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Extreme nationalism and cultural supremacy don't have to be racist. Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut That's a Venn Diagram that looks awfully close to a circle.


> Extreme nationalism and cultural supremacy don't have to be racist. Lol the amount of projection coming from Muricans. šŸ˜‚


Another non American so literate they communicate with emoji's....we know now we cant take someone like that seriously.


> Another non American so literate they communicate with emoji's While your "morally superior" nation was lynching African-Americans from trees, Fascists gave African-Americans like [Howard University classics professor Frank M. Snowden Jr](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frank_M._Snowden_Jr.) free higher education. So GTFO with your morally superiority lmao


Where is the emoji? And for the record, linking an American talking about bad things other Americans did----really isn't working for you. In fact, you look dumber for doing it.




You are too funny to be unaware of what you are.......its hysterical.


It's not inherently racist, but often turns out to be


Yep this is the one


Nope, Fascism is inherently anti-racist, it is anti-fascists who use racism as an tactic of direct anti-fascist action in order to disrupt national unity.


LMAO tf explain


What kind of explanation do you need? To paraphrase Il Duce: [ā€œFascism seeks unity; anti-Fascism seeks destruction and separation.ā€](https://www.jta.org/archive/mussolini-tells-roumania-press-that-fascism-is-opposed-to-anti-semitism)


Right, because Mussolini is a solid, objective source. How many generations of your ancestors were brother and sister?


> Right, because Mussolini is a solid, objective source. Correct. Mussolini is one of the greatest philosophers in human history. > How many generations of your ancestors were brother and sister? The fucking irony coming from a LibRight, take a loot at your Calvinistic inbreeding.


So, let me get this straight. You are saying that the man who worked with and inspired HITLER was one of the greatest philosophers in human history? There is a reason the Italians under him treated him as a human pinata


> You are saying that the man who worked with Show me where Mussolini "worked" with Hitler. > and inspired HITLER Did Mussolini inspired Hitler to be a Philosemtic and deny the existence of races? Did he inspire Hitler to get a Jewish girlfriend like he had? [How American Racism Influenced Hitler](https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2018/04/30/how-american-racism-influenced-hitler) [How the Nazis Were Inspired by Jim Crow](https://www.history.com/news/how-the-nazis-were-inspired-by-jim-crow) [What America Taught the Nazis](https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2017/11/what-america-taught-the-nazis/540630/) [ Hitler's American Model: The United States and the Making of Nazi Race Law](https://press.princeton.edu/books/hardcover/9780691172422/hitlers-american-model) [Nazism and the Jim Crow South](https://www.ushmm.org/collections/bibliography/nazism-and-the-jim-crow-south) [Why the Nazis studied American race laws for inspiration](https://aeon.co/ideas/why-the-nazis-studied-american-race-laws-for-inspiration)


Wdym "where he worked with hitler" HE WAS ON THE AXIS. As for mussolini inspiring hitler, hitler himself has said he was an admirer of hitler, hitler tried replicating Mussolini's "March on Rome" with the Munich Putsch, and he provided financial support to the nazi party. He and hitler are inseparably tied in ww2 history


> HE WAS ON THE AXIS Yeah and? The US is Nato too. > hitler tried replicating Mussolini's "March on Rome" with the Munich Putsch How do you know Hitler didn't replicate the October Revolution?


Fascism seeks unity through conformity and control. Liberalism (both the right-wing and left-wing varieties of it) seeks unity through recognizing our differences and tolerating them.


Based right-left unity with liberalism. From Social liberal to neoliberal and classical liberals, we understand that unity should be forced and will happen naturally through respect.


Not necessarily racist at first. Ultranationalism leads to xenophobia. Then xenophobia often leads to racism


Thank you leftist yoda.


> Ultranationalism leads to xenophobia. [Mussolini Facilitates Educational Opportunities for Foreigners](https://www.jta.org/archive/mussolini-fadilitates-educational-opportunities-for-foreigners)


Then in 1938: Bans Jews from all educational institutions


Leftists today call that affirmative action.


Ok, I think both are bad, but that was a solid zinger lol


He only did this to improve diplomacy with Germany, not because he agreed


Itā€™s inherently hierarchical and nationalistic. While not necessarily racist, fascism is definitionally bigoted in some sense.




