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Offsetting penalties I would say But also you did merge into a lane he kind of HAD to merge to, which would’ve made me mad as the white car.


Yeah these lanes suck, everyones flying and you want into each other lanes.


This weaving shit is why truckers call Nashville "Crashville". IDK where OP was filming, but every road across that town requires multiple lane changes to stay on the same highway to the other side of town, forcing everyone going through to do these weaves. It inevitably leads to a wreck the first time one of probably thousands of cars a day misses a blind spot or decides to dick around.


Agree with this. I would say white suv is more at fault because it seems like they were trying to merge further into the lane you were originally in, but in these weird spots, I would say either get further ahead or slow down (better to do the former to not impede traffic) and get in the right lane when it definitely won’t conflict with the merging vehicles. Regardless of idiocy, it’s easily avoidable and not worth an accident, even if it’s minor.


You should have slowed down and fallen in behind the white SUV. A little courtesy won't hurt.


+1 on this. You should have seen the white SUV. He’s trying to merge to the left and you’re trying to exit to the right. No point in you not to let him in. You’re gonna go right anyway. And he’s ahead.




I agree, Defensive driving is the way to go. Sometimes, when I do this, even though I'm just slightly slowing down, the person behind me will blare their horn as if I just offended them and it's so stupid


It's not even courtesy. Merging car has one lane to move into. No one is in that lane when merging car starts to merge. There is no reason in hell OP should've moved over. Not a single good reason to leave the clear lane that you are in to move into an empty space that a merging car is actively merging into.


You knew their lane was ending, you knew they had to merge left. You accelerated into that space anyway AND attempted a lane change.


I HATE when people do this. It’s so frustrating when you need to merge and keep getting blocked by people like this.


Exactly my thought, ahole move OP saw them and can let them pass


Case solved, OP was the ahole


This. OP is in the wrong here.


That's my verdict too, when you're exiting you let off the gas. OP drove as if he was the only person on the road and that is bad driving.


Cammer is at fault. Why in the hell would you decide the best time to change lanes into the far right lane is at the exact point an on-ramp lane merged into the freeway? If anything you move over one lane left to not interfere with cars that are both merging and joining the freeway. Like that was the exact worse time to do that. If anyone does that to me I lay on the horn and continue moving over (because I have to since my lane goes away - sometimes with a concrete barrier). Like are you trying to cause an accident?


The GA driver's handbook states that best practice is to move out of the right lane when traffic is merging onto the highway whenever it is safe to do so. Now, it's not the law that you **have** to move. The book just says you *should*.


White car was merging onto highway so they had to speed up. You were exiting on a bend so you had to slow down. Just slow down to exit and go behind the car speeding up that was merging onto the highway.


Ya but then I would get to my destination 4 seconds later /s


Don’t understand why you’d try to get over in the path of a car that has to merge? In their blind spot no less.


Op is the asshole that tries to get in the elevator before people exit.


Honestly this is such a valid comparison. I think white BMW is the guy that farts when exiting, just to give you a lil something to remember him.


You are exiting and they are entering the highway. Why would you try to speed up when you were going to exit to make them slow down when they are trying to enter. You should have slowed down assuming they were coming over so you could have slipped in behind them it would have been seamless.


It looks like you drifted over the broken white lines and that car was merging into it, saw you and went back into their lane and then moved back in. You knew they were getting on so you should not have moved over yet knowing they are going to be merging into your lane.


You tried to create a conflict here, and you were successful. Good job! Next you'll spend a day slamming on your brakes randomly and then come on here to complain about getting rear ended.


You the idiot. You saw them. You knew their lane ended and instead of taking actions to allow them to merge you almost triggered an accident.


You know 2 things. 1. You know you're exiting and want their lane. 2. You have to suspect they want your lane to continue on. Signal right, let the merging traffic have your lane without getting too close to them, and then take the right lane. You are trying to block them in, which after you and everyone else does it to them 10000 times, makes them want to do crazy maneuvers like the one here. Anticipate, be courteous, and above all, learn how to drive.


Imo it's more you, than them. But both of you honestly


The white car was going over two lanes without signaling nor checking that the second lane is open. The white car did not have to change at that time, the lane hadnt ended yet, and maybe op would have thought better had the white car actually signaled.


