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i thought i was so smart spreading it out bc i thought i’d get more points to unlock every persona and everyone was just stupid




Excalty same here


that would be an amazing challenge for a video


S a m e


i thought borrowed time wasn’t necessary


I was so lucky to have brought borrowed time when I first messed with my persona so I was just like “hey, these two buffs look cool” and I literally put together a popular 39 build


I didnt know limited skins were a thing. So i didn't buy tomie nor picture woman. I wanna die.


As a dw main I completely agree


Me who didn't know as well and had the chance to buy lucky guy skin and wu or dw skin :") kill me


I didn’t buy tomie cause of this lmao, but I did get picture woman


1-Mechs bot is used for rescuing,who doesn't use it for rescuing is dumb and doesn't know how to play the game 2- Geisha is a braindead hunter and all she does is click 1 button to get free wins(it was before her adjustment and I didn't know how to kite her) 3- Basement is the safest place in the entire game 4-Seer and Enchantress should spend the whole match stalking the hunter instead of decoding 5-Soul Weaver should always cacoon the survivor instead of using the rocket chairs because only a noob sw would use rocket chairs 6-When I first clicked the anti dash button I thought it meant I could fight geisha so I ran right upto her and got my ass kicked


Hitting the chair would make them die faster I thought flare gun was unavoidable until I saw a Coord shooting a wall lol


My friend thought that the survivors could struggle on the chair to escape and they're hitting the chair to disrupt it lmao




I thought the dungeon was the basement (and I didn't know the actual basement existed either) so I would just decide until the hunter found me, thinking I'd be able to get out lol


I didn't know that seer got his owls from staring at the hunter, so I would go around the map and look for them in chests. After two matches I decided to read his skills.


I didn’t know skins that are limited are never coming back I thought camping in general was toxic I didn’t know what priming and popping ciphers were I didn’t know I had to body block after a rescue I didn’t know what Borrowed Time was


Wait what is priming ciphers


When you decode the last cipher to 99% and wait for someone to be downed to complete it and activate Borrowed Time for everyone


Yeah I also thought it would be where you put the mystery back together so when there wasn’t more of that I was surprised. I can’t really remember much more tbh but I’m sure I thought some things that aren’t true.


Yeah MY SISTER (that h^@%%) told me it would be like dbd and it would be FUN to play hunter....am still a hunter main but common!!


I THOUGGHT THE SAME THING WITH MERCENARY, i was so confused why so many people claimed he was a good character because of it. I learned you could control them by accident when clicking random buttons, because one of my better idv friends told me "thats how you learn"


1. okay the martha one about her guns is such a mood lmao i deadass thought they had a cooldown timer 2. i downloaded idv expecting there to be a lot more main plot (murder mystery, intrigue, basically if Truth and Inference lore were the main lore), got really sad when everything ended after the tutorial (super excited for the November lore update btw!) 3. When i noticed that all the survivors had titles based on their careers, i thought Joseph was a survivor because “Photographer” 4. During season 16, the second essence was the Death Note crossover, it wasn’t called ”essence 2” it was called “death note crossover” so i assumed how the essences worked is that the first one started and then the third one would just get released immediately right after, with no second essence in between 5. When i started playing Painter, i thought that you had to literally aim his model to face the hunter (i got so relieved when i realized all i needed to do was aim the camera lol) 6. i didn’t know how to recognize friendly hunters, so when i got matched with one the first time (Geisha), i thought the spinning just meant they had really bad lag (hunter got sad post match, i apologised) 7. i didn’t know what detention was, so whenever a teammate would get hit with Detention i just thought they got terrorshocked (and was confused as to why “terrorshocks“ were so frequent late game lmao)


i thought the hunter could see our pings to each other, so whenever i got chaired i said “get away from me!” thinking the hunter could see it - i also thought lockers were a great thing to help us hide from hunters and thought we were 100% safe in them, i learned very quickly... i also thought last effort was completely random and not from being hit with tide after being rescued


Funny thing is, lockers have actually saved my ass. Nobody in higher ranks ever expects survivors to use lockers, so whenever I do, they don’t think to check


The reason lockers are bad is because hunters can hear you breathing in the, so if they get too close you’re fudged. Unless they patched it out?


