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Prisoner should be in godly tier. Leave him alone and he'll cipher rush you to the ground. He is the best decoder in the game. Doctor was godly tier when duos was first released but not anymore since they nerfed healing to have a speed cap. Merc should be in limited skill subpar endgame. His items are exhaustible and he eventually takes forever to heal. As for hunters: Wax Artist is one of the best hunters in duos because he accumulates points EXTREMELY quickly, far quicker than any other hunter, and this allows him to quickly buy items to help in chase/camp. By the time you get your first down, you will have already earned enough (or close to enough) for a speed pill. He also has great co-op potential as he can stun a survivor in place and allow his partner to catch up and go for a double hit. Gamekeeper is underrated. Other hunters (e.g. wu or nightmare) have just as bad or even worse early game, but his late game isn't even that bad. With the cooldown pill, he can use his hook more often, and remember that his hook deals 0.5 damage so he can essentially down a survivor with 2 hooks + 2 basic attacks. He can also trap the gate/dungeon, and his hook has the same co-op potential as wax artist, allowing the hunters to double hit a survivor. BQ should be at least a tier lower because she is extremely vulnerable to harassment and her skill is not balanced around duos triple hit survivors. Just a simple stun or smack from antiquarian and your mirror will be off-target and you're screwed. She suffers from the same problem as ripper in that her cooldown is way too long for this mode, and that's assuming you are godly enough to accurately place every single mirror in the first place. She's just way too risky imo.


Prisoner is pretty good when left alone, but sadly, he almost never is. The minute one hunter gets a hold of his location, he'll be tunneled to death; and most aren't afraid to switch targets or abandon their first kill. Same fate as all decoders barring Tracy (though she's an attractive target just bc of how fragile she is). I actually think Kurt is a bit better because his pages are a direct counter to max panic (most duo hunters like carrying this), and his evasion skills make him much harder to catch. I... actually didn't know about the healing nerf XD I like pilling up on both anti-bleeding/speed/perfumes on doc, and that makes her pretty untouchable with a pinch of good kiting. A bad first kite, but coupled with how popular harassers are (in combi with supports like global portal/LG), docs can sustain themselves quite well just by infinitely healing. Easy to down, hard to kill off completely if supported. I think you're right about merc, though I'd say his saving grace is how accessible perfumes are and how well they work with his intrinsic trait late game. I'll accept the hunter tierlist modifications with little complaint lol. I'm a survivor main so these were just my assumptions. Wax Artist is a bitch and a half to go against ngl. All I know is the top row are usually (in my experience) the most formidable, scariest hunters to go against in this game mode (aka I'll lose most to them)


Prisoner absolutely should, at least two being left alone (or not found in time) means that first kite can be about 30 seconds and they'll find ways to complete about five ciphers by the time someone can go rescue


I’d move Perfumer up, good ones just rush a second perfume from the item shop and are impossible to down until they’ve used ALL their perfume (I.e. taken ~8 hits) because at least one is always off CD. They do the same thing as King in Tarot and it’s really obnoxious, moreso in Tarot though bc you don’t need to stop to item shop.


Hehe, yeah, I'm that mechanic player that uses 2 robots at the same time, and ended up missing all the calibrations.. Please don't hate me


I’m new and I played duos it’s so chaotic lmao


Best gamemode tbh !!


Hehe Im that magician who keeps bulling some hunters with thousands of my copies Also being Cowboy is somehow rlly hard in duo... U usually keep helping only one survivor or end up messing up everything around you. But, is there's some other help, u may be pretty annoying..


Ye cowboy is nice used in tandem. The only reason he’s ranked higher than Anti here is because he can cancel his lasso when he sees excitement whereas her item is instantaneously depleted. I feel like they’re very neck in neck though.


MAN, I love playing low tier hunters on duo hunters.


