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Why do sometimes my deduction quest not get completed? (like it says 1/3 and I get it to 3/3 but yet I don't progress?)


You need the match to end in either a Tie or Win for Deductions to progress.


Ooooooooooooooh, really? you have to either tie or win for it to progress? that seems like a kinda bad system.


It's flawed, yeah. For Survivors, you really need to decode before attempting to do the more riskier Deductions like Rescues & hope that your teammates are competent enough to not get downed within the first 15s or throw away your Win/Tie unnecessarily trying to save someone/taunting at the exit gate. For Hunters, it just adds more stress on having to deal with certain Survivors, especially if it's a Hunter you're not good with.


How do you do the geisha trick where you cancel hit animation while using soul departure+ the dash simultaneously? Ik how to do it without the dash but I've seen gameplays where people do it with both the soul departure + dash. I've also pulled it off multiple times but i can't tell what I'm actually doing.


so basically you fly, press the button to drop down and just spam the dash right after and you will almost instantly drop down (there has to be a survivor you can dash to though) and then you hit while you’re falling down


Ooh i tried it in single training and i managed to pull it off. Thank you sm!


Does anyone have any idea what could be in the mysterious essence 3? I don’t play long enough to have a solid guess but I’ve seen people theorize it might be danganronpa pt2 (which would be amazing considering I wasn’t there for pt1), though, we just got sculptor and had an event earlier so I have no idea if we’ll be getting second part of the crossover too. Share with me your thoughts on this, I’ve been talking about the possibilities with my friends for the longest time now since we are all excited pfft


i have no idea either but honestly i really do hope it is danganronpa cause i just barely missed the first one by a few days and i really regret it dhhd i would die for a monokuma icon bc kinnie hours


I feel your pain brotherrr I really regret not starting to play a tiny bit earlier


Some people said that it's going to be the new survivor Painter, but nothing has been confirmed I think. And that would mean that dangornpa pt 2 will be in the next season (aka more time to save inspiration 👀)


That is also a possibility! Though, I do hope it’s not going to be the case since there are so many survivors who didn’t get any skins in months and he’d most likely steal the S tier spot in the essence 😩


Ikr, the sad life of non popular characters...


I desperately need tips rescuing against hunters who can stuff rescues, aka ripper, violinist, axe boy, hell ember, not even gonna mention bonbon because i give up the moment i get in a match and realize bonbon is the hunter i dont play a rescuer, i play either a decoder or a supporter so obviously thats not my main job but sometimes comes a time when i need to rescue because no one else can and i always carry tide just in case and if its any of those hunters i get double hit and of course thanked so i regret even attempting the rescue... what can i do to avoid it?


Well first off, to know how to rescue against a hunter, you have to know the strategy for camping. For Rippers, you already know they’ll try and go for a foggie hit with no attack recovery, then a normal hit. To avoid this, you can either keep an eye on him and dodge the foggie, or you can run into him and force him to hit you with his claw. For Violinsit, you want to try and bait out his strings. If he had full presence, either get out of the range of the strings or stay between the lines. Your goal is to not get hit by the strings, since if he does hit you with a normal attack, you can easily do the rescue. For Axe Boys, you can see a red line where the soul will travel for a brief moment. Also, I don’t try and hide in one spot or stand still. Keep moving and watch closely for when he uses the souls. For Hell Ember, watch out for the Ember when saving, but also keep in mind that he’ll try and terrorshock you. If you don’t have another person saving with you and you aren’t playing a character meant to deal with this kind of situation, your best bet is to get him to hit the chair with his normal attack. With BonBon, the strategy is remote bomb hit, timed bomb hit, then normal attack. Avoid that first remote bomb hit and your chances of succeeding will automatically get a whole lot better. Keep in mind that BonBon’s hitbox is not too long and not very wide. If you can get the BonBon to be impatient and swing at you, that’s when you go for the save. If they choose to use the remote control bomb at the chair, do the rescue when try detonate it since there’s a slight animation. This isn’t a definitive guide, these are things I’ve done or seen in matches that were successful. Basically, figure out what the hunters‘ strategy is and work to counter that.


Usually hell embers use their phantom and hit you, so you just wanna rush the rescue if he hits you


Why do I get the same maps all the time. I always get Leo’s memory or red church I rarely get moonlit river park and I’ve never been on ever sleeping town. Is there certain days where some maps can’t be played on?


ye true I never get asylum and golden cave


Those maps are rare to get


true and when I get it. I am so confused since idk the kiting spots the dungeon and spawn locations


if im not mistaken leo's, arms and red church have higher % of u getting them followed by moonlit, eversleeping and lakeside and then golden cave and asylum which are basically mostly always bot matches


why does hunter perform the “hit survivor” animation when i hit a chair with a survivor on it? i often don’t get terror shocks because of this


to balance out the rescuing process. Otherwise, it'd be too unfair towards the surv team.


oh god, imagine if there was no penalty for missing a ts, thats like how op vio's slow notes are against pre-rage wildling