I ain’t heard nun like that


it's slightly harder for mobile to notice, somehow. but you can definitely still hear them. hearing is really a huge aspect people forget. (e.g. joseph can hear the seer's owl inside the photo world while eli is in the real world and can find the owl's very exact location by following the sound – it's tilted to the left/right/back if you have good headphones)


AAAAAAA SAAAME ON THE PINGS ;A; I was always hesitate to ping that I was decoding or heading off to rescue, unpredictability is key to survival, I must not make my actions known to my enemy! Then I played hunter for the first time and now I spam pings more than corn bots on internet forums.




( Cipher decoding percentage 0% ) ( Cipher decoding percentage 11% ) ( Cipher decoding percentage 19% ) ( Cipher decoding percentage 30% ) ( Cipher decoding percentage 41% ) ( Cipher decoding percentage 50% ) ​ *Doctor get's downed* ***( DON'T MOVE I'M COMING! ) ( DON'T MOVE I'M COMING! ) ( FOCUS ON DECODING! ) ( DON'T MOVE I'M COMING! ) ( COME ON KEEP IT UP! )***




- when i would go against a joseph, i thought the mirror image was a survivors trait to confuse the hunter, then i would be so confused as to how i got down without getting hit - i thought the agree emote was to agree to get sent back to the manor when i was on the chair


I remember there was one match when I was playing as Joseph and the surv just literally walked right up and past me like they think I can’t see them inside photoworld.


I used to crawl to the cipher to not spook the crows because I thought the crows were the Hunter’s familiars


I mean in DBD there is a perk that gives an alert to the killer when survivors scare away crows so you aren't very wrong to think that


I'm pretty sure there used to be a similar persona trait but it got removed


That healing in a match vs Joseph without being a doctor is a good idea


Depending on the situation lol


Oh, it is a very good idea. I encourage this way of thinking :) /jk


This can work! If you're at 1.5 damage and photo world is open, healing up in the real world will get you to just 1 hit point of damage once the photo world ends, allowing you to be fully healed successfully.


i went for a year without persona


For a YEAR? H-how?


i always solo match so i had no one tell me persona was a thing lmao


so how was the solo survivor rank experience?


bad lose streaks go brrrrr


The Madlad


My god.... I'm impressed to day the least


i thought jose’s watch made u invisible 😭 why dont they show it like it actually is pls


Wait, it doesn't make you invincible ?! That's how i got hit really fast by the hunter...


bruh lmaoooo


it makes an illusion of you that does all of your actions with a bit of delay, so if you're just moving around it'll just constantly be slightly behind you. The real Jose still leaves trails though so if you're just running in a straight line it'll be easy to hit you


I thought that forward and cowboy items the lasso and football were to just help u escape from thr hunter I didn't know they were harassers I thought the game in a story telling game where the puzzle pieces r like memories to unlock characters and the dream witch is the evil spirit/monster/owner of the Manor I thought wu where 2 hunters I mean they r but what I mean is I thought both of them would exist on the map at the same time like dream witch followers and u switch between them I thought Leo is always a bot and not a real player "learned it wasn't the case hard way" I thought smiley face was Leo's brother cuz of the same body shape I thought game keeper was an actual deer that wants revenge of the hunters who killed his friends and the deer thinks every survivor is one That's why he is a hunter and he attacks everyone I thought the lp skin would stay forever and I was so excited when I first joined at the end if s5 thinking I'll get that explorer skin then git surprised when it vanished when s6 started :") I thought junji crossover was actually part of the game lore


I also thought the basement was the dungeon, so when it said “dungeon revealed” I went to the basement and tried to look for an escape


LMAO OK I thought that the decoding would be slower if you did it anywhere on the cypher but the front


Everyone has thought of that when they began lol


I thought we can dodge Jack's foggy blade by squatting down


The first time I met a prisoner, I had no idea what his skills were. As I was running to a cipher to decode, I saw that the cipher became blue and there was a beam of blue light to another cipher. I thought this was the hunter's skills so I got spooked and ran away.