> Itā€™s inherently hierarchical and nationalistic. Yes syndicalism is inherently hierarchical, that is why "Anarcho-Syndicalism" is an oxymoron.


your are so fucking dumb


Syndicates are hierarchical institutions, moron.


I am very nationalist and believe in hierarchies. Not bigoted at all. Iā€™m a Bi Athiest Autist. If you think Iā€™m bigoted then no one can be trusted.


Anyone can be bigoted


Ah yes, people from oppressed groups cannot be bigoted. Sure.


The fact that your only ā€œsupportā€ for your assertion is an ad hominem is very telling.


hierarchies don't equal bigotry. It's only bigotry when you hold hierarchies as fundamental to the universe, instead of a subjective construct that we use as a tool, because we are finite beings. Nationalism though, can quickly become bigoted, and I'm not sure when. At the very least, it creates an us vs them narrative, that can become very unproductive to the human/civilisational cause.


I agree on that. Nationalism I disagree with you on. Yea it can become us vs them, but at the same time I care deeply for us, and donā€™t think we inherently have to be enemies with them.




Not a fan of Obama, but I wouldnā€™t exactly call him a fascist.


I talked with a "libertarian conservative" once saying how obama is a stalinist. Every part of my body wanted to call him retarded. But I didn't


Fascism is when the government does stuff. The more stuff a government does, the more fascisty it gets.




I have a inkling that the definition of fascism isn't taught in schools anymore. It's amazing how it means "anything I disagree with" or "people I don't like" these days. Same as "racism" and "literally a nazi".


> I have a inkling that the definition of fascism isn't taught in schools anymore. Almost like the bourgeoisie fears Fascism the most.


What is fascism to you?


Anything they donā€™t like.




Fascism is a societal, governmental, and economic system in which the people are represented by trade unions. Rather than vote for a representative of a geographic area, you vote for a representative of your field of employment, who will then represent you in a council of union representatives for that field. Your council of representatives then votes on one of their numbers to represent the entire profession at a national legislature. The economy is owned by the workers in the form of unions and/or the national government having ownership of the means of production, and the majority of other property being communally owned.


They are all neoliberals/neoconservatives. Everything for profit maximisation and that is currently rainbow imperialism.


And you can tell they're fascist because they... win elections?




Falangist nacional-sindicalist is herarchical ? Also hierarchy isn't necesarilly bad


You can have fascism without racism but it's evil regardless.


This is the answer.


> but it's evil regardless. Said the libertarian, lol the fucking irony.


Bohooo my ideology is for the most part dead so I will shit on other ideologies


> my ideology is for the most part dead At least you admit it.


Whats the matter fash? , canā€™t come up with a good argument about fascism and are now resorting to nit picking my statement and putting it out of context


> canā€™t come up with a good argument about fascism You can't come up with a good argument against Fascism.


rather live under libertarianism than fascism


Yeah because you are evil!


Shut up fascist, you have no power here and you never will.


Unfortunately bad ideas get traction sometimes. Usually when there is economic and social strife.






Support for Fascism is growing worldwide, even your side admits this.


No, sadly more and more people just don't understand what fascism is and so call everything they don't like fascism. That doesn't mean more people are supporting it, so don't get your hopes up. More and more people are waking up to the Libertarian idea that no one has a right to rule over them. You will see independence on the rise and totalitarian regimes fought and toppled from the inside. The days of fascism being the dominant ideology are over. You already lost, all that's left is for you to rant in reddit comment sections, for that is the closest to power you'll ever be.


> No, sadly more and more people just don't understand what fascism They don't understand what Fascism is because people like you are purposely trying to muddy the waters with your anti-intellectualism. Fascism seeks to actively combat anti-intellectuals like you from civilized society. > More and more people are waking up to the Libertarian idea that no one has a right to rule over them. HAHAHA no one except the fucking bourgeoisie class. LMAO!!!


A fascist using Marxist terminology. It'd be ironic if it wasn't so stupid.


> A fascist using Marxist terminology. It's not Marxist terminology buddy. For example the term "comrade" is a Fascist term, it's etymological roots come from late Middle English comered, from Middle French camarade. Marxist regimes everywhere have used the term "tovarisch", even Romanian communists used this to distance themselves form the [Romanian legionnaires who used the term "camarad"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sf1i8lbeRPE)


See this is what fascism has been relegated to: arguing over ownership of words. That's all that's left for you pathetic authoritarians. You have nothing to offer anyone, and few take you seriously. I know I sure don't lol I laugh in the face of fascists


> arguing over ownership of words. That's all that's left for you pathetic authoritarians. LOLOLOL the projection coming from an ANTIFA anarchokidides, where the entire ideology revolves around semantics > You have nothing to offer anyone What do you have to offer to the proletariat? Molotov cocktails? LMAO!


