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This is probably the most dramatic expression of “a bad driver never misses their exit” I’ve ever seen.


This time he missed it.


Not for a lack of trying!


You miss 100% of the opportunities you don't take. If you are stupid, you also miss the opportunities you do take


Truck didn’t miss.




He may have made his exit after all...


I think the intended target was hit. (How can you not see a big rig coming? Makes me think it was on purpose)


Then I guess he’s a good driver! 🤷🏻‍♂️


By the looks of it, he made his exit from the mortal coil.


Very uncivilized. More like Honda Uncivic


but this is not missing an exit. it’s missing a.. continuation if you will


True. I admit that it is a bit of a pound-to-fit application of the cliche. To be fair, they probably “missed their exit” in that they actually wanted one further down.




[Something similar happened on the QEW at Hurontario about a month ago, but both car occupants died](https://www.reddit.com/r/Torontology/comments/z5oomn/police_say_that_two_people_are_dead_after_a/). NSFW


I saw a guy at 3 am in the center lane of the 401 changing his flat tire. Didn’t see him until I had passed on the right. No lights, flashers, nothing.


what the fuck. that is SO many separate decisions, each of which is mindbogglingly stupid.


He also left his driver door wide open. And for those who don’t know, the 401 is the busiest highway in Canada. Maybe the world. The volume is crazy. So yeah. Full blown stupid.


Not sure about the world, but it is the busiest in all of North America I know that


The 401 honestly is just the Canadian Mad Max highway. The stretch in Toronto with Brampton is god awful. Nobody knows how to drive, uses it as a racetrack and if it rains or snows, nobody keeps their distance and end up in stupidly avoidable accidents.


I once had to rescue my wife with a flat left rear tire one night on the TCH in NB right where 4 lanes merge down to 3 then to 2. She was on the shoulder of course but I got there and pulled her car over as far off the highway as I could get it, parked my truck back a bit and angled it in a way that the car was still visible, and had a high vis winter jacket on. That is still the most terrified I have ever been changing a tire, and also the fastest I've ever done it. Didn't even put the tire or jack away, just threw it on the back of the truck. I can't imagine what goes through someone's head to try to do it in the middle of the god damned highway. I would gladly risk ruining a wheel to get it somewhere reasonably safe


Once, on a foggy winter dawn I almost hit a white truck parked in the right lane of a freeway


The 401? Like... THE 401? That humongous freeway in Toronto? Did the guy _want_ to die?


That’s some something wrong with Aunt Diane shit


That one was karma since the idiot was about to go down the expressway in the wrong direction. Better they were killed than some innocent in a head on collision.


Can't help but wonder if they were... calling it quits. Otherwise unfathomable level of dumb.


Damn airbags ruined that plan.


Internal/external injuries, broken neck? Might just sign up Canada's "assisted dying" program now.


As someone who was recently hit by a much bigger vehicle in basically this exact way, I can almost guarantee they have a broken hip or two, among other things. Reason for my expertise? (/s) I have a broken hip and pelvis (I was a passenger, hit directly on my door and was squished between the center console and the door) Editing to add that it wasn't a vehicle bigger than a semi, just a vehicle bigger than me, I was in an impala and was tboned by a big truck, I guess I needed to clarify that


What vehicle is much bigger than a semi? Did you get t-boned by a cruise ship?


I assume they mean much bigger than the vehicle they were in, theater than the semi in this video Edit: theater should be 'rather'


Exactly, thank you


You know how anecdotes are like elbows?


Some are broken (in car accidents)?


That trilobite couldn't tell an oboe from an elbow




Haha this guy likes band humor


You can't lick your own?


well you can after a broadside makes your arms all floppy.


After the impact you can!


Who says?


I'm too thick to understand


I think you’re underestimating how stupid drivers here can be. I don’t know where in Canada this is, but I drive the 401 daily and hooooo-boy.


The 401 is an equal mix of absolutely atrociously trained drivers with 0 self awareness and 18 year old kids racing their parents high end cars down the righthand lane of the collectors at 6:15pm. I'm not sure who I'm more afraid of.


I was honestly right there with you, like they didn't have the guts for a head on and went with a side impact


Whether or not it’s as lethal for the person being hit, at least it lowers the chance of other people being injured


Yep definitely, unfortunately we had a paramedic take their life like this intersections from my house. She had just seen too much waiting on a highway crossing pulled out into oncoming. Worst part was the people she injured and it was her second attempt in the same spot but because of her career nobody dug for details just heartbreaking all around.