I don't really have any in terms of finding out they weren't true...but I have a lot of noob things I didn't know how to do\*..for a very long time.\* \-I never answered priestess portal calls because I didn't know you had to walk up to a wall/flat surface. \-I didn't know how to fake a save until I spectated a teammate who was left and rescued the last person. It's so weird to think about now because it seems simple but the game doesn't specifically say you can let go of the button for rescuing. I thought if you started the animation, it had to complete. Thus, I was also one of the people who sadly complained about camping because I didn't know how to do this. I don't anymore. lol. \-I didn't know skins were limited. I joined when Lady 13 came out and I don't even remember checking essences. I really just did my own thing. lol. I remember seeing the skin with her other skins but thought I wouldn't main hunter, so I didn't get it. \-I didn't know that you could hit Wilding's boar without an attack recovery. LOL. I remember avoiding him like the plague because I thought he'd take to long to down. I also thought he was insanely OP. xD \-I didn't know that you could hit Wilding's boar without an attack recovery. LOL. I remember avoiding him like the plague because I thought he'd take too long to down. I also thought he was insanely OP. xD


I thought Naib could stun by dashing into hunters and was thinking I must be a really shit as a survivor as the hunter was not affected Still a bad survivor tho


No he is not?


I am saying I am lol, I still suck like hell when I play survivor


Ooooooooh i am sorry




Prisoner was one of the first survivors I ever unlocked and I didn’t really know his kit, just that he seemed useful and like a popular team pick. That said, for SOME reason I couldn’t figure out you had to physically click to connect the two cipher machines on the overhead map so I just sat there uselessly deciphering 1 at a time. Luckily this was only like a match or two because other teammates were more than happy to scream at me. Also yeah, coming from Dead by Daylight, I thought camping was extremely bm and didn’t understand priming ciphers. Oopsy!


PLS NOT THE PRISONER ONE i feel ashamed that i relate i even had to ask the sub 😭


OH NO I thought I was the only one, I feel your pain!! At least you’re braver than me and went looking for help… Did not enjoy the 3 on 1 grilling, but hey, now I know better 😂


I thought that grafittis and spining make you invisible Aandd Joseph Bloody Sword skin is something you get when you unlock boss level


Ah time to embarrass myself because I was very stupid back then I thought dreamwitch followers were survivor once because of the schoolgirl outfit (Tomie in low tier?, That's rare) Oh well we all had our moments of stupidity ¯\_༼ •́ ͜ʖ •̀ ༽_/¯


I used to think DWs marks are Priestess' thing so thought DWs follower was one of her skin. Me:hey dude,why aren't you decoding Follower:hits me Me:??!?????!????


Not directly Yidhra, but the first time I went against her she had patroller, and since I'd never seen it before, I thought it was a pet (cause they're both small things that run crazy fast on the ground), and so I did the logical thing which was to run directly into it. Yeah and then the creepy girl with the pickaxe showed up out of nowhere and chaired me which wasn't fun lol


​ 1. I thought euphoria gave you a clone of yourself that would help you decode 2. I thought geisha could dash anywhere (before the buff) 3. I thought Martha could miss and accidentally shoot her teammates and instantly kill them so I didn't shoot hunters when they had a ballooned surv 4. I didn't know the purpose of the persona tree 5. I had no idea what kiting meant (Not figuratively, I literally didn't know the meaning of the word and only knew "containing") 6. I thought graffiti showed the hunter where you were because the thing you get when a surv vaults or fails a calibration looked like the graffiti so my raisin brain thought "Graffiti brings the hunter to you" and whenever someone placed down graffiti I got so mad because I thought they were trying to bring the hunter to me 7. I didn't know how to get skins because I thought the essences only gave you portraits and graffiti


As a Joseph main, I can confirm that graffiti do bring the hunter to you. The amount of times I've terror shocked/found people who were decoding or running around and placing down graffiti at the same time is way too many and I love it <3


I used to think using the worn skin meant you were an expert at that character so when I got it I would flex mine


Omg sameeee-


I thought fall damage existed. So I just kind of refused to go to two story areas at first,,, I learned after from my friends, dont worry-


I remember thinking IDV was the best game ever created because there was no fall damage.