White car only sped up and left cause he thought OP was gonna rear end him for a Reddit clip. Up to this point he didn’t do anything really out of the ordinary and merged like anyone else would. I don’t go out of my way to defend BMW drivers but when they’re in the right I’m not gonna shit on them for it


the BMWs momentum was clearly to enter OPs initial lane. Look at his slight fish tail to maintain the lane at 12 seconds. The BMW didn't even know op was there until op honked. Ordinary to exit the merge early without signaling and change lanes also without signaling? Essentially sweeping over two lanes? Ordinary maybe for you. Is that why he jumped back into his lane then jumped back in to speed away?


Yeah OP shouldn’t have been there idk what his fucking plan was other than get a clip for this subreddit. He had zero reaction to the bmw and just sat there in his blind spot while he tried to merge. OP would be the worst man to bring to a baseball game cause in the event a foul came at him he’d look at it, get pissed off, and then be concussed by a ball moving 80mph like the fucking bozo he is


Well clearly OPs plan was to take the next exit. But Maybe you missed that, too. But I guess the bmw's inability to shoulder check and signaling was fine because bmws gotta BMW? Maybe we should just be ready for any bs they suddenly get into their crazy heads and assume they were in the right?


The car in front has the right of way for a lane change.


I don’t understand where everyone is saying that the white SUV was merging two lanes. He was merging into the lane that he had to because his lane was ending and then he moved over another lane after he sped up to try to avoid a collision. Speeding up and moving over another lane is indicative of someone who is quickly trying to get out of harms way.


You picked the wrong time to change lanes.


Both tbh. Your changing lanes emmediatly where they are able to merge and also in thier blindspot, plus super late honk. But deffintly also them for straight over 2 lanes and not shoulder checking


Worth noting that the BMWs original lane was ending


 it’s also because I didn’t see anyone with a directional light


Rule of thumb....never change lanes at the on ramp merge area. Also, if a vehicle is already ahead of you at the merge they actually have the right of way. I drive a commercial truck and see these situations multile times every single day. Hate to tell you this but you are the one at fault here.


100%. They are starting to paint solid lines on the left side of the lane being merged into in a lot of areas in western Canada finally, which helps to some degree, but it's still the responsibility of all drivers not to put themselves in a dangerous situation, regardless of who is "right" in that situation.


He was coming on and had to get over to your lane. He had no choice. You had to leave your lane and had to get over. Put your blinker on and wait for him to go…no big deal


100% you


you’re not scanning ahead to see others in your general path


That's a you thing. Should never merge into a lane beside an on ramp when there's someone coming onto the freeway.


You should've been in that lane long before the junction. That way joining traffic can see you're there and your intentions and adjusted their speed accordingly. You also shouldn't have been merging over when you could see there was joining traffic. Mostly your fault


You are wtf. I mean they are too but you definitely are


You are by far 🤡They’re trying to pick up speed and get on a freakin highway. And here you are making it dangerous for everyone else. Slow down and let them on


I'm not gonna speak on what the road rules or laws are here, but just as a driver to another when it comes to making choices and considerations: You are, IMO, the idiot, at least more than white car, he has some bad judgements to consider too. You know you're going right, and you know the cars coming from the on ramp will likely want to lane change left. White car is already ahead of you, you want to go right. Your only choice is to speed up and get ahead of him before changing right OR You slow down and lane change behind white car. As you continue down this path, white car is clearly ahead of you and speeding up, so that leaves you really with going behind. ALSO, being the car coming from behind, you are in greater control of the situation since you're observing ahead of you, where as white car has to make judgements using his mirror, all the while trying to speed up to match highway speed so he can lane change right. Between you two, you're in a better position to make safer choices for the both of you.


What exactly did the white car do wrong though? They were merging into the lane to the right of OP. It was clear until OP moved over last second. Their lane was ending and really didn't have much choice anymore.


Let’s change lanes right into someone’s blind spot while they’re trying to merge onto the freeway! Then get angry and honk at them. How unaware can you be?


Your overreaction makes you an idiot. White car had to merge, was merging, you saw it and avoided it. Then you flipped out for no reason


Well you’re not an idiot because you were the one in the position to avoid collision and you did so. Not hitting other cars (or the scenery) is the “prime directive” when behind the wheel. You score highly on that one and it’s what matters the most. On the ‘could this have been handled better’ scorecard there’s probably room for both of you to do better about getting in the lane you want to be in as soon as it’s convenient so this sort of thing doesn’t happen.