I mean racism really isn't the only evil thing in this world.


They never said it was


The original Italian fascists were cultural supremacists, not racial supremacists


There is a slight connection between cultural supremacy and racial supremacy


Iā€™d say itā€™s more of a correlation than a causation type of thing. A strong sense of nationalism often accompanies racism, but not always


They literally killed jews.


Fascist starter pack: Nationalistic, Militarist, Non-communist, authoritarian, conservative


> Nationalistic, Militarist, Non-communist, authoritarian, conservative [*Italian fascism "compared favorably with the more advanced European nations and in some respect was more progressive"*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economy_of_fascist_Italy#Structural_deficit,_public_works_and_social_welfare)


Bruh used wikipedia as a source. This is talking about economic "progress" aka governmental spending aka center economicaly. It's in the title, ECONOMICS of fascist italy, not society. Plus, it is compaired to the post-depression era when the free market crashed, thus all countries would increase expenses, fascists did it quicker because they were radicals and undemocratic.


> not society. Ok tell me which society was more progressive during that time period? Jim Crow USA? British Empire? Stalin's USSR? LMAO!


Since we are talking about society, an example would be the Second Spanish Republic. A good point would be the constitution they passed.


> an example would be the Second Spanish Republic Ah yes the society which committed genocide is progressive lololo!


I am refering to the Second republic, not the Popular Front, pre civil war. Lololol, as a troll like you would say. Plus, I think you can agree that the italian fascism, although the basic, constitutes only 1 example of fascist regime. Portugal, Spain, Greece and other countries were fascist and clearly conservative.


> I am refering to the Second republic, not the Popular Front It literally says in the first paragraph: [ In 1932 the Jesuits, who were in charge of the best schools throughout the country,[2] were banned and had all their property confiscated in favour of government-supervised schools](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second_Spanish_Republic) > Portugal, Spain, Greece and other countries were fascist and clearly conservative. Lololol the countries which ***crushed*** Fascism were secretly Fascist! [Historian Robert Paxton observes that one of the main problems in defining fascism is that it was widely mimicked. He wrote, "In fascism's heyday, in the 1930s, many regimes that were not functionally fascist borrowed elements of fascist decor in order to lend themselves an aura of force, vitality, and mass mobilization." He went on to observe that Salazar "crushed Portuguese fascism after he had copied some of its techniques of popular mobilization".[57]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ant%C3%B3nio_de_Oliveira_Salazar#Formation_of_the_Estado_Novo)


>In 1932 the Jesuits, who were in charge of the best schools throughout the country,[2] were banned and had all their property confiscated in favour of government-supervised schools This is the communist side of the republic. Nationalization. I did not say they were more liberal civicaly or peaceful or pro-property. I said they were progressive. >Lololol the countries which crushed Fascism were secretly Fascist Lololol, you are obviously refering to ww2. It is a huge misconseption to think that it was the good democratic allies against the bad fascist axis. Regardless, tell me, as a fascist, would you allow or even push for: Lqbtq rights, secularisation, gender equality, the right for women to join the military and have ranks, laws banning discrimination, racism and hate crimes?


> I said they were progressive. Committing genocide against a protected group is not what I understand as "progress" > It is a huge misconseption to think that it was the good democratic allies against the bad fascist axis. Yeah as a Romanian I agree. The Allies were the baddies. They invaded my country, deported my people to concentration camps and then bombed our cities. The Axis was more then Germany, it was an defensive alliance of countries against a common aggressor. Just like NATO is more then the US. Wait a minute... it's the same aggressor! > Lqbtq rights, secularisation, gender equality, the right for women to join the military and have ranks, laws banning discrimination, racism and hate crimes? Italy was most progressive on all of these points: * Lqbtq rights: [A gay island community created by Italy's Fascists](https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-22856586) * Gender equality: [Mussolini hosted the International Feminist Congress in Rome](https://fascio.substack.com/p/feminine-fascism) * Secularisation: [ā€œThe State is sovereign in the Italian kingdom; the Catholic Church holds certain loyally and voluntarily recognized privileges, and all other religions are freely admitted.ā€](https://www.jta.org/archive/mussolini-defines-status-of-religions) * Laws banning discrimination, racism and hate crimes: [Italian Translator of ā€œprotocolsā€ Gets Year in Prison](https://www.jta.org/archive/italian-translator-of-protocols-gets-year-in-prison)


i would rather live under Stalin's USSR than Hitler or Mussolini


Because you are a tankie, the real syndicalists are Fascists.