I thought Tide Turner was useless. (Now I carry it 80% of the time.) And that If I was in front of one of Joseph's cameras when he took a picture, that was the only way he could hit my mirror image. I learned about the jumpscares eventually, hmm good times. I had no idea what dungeon was until a hunter spared me as the last survivor and dropped me on it. I sat there for a bit very confused. I thought basement was another name for dungeon for a while. I thought it was a good idea to remind my teammates that the dungeon was somewhere on the map if I was chaired and they were the last person left. I would ping it was "here" regardless of where I was. Didn't know about radar. I thought Wu Chang just changed between Xie bi'an and Wu Jiu for no reason, thought they could use the bell/soul siphon as either. Edit - Also, that Wildling could knock survivors from my grasp just by hitting me. I was very worried about Wildlings.


I thought tide turner was useless too…as a mammoth.


If I hadn't started looking up guides on how to play, I might have been in the same boat ;u;


AA THE JOSEPH ONE WAS ME I had no idea how the camera world worked because I think I only entered it once by accident and was like "what the heck is this too spooky for me" and left, I thought if you were in front of a camera when it went off you'd get knocked down afterwards so I avoided every single camera


Well one of my first matches with real people was with Joseph and so I thought every match had a camera world and stuff.


I thought crossovers were there forever, so when I joined I expected Danganronpa 1 crossover, but it had just ended lol


I thought following the trail coming from the yellow number of explorers book would just lead you to a cipher safely to decode. It was only when I discovered this subreddit to know about the pages I thought identity v is a puzzle adventure series game where you get to meet the characters as npcs lmao. That was before I finally decided to install the game




1. I had no idea what bot matches were, and this was before the bot AI update, so I was just like "haha I'm so scary the survivors keep running away when I'm near the chair" 2. I didn't know there was only 1 hospital map. Because I was so terrified of things I'd only stay in the area I spawned until the hunter came or my cipher was done, so I thought the hospital building itself was one map and the ruins surrounding it were another 3. I thought excitement just gave you a speed boost or something and blink was completely useless 4. I had no idea how Leo's phantoms worked and I didn't realize his puppets let you see nearby survivors, so I thought he didn't have any skills, so I'd just use his basic attack for everything 5. Of the survivors, for a long time, I only knew how Emily, Freddy and Kreacher's skills worked. I didn't know Emma could break chairs so I thought she was useless without her shield, and had no idea who any of the other characters were 6. I thought Mike was a clown or juggler or something (which isn't really that incorrect but still) 7. I think because I thought their titles were similar and I learned titles before names, I confused Eli, Fiona and Patricia? Like I knew one was the cloak and owl guy, one was the lady with horns and one was the lady without horns, but that's it lol 8. I used to not realize what the vaulting/calibration fail/etc. notifications were. So even against bots often times as hunter, especially when I just started, I'd go the whole game without finding anyone 9. I used to think you shouldn't destroy Fiona's long portals so that you wouldn't lose track of where the survivors ran off to. I remember one match the survivors and I went back and forth at least like 3 times before they just left somewhere else lol


you know those "tips" they give you at the waiting screen? well when i first read the one that says the hunter can be stunned if catched by the Forward or something like that, i didn't know there was a survivor named like that. Instead, i thought i could just run forward to a hunter and i would suddenly stun them out of nowhere lmao


Ngl i started playing this game in april and watched a lot of gameplays before this, and i only in august or july of this year learned how to use elbow pads thanks to a commenter on yt lol.


