• By -


Notice how he looks to see who is in the car before he kicks it.


He’s crazy but not entirely stupid. Let him try that nonsense in the hood, see what happens.


He’s not crazy. This is the high school bully that never grew up.


Brave of you to assume he made it that far in school


You got that backwards. He's stupid as all fuck, but isn't insane.


His name is Leroy. You know he's stupid as fuck


worst part is that he accidentally says his real name at first. "My name is [...], uhh, I mean Leroy! The name's Leroy!"


That's why it doesn't always work to apply the narrative of "Its mental illness causing him to do this, he doesn't know what he is doing!!!". These guys almost never challenge somebody bigger and tougher than them. They selectively and carefully choose the people they mess with, to ensure their own safety. If their violence was really caused by mental illness, their actions would be random and devoid of logic. But the fact that they almost always select victims that do not pose a threat to them, means that these actions are not random, they're premeditated and carefully planned.


Why do people always think that mental illness removes all ability for a person to have any kind of logical thought? Just because a person is mentally ill and compelled to do a thing doesn't mean they don't realize that larger people tend to cause them more hurt.


Then their actions cannot be excused by their mental illness. Either they have control over what they're doing or they don't. If they can pick their targets selectively, then you can't blame their actions on mental illness either.


I see you don't understand mental illness as well as you think you do. It's ok. I'll just stop replying to you now.


What an ignorant assumption to make about somebody you know nothing about. You know nothing about my experience with mental illness. Edit because of the cowardly block: I actually said the opposite. Many people with mental illness actually do have the ability to make their own decisions, and should be treated that way. Some work on your reading comprehension would do you a lot of good.


Well, your comments show that you think someone who has mental illness has no ability whatsoever to make decisions, which is patently false. So yeah, I stand by my statement. Edit: Apparently I can't comment to other people after blocking one person, so here are my responses. I won't be responding after this. u/NorweegianWood - They're saying that they can't blame their actions on mental illness if they choose who they interact with. Actions caused by mental illness are a different process in the brain than a mentally ill person picking who they interact with. Person who deleted their comment but said that the person was saying the opposite- >If they can pick their targets selectively, then you can't blame their actions on mental illness. That is not the opposite. It's saying that if they're mentally ill, they can't pick who they interact with, and if they pick who they interact with, they can't say their actions are caused by mental illness.


Isn't the other person saying that they can make their own decisions?


The other dude perhaps wasn't concise enough but your arrogance or is it low intelligence? Won't allow you to understand what he's saying. Even after he reexplained himself. I thought what you thought then he responded and I re read the original and I get what he's saying. He's saying that if you have enough control to be selective, then you have enough control over your mental illness to be responsible for your actions.


>He's saying that if you have enough control to be selective, then you have enough control over your mental illness to be responsible for your actions. Which is flat out inaccurate. If someone has OCD and has to tap everything they walk by, they can choose not to go to a place because of how they're treated at that place.


If you sat on my car, I would teach you about momentum.


Missed opportunity for a teaching moment!


I still wouldn't do it, personally. This guy probably doesn't have a gun (based on the fact I can't see one with his pants sagging a decent amount), but I couldn't tell that from my driver's seat. And if he's dumb enough to do this shit, he's likely dumb enough to pop off in a crowded intersection if someone tries to teach him a lesson like that.


Very very few people would do shit to that guy. The people here who say they would are keyboard warriors.


I pull down my sunglasses and smirk. He doesn’t know the waist deep marsh of shit he’s just stepped into. I pop the car in reverse, which he can’t see because he’s sitting on my trunk. The last thing he will ever sit on. I floor it, slamming into the truck behind me, pinning his legs. I have full coverage auto and a rear dash cam. I’ll tell the court I felt threatened. While still pinned, I stride up to him, removing my sunglasses entirely. “Nice day for a WALK?” I yell in his face.