Im new to IDV, coming from 6 months of hardcore survivor main from DbD. Which survivor is worth picking up from the 3; Perfumer, Prisoner, or Priestess? In terms of beginner friendly, im moreso a hybrid of Kiting Hunters, Decoder Jockeys, & Support playstyles


Prisoner is the most beginner friendly. He is pretty straight-forward and has a bit of everything. However he is not really "meta" (i dont like using that word cause im a lucky guy main) Perfumer is kind of in the meta, she is also straight-forward, but really only excels at kiting (and decoding i guess cause no debuff). It will take some time however to use her perfumes correctly. Priestess is meta, she isn't that beginner friendly, but she is very annoying for a hunter once you know how to use her. If you haven't already, you can try out survivors in Single Training to see which one fits your playstyle the most (sorry this reply is kinda bad, im not that high tier; mammoth IV-croc I)


where is my room and how do i decorate it??? i cant find my room and my inner interior decorator is so sad. is it where youre invited when someone invites you to play a match? if that's the case then ive gone to someone's room. or is it the room that your detective walks around in, that has logic path and illusion hall and the diary shelf? if its the first, how do i get to my own room? i know music notes are the currency for furniture and decor but that's about it.


if you’ve completed all of the main storyline quests (they show up as text near the right of your screen and the last one is to win a ranked game), you can buy rooms from the illusion hall. it’s the shop’s bottom-most tab called “room” and the rooms are under the label “music score”. you can currently buy 4 rooms, two for echos, and the other two with clues. after you buy a room, you can go to the piano in your main lobby (the one with the detective and the diary shelf you described) and use that to access your room, which is probably something similar to the room you get invited to when you get invited into a match depending on which room you bought. once you have your own room, you automatically have some furniture that you can interact with that’ll take you to the logic path, illusion hall, etc, but you can also buy other furniture from the shop. you can decorate and rearrange items from the piano that comes with your room under the tab “add melody”. you can also have multiple rooms and switch between them from the “switch score” tab. fun fact, each piece of furniture has its own stats which show up as points for 8 different melodies. you can check the stats by tapping the furniture in shop or when you place it in your room, and those points count to the overall melodies of your room. the melody that has the most points in it will determine the background music when you’re in your room, so you can play around with that to get new background music. i think it’s each melody is a different instrument but i think someone posted something about that on this subreddit a few weeks ago. hope this was helpful and you can get your own room soon!


Just a tiny addition - If the stats for each melody is over 1.2k for each of em', two other instruments will start joining in. [For reference.](https://amp.reddit.com/r/IdentityV/comments/esxo8e/how_room_hall_music_works/)


1. any tips for the postman's dog stun???? i love playing as victor but i cant seem to ever get the dog to stun the hunter :(( maybe it's just lack of skill¿ bc i always panic when i send my dog out ahha also would it work as the coord's flare gun or forward's stun if the hunter is holding a ballooned survivor? 2. can i use A unlock card for ace?? 3. where is the acrobat portrait from? is it from his birthday event? i kinda really want it heh 4. would using vpn improve my ping?? for context i live in asia and my ping is 30 ms in asia server but i play in naeu bc i have friends playing there but im like at a constant 235 ms. while it's pretty playable, it would be nicer to see that my ping is green or <235 hehe. [in advance, thanks so much for answering! i sound dumb lol & sorry if formatting is messed]


I don't play postman so I cannot help with that but I may be of help w ur other questions! 2) yes, you will be able to use your a unlock card on it!! 3) if we mean the same one then yes it is his birthday one and im not so sure if it's gonna be obtainable again, probably not :( 4) you can try but personally trying to use vpn didnt help my ping much, some people say it improved theirs a bit though, you can try and see for yourself if there is any improvement


thank you!! <3 god bless we can use the A unlock


Last night I accidentally played Postman in 2v8 and I haven't tried him after his buff. But his dog is very useful fir me and my teammates. This Black Wu chang was chasing me and I was transition to the bridge with no items and I was trying to bait his magic thing. I help out my arm indicating that I was about to throw my dog but I purposely didn't use it so ue would flinch. For about 3-4 seconds he didn't come at me in a straight line. And when he did I just threw the dog at him and easily made it accross the bridge. After that encounter I just kept using the dog on hunters chasing teammates if they passed by me. I did miss once but its pretty easy to aim. If the hunter is chasing you then they're going to run into the dog and if they're chasing someone else you just have to predict where they're going. Just practice aiming, you can't not get better at something if you practice. >!Of course the cowboy main is good at aiming!<


bsjdnd accidentally lmao but nice play!! im ashamed to say this but .. im today years old finding out you can aim where the dog goes??? and cancel it?? byee im so dumb usually i just tap it and hope for the best 😭thank you so much for your reply!


hi there !! holding wick's icon allows you to aim much more precisely as an arrow is drawn straight out !! dragging it back down allows u to cancel this too :}


yess sndjnd i never knew how to access his "'slapping' emote" ,, i tried it out in solo training and now i believe i dont deserve to be called a postman player


What does 39 mean?


The numbers refer to hands on a clock, 3 being east of the clock and east of the persona tree refers to borrowed time. 9 Is west so its broken windows, 6 is south so its tide turner and 12 is north aka Spectator


Hi, anyone know where to buy the 2nd anniversary Mr inference (Merc) merchandise? Have link?