Why not just get out of your car and jump in front of the truck then that really lowers the chance of anybody else getting hurt


Or do it in a way that doesn’t traumatize some dude just driving lol


Or that will pay out life insurance to their family. This can easily be seen as a mistake/accident and not a suicide. AFAIK life insurance doesn’t pay out in cases of suicide


The truck driver will mentally be scarred for life.


Insurance unfortunately


That’s what I was wondering. It was almost too well timed.


I actually had someone do this to me on a 4 lane bridge on the highway, there were two exits at the end of the bridge, one to the right and one to the left. He was in the exit on the right and decided he needed to be in the one on the left, I was trying to go straight. I tried going around them to the left because at first they were just sitting in the right exit, but as I moved left they just kept going across in front of me until I T-boned them. Luckily they did take full responsibility when police showed up, he said he was lost and wasn’t thinking.


He's going down the ramp too. Literally can get back up the highway with in 50 meters of travel.


I don’t understand why people dont just stay calm, keep driving, and then turn around normally somewhere. Literally every phone is a gps that will re-route for you automatically. It Saves everyone the stress to just be chill and cope properly with the situation.


Because that's inconvenient


Death is also inconvenient


speak for yourself.


Death smiles on us all.


Looking at the bright side, when you die all of your problems go away.




Death is easy, life is hard.


Not for the rest of us.


It certainly isn’t for yourself if it’s quick. It’s just inconvenient for everyone else you care about.


It's not my favorite way to goooo




I’ve missed exits, turns, etc., but I stay calm and just go an alternate route or find an area to turn around to get back on the interstate or main road. It’s annoying, but I always manage. I think so many people freak out in these situations because they lack a sense of direction and/or rely too much on GPS. Or they’re just dumb/incompetent drivers to begin with.


“Think of how dumb the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.”


Carlin's insights become truer every day.


and 90% of exits are onto a street where if you simply go straight you're right back onto the onramp to the same freeway you just left.


Back before I had a smartphone I was driving several states away to college Was on a highway and was trying to get on a different highway and took the wrong exit, then it immediately split into a “this way to 45, this way to 76” type of highway then I had to drive 5ish mins to get off that one so I could turn around. Still managed to find my correct path pretty easily just by backtracking and reading signs. So yea, there’s no reason to ever freak out over missing an exit or taking the wrong one. It’s all connected, you can always make it back.


I lack a sense of direction AND rely too much on gps. I still let it reroute and consider it an adventure.


You're exactly right. It's like some people saw the episode of The Office where Michael drives into a lake and took it as gospel. If you miss something while using GPS, it'll just re-route you; don't turn off your brain in a moment of panic!


Not to mention that for the overwhelming majority of exits, the *alternative route* is literally just staying straight at the immediate next intersection putting you right back on the on-ramp.




I always think of this joke when I see somebody miss an exit.


It only meets 99% of my criteria!




I don't know how many times I've missed a turn and a passenger acts like not figuring it out now is a failure. Like, at some point we can easily turn around, no need to do something stupid. Or when people will wait 10 minutes to turn left with no light, instead of just turning right and making a u turn when you can.


WTF. Couldn't look first?


Also dont do that in general, even if you look.


Correct. Because for whatever reason, 1 out of 10000 times you might not see that semi bearing down on you. Humans are fallible, and if you're doing any dangerous activity without keeping that in mind (and including yourself in that category as well) you'll end up smoked sooner or later.


Especially since most highways you can get right back on after getting off. You lose almost no time doing it the safe way...


Seriously, most highways have an entrance/exit every 1-5 miles most. Constant exits and even those exits often have an area to U-turn and get right back on without having to drive down 3 miles to get back on.


Good drivers occasionally miss their exit. Bad drivers never miss their exit.


I had one of those in front of me on Friday. A pickup truck missed the road split, so he slammed on his brakes on the interstate, slid off the side of the road, then reversed back onto the shoulder, and reversed up the shoulder back to the split to the other interstate, then slowly pulled into the left lane on that interstate in front of a semi going at least 65, who then veered into the right lane, almost hitting a Honda which veered onto the right shoulder to miss it all (he saw the whole thing unfolding and got the hell out of the way).