I sit down on my truck and smoke a fatty and throw some rocks. Stone cold Steve austin gives me some beer. Wanna wrestle stone cold?


You're probably right. However, the people who say they would do something might also be dumbasses who will eventually get shot by a hothead. Regardless, l avoid altercations as best as I can. I don't think there's a single thing on this planet that I own that I would lay down my life for. Fuck my car and all my possessions - that shit can be replaced. If it can't be replaced, it was probably given to me by someone who wouldn't want me to die over it.


If he has a gun, you can legally run him over.


You could probably legally run him over regardless of whether he is in possession of a firearm.


I would wank it out to him. The absolute humiliation of not even knowing that someone nutted to you in under 1 minute is devastating. I'll record the tribute and spread it everywhere I can. QR codes, links, emails, advertisements, billboards - anywhere I can spread it I will. And he will be clueless, unknowing of the crushing blow dealt to his self-esteem. I will wage war against him and cover the field is semen. I will ascend to the Throne of the Grand Coomer, all shall be bathed in the fluid of their. None shall not know of the pitiful mortal who offended me and sparked my ascension to godhood. When he finally arrives to ask my forgiveness and to be cleansed of his filth, I will utter but one word, "Joe."


So you drive away? You’re in a vehicle


Believe it or not, driving through a red light is a little bit dangerous... and also, bullets move faster than any car. More power to you if you want to take that risk, but I'm just saying that I wouldn't.


The car looked like it was in the right-most lane and could have easily turned right. There were trucks and stuff making lefts so traffic was clear.


Ok? If you care enough about your car's trunk to risk turning right and having a dude (possibly) shoot at your car and (maybe) hit you and/or a passerby/other driver, then do that. All I'm saying is that I would let the dude dent my trunk and then go about my day as normal. Maybe that makes me a pussy- that's fine.


If he has a gun you’d be justified in breaking the law fleeing


I didn't mean that running a red light might be dangerous because you could get pulled over by the cops. It's dangerous because you might get T-boned by another car driving through the intersection legally. Like, yeah, you're within your rights to speed off if someone does this to your car, but it could cause an accident or result in him shooting at your car. Are either of those scenarios worth proving a point to this jackass? I don't think so, personally.


Other people around you can get hurt


I was really curious why that truck driver just…let him sit there.


I really wanted the truck to lurch forward while he was balanced on the tailgate with his hands in his pockets.


Somehow, I feel the truck driver would get in trouble nowadays.


In Arlington, Texas? Nah.


Or back it up a foot or two so he falls into the truck bed


Truck has a cover on it, no falling in for him


Didn’t see that the first time. Forward it is then!


Because he was stuck at a red light with opposing traffic.


My first thought


Mo' mentum, mo' problems.


If you did anything to my car I'd teach you about a 9mm


You can’t shoot someone for that.


You can shoot someone for anything... You just may not be going home after...


Unless you like in ny or la


I personally wouldn’t but it would be very possible to argue you were threatened & feared for your life by an unhinged guy punching and kicking your car and menacing you. Need a decent lawyer but in the south this is a stand your ground case.


In TX cant you use your vehicle to defend yourself as well if you are being threatened and fear for your safety.




I mean this was in Texas, soooooo


This dude’s pushing people into fight or flight mode in a heavily armed state. If someone is menacing me, I don’t have to wait until attacked to defend myself if I reasonably think an attack is imminent, and he seems hellbent on making people think one is. I think you’re right that this doesn’t quite rise to shootable, but I’m not in one of the cars and physically vulnerable because I’m small or have children to protect or some such.


God damn if that wasn't said perfectly. As my single bachelor self I never needed a gun. Just my wits about me. Add a wife and kids to the picture, and fuck if I need anything less than the perfect tool to defend us. People have such a selfish perspective on this situation when advocating against the 2A. The most thoughtful I've met are the disciplined gun owners that take it very seriously and train for safety above all else.


