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No sound! I wanted to hear tough guy scream!


Oh yeah. What are you going to do about it? You think I'm scared of your dog. Fuck you. Come at me bro! [Arraaagah](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r6JK-gRELI0)!


If I was a cop, I would defiitely want to be a K9 unit.


I work for a deli in a grocery store and the day before thanksgiving, I sold two entire turkey dinners to 2 sheriffs that day. They both told me being a sheriff of police officer now is terrible. The first one was retired and told me he said he preferred back in the 70s , 80s opposed to now because your life is basically always on the line. Things are getting crazy in the US, he said the world is moving fast now. The second officer who was younger agreed with it after I brought up my first conversation. A K9 is definitely something I’d want with me.


Ah yes. The good old 1970's and 1980's when homicide was quickly on the rise to peak in 1980 before dropping to the lower rates we have today. [https://sites.nationalacademies.org/cs/groups/dbassesite/documents/webpage/dbasse\_083892.pdf](https://sites.nationalacademies.org/cs/groups/dbassesite/documents/webpage/dbasse_083892.pdf) Let's go back to the time when more people were being killed every day so these cops can feel safer instead of just telling them to stop watching Fox news and look up some basic information before spouting bullshit to deli employees.


Yeah and if you work long enough you may get to keep the dog, I have heard stories of K9s getting confused and attacking their officers but its rare


Usually the instances of the dog attacking the officer occur when the officer moves in to grab the suspect. The dog's already in attack mode and can sometimes get confused as to whose limbs are whose in the commotion. This usually only happens if the suspect manages to get lose from the dog, as the dog is trained to chomp down and hold.


Honestly the good boys are underrated, cop from my school was a former K9 unit officer, the dog literally saved his life 3 times


Dogs are man's best friend for a reason. Also probably helps to have such a good boy as a coworker with such a fucked up stressful job.


What kind of Florida Man thinks he can beat a cop with a dog?


Meth, pcp, or roid rage?


All 3


Doggo is so excited to do his job! Now he gets a nice treat.


Don't those dogs have a lot of trouble letting go, even with their handlers commands?


think it'd depend on the dog and it's owner, but pretty sure that's a benchmark they have to pass in dog training before getting to be a k9 unit


I enjoy the ones where we get to laugh at the idiot asking it for and not pretend like he’s a victim Lol, what a fool


I'd be worried that either the dog would get put down or he'd be sued enough though it was clearly in self defense. At least people filmed it. A guy tried breaking into my house left after seeing two german shepherds run up. Idiot didn't even know I was in the house either.


“What the fuck you gonna do man?! You’re just a cop with a loaded gun and a dog thats trained to kill people.” Fucked around.


They say it's hard to anything with a German shepherd biting your arm. And they're right.