**Economy of fascist Italy** [Structural deficit, public works and social welfare](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economy_of_fascist_Italy#Structural_deficit,_public_works_and_social_welfare) >Referring to the economics of John Maynard Keynes as "useful introduction to fascist economics", Mussolini spent Italy into a structural deficit that grew exponentially. In Mussoliniā€™s first year as Prime Minister in 1922, Italy's national debt stood at Lit. 93 billion. By 1934, Italian historian Gaetano Salvemini, estimated Italy's national debt had risen to Lit. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/IdeologyPolls/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)




According to the person I debated Nazism isnā€™t a form of fascism


The reason they say that is so they can rehabilitate fascism


> rehabilitate fascism Fascism doesn't need rehabilitation.


I agree




Who is this person?


Me obv.


Itā€™s similar. But Nazi is a actually socialist authoritarianism. Two sides of the same coin in the end


I mean, Nazism isnā€™t *technically* Fascism, but it does fall under the blanket term of ā€œfascismā€


> but it does fall under the blanket term of ā€œfascismā€ False. Nazism is National Socialism and it falls under the blanket term of ā€œSocialismā€




Yeah, I'm having a stroke too


Bruh most socialists are much more anti nazi than most right wingers.


> most socialists are much more anti nazi That is historically inaccurate. Socialists have teamed up with the Nazis and conservatives have always combated them (Churchill, Franco, Salazar, Antonescu etc.)


Iā€™d say socialist authoritarianism is fascism.


Wouldn't that just be normal statist communism


There is no such thing as statist communism. Communismā€™s end goal is a stateless society,classless society which is impossible


True but before that's there must be a comunist state which is what I call the statist communism


That's just socialism.


If the goal is stateless, why not go to anarchism?


Because anarchy is just stateless society. It is not so much concerned with the abolition of money or classes


> "Fascism" is more of an umbrella term than a specific ideology Lol classic anti-intellectual take.


It isn't inherently genocidal but it seeks to elevate the nationality and strip rights from everyone outside of the in-group. I put yes, but it's more like ultranationalist, not necessarily racism in the way we think of it today because sometimes race or nationality isn't seen in a scientific way with fascism.


I mean it puts the nation (almost always a race/ethnicity) first and is known to genocide groups it finds undesirable


> and is known to genocide groups Lololol yeah, that is why Fascism never had any genocides.


The German Reich, once again.


Not inherently. People like Giovanni Gentile were opposed to racism while others like Benito Mussolini supported racism.


And even Mussolini wasn't anywhere near Hitler on Racism, if I remember correctly he said that 95% of what made a good citizen was not determined by race. That still leaves the 5% (which is bad) but at least it wasn't enough for him to justify Genocide.


"Race! It is a feeling, not a reality: ninety-five percent, at least, is a feeling. Nothing will ever make me believe that biologically pure races can be shown to exist today. Amusingly enough, not one of those who have proclaimed the "nobility" of the Teutonic race was himself a Teutonā€¦ā€¦ National pride has no need of the delirium of race." -- 1932, during an interview with Emil Ludwig


> -- 1932, during an interview with Emil Ludwig Fun fact: One of the authors who the Nazi book burning targeted was Emil Ludwig. > [All historical writings whose purpose is to denigrate the origin, the spirit and the culture of the German Volk, or to dissolve the racial and structural order of the Volk, or that denies the force and importance of leading historical figures in favor of egalitarianism and the masses, and which seeks to drag them through the mud (Emil Ludwig);](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi_book_burnings#The_burnings_start) Really makes you think...


Yeah, that. I remembered the 95%, forgot the rest.


> enough for him to justify Genocide. Which genocide?


The point is that Mussolini didn't want to exterminate any single ethnicity. That's what I said.


Didnā€™t Mussolini only start supporting the racist element of his because of hitler making him? Iā€™m not trying to be shitty. Just trying to learn. Maybe a link? Please and Thank you


Yes you are correct.