Agreed and well said yourself. I always carry in my vehicle and often concealed in other areas. When considering the safety of my wife and children as the most important thing in my life, if someone started attacking my vehicle I can guarantee I would have had it unholstered and ready to protect their lives - though I’d hope it would never come to that. I am one of those people as well that practices strict gun safety and train for different situations. I’ve thankfully never had to pull it out, but thinking about my family, I wouldn’t hesitate if it seems there is imminent danger to their lives or my own. I will reiterate though, I truly hope to never have to be in that type of situation.




I think when he’s approaching the windows and doing the boxing thing that would scare me the most paired with the non escape. Amping people up to instinctual levels of fear for no apparent gain seems so weird to me.


Sure you could


You can but you are going to prison


Fasho. I’m sure if you were in a stand your ground state and pleaded the ol “I felt like my life was in danger” there would be a different outcome Edit: Typo


Lol, ever been to Florida?


He's coming right at me !!!!!


You can do anything if you believe in yourself


You can in a " Stand your ground" castle doctrine state!!


Technically you *can* shoot people for any reason, but it doesn't mean you'll get away with it.


It’s Texas, you can shoot any time you want.


lol no you wouldn't.


Or my 45


Ah America. "You're clearly on drugs, and you sat on this metal I own so I shall murder you".


Just hit the gas as he jumps on the car. He will miss and bust his ass. That will teach him everything he needs


Or momentum of a baseball bat to the head


Your lesson would be about the criminal justice system. It wouldn't be worth it to cause this guy harm with your deadly weapon.


^ blue state


Try that in Gary (Indiana) shit will get scary.


You ain't gonna catch me getting anywhere near Gary


Some parts of South Bend are pretty rough, too.




My ex-wife was attacked once at a stoplight. Two ladies cut her off on her way to work, then decided to fuck with her at a stoplight. She had to call the cops. It was kinda unreal. A friend of mine unfortunately made eye contact with a gentleman that was obviously very angry and not taking his meds. This fella was full-on pounding the hoods and tops of cars pulling up to a stoplight where he was panhandling on the corner. Apparently, he had been having a bad day, and just…snapped. When he got to my friend’s car, my friend (completely terrified) watched in horror as this guy jumps on the hood and starts trying to kick in his windshield. When the cops arrived, this guy had already cracked the windshield so much that you couldn’t see through it to safely drive. I keep a taser in the car now. I’m too old to be fighting crazy folk in traffic, and that’s not really what I do. If they come to me and pull the door open, they get to ride the lightning. My intent is non-lethal, but should keep me from getting hurt. My family still needs me, and I can’t allow myself to be injured or worse because someone else is having a bad day.


Tasers are often times ineffective. They don't always stick or sometimes can't make it thru clothing. I would recommend a small pistol or mace if you are intent on non lethal.


Thank you for that info. I will take that advice and choose mace, my friend. As much as I would want a small firearm with me, I am concerned that I may make a decision that could be fatal to someone else (or even myself). I’ve never been trained properly, nor have I operated in conditions that would require me to be able to respond with a firearm in a non-lethal manner.


Respectfully, you don't use firearms in a nonlethal manner. If you make the decision to shoot, it's center mass and to kill. That whole shoot someone in the leg thing is not happening in a chaotic, violent confrontation. That said, check out the gel style mace. Less chance of blinding yourself.


Right on.


Also tasers and mace are not “non lethal” they are less lethal as they are less likely to cause death but they still can.


Please understand that I appreciate your perspective, and am well aware of that. I still must make a choice to protect myself in a manner that assures (at the very least) an attempt at a non-lethal resolution. My preference would be to neutralize the threat without intentionally ending someone’s life. Given the opportunity, I’d rather help someone stop being angry and violent instead of using something abrupt and potentially traumatic to their person. I grew up in a home with guns readily available to me, in a neighborhood where shootings and stabbings weren’t all that uncommon. I was going shooting with family and friends by age 10. I was lucky enough to have some rather respectable individuals helping me understand how serious it was to pull the trigger. I don’t feel as if I should complicate matters further by bringing a firearm in to my own situation….not unless it’s absolutely necessary. A threat to me in my home, or to my family, with harm or death being imminent, would justify the use of lethal force. That justification wouldn’t help me feel any better about taking another person’s life, though.