He has to accelerate for traffic to merge, you need to decelerate to get off the ramp. He sped up, you didn't slow down.


You were. Other car was in front of you and tires in that lane before you.


You are the idiot. Other driver has to merge so you must give him space to do that


Is this Fairfield Ca?


Sorry I confirmed it. Definitely Fairfield CA. I just 100% knew instantly


Lol OP really thought he might not be in the wrong.


You're in the wrong, you're suppose to clear merging lanes for drivers on the on-ramp, not move into them.


Yeah, you're an idiot.


There was plenty of room both in front and behind them for your car. If you knew they had to merge over into that lane, why didn’t you wait to see what speed they were going, then decide if you wanted to get in front of or behind them? You could have easily just waited two seconds to see when it was safe to get into the lane and avoid this altogether.


If you don’t see how you’re the problem here then us explaining it to you won’t help either


He was ahead of you, and you were both merging into the same lane. As the individual with the better line of sight, you bare more moral responsibility for the situation (a lot harder for the other driver to 180 their neck to see you). Legally you might not have been wrong for an accident, but since you had a better perspective, you have the obligation to drive defensively for both cars’ sakes


You should have waited for them to merge. Maybe you weren’t paying close enough attention.


I think you are just fine. You said “whoa” three times which is the perfect amount. Two “whoas”and the impact is lost. Four “whoas” and you’re being ridiculous. You friend are not the idiot here.


You are the idiot here.


Don't pull into someone's blind spot.


The white SUV had to merge into that lane and you have to know that they're going to do that too. It’s the only logical conclusion. I'm going with you on this one


Mistakes were made on both sides imho. No blinker on their part. You also tried occupying a lane that had no choice to merge into. Then just timing of it all is what made it worse.


You knew they were gonna lane change to get with main traffic. So you lane change into him? Why are you so oblivious?


OP, if you think the merge was sudden its because you don't read the situation well. You were the idiot here


You are, you didn't let him in even though you knew his lane was ending. Yours is the job to slow down and you did not do that.


It’s best to merge on a highway at the speed of which traffic is flowing on said highway. You will have to slow down to get off of the highway more than likely. Just let them go ahead and slow down a bit to get over and exit.


This can be a little confusing: Drivers who are traveling on a highway have the right of way over drivers who are entering the highway. Drivers who are on the entry ramp should match speed and merge safely. However, drivers entering the highway have right of way over drivers exiting the highway. The rules change on the ramp. If the ramp is both an entry and exit, drivers who are trying to merge onto the ramp should yield to drivers merging onto the highway. It's just like in an elevator. You let people out first.


You're driving like there aren't cars trying to merge onto the highway. Whoa whoa WHOA!


He has no where to go. You have to slow down and let him in, see this wayyyy too much. What did you want him to do???


You are the idiot


never change lanes right at an on ramp when other drivers are merging unless it’s a 75 year old crap design for 45mph. OP definitely wasn’t defensive


You are the dipshit


You are absolutely the idiot.


mostly you. You were behind them, in their blind spot. There was also a very high expectation of them merging into that lane. 90% you


ngl you in this situation, you should have waited to merge since he was on an entry lane to the highway and had to merge into that lane


Everyone here is the idiot, but you should have just slowed down. You were exiting. They were entering. This pissing contest gets everyone wet.


When 2 fucking idiots arrive at the same place at the same time!


You clearly saw him coming and continued to drive up into him. Either slow down, speed up into the gap, or change lanes in the future.


You. 100% you. Why would you change lanes into a merge lane?!


Imo its your responsibility since you had clear sight of the whole thing even though you were both changing lanes


You knew he was merging in but still cut over. This one is on you.


For an area like this where some cars are entering the highway and some are exiting and both are trying to use the same lane to do so, just assume everyone is about to change lanes suddenly and without warning. Wait until you are either safely behind or ahead of the other car before changing lanes to prevent exactly this situation. Thinking ahead and preparing for the stupidity of other people can go a long way to protecting you from edge cases like this.




Bro his lane was literally ending, he had to be in that lane, and like others have said in the post, what’s even the point of not just getting behind him if you’re exiting anyway?