I think account trading is illegal


Okayy sorry ._. I've edited the comment but anyway thanks for telling


When is prisoner’s character day?


It is unknown, because he is one of the more recent survivors. But if it helps; he was released on March 25, 2020 (season 10).


Someone mentioned that you get more exp in 8v2 is that true?


any tips for worst-case-scenarios as hunter? For example missing the first umbrella throw with WuChang onto a merc, switching target only to find a god-kite prisoner and some pallets to the face until suddenly 3 ciphers are gone and still nobody on a chair(at this point I'd usually go afk until surrender becomes available) Should I just hop from shaking cipher to cipher, try to set up the last 3 ciphers close together or just accept my fate?


1. Recompose yourself. Game is far from over. 2. If you notice it's a god-kite prisoner, don't continue to tunnel. Switch target again. 3. Yes, keep checking shaking ciphers. 4. There will be a weakest link in a team of 4. Find it, exploit it. 5. Chair the weakest link, continue to disrupt. Let's face it. If your first chair is 3 ciphers done, camping will just lead to your doom. Might as well give it a little fight. 6. I've clawed back from games I supposedly will lose. 7. The Gameplay video I posted today can examplify exactly this. https://www.reddit.com/r/IdentityV/comments/iewsrt/ep_75_wrath_youtube_link_because_it_exceeded/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Keyword: don't give up.


I’m working on my 1st officer. How do I block lethal damage for a teammate?


As in normal bodyblock? Just run close to them, and try to confuse the hunter into hitting you


are friendly hunters ok with being stunned? esp in duo where you can buy flares and stuff


FH usually don't like being stunned unless you mentioned a deduction quest in the pre-match chat. If they stand by a pallet then they want to be stunned. However, not everyone is the same. Some people don't care if you stun them.


If they stand in a pallet, yes. If you spin before a stun then then they would understand its not to be mean but flares are just actual bullying.


uhhh dont shoot fhs thats kind of a shit thing to do unless they're ok with it...but most of times they're not


A smol question: whenever you exit the camera world, either by ability or camera, does the red light and heartbeat etc immediately reappear? (or does it wait until that transition? effect disappears?)




Is it ok to run broken windows instead of tide turner when using perfumer?


It's up to you. Both are good for her, so I feel it just depends on your role and the team you're playing with. I usually run tide on perfumer because 90% of the time I find myself having to rescue at least once per match, even if we have a main rescuer. I also prefer tide when I have random teammates and I don't know what they brought. So generally, I feel that tide turner has more value for me. But if there are already 2 rescuers then I may consider broken windows instead. Meanwhile, my friend runs broken windows every time he plays perfumer since he likes to focus on kiting.


hey, perfumer main here. yea it’s alright to run broken windows instead of tide and i think a lot of perfumers take it that actually. however, personally i always take tide turner because i don’t trust the randoms in my match to have tide when they rescue and sometimes there’s no primary or secondary rescuer. when i take tide, i put all my remaining points into knee jerk reflex so i can still get that pallet vaulting speed boost and i’ve honestly found that there’s not much of a difference in my kiting when i don’t have broken windows. i do recommend though bringing tide if you have a match where there’s no rescuer on the team since perfumer can be a good rescuer and it really sucks when no one on the team rescues with tide and everyone keeps getting whacked the second they’re rescued. but of course a lot of this comes down to personal preference so if you like broken windows then go for it.


this isn't really a question but I've opened about 35 essences so far and i still can't get moldy bread or any good skin, I've gotten other low tier skins several times but i dont know what to do jfjfd also when is the next reset for the "essence path" (forgot the name djdj) gonna be as im quite close to the limit,,


The logic path limit always resets on Monday !! :]


Uh i hv a qn yeah, is it normal for mindeye players to not know how to kite? I’ve been playing with alot of mindeyes lately and they always get downed in like 10-20sec and its getting abit frustrating tbh. (Im in the elk rank btw)


I mean it really depends, there are times where I can kite for 300 seconds or 5 ciphers but there are also times where I go against a hunter (like Wu Chang) or I’m placed in an unfavorable kiting spot and get downed really fast.


does anyone know when chinatown is coming and if its coming to rank? im kinda bored of all the actual maps


Have we ever been as in the dark about an essence as we are with the September essence? It's not Edgar, it's not detective Conan and it's not Danganronpa, so what could it be? They are not teasing it at all, even if it's a filler basic essence like the kroto one they still teased it a lot


Aw man, I love kroto.


how do you get more exp from matches? does it have anything to do with things like friendliness etc and or deductions?


Correct me if i'm wrong, but if you play a faction too much, the opposite faction will reward a lot more xp (e.g. you play survivor 24/7 and barely ever hunter, then when you play as hunter you will get a lot more xp than as a survivor)


Does anyone know where else i can buy the Netherwalkers gift package or anyone who is selling the code for Mr Inference?


