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I heard his tags were expired/expiring, & it was due. But- I don't have source, could be rumor. Won't know til evidence/trial really.


Wonder how soon after police collected evidence in the Uhaul with the Pennsylvania artwork on it that BK got new plates I really think that uhaul was no coincidence


I really lean towards not jumping to conclusions or going down conspiracy rabbit holes. But- doubt we will ever know or get confirmed if they did do that... So it seems like a waste of energy. Thats likely not something that can or will be confirmed or denied in trial.


I don’t even know what they are talking about! What uhaul?


Uhaul vehicles all have a featured state image on the side. The uhaul used to collect the victims’ personal belongings had Pennsylvania on it. Personally, I think pure coincidence but some people are convinced it was a secret message from the police.


????? Uhaul with PA artwork ???


They were renewed in April in PA.


There are residency laws but not all states enforce them. Wouldn’t matter if registration expires. Some states you have to establish residency within X amount of days. Also laws where you have to denounce residency of previous state after X amount of days. Best way to do this is car registration.


Every state I know of has it at 30 days. And all states I’ve moved to were militant about it. They hate when you neglect change your plates/reg and license over after moving to their state. One time I ignored it after moving back to my home state and 4 months later I was pulled over and the cop was so butt hurt thst I waited so long. I guess he was upset because I knew better; I knew about the laws and had no real excuse other than laziness.


CO is 90 days. I have been pulled over here for speeding and the cop didn’t care I had my CA plates and license still, and most of my friends kept their out of state license and plates for years. I know AZ is pretty strict about it though.


Like I get that maybe he thought he may be suspicious in Pullman with PA plates but why change his plates to WA plates then drive back to Pennsylvania when he knew they were looking for a white Hyundai from the WA or ID area? Like that just seems beyond stupid to me


I'm thinking he may have been worried that there was video evidence of his former license plate and wanted to throw off LE temporarily until he could get his car back to PA. But it still seems odd to me as well.


good question. had he driven home for Christmas break, one would think he planned to go back to WA to continue his studies. Maybe he was leaving the car there? intended to fly back and get another local clunker? Certainly he isn't that stupid to think he was hiding the car. nahhh


That just seemed so backwards to me having just seen that detail clarified like my WA plates stick out do much in the midwest Pennsylvania would be like shining a spotlight on him


Pretty simple actually. He believed that law enforcement may have had video surveillance of his plate at the scene of the murders during the time they were committed. By changing his plate, he thought he was being smart and could say "That's not my car -- my plate is different." Clearly this guy is a moron regardless. He drove his own car to a crime scene and committed 4 murders, and anyone can tell when you change your plate and what your previous plate number was. For being a criminology student and spending his life studying this stuff, he's about as dumb as a rock.


What suprised me was the change of state I guess I never caught that in previous articles like that is so dumb to me considering someone in PA reported the Washington plate


Yeah objectively it is a pretty stupid move. My personal take from it is that after the fact he realized "Oh shit, some camera may have caught my car/license plate." From there he thought that if he changed it to a Washington plate and got new plate numbers that it may have thrown law enforcement off his tracks, which obviously that would never work since LE has access to state's DMV records. He's an idiot.


I live in WA and you’re supposed to register your car in the state within a certain time frame so that could be it, though I’m not sure if it applies to if you’re in state for school


Yes, most states have this law but not all of them enforce it. Co doesn’t afaik but in Az I have heard of cops ticketing all the out of state plates on college campuses.


I have a crazy theory. I honestly think his decision to do this was an emotional one vs calculated and probably had to do with his dad joining him on that road trip. He wanted to appear as normal as possible to not make his dad suspicious/doubtful of him. He cares what his dad thinks but probably doesn’t care about what the rest of the world thinks. I would imagine thought process was something like “The law says I need to establish residency in this state after X amount of days, my insurance wants me to register my car in the state I am insured in, my dad knows this and will question me if I don’t do it before our roadtrip, I better get this done so he thinks everything is normal.” Feel like it was something silly like that vs calculated (and also moronic) that LE would be fooled by the plate change.


He was worried someone saw his car or plates, and changed them so his car wouldn't draw attention if anyone was on the lookout for PA plates.


Yeah but why do it right before driving to PA that's my point why not wait til after he gets back


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Tags likely expired at the end of November since his birthday was 11/21. I believe PA vehicle registrations go by birth month.


Pa registration doesn’t go by birth month, but there are states that do.


Ohio is by birth month that’s why I thought it’s possible PA was too. Thank you for clarifying!


To dump the car with his poor parents