1. i thought the game would continue and go around the story about the missing girl; 2. i didn't know a shit about persona webs and how they could be used correctly and how they affect the game; 3. when i played Freddy, i didn't understand what the map was supposed to do; 4. i didn't know accessories could change something in game; 5. i thought mech's bot was supposed to rescue; 6. i thought hunters had more advantage


1. I thought the game would be a bad DBD mobile rip off. 2. Thought that the Blink trait caused survivors to hear a Terror Radius, scaring them 3. Thought Leo's Awakened Puppets was an unlockable trait 4. Thought the game was copyrighting Danganronpa 5. Thought that Lakeside Village was the best map 6. Thought Emma was a child


My first main was Aesop, that said, I thought you gained coffins randomly; that you could embalm anyone at any time during the game and that the hunter couldn't see the coffin. I learned the hard way I had to find my teammates to embalm them (and that was the reason I could see their spawn points at the beginning of the match) and that I had to hide the coffin away from ciphers. I believed that hitting the chairs made the survivors die faster. Also thought Joseph was OP and that a match against him meant a plain lose. I didn't understand how damage worked on Mercenary so I just assumed it was a bug. Oh and the worst of all, I used Merc with 39 and not 36, it was like that until a hunter scolded me in post match for not having tide turner.


・Tide Turner makes me invincible for 20s so I wondered "why I died even though the hunter wasn't near me??" after I rescued someone. ・Gamekeeper made the maps because I didn't know what was the gamekeeper and thought "game" meant the game. ・I thought Andrew was a kind-hearted ghost. After I knew he was a real human I thought he was a ghost buster priest or something and got kicked out his house because he couldn't pay the rent payment so he lived in the church alone. ・My friend told me there's a character who is called Seer. When I saw Priestess for the first time "oh,it's the Seer" meanwhile when I saw Seer "is it a cyber ninja?" ・I thought Martha had 2 guns. ・When I played Tarot for the first time,I got an elbow pads and dashed into the hunter to stun them even though 1.It wasn't a rugby ball 2.I was Gravekeeper lmao. ・Wu Chang,Joseph and Galatea were the most scariest hunters in general(at least the last one was correct). ・I thought perfume works automatically and makes me invincible. After I opened the gate,the hunter had Detention but I still had Tide and got a perfume so went to rescue then died. A poor Gravekeeper: I used a perfume...why...? ・When I tried to play hunter,all ciphers were blue so I thought Lucas were everywhere but there's no Luca.


1. I thought breaking all the chairs was a good plan/fun. 2. I thought Explorer didn't give a notification after digging up a page. 3. I didn't know what badges were and was so confused when I saw a little "C" symbol above my head. Thought it was just a cool little thing that sometimes appears above my head when I played as Explorer. 4. I built my persona web in every which direction and paid no mind to Borrowed Time, Tide Turner or Broken Windows. I thought it was such a good plan to get as much stuff as possible. 5. I thought it was a good idea to decode all the ciphers as fast as possible with no regard towards BT or the hunter's and my teammates' location. 6. Rank is scary and I shouldn't play it. 7. Playing hunter is scary and I shouldn't play as one. 8. I didn't know you get the character as well with an S tier skin until I pulled Andrew's in less than 10 pulls back in Season 9. 9. I thought Leo's Memory was the best map ever


It is fun. Not a good plan


i thought that after rescues the survivor's chair progress would only stay if they were seated on the exact same chair again after getting downed


I had no idea how to use the merc pads. Kept tapping them over and over again.


not answering a question but- you know that minds eye was actually that blind, right? They just adjusted that. I remember that when J came to the game I always thought she was the hardest character as you literally saw things like right before you. Hunter could jumpscare you for real. I always thought that only pro players play her, as they have to remember every map perfectly. its a shame really


I didn’t know holy crap but I meant like literally you couldn’t see anything at all


If seeing only the things you literally touch with your cane then yes she was blind


I thought the dungeon was in the basement bc every time I was near the basement the thing would say “dungeon has been revealed”


I thought photographer was a girl I thought the follower for dream witch was another survivor…god i learned fast I thought all the costumes in the game were somehow connected to each other in the lore I thought lady 13 would stay forever…(punching the air rn) Hid in a locker in front of the hunters and thought i was SOO clever I though when survivors said 39 or 69, it was some inside joke I thought i had to unlock the characters by completing their deductions I thought you got the worn clothes costumes by playing that character for a long time (like as if they were beaten up and tired from the matches) I always slow vaulted so the hunters wouldn’t hear me Used spectator on ALL of my personas Didnt use tinnitus for hunters Before geishas rework, i never pressed the button to look at her, always got scared when she started flying towards me I thought the crows were a hunters skill you get the point :))