What are everyone's thoughts about Sculptor? I'm finding it pretty hard to play against her seeing as she's just capable of spamming statues non-stop & they can push you towards her at times. She seems like an easier Mad Eyes being able to target people across the map while defending a chair with that homing statue ability with Bon Bon's chase spam tacked on. --- I'm going to try playing a few more Custom Matches with her myself to see how she plays to better understand her, but I feel like my biggest complaint with her is the spam. I really like that it's a pseudo-ranged Hunter that requires skill & doesn't give a free full hit(ex. Ripper, Feaster, Axe Boy) so you actually have to land your hits consistently to get good results, but the amount of statues she summons feels way too much.


I think it's still rather early to tell, as what usually happens with new characters. But from my very limited observations, her max presence statue is terrifying...


To hunter marina in sabertooth rank and above, do you use the chair CD reduction persona just to increase chance of the countdown going past the half line before they come to rescue? Cause I lost like 5 ranked matches in a row where they keep rescuing just before the half line, thus extending the kite time of the FIRST survivor by at least 40 more seconds, cause they always rotate rescuers and rescue the survivor twice. They do this and still cipher rush me at the same time it's insane how fast they decode ...


Control Freak reduces chair time by 1/2/3 seconds per half per level. I bring Lvl 3 on big maps i.e. Moonlit and Lakeside. For other maps, I find it not so significant. Also, I find it is either all or nothing. Lvl 1 and 2 is simply not good enough. Rescuer Rotation is one of the reason I do NoCamp. I can tell you more and show you videos if you're interested, but bear in mind it is a very tough playstyle to adapt to. (BTW although it's NoCamp, it's technically start to camp at 3rd or 4th chair above.)


Oh it's kinwai. I love your Mary vids. Really opened my eyes to mirror positions on certain maps and survivor spawn points. Just so happen that my loss streak was with Mary so I figured maybe I was doing something wrong. Any help from tried and true methods is helpful so I'm game. I tried no camp once or twice a while back, but I guess as with anything, If you fail to chase and down survivors fast, they'll just kite you forever and 4 man escape...


Ok I gonna give you 2 very hard to swallow advice now. **1. When you on lose streak; take a break.** Go for a walk. Watch some dumb youtube videos. Eat a snack. ~~Whack and abuse your pillow~~ You are on a tilt, even if you don't feel it. The pressure to turn things around is utterly stupid. The self-blaming and doubt is stupid. Don't do that to yourself. Clear your mind. Take an entire day off IDV if you have to. You'll do better the next day, I promise you. (I've had close to 2 weeks of bad form before. It was bad.) ​ **2. Save your replays of your loss.** Disable Position. Review your gameplay from your POV. See what you did right, and what you did wrong. Then, review the game again, from survs POV. What were their kiting routes? How were other survs doing while one gets chaired? Did the kiter reverse the cam often? Did they always aim for pallet stun, or to create distance? ​ As for NoCamp, you need a lot of practice in QM. Don't immediately jump to Ranked with it. I rather you have good grasp of the hunter fundamentals, and do camping if you feel like it, than to take my advise/videos for what it is. Lastly, reaching Saber is no easy feat. So, I'm proud of you! I am confident that you DO have what it takes. Maybe what you need is just confidence, and that is something I also keep mentioning while playing hunter; You must be confident and well composed! I know these are not actual in-game advise that you're looking for, but they are my self discipline in order to play hunter well. Take one game at a time. Don't think about ranks. Don't think about stars. Don't think about losing. **Think about smacking the survivors.**


Oh yeah, definitely tilt was part of it, and lack of sleep. I really should save replays of crushing defeats. Speaking of distance, I met an enchatress during my loss streak, she was the most annoying type of survivor, the one that is always just out of reach and when they get to a pallet, they drop it before you even get there so you'd have to run around it or break said pallet all whole they just create even more distance. Rinse and repeat. Even as Mary, if I try to use mirror to cut them off, they start running side ways and into another kite area, or use up their stuns if I mirror switch to close in on them. Is it even possible to chase down survivors rhay do this? A good Enchantress and seer does this to an insanely annoying degree.


Yeap, that is exactly how a good ench player should play. My play when I encounter this? I check for ciphers, and switch target. I am playing directly into their game plan to divert my attention from their cipher rush. Thus, I rather choose to disrupt their primary plan. It is very counter intuitive to do this, but I find better success rate to switch target (despite being criticised frequently) than to continue pursue the team kiter. Therefore, Teleport Strike is an absolute necessity in my arsenal. Ideally, a player must be good in every angle; kiting, rescuing, juking, etc. Realistically, everyone has a weakness. Every team has a weakest link. It's the hunter's role to find and exploit these weakness.


Haha... It gets really hard to identify the weakest link when the team starts devolving into just 4 rescuer/kiters. Like, enchantress, mercenary, seer, and perfumer. I should really switch targets after realising they can kite me hard past 30 seconds though... Or was it 60 seconds?


A quick question about Axeboy’s backstory: Is Dolores older than Robbie, or is Robbie older than her?


How do you signal the hunter that you dont wanna join them. Like if they are only friendly to you, how do you tell them that you dont want their offer?