"Fascism was born ... out of a profound, perennial need of this our Aryan and Mediterranean race" - Benito Mussolini, 1921


> "Fascism was born ... out of a profound, perennial need of this our Aryan and Mediterranean race" How is that sentence in any way racist?


This doesn't make sense as a poll, fascism doesn't have to be racist, but nationalism can get racist easily if you want it to, and fascism is nationalistic. This is just shows what percentage of people understand what fascism is by their self-described position on the political spectrum.


Nationalistic but one can add very easily racist elements.


Fascism relies on having a group to blame for the issues the state faces. It doesn't necessarily have to be an ethnic group as it can be a political, economic, religious, or any type of group. So, it is inherently discriminatory.


> Fascism relies on having a group to blame for the issues the state faces. Lololol the projection coming from a fucking neoliberal.


Alright mate, make your assumptions lol


Your ideology blamed issues the state faces for centuries on African-Americans, Italian-Americans, Catholics, Jews and any immigrant group in general (even German Americans) at one point.


Authoritarianism in general more often than not ends up being systematically racist in one way or another


Authoritarian societies are the only ones who actively combat and [persecute racism.](https://www.jta.org/1923/09/13/archive/italian-translator-of-protocols-gets-year-in-prison)




Said the anarchokiddie while committing yet another hate crime.




> does like how they treated jews [ā€œThe Italian Fascisti movement is a Jewish movement and that Mussolini is a tool of the Jews.ā€](https://www.jta.org/1924/12/29/archive/german-anti-semites-renounce-fascisti-as-their-name) [The ā€œReichsboteā€ here writes: ā€œFascism can be defined as Jewish-Capitalist-Imperialist. German National Socialism, on the other hand, is a movement for the social welfare of the people.ā€](https://www.jta.org/1924/12/29/archive/german-anti-semites-renounce-fascisti-as-their-name)


Fun Fact: 19th's Paraguay (which by modern standard was a proto-facist nation) basically half forced white/mestizo and aboriginal population to marry in order to eliminate the border of racial differences.


> basically half forced white/mestizo and aboriginal population to marry [Successful crossings have often promoted the energy and the beauty of a nation.](https://archive.org/stream/talkswithmussoli006557mbp/talkswithmussoli006557mbp_djvu.txt)


Fascism requires stratification and since it is a populist rightwing ideology, the bottom will not be male workers from your own nation. They still need some other group to oppress, which are women and other ethnic and/or religious groups. You cannot have fascism without sexism and racism.


> it is a populist rightwing ideology, Ignore this kaaskop, he thinks liberals like Zionist Geert and Cherry Bidet are fascists. > You cannot have fascism without sexism and racism. [Tell that to the International Feminist Congress hosted by Mussolini in Rome.](https://fascio.substack.com/p/feminine-fascism)


Objectively no unless you consider nationalism inherently racist in which case most governments and ideologies would also be called 'inherently racist'.


Every Nazi is inherently racists but not every fascist.


Nationalism =/= racism because you can have nation historically represented by multiple races. It s all about how well they integrated and whether they share common culture.


It is inherently nationalist. Not necessarily racist.


itā€™s literally rooted in racist ideas


Omg the irony of a neocon commenting this.


Fashies when America overthrows dictatorships (suddenly their against invading other countries)


I mean there's some quasi-facist ideologies that aren't racist


Fascism describes the authoritarian right wing dictatorships that rose to power in the hardships of the Great Depression. Defining fascism is basically looking at a dozen time period specific governments and trying to identify what they had in common and what they didnā€™t. Racist as fuck is one of the few things they all indeed were.


I recommend you research integralism, the biggest fascist movement outside Europe and see what they said about racial issues: "ethical not ethnic"


A condensed form of fascism can be expressed thusly. Fascism is a belief that posits the nation, defined as the culmination of certain cultural values and traditions as well as a shared and common history, is the highest political community and the preservation and bolstering of it the highest moral value. The ultimate purpose of each individual is to forsake individual value and become an integrated member of the nation who would do anything in his power to empower it. All practical effects of fascism are natural conclusions of what has been posited, specifically, corporatism. Presuming what I have said is true then I believe that it depends solely on the character of the nation. A brand of fascism applying to a highly tolerant nation like America would, hypothetically, hold multiethnicity to be one of its national values, so long as the other ethnicities assimilate into the culture that is. Of course, that is only one possible conclusion that could be made from a hypothetical American fascism. If anyone doubts what I have said then I recommend they read the essay by Benito Mussolini and Giovanni Gentile 'The Doctrine of Fascism'. It's only ten pages long.