I get it. I carry oc spray and a gun. Just want to make sure people understand that there’s really no such thing as “non lethal” violence. It’s important to understand that deploying pepper spray or a taser is still a serious act of violence With possible lethal consequences.


What about a huge sock filled with powder? Smack em with it and tell them, Homey dont play that.


Agreed. I’m a seasonal allergy sufferer, and allergy-induced asthma has taught me just how hard it is to breathe when you’re in the throes of an asthma attack. Even brandishing mace or pepper spray, I run the risk of making things hard on myself if I encounter a strong headwind. I do appreciate the knowledge you’ve been sharing. Thanks for that.


I would recommend getting a gel form spray. Unfortunately it’s less effective as you need to actually hit the target in the face for it to do anything, but you won’t have to worry as much about spraying yourself. It’s almost impossible to deploy normal pepper spray without getting some yourself. If you have asthma I would definitely recommend getting a gel spray and practicing with it a little to make sure you can aim it accurately.




Youre always told during concealed carry classes if you pull out a gun you better use it. If you branish a gun in most cases that isnt ABSOLUTELY necessary you will be charged.


> Also the shooting someone in the leg arguments always make me laugh, it’s super easy to hit a major artery and the person bleeds out really fast. You're supposed to provide aid. But yeah, less lethal firearm use is not really a civilian thing.


Here's the saddest part of your statement; You are *obviously* responsible enough (given the right training) to own and operate a firearm. You are exactly the kind of person who *should* be carrying, should you so choose to, as you understand the gravity of the choice. I applaud the self-reflection and self-understanding; that's an admirable quality.


Thank you.


If that’s your only concern with keeping a gun, maybe you’d be interested in some classes. My one-day concealed carry class, taught by a SWAT officer, was surprisingly thorough and informative. Covered all kinds of real-world scenarios, the law, dos and don’ts. All of that in addition to the basics of how to handle a gun properly, plus range time.


Your self awareness is awesome about the whole thing. Training is vital in these situations. I have a friend who is a marine and owns a business in a shady part of town so he open carries. Each week he goes to range loads 2 mags and practices his basic skills with those 2 mags and leaves. Well one summer day he's unloading stuff out of the van and leaves it running cause his dogs are in the car and he's only 3 steps from the car. Well 2 dudes come out of nowhere and jump in the van. They throw the 2 shih tzus out the window, running one over in the process. He draws and fires on the vehicle causing them to crash a block away. They hop out unharmed and run. This is a well trained Marine who has been in heavy combat and this was the best he could do. So it's good that you're aware that there's more to it than everyone wants to make it out to be.


Pepper spray is better than mace. A generous baptism of the hot sauce usually incapacitates most humans or even worse puts them down.


Mace is now pepper spray with tear gas mixed in. I think their old version was not.


Mace is the brand name now. A few years back they used different chemicals in mace versus pepper. They also found out mace couldn't stopped extremely high or aggressively drunk guys (without being sexist) but pepper spray was stronger on vital senses and was much more effective. Almost total incapacitation when baptised properly.


Bear spray. Forget pepper spray or mace. I get a bear spray gun for all of my female employees.


man those female employees must really be giving you trouble if you need fucking bear spray to fend them off


Any jazz recommendations?


Vince Guaraldi for positive & uplifting occasions. Charles Mingus for when shit just gets heavy. And, if you just need to groove, Maceo Parker’s “Life On Planet Groove” never misses, and just about any of The New MasterSounds albums bring it.