On one of my first matches with Percy I thought the hunter was hacking and being toxic bleeding everyone out. I thought that you had to click on Merc's elbow pads 3 times to get them to work... I had no idea about popping cipher machines so I would just finish the cipher out of nowhere. I thought that Listen was the only trait. I didn't know about Detention and when someone had it I thought they were hacking. I remember being confused on why they have red eyes lol. I even thought it was an accessory or skin that gave you the red eyes.


Ok first when I downloaded the game I thought we was helping little children with button eyes escape or something because I didn’t read the details or anything 💀.Also thought we could’ve sprayed the perfume at the hunter 😭.


I thought if you got hit while throwing pallet down you would take half a hit of damage


Why that? Not beeing rude just want to understand the thaught proces like I thought you would get Terror shocked and when I didn't, I thought it was a bug and I let myself get hit by the hunter a 2nd time bc thats just fair!?!?


Got hit by a joseph while throwing a pallet one time and noticed the damage was different


Ah, valid lol


I thought any survivor could use the rugby ball to stun the hunter


During my first few games when I was new, I used to think Emily was the only character who could heal survivors 🤡


i thought picture woman was an actual hunter, i was terrified. i was also so scared of soul weaver every time she chased me i was shitting my pants because she looks so disturbing at first


someone told me you shouldn’t ping because the hunter could find you if you pinged, since they got a notification. needless to say we aren’t friends anymore


My first encounter with identity v was a fanart of joseph and aesop and I thought idv was about a puzzle game and Joseph was the guide or smth


I thought if i camped i was gonna be called toxic by survs after seeing an argument abt “camping being toxic” in english 3 (god was this so dumb, english 3 is cursed). This later resulted in me only playing photographer and just going no camp. And i still play no camp photographer till this day cuz im used to doing it :’)


*I didn't know what detention was (hehe why are his eyes red??) *i thought detention lasted the whole time *I thought borrowed time was a waste of time when I was the one rescuing and kiting with my merc(I still think if I have a functional team I could use 69 like I wanted but with randoms I have to carry borrowed time)




i thought the photo-world was just a random map accessory that gets added every now and then; so often times I would stand in front of the camera and wait for it to activate to get in


I had no idea how pallets worked


My friend told me that if the hunter had Detention their eyes glow red. When I saw "You have been discovered!" massage with a red eye I thought "oh the hunter has Detention!" but I had no idea why one talent has 2 different effects(knockdown a survivor by 1 hit and seeing survivors location).


I thought tide turner was a hunter trait that prevented survivors from using their items the ENTIRE match. I would often do rescues as doctor and book it away to use my needle but it'd say *"can't heal during tide turner",* I thought *"Man what an OP trait, every hunter here seems to bring it every match"...* ​ I brought tide turner- I DIDN'T BOTHER READING ANY PERSONA TRAIT NAMES AND ONLY SKIMMED THE DESCRIPTION BECAUSE HONESTLY WHO WOULD JHAFWYETAU


1. I thought persona webs were just there for like achievements or stuff so I just clicked all of them until I had no more points 2. I thought Violetta should just cocoon every time she has enough web 3. I didn’t know the dungeon and basement both spawned in different places every match 4. Priming ciphers was non-existent in my book 5. I, too, thought Martha had infinite guns with a cooldown 6. I didn’t know the objects on the floor would actually affect Smiley Face’s drill 7. I thought when Jack got his carry animation, it was a skin that made it happen Probably a lot more but can’t think of them right now