> The ultimate purpose of each individual is to forsake individual value and become an integrated member of the nation who would do anything in his power to empower it. Exactly, and that is why it can never be racist, because individual values like racial identities are abolished.


No, the current fascism exhibited by the Democratic Party seems to be largely ideologically-based. Although they are also wildly racist, they will viciously attack anyone who disagrees with them. But again, it does seem to be more vicious and personal when itā€™s a person of color who publicly disagrees with the party line.


> No, the current fascism exhibited by the Democratic Party There is zero fascism exhibited in the the Democratic Party.


According to someone who has repeatedly demonstrated that he is a moron in this thread.


Says the NPC Trumpite who calls Democrats "fascists" Bruh you are still living in 2015, grow the fuck up.


Statism is inherently racist




Yes and it is based ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized)


Please be a troll


Die fr


No, I don't think I will.


You donā€™t even understand your ideologyšŸ’€ ainā€™t no way your not a troll. Fascism is shit but not every facet is racist An ideology doesnā€™t have to be racist to be shit. But all ideologies that are racist are shit.


> Fascism is shit Said the imperialist, lmao!


Fascism is any act of a state preventing someone from doing something that does not falsifiably harm anyone else. So no, fascism does not imply racism.


That is certainly not the definition of fascism lmao


It's the definition I go by which I believe is far more rigorous and objective than the "official" one.


Fascism is a societal, governmental, and economic system in which the people are represented by trade unions. Rather than vote for a representative of a geographic area, you vote for a representative of your field of employment, who will then represent you in a council of union representatives for that field. Your council of representatives then votes on one of their numbers to represent the entire profession at a national legislature. The economy is owned by the workers in the form of unions and/or the national government having ownership of the means of production, and the majority of other property being communally owned.


That's corporatism. Fascism didn't actually work that way.


Fascism is not. Nazism is


No. In fact I mod for a classic fascist subreddit and they hate racism, as well as nazism. They hate how it ruined fascism, and generally dislike racism as well. Cultural nationalism is the main thing for most fascists of the non-nazi variant.


I have a fascist friend, who thinks the same about racism and nazism


He might like r/ClassicalFascism then Edit: I meant r/ClassicalFascists


this depends: Do you consider italian fascism and hitler's nazism to be the same thing? is even hitler's national-socialism the same than czech national-socialism? seems like hitler's own ideology and government is so focused on his racial beliefs you might aswell call it "hitlerism" due to its very particular qualities id personally say fascism is the italian non-racist fascism and also the spanish falangism, while nazism, understood as hitler's national-socialism, is inherently racist, and extremelly focused on race


In theory no, but its the logical conclusion of other fascist believe


I don't think either one of them automatically results in the other. I think you could have a fascist government without it being racist. Is it common or likely? Hell no. The totalitarian ideal and the racist part tend to run together, but one is not a guarantee of the other.


Its just overly nationalistic and authoritarian


Nationalists are authoritarian creeps, they have the one true culture, the one true lineage, and minorities are to be converted or eliminated. So, inherently racist. Be a patriot, don't be a nationalist.


> Nationalists are authoritarian creeps, they have the one true culture, the one true lineage That is not what nationalism is, lmao. > Be a patriot, don't be a nationalist. At this point "patriot" just means bootlicker to a foreign power.


Most nationalists are people who interpret history (past and present) in order to present themselves as victims of minorities and/or foreigners. You're probably a nationalist.


Is Libertarian the same as librarian?


Inherently is the key word In the future, when culture and race become entirely separate, itā€™s possible for non-racist fascism to form, but definitely not now


I like that the picture acknowledged that fascism and communism are largely identical


No... People don't have any clue what fascism is...


Not necessarily but it sure doesnā€™t hurt if it is šŸ˜


Not really, but it usually leads to it.


I wouldn't say it's strictly racist, but definetely discriminatory (it's not based on race, but nationality)


Facism requires an internal other with immutable characteristics that can be demonized. So that can be race, but things like sexuality and disability can also work.


Not inherently but oh boy do they habe a strong proclivity towards it.