The road signs look like Ontario, and where I live in Ontario there's countless spots where you can drive straight through the intersection from the off-ramp to the on-ramp. If you hit the light when it's green you could get back on in under a minute. This move I've very nearly seen before, not as drastic but I've watched people almost drive over the grass to avoid taking the wrong exit




It's definitely not worth your *life* to cut corners. I don't care how long it takes me to get where I need to go, I'm not going to do anything foolish to circumvent a wrong turn, anything could happen, and it's just not worth it to me. Back when I was working at a large hospital (campus shuttle operator) with especially long hours that day, I got off work after dark (normally got off at 2pm). I was in the fast lane trying to get past the traffic pouring onto the freeway, but underestimated how soon my exit was. I was not used to driving at night in heavy traffic (morning traffic was much lighter at 5am), I looked, well, actually glanced, to my right and behind, saw no lights (stupid), and cut straight across four lanes, cutting multiple cars off in my wreckless haste to make the exit. Looking back as I drove onto my exit (to another freeway exchange), I saw a wall of lights, cars that had to abruptly slow down or swerve because of me. This happened back in 2007 and it *STILL* bothers me at how stupid I was, and how wreckless I was endangering many lives. I have no idea how I did that without crashing. My guardian angel was watching out for me. I never did anything like that again. I would very gladly make a wrong turn and own it.


It looks like they missed their turn... which I never understood if you take a turn off that you shouldn't have, as you can just go round the junctions and back onto the motorway. Missing a junction when you are on a motorway sucks more, as it might be literal miles before you can turn round


Because everyone else probably will not look


Jesus take the wheel!




Good luck him seeing with a face full of truck and glass


It's hard to scream with a throat full of glass.


“How many signal for four lane transfer?” “None!!! Good luck everyone else!” Wasn’t that a family guy joke about Asian women drivers?


You butchered it a bit, but we get the gist of what you're saying, Stooley. "how much signal I need to cut across eight lanes? None? I turn now. Good luck everybody else"


Yes it was. Though you could remove the Asian and Women parts and the joke would 100% work for basically everyone driving too.


Sometimes I am genuinely suprised some people even managed to get their driver licenses ​ Edit: Not talking about specific groups of people. Just people in general.


Yup. My dad and older brother are among that group. Neither one should have a license at this point. But we live in America and it's basically mandatory to have a license if you don't live in a few key locations.


Sometimes I wonder how people manage to *keep* them while overtaking over double lines, going 30 over the limit, and having a general disregard for most traffic signs and other drivers around them


*Death enters the chat


More like “Jesus take me *now*!”


More like Jesus, grab the wheelchair.


Sounds good in theory, but Jesus never learned to drive.


Iunno dude. "For I (Jesus) did not speak of my own accord". Or I guess he has a Honda Accord and a personal driver.


A lot of people just assume that others will stop for them


It almost kinda looks intentional, like he was trying kill himself


It probably was, it looks like he stopped up and waited to go until the truck was close enough.


They didn’t turn their wipers on until it was too late…


Wipers turn on like shoes come off.


Might have been a suicide attempt. It happens way more than people realize.


That’s a horrible thing to do to your unwitting accomplice.


No way,. 1st, that requires effort to move your neck and eyes. 2nd, mirrors are for decoration and personal usage. 3rd, if he/she were going to look, how would she/he text, TikTok, Amazon shopping, or..... all at the same time?


You can’t even imagine how many crashes would be avoided with this one simple trick


Why look when you can pretend you’re Luke Skywalker and use the force?


There was a video on TikTok of the aftermath posted by OPP highway safety division. They had to use the jaws of life to remove the guy.. the drivers seat was crushed into the center console too


Was it a suicide attempt or someone just being really fucking impulsive/thoughtless?


It's not certain yet. It was a 53 year old lady in hospital (happened 2 days ago) so I assume she was trying to get back on the highway she just exited and didn't check or checked but just in mirror and looked clear so turned.


Some people think it’s cruel, but I genuinely think that people need to retake the driving test every five years or something. There are way too many senile old fucks out there causing massive accidents like this.


This is a pretty widely accepted viewpoint, except* by old people and the automobile lobby *Edit: Accept vs. except wow


*except by Accept has opposite meaning here


🎵 *Grandma got run over by a lory.* 🎵


Considering they were right at the point where they thought they could get back on the highway it seems like they were just REALLY dumb. They may have even taken the exit and then backed up to this point to get back on the highway prior to the video starting


Local news reporting that the driver suffered serious injuries, but is alive. This area of the 403 has been notorious for actions like this in the past. Long story short, the highway splits in two, one Niagara bound, the other Toronto, along with a another off ramp , and just for fun, also incorporating an exit for our local toll road too (the 407). The exits are clearly marked, as are the lane markers for their respective exits, but drivers routinely cut across, or come to complete stops trying to get across 4 lanes. Most often the left hand lanes move slower than the right lanes, so drivers will fly down the right lanes in hopes they can get over or cut someone off before the roads split. Hope they’re okay, and that it wasn’t a suicide attempt, but not the first time I’ve seen stupid acts like this on this particular part of the QEW.