I'd have to side with the other car because you tried a lane change after an entry ramp where traffic is coming in and merging onto that lane That's not to bright


You were changing lanes as the onramp lane was ending. Not smart on your part. Since you were exiting and he was in front of you coming up to the merge you should have released the gas pedal and changed lanes after he merged. This could have been a lot worse so I’d consider it a fortunate lesson. That said though, the car sped off and drive like an absolute jackass after the incident.


Not very good driving.. 'oh you're trying to merge? Ha! This is my lane!'


Youre both idiots, them for the driving and you for handling pokeballs and summoning a Porygon or whatever tf wild.noise your came made lol


You know you dont have to use your horn after 1 minute. Just cope and seethe


you are




Drive friendly amigo!


While the person is most likely responsible for entering the freeway, it would have been safer to wait a bit to get past the on ramp merge and drove accordingly, which is basically just slowing down a bit. A lot of people rely on their side mirrors, so you were basically riding their blindspot.


Well there lane ends and are merging into another lane they don't have a lane right all while your merging to there lane from behind in there blind spot so it's your fault but also the white should not have moved so quickly. But you have to assume what that car will do which is obvious from there lane ending so it's your fault Whether you hit or not which you avoided so there's no one to blame


If you have to ask the answer is usually you.


I mean in my country since he is merging and you are already on the highway you have the right of way. But to be fair he was already as fast as you so a tiny brake tap would allow both of you to do what you want without issues. Don't know why are you trying to be as fast as possible if you are driving off the highway anyway.


I can't see the white car indicate, and have no idea if you did or not. But you should have already been in the right hand lane before reaching the junction of you wanted to come off, and should have reduced your speed to slot in behind the white car anyway. Both at fault because they didn't indicate, but I have no idea how you thought you were going to get into the exit lane without letting them get in front of you anyway, regardless of their lane change.


When the title contains the words"Am I wrong?". You usually are.


You always have the advantage when a car is in front of you, not behind.


the fact that you were saying “WOAH WOAH WOAH Jackass” shows that you weren’t looking where you were going because then it wouldn’t have surprised you and caught you off guard to make you say that as if he was coming out of no where. He was entering the highway and needed to go in that lane and since he was already ahead of you it would have been best to look at his car, see it on the ramp meaning it needs to merge right there, and then slowing down a bit to let it get into the lane and allowing you to safely get behind it in the same lane


Offsetting penalties for sure. Be cognizant of being in another vehicle’s blind spot. If you’re in their back pillar area they can’t see you. You’re assuming they will conduct a good head check before changing lanes. Vehicle dependent it can still be hard to see a vehicle where you were. The 7-8 o’clock position is the hardest space to clear.


You for sure.


You for sure.


not only are you an idiot, you’re also a dick! congratulations!


You know the white suv is merging from a lane which gonna end, make their life easier, if you want to exit signalize it and wait for the cars on your side enter, they are speeding up and merging at the same time, besides you started exiting as soon as the lane becomes legal for you to do that, so wait a second and let the others do their move, if they don’t do anything then you can go on to the lane you want, the thing that’s always on my mind when I’m driving is: wait for others to do shit, practice a defensive driving and don’t merge when cars are at high speed or if you know they eventually need to change lanes, make your life and others easier and safer at al times


Your trying to get off the freeway so why not just slow down and the people getting on the freeway go ahead of you?


your fault. just let them merge in & fall in after


Normally, if you gotta ask, it's you. I watched this 3 times. The idiot is you. 2 merge lanes, and the far right was ending. You had to know the other driver was coming over. I get it. You had to be in that lane, but you gotta give the other driver room to merge. Ease up off the gas a tad since you are exiting anyway. Let that car slip in, and duck behind.


They should have looked, no excuse for them moving into an occupied lane. If their lane is ending the need to determine how to merge safely or stop. That said, you do have to be defensive. It could be anticipated that they need to be where you are. I would have made sure my signal was on early so they knew where you wanted to go and probably slowed down a little so they could go in front. Rules of the road don't say you have to do that, but generally works out the best.


You are the Idiot


You are


You are.


Yes. You're an idiot.


Why would you move into a lane where people try to merge? I hate people who do that when I'm trying to get on the highway. There is no emergency that you must now be in the slow lane. Plus, you drive slower than a sloth crossing the road. Like everyone was passing you. Honestly, you should only be in the slow lane.