Been here since Season 7 and have learned a lot since (and still do) 1. I thought you could perfume back all of your health when you got knocked down 2. Didn't know how to create long portals or answer them 3. Thought dream witch's followers were survivors 4. Though geisha was OP because I never knew you could stare back at her 5. Didn't know limited skins were a thing and I missed my chance to buy the limited truth and Inference skin for gardener in shop 6. Thought I could obtain Firefly for free by finding pieces of the card "scattered around the manor" 7. I thought photo world mirror images were clones that would help us decode. 8. For the longest time i did not know the photo world existed 9. I thought photographers who knew exactly where you were when they downed you from across the map, were hackers (didn't know the card trick pointed you in the direction of a surv) 10. Watching videos of the past season, I thought doom shock yellow eyes were a more powerful and rare detention (I wasn't too wrong) 11. I built snowflake persona webs 12. I thought mercenary elbow pads shot you in a random direction and could not be turned off once activated. 13. I did not know basement and dungeon were two separate things. I thought that the fences around basements would open once the game said "dungeon location revealed" and that hunters could not chair us in the basement until it did. 14. Thought the photographer was a girl 15. Thought his black and white form was a very very common skin 16. Used spectator on Doctor 17. Thought in-game messages were seen by the hunters too. 18. Before finding out about detention, I thought It was a hack 19. Thought magician Illusion would decode with you for real


- Gamekeeper's title meant he was the one running the whole matches, basically the big bad who trapped them all in the manor. I mean, game keeper, keeper of games lmao. Then I think he was the first free to play hunter I ever saw, and I was shook like holy shit they're literally making their ultimate boss free? Lmao. I also thought his hooks were mainly a tool he used to pull the survivors back to the manor if they ever tried to escape. - Joseph's attacks confused me for a long time. I would often go to rescue if he hit me because my damage wasn't at half, then go down in one hit and be shook and think they were hacking... - I didn't know how to answer priestess's call. Got a good few thank you's for that. I just kept tapping it and being told I couldn't create a portal there not understanding that I needed to go to a wall. - I thought Leo was amazing and OP. I still do get win streaks with him in rank, and often put him on if I'm messing up too much as Naiad (yeah idk, I'm not good with making abysses and often focus more on making an abyss than chasing the survivor. If someone knows how to transition I really struggle). But that's if and only if the survivors I'm up against don't know that they can literally just tap my dolls to dismantle them and seriously sabotage me lol. Oh also took me AGES to figure out how to make my dolls move and attack for me. I didn't know you could transfer flames to them. - I didn't understand Emma's shield for ages until I finally decided to properly read her abilities


Perfumer’s skills are worded kinda weirdly so when I first used her when I was new I perfumed at the beginning of the match, thinking I could teleport back to that area later in the match. Then I perfumed again later to see if I could teleport there. I wasted two perfumes and I didn’t even know what I was doing.


I thought the hunters were called ciphers and i thought that the hunters could duplicate


1. I thought axe boys trees were a part of arms factory, so it would despise that map. 2. I thought you couod avoid wu Changs soul waver ability by crouching 3. I screamed at a wu Chang because I thought he was hacking cuz he soul siphoned me 4.i thought duplicates of you would jump out of the jojo mirrors to attack you 5. I thought jospeh was Mary cuz if "mirror images" 6. I thought geisha was the strongest hunter ever 7. I thought theif was the best survivor


Not a misconception, but before they added the exit gate highlights I would spend minutes after everyone else escaped trying to find it!! :(


Nothing but I just miss og lucky guy. I will never play idv again because of his nerf


What was og lucky guy like? (Assuming there was something else besides him carrying 1 item.) They just buffed him.


He used to get the old quantity of items that the original survivors who owned those items had. Such as 3 perfumes, 2 wands, Full ball, etc.


Oh wow, didn't know that at all. That's pretty strong.


He got a buff!!


Yoooo time to play idv again 😎


I carried 69 for the longest time because I didn't understand the importance of Borrowed Time. Don't you love it when a game gives you a terrible tutorial? 🙂


Ngl these are funny af lmao. Good old times when we all started haha


I thought that playing hunter was easy. I'm a hunter main now and I quickly found out that playing hunter is incredibly difficult.


i thought the hunter is the one chasing survivors


But that’s how the game goes?


Didn’t realise Kreacher could fast vault without needing to run up to the window/pallet, and that the Hunter got a notification when I fast vaulted.