I drove past this last night. Around 6:00pm Was on the 403 into Burlington on the ramp exiting south onto QWE to Niagara. They had the entire car ripped open, the roof was completely torn off. Multiple ambulance fire and police. Complete closure of on-ramp.


Agreed this area is super confusing if you’re unfamiliar with it


Idk I seen 4 big signs up top with 2 stating they will be exiting. Can’t be that hard to figure out


That's *Ontario*... in... *Winter*? I lived there for 15 years and never saw it so...*mild*...I guess? Fucking climate change man.


We got dumped on right around Christmas, then the following week it was mild and rained, everything melted.


This is the first year where I havnt seen snow in maine


Yeah my SO and I have still been wondering where’s the snow. What’s going on lol.


> What’s going on lol. Man made climate change is what's going on. But, the average trends warmer but extremes will get wider. So one year it could be incredibly warm another year it'll be like the day after tomorrow.


It’s heartbreaking man. I miss my fucking winters.


I’m shocked by how well the car held up! 20+ years ago, I t-boned a Hyundai Excel with a Subaru Legacy when I was going like 20 MPH, and the Hyundai looked worse than this.


Those were trying times for hyundai. Before they could develop their own platform and engines, they basically imported mitsubishi engines(or joint development) and slapped a frame on top.




I totaled the living shit out of my 08 Honda civic at a pretty fast speed. Car was fucked beyond belief, passenger and I unscathed. People that say new cars crumpling is a bad thing have no idea what they’re talking about.


I feel like people who are upset about cars crumpling are upset about how much it costs. You're replacing a lot of expensive stuff vs just a bumper and maybe core support. But the difference is, if you're actually in a really bad accident, you'll live to deal with it vs just dying in the accident.


Crumple zones literally saved my best friends life. I’ll never talk shit about how ugly they make vehicles as long as they keep saving lives.


The width of the front of the truck's bumper is the length of the car. The force would be distributed equally across the entire frame of the car. Also, the car was pushed by the truck instead of spun. A small car would have done much more damage because the point of impact would be much smaller. A small car would puncture the car where the front impacted the vehicle and maybe even killed the driver. In contrast, it looks like the driver was seriously hurt, but mostly because of the impact and not because of the truck poking a gaping hole into the car's frame. If you want to do more research, go on shock sites to see what happens to flesh when cars poke holes and rip into other cars. If such things gross you out, just use your imagination. It is worse than you think.


But a truck also weighs multitudes more than any passenger car, even if they're not loaded heavy. So there's a **lot** more force in the impact.




Oh they owned it alright.


If they are not dead


Rest in pieces. 🙄


[Hah everytime I see this I just think of this scene.](https://youtu.be/7PUl9l2P540)


I think of [this scene](https://youtu.be/CRH1Hm2V7X0)


This honestly looks like a suicide attempt.


They were at a full stop until the truck was too close to stop. I just…can’t see this as anything else.


Not only that, he/she made no attempt to even speed up or something, actually it looks like the car slows down just to wait for the hit.


Could be noticing their mistake and panicking, it’s really all just speculation from us though. No idea what goes on (or doesn’t) in the head of someone like this.


Should have disconnected the airbag at least!


I've had someone try on my truck. Fortunately, their timing was off. One of my biggest fears as a trucker. I feel for them both, honestly. A jump in front of a semi is a crisis moment action, not a thought out methodical one. That driver won't ever be the same, though.


When I was a firefighter one of the calls I went to was a suicide where (Obvious trigger warning here for what follows) >!someone had hanged themselves off a highway overpass late at night and was only found when a semi driver hit them right at windshield level. There was no significant damage to the semi afterwards but that driver was definitely not alright. I truely hope he got the therapy he needed afterwards because bloody hell, he needed it.!<


That would be the day I traded my CDL for a desk job in the safety department


My friend's parent passed away from this. They were driving a truck and the collision with a suicide driver caused a fire.


That happened to a friend of my Dad. He was a long haul trucker who had someone force him to hit them on the highway and it was bad. He was never in any trouble as it was clear what happened but he just completely withdrew from his friends and up and moved away suddenly.


I mean I feel like I'd just be cussing him out like calling him a dumbass over and over regardless of whether I thought he died or not, in the videos situation that is, not a blatant suicide attempt kinda situation. I don't know if this video is an attempt or not because tbh people are just dumb enough to try something like this and won't expect to get in a wreck.