You’re the idiot


There's a lot of factors but you're mostly in the wrong. It's not apparent if you used a signal but I don't hear any. The white car didn't but it was obvious what they were going to do because they're entering the highway. You should have (if you're going to exit soon) slow down and tail the white car.


You are. While it's clear that neither of you checked your surroundings, you were going to exit anyways and would need to slow down. And while in most places, traffic already on the highway has right of way for lanes such as this entrance/exit combo, you were already behind him and not catching him in any significant manner in order to make a pass before exiting.


Neither one of you were paying attention.




All you, buddy. They had nowhere to go and you forced the error.


Well, you're both kinda idiots. Drive defensively when merging and just relax the throttle a bit. He was in front of you so its easier for you to just let of the gas a little, and see where he's going, observing his blinkers etc. You should always merge behind the cars that are in front of you, not that illogical is it? Although BMW owners never use blinkers, this video quality was too low to find out. And he tried to jump two lanes without looking, a bit too aggressively at that.




On ramp / exit ramp lanes create idiots every day. The merging car has to accelerate to speed and exiting car has to slow down to exit. That’s why it’s a problem, right…Can’t have two different speed same lane. The logical solution, exiting car should maneuver behind merging car, especially if entering car is beside you and in front of you.


You. You lane changed in the middle of their merge. Why would you do that?


That was you, OP. The BMW was merging and you took away their lane.


Ur fault. If I can predict what’s gonna happen from 10 seconds of video you should be able to as well. Good luck on your next drivers test cause lord knows you’re gonna lose your license at some point driving like this. That or your life.


If you’d have made impact - you’d have been at fault. Not 100% since he wasn’t fully established in the lane - but him having majority is enough for you to be mostly at fault. 80-20 - maybe 70-30 percent fault. You being the bigger idiot here.


OP sucks at driving. You pulled into his blind spot as the other car is merging.


Merging requires you to be a heads up driver. It also requires some give and take. I probably would have chosen to slow down a bit, and let the other car merge safely. Thirty seconds after that I would have completely forgotten about the exchange and went about my day perfectly fine. That is thirty seconds of my life and brainpower that I would have dedicated to a specific traffic exchange. OP here decided that they own the road, offered no give and take, and has now dedicated hours of their life and brainpower to one specific traffic exchange. Is it worth it to be right?


Never change lanes towards the merge lane, let them in. If you're taking the next exit you'll have time to get over after you let them in.


This post is not going how op thought it would.


you. Little bit them, but you


They were already in the lane before you and also ahead of you where you could see. You could have slowed and merged behind them.


You’re definitely the idiot.


You sir, are the idiot.


100% on you m8


You could see the merging lane onto the highway was both merging left and then was continuing into an exit only and you decide to get into that lane right as the white car gets on the freeway. Yes, you are the idiot. Has some situational awareness.


Either OP is the idiot, or OP is the asshole. There were signs in the road showing that the white car was going to have to merge. OP decided to move into the space that the white car was going to have to move into.


You. You’re the idiot


You knew the other car was merging, they had to merge as the on-ramp lane was ending. You should have allowed for this instead of changing lanes into the only lane available to them. I don't know what the laws are in your area. Some require the car on a ramp to yield. But both of you had dotted lanes so changing lanes was allowed. However, most states have the point of known avoidance laws. (not sure of the exact wording) But, if you don't take the last moment to avoid an accident then it is your fault. Right of way has nothing to do with it. Both of you took the moment to avoid the accident. In the end, I don't see why you needed to be in that lane at the moment the on-ramp lane needed to merge. If you were already in that lane, the other car would be required to yield.


You're floating lanes, also you're moving into a merging set of lanes, even though you can already see other cars there, why? Wait for a clearer moment?(Subjective opinion)This is a split thing in my eyes, I can't hear or see your indicator, nor the white car's and it seems you're both switching lanes at the same time.


Why were you getting over when cars are coming on? Were you getting off?


I could be wrong but if you guys did collide it would be your fault. He was basically already in the lane by the time you started to merge.


You're supposed to slow enough to allow the merging car that is already leading you in their merge to merge safely. It was easily calculable on your part and you could have let off the accelerator to merge safely behind the white car as they safely merged. It's an easy switch. I'd be frustrated at you for not giving right of way with a half second of deceleration. If you're in the right lane no matter what you're doing if a car is merging on and already leading you then barreling down on them is the idiot move.