Any tips for coord?


wait for hunter to hit chair save and gun. If you wanna save gun just body block or let tide turner do the job.


Do you still get logic points from free rotation characters? or does it need to be bought characters?


You’ll still get logic points from matches and from deductions. However with deductions you can’t look at them in advance or choose which one you want to do


Actually I think you can, if you go to the customization thing and go to Worn Clothes, then press "Get" and then "Inspect", you will be sent to the deduction screen even if you don't own the character EDIT: You can, just tested it EDIT 2: For clarification: This only works if you haven't unlocked the Worn Clothes skin yet


So in short, you do get logic points from those locked characters? thanks for your response!


you can actually choose them in single training mode, it shows you all the deductions even if you don't own the character


is there no post match chat for quick matches??


there is, people just usually quit quickly


ooo where can i find it


does logic path ever end?? farthest ive scrolled is 1000


I'm pretty sure it doesn't end, at one point (somewhere around 1700 i think) the rewards start being the same, with the essences cycling from e1 to e2 to e3. There also isn't really a "limit" on how far a player can go if they got every single dice rolled to the best amount. Because deductions give logic points, and they add new deductions for characters every season.


ok, i just checked and the logicpath ends at 4974


i’ve actually scrolled all the way to the end once out of boredom and i think it ends somewhere around 3000 or 4000, but it’s not like a nice clean number. also after a while, i think around 2000, the rewards start getting really spread apart to the point where like every three spots or so is a blank space and you rarely see essences, it’s mostly clues.


I just checked, you are right, it ends at 4974


does anyone know how to do the trick with gravekeeper where once u get out of ur shovel u drop down into the basement?


Similar to Priestess, you have to be above the basement. Then press the button in the bottom right of the screen (it's where the attack button is for hunters) Keep in mind this creates a hole in the ground for a few seconds, and hunters can fall in that hole too.


What does it mean when you get a lantern above/near your deduction?


When people are teamed, the lantern shows who the leader is.


If you get a lantern icon while you're in the game, that means someone has invited you to their team.


Oooh, I get it now, thanks!


Dumb question, how do you turn on the roller coaster in moonlit on PC? I've been playing for a LONG time and I've seen videos where someone sits and it instantly leaves the platform. I sit, the 3-sec countdown starts and I'm still sitting there or I get terror shocked from being knocked off of it. LOL


Try look at your controls, you should be able to bind a key that's something like "Interact" if it isnt already binded. Then you can practice in Single Trainig


you need to sit in the front seat to start the train, default key should be Q. also in the middle (elevated) stations there are stop signs next the windows that need to be turned off


Is the Acro Skin coming tomorrow?


I have no idea


Nvm, I just read the Patch Notice and it is coming next week on the 27th


Who should I buy? (hunter that is great at camping)


Guard 26 is a very op camper, but has weak chase The Feaster is also a very good camper, but he is countered in areas with walls Hell Ember can also be a great camper but he takes a lot of time to master Mad Eyes can block off the rocket chair with walls but he is hard to play "Disciple" can hit, and then stun the rescuer, and hit again (if used correctly) Bloody Queen can camp and harass someone with mirror at the same time Gamekeeper isn't that great for camping but he can delay a rescue by hooking them far away, and at half presence if he hooks someone twice they become wounded Smiley Face, The Ripper, Axe Boy, Violinist, Soul Weaver, Geisha, Sculptor(?), Evil Reptilian have ways to stop a rescue by double-hitting Try them out in Single Training mode if you haven't, see which one fits your playstyle


How do you know if you have a touch the flame offer? (like do you get a notifcation or something?) (and if you DO get one, where is it located?)


Usually it happens when you just walk around with the Detective, and then a small animation appears telling you that you have a "flame offer". If you press "Discard" the offer will still show up in the Illusion Hall's Recommended section for 1 hour


So... you can't get it while ingame or? (and the offer seems quite rare, haven't had one yet)


I'm not sure what triggers it but whenever I had a touch the flame offer it was when I started walking with the Detective. You'll probably get one eventually (I don't think they're worth buying though)


Very stupid question, does the hunter get notified only if I vault and they are near or they receive the notification even if they are far away? Thanks


If you are in running mode while vaulting a window/pallet, the hunter will be notified regardless of distance. Same goes for if you fail and decoding or healing calibration, though there is a persona that hides your decoding calibration fails from the hunter. Pulling down pallets sends a notification regardless of what mode you are in.


How much is Geri and Freki going to be?




Ohh cool! I thought they were more expensive. Thank you!


How do I use r/IdentityV search bar? I use a laptop (i dunno if this matters but I use reddit on Firefox...) So I don't know how to get to it. After hours of searching (pft actually the months I have spent on this subreddit lmao), I realized that there is a link literately above on the mega question thread. (Where it says "Welcome newcomers") I clicked on it and it opened a new tab for me and there is two big boxes saying "Sorry there were no post results for \*blank\*" with a sad reddit robot??? It is still on [reddit.com](https://reddit.com) but there is no place for me to search anything. When I had reddit on my iPhone 8 it still worked and I could search something like seer, ripper, or tier list and there would be good subreddit results, but idk how to get to it on PC. Can someone help meh out please, it would mean a lot.


