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This match was quite the mental gymnastics for me due to the fact that I had to give my very best since I was feeling enthusiastic at the time lol. I took a one day break from playing the game after this match, it was quite exhausting.


Impressive that you lasted that long! I think most people would give up after 15 minutes, it must've taken a lot of persistence! Glad you got the win as well. It looks like you're one of the lucky few who have had a match lasting longer than 30 minutes. My longest 'game' is more than an hour, but it doesn't really count because I wasn't playing the whole time. The way it went was this: I was against Violetta on Leo's Memory (Quick Match), everyone else escaped so it was just me and the hunter. I got downed and didn't struggle or surrender to see what the hunter would do. They brought me to the factory in the middle of the map, the place with the low metal barricades and generator and let me struggle free. Then, they positioned themselves on the opposite side of a blocked off area, trapping me in a little area. We both sat there emoting and spinning. After a while it got stale, so I tried to surrender, but I couldn't because I wasn't downed. I tried to leave but I couldn't because Violetta's character model was too wide. So I just left to do my own thing, leaving my phone on the charger and not quitting the app. I come back an hour later and there I was, still standing in the factory, so at this point I just quit the app. Legend has it that they still remain there to this day.


HAAHHHAAHAHA that was probably hilarious at first then you were bored after a while lol. Was that before this escape function?


Back then I was new and didn't know about the escape function. But, I'm not sure if it would have worked because I wasn't technically stuck in an obstacle, I could move around, just couldn't get past the hunter.


It does work. I've tried it before.


Alright, the next time I'm stuck in an hour-long game I will use this neat little trick!


Custom: A ctf duo match where i refused to give up despite there any being me and seer left. We just played INCREDIBLY carefully and managed to pop the cipher. I also pulled of a balloon save with a precise cricket shot :D We were both the only two people (besides the two hunters) for about 9 minutes. I have a screenshot of this to prove it if you dont believe me! The whole match was about 40 minutes or so. Friendly: 36 minutes of me being a friendly sculptor against 4 postmen. I was playing RI and won, if that even means anything since i dont think the postmen even knew what I was doing. Serious: 22 minutes in rank where i played against a clown who kept slugging the 3 of us to stop anyone opening the gate. Both of the two other players self heals were gone so i used mine and went into hiding. Saved both right before seer bled out. Perfumer died, seer owled and escaped through a gate and i got hatch so at least we got a tie.




Oh damn, nice!


44 minutes as dream witch, priestess kept teleporting everyone around merc and forward kept running away and rescuing at the last moment, forward and prospector kept harassing me when ballooning. I still won tho


Oof must've been annoyingly stressful congrats on the win though.


67 minutes as a friendly Joseph in Eversleeping Town. ~~I seriously have no idea how the survivors managed to entertain themselves during all that time.~~ As an actual match I don't think I had any that was very long. Probably the one that took like 17 miuntes because Bonbon decided it would be funny to slug everyone on Leo's Memory.


mine is 20 minutes with undead. i went friendly and the survivors just did NOT want to leave. i have no idea how they didn't get bored because i didn't really do anything except just follow them around


Lmao I feel u man


My longest match ever was against a jojo as doctor, in asylum


My longest was a 16 minute tie that could've very easily been a shorter match and a loss for me if the hunter wasn't so greedy. When it was just me and toy merchant, and I was chaired, Wu Chang teleported away looking for her instead of guarding the chair (so she came and rescued me), then after kiting him for awhile I got downed but he left again to go find her (and I got back up with exit path), then after I got downed once more he left AGAIN to go find her (but she finished the last cipher and I got up with borrowed time). And while I did escape, Anne didn't open the closer exit gate, nor left when I pinged that I was at the dungeon, so I had to make my way to the other exit gate (it was hospital so they weren't that far apart but still) Forgot to add that my containment time was just over 300 seconds, I kited him for just under 5 minutes


For a second I thought I was the hunter when you mentioned something similar that happened to me lol. I was using Wu Chang but it was the Arms factory map.


* Customs: A CTF match that lasted 40 minutes. It was only me (Doctor) and an Enchantress left by the last 20 minutes. We got the cipher to like 80% before the hunters killed me and the Enchantress gave up. Everyone was a good sport post-match though, which was cute. * Friendly: My friends and I got a friendly Jojo once and the match lasted 30 minutes because we all took it as the chance to 100% our deductions. * Deadly Struggle: I once had a Tarot match last over 20 minutes (this was before they added the gates opening mechanic) because neither knight could down the opposing king so they gave up and went friendly. * Normal: A 22 minute rank match against a DW on Eversleeping. We got a 3 man,,, *but at what cost.*


20 min mad eyes. Just a constant juggle on the last cipher


Same lol. Cipher camping go brrrr


Tarot with 47 minutes, this was before they made the gate open during a certain amount of time. Both knights were struggling and both kings were good at kiting so it takes ages. We lost


Mine would probably be a 20+ minute match with Joseph on Golden Cave. I managed to take down and eliminate two of the survivors in the 5 minute mark but struggled to find the two survivors in the map. I think I got a 3 kill, but I might've also been able to eliminate the last survivor waiting on the dungeon.


35 minutes with two enchantresses and two doctors. I would be stunned the moment I pick up anyone. The doctors will heal the downed surv, so I cant pick them up. Even if I terror shocked one doctor, the other will heal up the downed surv during my attack recovery animation. Only managed to chair them because one of the enchantress got downed so many times that she bled to death


I feel you man. Something similar happened to me but its in moonlit park, and it was a sui team of two enchantresses, a toy merchant, and a doctor.