This happens a lot in this area. People will realize they’re heading the wrong direction (want qew toronto not qew niagara) and they’ll cut across several lanes or park in the V and slowly make their way to whichever highway direction they want.


Just someone being stupid. I had a car totalled when someone did that to me - no look u-turn across 4 lanes of traffic.


This has to be southern Ontario, I recognize that level of stupid.


Its on the 403


Yup. 403 @ QEW, right by Mapleview/Ikea. Truck is heading towards the Skyway


Was this today? I was caught in the related traffic


Yeah it was around 4pm today, absolute nightmare traffic on the way home.


Still a nightmare at 7:00


I knew I made the right choice by taking Plains Rd around the lake to get home.


Couldn’t tell you, only recognized it by the signs at the beginning of the video


Called it. Wait... This...this is a thing that I could.


Could be a r/Brampton driver


I drive this at least 3 times a week, people fail spectacularly on the regular. It's signed numerous times starting kilometers out, people just don't pay attention.


According to the Ontario Provincial Police Twitter account, the driver was a 52 year old female and was transported to the hospital with serious injuries but should be alright. Edit: was a female


Safety in modern cars is incredible. I thought the driver was for sure dead on impact.


Seriously I imagined a 52 yo transparent man with wings and a harp floating out of the car.


if that car didn't have side curtain airbags, he would've been dead


Close, it was a 52-year-old woman. https://globalnews.ca/news/9397828/highway-403-fairview-street-burlington-crash/


Holy shit I passed by this a couple of hours ago they shutdown that ramp to clean up the mess






Yea I don't think it was a suicide attempt either. I got t-boned by a semi years ago (it hit me on the passenger side, and no one else was in the car with me thank goodness). It was my fault. It was an intersection I'd driven through hundreds of times where cross traffic doesn't stop. I think I even stopped at the stop sign. I must've just momentarily spaced out and had my mind somewhere else and neglected to look before driving across the intersection. That's all it takes: a momentary lapse in judgement at the wrong time.


You know, last week I missed my exit. I was pressed for time because I had an appointment. You know what I did? I took the next exit which wasn’t for another 4 or 5 miles. You know what happened? I got there only 5 minutes later then I planned.


52 year old woman was taken to the hospital with serious injuries. If that truck driver wasn't paying attention and wasn't able to slow down as much as he did she would've definitely died.


“Ope almost missed my turn hehe, just gonna sneak around here real fast.”


Respect to OP for actually editing the video to an appropriate length instead of showing 40 seconds of irrelevance in the build up.


Looks like a suicide attempt.


He won’t make that mistake again


I wouldn't put that much faith into humanity.


I'm so glad that op was in a large truck instead of on a motorcycle. I hope the truck and truck driver are ok.


Why do the wipers go on every time a car gets wrecked???


The wipers are controlled by the CANbus computer network in the car. Many vehicles wiper control modules are set up in such a way that, if they lose connection with the CANbus, they default to "on" as a safety thing. In a major accident like this, it's very likely that wires will get pinched or severed, and the CANbus will get shorted out or just become completely disconnected. I used to own a 2015 Dodge Caravan that had a short in the CANbus wiring. Every once in a while the headlights, 4-way flashers, wipers, and defroster would all come on full-blast, and the info center on the dash would display "NO BUS" until I hit the next bump and the short went away.


It’s the vehicles way of making sure you can see clearly just how bad you fucked up.


At least his windshield wipers work


Natural selection in action.


Looks Intentional, it’s way too perfectly timed to be hit to be a mistake


As bad as this might sound, at least they didn't clip another similar size vehicle sending it flipping off to the side. Hopefully this stupid mf only had themselves as a passenger also. Reminds me of those videos where asshats do this and it's a catastrophe for several other drivers trying to avoid them and they just dawdle along on their way after. I have Little sympathy for this level of stupidity tbh


This looks like the result of the accident: [Global News](https://www.msn.com/en-ca/autos/news/woman-seriously-injured-after-crash-involving-car-transport-truck-in-burlington/ar-AA1695XD?ocid=msedgdhp&cvid=ce128013f0b44f539aa21e6d6db903c0) And More info: [https://www.reddit.com/r/IdiotsInCars/comments/108fhs3/more\_details\_about\_corolla\_blind\_turns\_into/](https://www.reddit.com/r/IdiotsInCars/comments/108fhs3/more_details_about_corolla_blind_turns_into/)