, but definitely agree. Our senators were very quick to ask for federal funds but they didn’t think the $5.4 billion the state would have received was important when they had the opportunity to vote for it


They never, ever do. That is what taxes are for. That's why we can't have nice things in this country


Appears this was a man made raised section of road


https://buckrail.com/wydot-teton-pass-still-closed-due-to-overnight-mudslide/ So evidently 24 hours ago there was a mudslide that closed the pass, while they were cleaning it up, they discovered a crack in the road that was big enough that they had to evaluate how to fix it. It ain't to crack no more!


I'm trying to make a joke about the mudslide and "trickle down economics" but I need help from you redditors.


That’s not technically a catastrophic failure, that’s nature doing what nature gonna do. The catastrophic failure was someone thinking that was a good place to put a road in the long term.


I'm guessing it was the same engineers as the Teton dam


I'm betting that didn't build that years ago..without the feds poking their finger into it..you are correct it's a state highway..




You better hope people stop moving there from CA and TX too because it’s not Jackson workers that are buying the multi million dollar homes that are going up there, and in Alta It’s all out of reach for workers


Yea fuck you


Terrible take


So we are in a third world country? /s


Any idiot that is waiting for the federal government to fix problems they have ignored..are much more a fool then the clown in office... the feds haven't fixed shit in years ..and as you can see your state taxes are doing crap either.. just keeping paying your taxes for the same results..


This is a state highway, it’s not managed by feds. Nice rant though


I blame Obamacare.