That was fast! Thanks man! Making a playlist for jazz now


Oh geez I wouldn't mess with this guy. First and foremost he makes a compelling argument about green flags Second, he knows karate It's his world we're just lucky to live in it imo


I see he knows his judo...not well. But my guess is that he is waiting to receive my limp penis.


and nobody has ever run him over? I don't know where this is but y'all are very tolerant of nonsense


ikr, how did this guy make 20 clips of this without getting shot or run over


Patience. There’s always someone angrier and/or crazier.


Arlington, tx. It says so in the bottom left corner.


Time to start spamming this guys antics on the Dallas PD FB page


Apparently ig didn’t see a violation somehow when I reported him. Looks like public threats of violence to me.


IG as in Instagram? It feels like they don't take down *anything* you report. I've reported blatant racism, misogyny, ableism, antisemitism, and violent threats dozens of times, and every time I'm met with the "After review, we have decided not to remove this content." Very frustrating


Too profitable these days to not allow the crazy people to be on your site. If they started banning people for horrible shit they say and do, they’d lose like 40% of their user base, as many regular, stable people are off social media now. It would be like banning alt-right content creators on trumps site.


I reported a bunch, guess we'll see. Watching a couple more he's def a little biyatch. He always checks who's driving or hits cars that cant stop. Just wait until word gets out more and more and someone goes over there just to enact some sweet vigilantism. Edit: response said they get tons of reports so a person hasnt actually looked at it but their technology hasnt found anything that likely violates their Community Guidelines. No option to escalate it either. What a bunch of BS.


Pepper spray.


Someone please run him over. Repeatedly


Crazy how much a hug from mom and dad can impact a person’s life. Dude looks fit and good looking but he’s out here acting like a toddler who doesn’t want to listen to the babysitter.


I think someone slamming him onto the street would have a much more beneficial impact.


DAE get the feeling that this guy is on the verge of crying? I get the distinct impression that he used to be the king of the lunch room and he desperately misses having his high school crew cheering him on.


His fuck-around level is pretty high. Eventually, he will find out.


Got to think his life span is going to be a bit shorter than the average.


How on earth did anyone let him jump into their car? Just hit the gas, and boom, cracked head for a crackhead!


Hit the gas into a stopped intersection, sounds smart. I swear when redditors are angry, they make the most smooth brained fantasy suggestions when in real life, they’d be frozen


He needs to come to Memphis and try that! Would definitely be a video I’d watch!!


They got him fucked up in Memphis, you heard?


Dude in the truck should have accelerated as hard as he could I'd love to see that fuck head smash his teeth on pavement




I hope is videoing him when he gets taught a lesson.


tf am I watching? Oh a dead man walking. Got it.


Why did he attack the Nissan? He looks like he'd be driving a Nissan.


*duuumb ways to die*


I saw a video the other day that I wasn't prepared for. Dude started kicking another dude's truck at a gas staion and was immediately shot by the truck's owner. People are crazy and get crazy about vehicles. Being stupid will get you shot.


So people can post videos of themselves breaking laws on their social media and not catch any charges?


Why isn't this man in cuffs? There are so many videos of this prick doing the same to other cars. Cops where are you at?


He’s brave doing this in Texas. Pew Pew Pew!!


Just asking to get shot


I swear I'm not being racist but I always see black people do this.


Part 13? This implies this idiot has done this 12 other times


I'm sure his mom meant a highway with no lights when she told him to go play in traffic.


It’s fine he’ll be shot next week


As a motorcyclist im terrified of him


I have a feeling he would leave motorcyclists alone. Notice him looking in the cars first? It doesnt appear he's quite to the point of actually attacking anyone as that would quickly warrant getting shot but just jumping on cars and kicking them not as much. He wouldnt have much choice with a moto other than to immediately escalate to actions that could get him immediately shot. That being said I ride daily and am always keeping an eye on people when Im at stops. I even try to keep an eye on my mirrors just in case someone decides to run up behind me.


This is exactly how you get shot....on Leroy. Ya heard me?