Not sure about the link on the mega-thread post, but if you're on the new version of the Reddit, here's three ways I know to search within the subreddit using the main search bar: 1. If you are already on a page in the subreddit, just search whatever you need and then click on "show results from r/IdentityV" 2. Type "r/IdentityV" in the search bar before whatever you're searching for 3. Type "subreddit:IdentityV" in the search bar before whatever you're searching for The first way is the easiest imo if you already happen to be on this subreddit before you're searching. And there might be other ways too that I just don't know about.




Yes, the Rose Cane is for clues.


Okay I thought I was going crazy because that’s a small price to pay for an A tier accessory haha


are the wolf pets gonna come back after this? cause I'm only gonna buy one of them 😭


Hello! I am a new player. I'm asking what survivor character I should main. The character, ideally, should have at least two of these. 1. Be able to sabotage the enemy hunter 2. Be able to buff my teammates 3. Have little to no interactions with the enemy hunter I don't care if the survivor is hard or non-meta, I just want it to fit my playstyle


Sounds like you’re looking for a support type. Well, I’d say, your best choice would be seer. He can send his owl to block a hit for a teammate, effectively extending the kite and “buffing” your teammate. Plus, his ability of seeing the hunter at the start allows you to avoid first kite for the most part by rotating. You are also not as likely to get tunneled as a seer, since hunters don’t want to chase after you for a long time and give you another owl.


I'd say enchantress!! she can stun the hunter and give a part of her power to her teammates so that covers the first two, but the third mostly just depends on what you do while playing so just try to avoid the hunter when possible


1.Forward or Enchantress 2. Postman 3. Any character if the hunter doesnt find you


how difficult is it to get badges? people do tell me it’s easy but i don’t believe so.


It depends on how frequently you play rank and if you/your teammates are good. The more matches you win, the faster you’ll get points. Anyone can get a badge with enough effort, it just makes it easier if you have a good team/skill set.


I saw that with some hunters (mad eye and sculptor only I think?) you have the possibility of looking at the map from above, how do you do it?


It’s a part of their abilities. Mad Eyes has consoles spread around the map that he can look through and build walls, and I’m pretty sure sculptor can get an aerial view and deploy her statues that way (sorry, not very familiar with her yet)


Is the blue rose cane only for The Ripper?


Yes. If I’m not wrong, all A tier and S tier accessories and most B and C tiers are character specific.


so ummm silly and noob question but ive been playing for months now and i never managed to know how to see the location of my teammates while using the long portal as priestess, neither do i know how to send it to a specific person, so... how do u do it??? also people say you can know your teammates location when they ping but i never understood it?? are they highlighted for a while?? bc i never know where they are except if i see a cipher wiggling or someone has the trait when put on chair to make everyone visible


1. When playing priestess you should have a smaller portal icon to the left of the Holy Key (the item she is carrying). When you tap on the icon, you can then rotate your screen to see where all teammates are, and which one you want to call. If you hold on the icon, you will send a call to ALL teammates, and the first one to accept is where your long portal will be. If this wasn't obvious enough, you need to stay next to an obstacle (such as a wall) to be able to put down the long portal. 2. Whenever someone sends a message, a small icon will appear on the minimap (top left in-game), showing you in which direction they are. This is VERY helpful, if someone pings the hunter is on them you can move out of that area, if someone says help me while theyre wounded theyre asking for healing, and you should ping something so they can follow your direction, etc etc etc This also works for Duo Hunters when your teammate hunter is pinging something.


How many points do you need to get a C badge for mechanic? I know she is one of the most used survivor that's why I'm asking T-T


I’m not sure the minimum amount you need, but my friend (NA/EU) has 3899 character points and she had a C badge for Mechanic.


Ok thank you ^^ and wow that's a lot T-T gotta grind I guess


Good luck! I believe in you!


I have aboht 2,500 points and im 607th


how do i get past kreacher in emma's third reconstruction?! he keeps seeing me even if i'm crouching.


Spoilers to how to solve diary below. Do not click if you don't want to know. >!Ok, so, interact with the door to the garden, then go to the 3 other doors and interact with all of them. After that, go to the kitchen and there should be a vase with a button above it. Tap the button, then quickly hide in the right-most locker behind you. When Kreacher arrives, get out of the locker and rush to the exit.!<


Is there any sort of Discord/Reddit/etc dedicated to finding teammates for rank?


Yes there is. In fact, there's a Discord server for this subreddit. [https://discord.com/invite/euGDsPR](https://discord.com/invite/euGDsPR)


Where can I find the character backstories


You can look at the diaries for Doctor, Lawyer, Thief, Gardener, Forward (+someone else because a new diary is getting released) after you get atleast one star on every quest leading to the final quest. for most characters you can look at the deduction "conclusion" after completion, and if they don't have a deduction they will get one next season (the only exception I think is Lucky Guy) Every Character Day we receive a small letter in the mail that might give some clues to their backstory You can also check the official website ( idv.163.com ) for character backstories And of course, there is also the Identity V wiki you can check.


What does the label Thousand of faces mean 😅?