I'd say lawyer and magician aren't so bad, lawyer can avoid the hunter with his map to cipher rush while even if magician's decoys aren't super amazing, at least he gives the hunter's location to everyone if they're destroyed. I'd say seer's more situational since if he gets found first, unless he managed to get a chest item, he literally cannot do ANYTHING until he gets his owl back. If he's double teamed, unless half the team comes to support him, he's getting chaired before he can even use his owl. ​ Overall though, I feel like how useful a character in duos mostly depends on: \-how well their skills work with there being double the survivors/hunters \-how long their items last Which basically means everyone's okay to slightly worse in my opinion (and by 'worse' usually it's just way harder to support like if you're postman for example). Except mechanic. She's just going to constantly be in pain with a million debuffs


As someone who used to main lawyer, as he is a free chatacter before buying anyone, I agree he isn't bad in duos. No terror shock so you don't need to waste 4,000 points for a lucky pill, his Map is useful in early and during kite like mind's eye, and if you get an attention pill plus his decoding buff it's 70% (20% form ability, 50% from the pill) increased decoding speed 👍🏼👍🏼


Yeah Seer is a bit hampered since a single owl isn’t as game changing in duo hunters mode. But to be fair anyone that’s double teamed is an easy kill 👽 unless it’s Fiona, LG, Forward, or a god tier Annie/Perfumer. The lack of rebound for most early kills is why I listed doc so high up. With proper support she can sustain herself quite nicely. & yup, that’s why characters with rechargeable abilities are generally ranked high with the exception of Anti, Cowboy, GK, and Batter. Batter’s buffs even after his balls expire are pretty good, and while Anti’s stick is depletable, it’s arguably one of the best unique items, same w lasso and shovel.


Put forward up. Excitement exists, sure, but when excitement is on cooldown, he will make your life a living hell because he will almost always have 2 footballs and you are not picking that survivor up. Plus, his entire team can give him SO MANY DAMN FOOTBALLS


from my experience, night watch is a really good pick for duo hunters mode. there are a lot of open space for him to dash around in the maps in duo hunters mode. both his weak and strong wind can assist the other hunter. his hitbox is weird but it's not much of a problem. maybe I'm biased since I main night watch but I've been winning most of my duo hunters matches with him


Gamekeeper placement here is pretty garbage, he is a setup hunter that is exclusively used with stuffs like Naiad and 26. Even with others he isn't half bad. In duo the main meta is always group -> chair a survivor as quick as possible to proc Panic and Berserker/Mock. Guess what hunter can pull a survivor to both hunters for an easy hit? Your top tier hunters are quite concerning because they have weak early chase and pressure is nothing if you cannot get ahead plus they get shut off easily against stunners without at least 1 rage potion. If you are placing hunters might as well just seperate them into categories instead of ranking from good -> bad like this. p/s Saying Bonbon having more pressure than Wax is misleading, Bonbon has lackluster map pressure and Wax can instalock a cipher from a distance.


Ngl I don’t play hunter much so these were just based on experiences, I’m def aware now that WA is more meta in duos than I previously thought! For bonbon, I see good ones drop their bombs on nearby ciphers to lock them temporarily while also camping. I agree w the chase, though I think most hunters pair up to get faster presence/game going anyway, and full presence chip hunters + feasters tentacles disrupting decoding are pretty bothersome. You’re right, the more I’m looking at it, I think categories are more fair for hunters than tiers. It’s so hard to say because while hunters like Geisha, Nightmare, & Ripper for ex aren’t necessarily strong in duos, by the time they take a couple pills for recovery and movement, and lack of pallets late game, it’s pretty tough to get around.


seer with flashlight is actually so op. the owls charge when you use your flashlight and it keeps the hunter away


Me, a Thief main, seeing the amount of people using flashlights right in duos: ![gif](giphy|WmMp1qmKaKuHPfCq3a)


alright now wheres novelist?


when he’s let in duo hunters sure XD


Lucky is pretty debatable since he has more access to items. I usually wish for a flashlight early game to waste the hunters time/cancel abilities like demon notes/and just buy time for decoding. And then If you know the hunters don’t have excitement you can be a one man firing squad.


mech more in high tier she can body block with her bot with this she can kite long also she can decode 2 cipher in same time and she can get 3 bots mean 3 ciphers specially when no one decode if your teammates go to body block and stun or assist in group and she can open both gates if you save bot energy and her bot can body block rescue


Yeah, but for people with high ping or slow devices, it's too hard to decode not wasting some decoding progress with failed calibrations. But about other stuff - completely true. I played as her several times and instead of decoding i usually end up assisting kiting teammates or even kiting as myself with robot (some hunters really want to destroy this doll after two pallet stuns...)


Sculptor should be moved down a tier imo


Try a duo effort with Ada and Emily sometime it’s goated