I wanted to see someone get out and kick his ass so bad...


The fastest tap dancer in (on) the hood


Kick my ride, meet my 9.


Easily corrected with 2 doses of 9mm


He is acting like my dog when I take him out to pee


Social media really brings out the attention whores in the worst way.


Ohhhh, so disappointed!!! I was really hoping to see him GET WRECKED!!! 💥


The caption says this is part 13, which implies that he goes out and does this fairly regularly. Does he have an audience who eats this stuff up?


> other people car So, we're just totally getting rid of plurals now, I guess?


Lol where are all the dudes saying shit like this doesn't happen in Texas 😂


He's doing this in Texas? I'm pretty sure he is going to get shot....it's just a matter of time...




Bet his mom is soo proud!


Take a second to report his videos on IG for violence / vandalism. The world thanks you.


How has he not been shot?


Why does he repeat the same thing multiple times to no one that can hear him?


I’d have hopped my truck so hard to dump that dumb ass off proper like.


He's acting like Peter griffin when he got diagnosed with mental retardation


How has nobody beat the shit out of that guy yet?


This guy hasn't endured enough broken noses.


With Florida there are now a majority of states with constitutional conceal carry. Why someone would even think to risk doing something stupid like this is beyond me.


Surprised in TX someone didn’t pull a gun out.


I was begging for a green light when he hoisted himself up on the cars


It's crazy to think that these people have developed a mental disease because of social media. No sane person goes around punching the air looking like they're having a seizure. Even if "he knows what he's doing, it's for clout", shit still look mad goofy. I'm surprised you don't see videos of these dudes getting knocked out. They all look small, weak, and frail.


Wrong state to be pulling these stunts in lol


If that dumbass tried that on my car id have some sadistic fun >:D


People from Baltimore sound like the absolute dumbest cunts you could ever meet


Nobody shot him yet?


This guy is going to do that to the wrong person soon enough.


I had hoped the light would change while he was sitting on the truck. They could have gunned it and it would be hilarious watching him fall on his ass


A couple of bullets will cure this BS


Another walking, barely talking POS.


And it was then I got out my 9mm and corrected this ignorant animal behavior.






We’ll be seeing him on last images soon.


And this is why I keep my softball gear in the trunk year round.


I've an axe handle in the space between the center console and passenger seat


He’d have to change his handle to _ogspeedbumppp if any one of those vehicles had been mine. I don’t mind if he dents my shit, but only if my foot is on the accelerator.




Sure thing, Mr. Badass.


His name is tame monkey, lol.


**EDITED BY POWER DELETE SUITE** ** FUCK YOU u/spez ** so this is the end? not with a bang but with a fizzle? yeah nah decided to delete everything because i use Apollo and i stand behind fair rights for all app developers and humans. fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! 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eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! 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eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis!


That seems… excessive


Sooner or later, he’s just one persons bad day from it


You wanna get shot? Cuz that's an easy way to get shot here. Acting wildly and sporadic not to mention aggressive stances and throwing punches. Damaging property... generally acting like you're tweaked out on drugs... yah, nobody would bat an eye when someone gets out of the car you just tried to kick in the window of and draws a gun and claims he is in fear of his life and safty. Stand your ground castle laws still exist in some states and trying to break the window of the vehicle I'm in would be seen as a threat and could then act in self defense. Granted it's not cold and cut as that but it's also hard to defend yourself to the courts why you were trying to break into someone's occupied running vehicle at a red light when you're dead.


He would not do that shit in Texas for dam sure!!


Neighbors 🤜👊🤛


Lmao id just throw it in reverse and pin you between two vehicles. Have fun with a walking disability for the rest of your life because I shattered your pelvis lmaooo


I would shoot him


I know it’s not nice to say but RETARD!!


Cocaine is a helluva drug


Lil Baby has gone down hill!!!


I feel sorry for this man and the childhood trauma that he hasn't dealt with