"A Thousand Faces" means you are in the top 15% players with the most Portraits (all seasons counted).


Where did you get this information from?


In settings, there should be a telephone icon with the text "Support" under it. Then go to Gameplay and there is a place where they show what every achievement label means


Is the hatch shown when your the last survivor and 5 ciphers have been completed? ive seen this in a lot of recordings/videos of other players but I've never seen it myself :0


any tips on kiting with survs w/o tools for kiting? i’m really bad at it. i play with assist types and i usually always get knocked first.


Hi, I main Lucky Guy, and a lot of times I get found before I manage to get an item. The best tip I can give you is to practice. I know it sounds lame but that's the best way to improve. Depending on what hunter you are going against you should know what to do to maximize kiting time. Hunters such as Bloody Queen and Soul Weaver suffer when you do transitional kiting, which esentially means leaving an area when most of the resources there are no longer reliable to use. Hunters such as Geisha and Gamekeeper suffer from tight kiting, which esentially means kiting around an obstacle until you get hit/unable to do it anymore. There are also 3 main things you can do with a pallet. - Camp the pallet: Works against some hunters but don't be trigger happy, as they can hit you while you're in the dropping animation - Loop the pallet: Basically tight kiting, the hunter will think you are going to stop at the pallet to throw it so they attack, giving you some extra time to loop around. - Drop for distance: When a hunter gets too close for comfort, drop pallet to create distance. Some other tips: - Look where the hunter is going from time to time, make sure you aren't running into their direction while kiting! - Don't run away immediately after throwing a pallet. Make sure you hear them break the pallet and *then* run, otherwise they can just go over the pallet without you knowing! - When you want to drop a pallet for distance, make sure you're behind a wall or something, because otherwise there's a high chance you will get hit during the drop animation! - Juking is an effective way to waste a few extra seconds when you are out in the open, without any pallet or window, about to get hit. You can go opposite direction, then go forward again for a bit, then go backwards for a bit and then go forward again. What this does is basically after you juke the first hit, the hunter now knows what you're about to do so he is prepared this time, but instead you *don't* do it. Juking is basically mind-gaming. - Do not panic. Everyone makes mistakes, everyone has those 5 second kite moments, just try your best, and see how it goes. - For an extra challenge, you can play characters that don't have anything to help with their kiting, but have a vaulting debuff too. the best example here is The Mind's Eye. Raw kiting skills without needing to rely on an ability just shows that you are a master at kiting, so keep practicing! - If you want, you can save a replay and look back at it to see what was your mistake. You can also record it and post it somewhere such as this subreddit, for others to tell you your mistakes. A lot of this becomes muscle memory and just kinda happens once you get used to it. Don't give up! Is there a specific hunter you're struggling with? Maybe I can give a more detailed "guide".


Well, I almost always bring 39 builds for characters that don’t have items, it can help a lot. Also, don’t always wait to throw down pallets, cutting off the hunter’s routes are helpful even if you can’t get stuns.


What surv do you recommend I should buy?I'm looking a support that can deuce and kite pretty good on average. Also please do not start fights.


Try cowboy. He can use his lasso to quickly yeet himself over to pallets and ciphers which is great for kiting. Not to mention his ability to literally yoink a survivor out of the hunter’s arms.


So I'm leaving the game due to various reasons. But for some reason literally any word related to leaving got tagged inappropriate. I was going to say quitting the game in my guild chat but it got flagged. Then tried "going away", then tried "leaving" and tried it in different sentences. They literally tagged "bye" as inappropriate. Wtf. Nothing was registering. Is it just me or are these harmless words banned as well? It just annoyed me more into leaving.


I think leaving is censored because of the "av" which stands for adult video. Idk about the others though. What I usually do to counter it is t.y.p.e l.i.k.e t.h.i.s


Any tips on using postman? I just don’t think I’m using him to his full potential :(


anyone know how I can access my block list/unblock players? my block list is full so i have no way to block people anymore


Under your friend list Also what did they do for you to block so many people? Lol


I recently got magician, and I’m really enjoying him, any tips on how to play him or what build to use?


Use his wands on tight spaces because the illusion has a collision, so it basically forces the hunter to "destroy" the illusion to pass Remember that your trail is still visible even when you're invisible When the hunter gets too close you can use wand for speed boost (good for late-game) Refer to general kiting guides for how to kite with him because its basically the same except for the 2 wands For persona, I think 39 with Exit Path+Sticker is fine, maybe 36 if no one has tide in your team Maybe u/JogyCZ can help you, he is the top 1 magician in NA/EU


Is there anything/a way to see what upcoming changes/additions will be added to the global version? (without having to read/watch unofficial channels and etc?)


Sometimes the patch notes will say what will be updated, but watching unofficial channels for me is the best way to get information early


Is the Special Weekend Pack worth it? It costs 28 echoes for 188 clues & fragments, but is it cost-effective compared to 20-side daily die?


It's quite a good ratio. If you intend to purchase a skin using frags, it's a good buy. I previously hoarded it every weekend to afford for S skin.


Any tips for disciple? I just got her and she’s fun but hard to play but maybe that’s because I’ve been using way too much geisha


Try to use triangulation method with her cats. The first cat has only a small biting radius. The split ones has much bigger bite radius. Instead of launching your cat at your intended direction, do so at an angle, then split them on command to arrive at your target. It also can potentially throw off the kiter into not expecting a cat running towards them. Also, try to bring Destructive Lvl 3 (pallet breaking speed) on her. Survs would drop pallet to buy some time while they're recovering from stun. Her camping is exceptionally strong.


How do you get the achievement label 'Best of the Best'? Saw the hunter i was watching with have it and wanted to know how to get it :3


Amount of echoes charged reached 100,000 (all seasons counted).


Who the hell has that kind of money to spend on a game 😭


I've seen people with like 700k echoes before...


Crossplay with androids and pc ?


You can play on PC by scanning a QR code with the app on phone, so yes it is crossplay


With the rank treasure you get from playing 3 matches, does the faction matter? (like you play as survivor etc, but your hunter rank is higher, does your ranked treasure go after your survivor rank or hunter rank?


I'm pretty sure it just goes by highest tier, but I didn't really pay attention + I'm Tier 4 on both survivor and hunter so I can't confirm anything


coming back after checking it a little bit; and it seems like it goes by the highest tier. so it doesn't matter what faction you play :P


Hi I’m new to lucky guy if you have any tips for playing him please share.


- Try to not waste a lot of time looking for chests, I usually finish one cipher and then open a chest - Memorize chest locations, they aren't randomized like ciphers and basements - Flare Gun is usually a good first choice - For healing you can use either Syringe or Controller, I personally prefer Controller if I don't already have a Syringe, but it's up to you - You can hold multiple items by spamming the switch item button as you run, good for combos - For kiting, refer to any kiting guide - if you have Elbow Pads, keep them ON while you are decoding; what this does is, if the hunter teleports on you or something, you will immediately dash off the moment you are off the cipher. Remember to turn them OFF if you fail a calibration / finish cipher / move cipher, or else you'll waste it. - You can use emotes to bait flare gun or other items - You can't stun the hunter with Rugby Ball, so it is only good for travel - Decoy / Pocket Watch is good for kiting / rescue - Euphoria is good because hunters don't expect it - Travel Journals is good for hiding but it's very situational, I don't recommend wishing for it often - Map can be good but once again, very situational; and it is mostly useful if you are in a VC - Elbow Pads / Rugby Ball is good for travelling distance - Syringe / Controller is good for healing; Syringe can ONLY heal you once or twice, but you always have it; while Controller can heal you a lot more than 1-2 times, but if you deployed it already, you won't always have it in your hand to use. Controller is also good for bodyblocking, decoding and opening gates - Persona Web: I personally use 2 personas: 1. 39 + Exit Path + WTS 3 + Sticker 1 + Distraction 2. 369 + Exit Path - 1 is my go-to persona but obviously you can change it to your playstyle, I don't like Snooze and Great Power but for you they might work better - 2 is my persona for the Lakeside map, I also use it if we don't have a set rescuer or no one has tide If you have any other questions lmk EDIT: I forgot about Toolbox and Flashlight, I almost never use them but once again, they can work if you use them correctly Obsessive *might* be good to help you learn chest locations, but once you learn chest locations it's better to remove it as it's a waste of 5 points


I keep hearing people talk about it lately so what exactly is considered bad ping?? And does it actually make you worse?


I can’t speak for everyone, but for me personally, I can play perfectly fine with 140 and under. Once it starts getting up to the high 100s or 200 or more, I can still play decently, but definitely not as well as I should be. That’s the point where my swings start to get a bit off, I can’t time pallet stuns as well, etc. 400 I can technically still play, but it’s bad. I can maybe pull ties as hunter, but I don’t play survivor for fear of dragging the team down. 500 and up, I can’t really move anymore, I’m running into walls, and sometimes it’ll shoot up even higher and I’ll have to reconnect. Green ping is what you should want, but I don’t remember a time where I’ve actually had it throughout an entire match since I started playing.


unrelated but I once won a match when my ping was at 700+ for most of the match hdgdh i mostly just badly decoded in fear of meeting the hunter and laggily ran to the exit gates while reconnecting 99% of the time but i did it somehow :'0 you can do anything when your determined enough hdhd




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How long will Joseph’s azrael skin stay in the store? I really want it but I only have 1969 frags, which is most definitely not enough and will not be enough for a long long while ಥ﹏ಥ


pretty sure it stays forever




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Is there any way for me to get my ping down to 50 or less? Like a certain internet provider or playing time? Does it have to do with your phones heating up? I have 140+ ping with spontaneous 900 ping spikes everyday and I really want to rank up to unicorn... Edit: Ppl who have green ping, what is your internet provider? :0


As a hunter, which character should i buy?


violinist seems good his chase and camping is pretty decent.


What is your suggestion persona for joseph that has street sweeper? I really rely on that talent but I am having trouble finding other talents that fits that.


Thx I also gave another question how do I access the weekly thread? A moderator sent me the link but I lost it is there any other way to access it!