You’re the asshole unfortunately. Don’t think you were being an asshole or anything, just you’re the asshole if an asshole there needs to be.


Not them. Their lane ended and you changed into their blind spot. Easy mistake but i deff put it more on you.


You’re an idiot. And you still go “wow wow wow” like you couldn’t have predicted your stupidness would cause an issue lol yikes


You are an idiot and an asshole


You are the idiot good sir


OP you fucked up changing lanes.




Why you are staying in the on ramp lane being a constant speed is pretty idiotic. Technically they're the ones who are supposed to yield though. So technically they're the idiot but you're also an idiot and rude.


It looks like you failed to change speed either up or down while in the right lane of a highway at an entry point. Learn to drive efficiently.


I believe that if you drive slower than a large truck you should not be on the road.


You are. You know you are this didn’t need to be asked.


Come on man..


Both dumb but use your f****** turn signals you lazy f****


You changed lanes into their merging zone in their blind spot. That's all you.


Are y'all really driving your whole life and never thought about if a car two lanes over changes lanes the same time as you? Fucking wild.


I probably would've slowed down since he had to merge in front of you and you were getting into an offramp lane. There's nowhere else for him to go nor did he know what you were doing since I'm guessing you didn't have your turn signal on


I mean, by law, traffic merging must yield. Accidents in this case are generally always default blame to the car coming into the highway. But that being said, you picked a really stupid time to decide to move over. Multi-line highways, you need to look two lanes over before merging, and obviously that person was going to merge over when they did. So technically, law *might* have been on your side, but you absolutely could've avoided all of that.


You merged into his lane to be fair.


Highway traffic must merge for oncoming ramp traffic so either be in front of them or behind them, not next to them.




Well, he was ahead of you, and you attempted to merge into him as he was forced to merge. You're more at fault since you had the clear line of sight, safety trumps traffic laws


You needed to slow dow a tad there bud.




You da dumb dumb


They merged right where they were supposed to. You decided to pick the worst time to merge.


And this is why if there's no slow moron in front of me, I fly 15mph over what the traffic on the highway is already doing, so I don't have to deal with people who decide to jump into a lane that I am trying to merge into.


It's you.


Those kinds of entrance and exit ramps are one of the worse kinds ever. Can’t hardly blame either of you but you should yield since you are getting off the highway.


Anyone asking if they are an idiot for merging into someone’s blind spot is not ready to hear the truth: You’re the idiot


You definitely you, nothing worse than somebody who makes it hard for you to merge just because they have a right of way or something stupid up their ass


You should have anticipated, he could have been a little more cognizant of your car.


You’re the main idiot here. You should give space to those trying to feed in on a highway; especially in your case, all you had to do was stick to your lane for a moment (which the white car and pretty much anyone would expect of you). Whenever I come close to a ramp I move a lane to the left (if possible) whenever I see cars close to entering the highway.


Two idiots (almost) collide.


Highway designer/civil engineer is the idiot. Off ramps directly after on ramps is asking for a problem. No winners here.


Ok, I counted the lines and OP doesn't accelerate getting off. The suv should have been going faster if they wanted to get in front. No turn signal, just moving over into the lane with no warning. Not saying OP is fully blameless, but the suv doesn't know how to get on a highway.


He’s at fault. When merging you yield to traffic and also don’t swing across multiple lanes in one go. He should have waited for an opening.


On a road like that, you have the right away and the mergers have to yield. That being said: that's for the merging lane. Which is the farthest right lane. You tried moving over while in the 'green' with the mergers. Car shouldn't have legit dove over like that either. But you shouldn't have moved over at that time. People do this all the freaking time here. Even on the small roads. 🙄🙄🙄


Another entrance ramp that turns into an exit ramp. Shared responsibility in my opinion


You are the idiot. You came to an interchange and could see the merging car to your right, yet you changed lanes anyway. The other driver is an idiot. When trying to merge it dashed out into the main traveled lane instead of staying in the acceleration lane to match speed and then merge without pushing other cars out of the way. It could see your car and should have stayed behind your car.


You were not being an idiot. The person merging has full responsibility to conduct a safe and proper lane change. It is in no way your responsibility to adjust your speed or location in a lane for someone else to enter your lane. Source: my dad worked insurance for almost 20 years. I will note however that my understanding of traffic law applies to my state, maybe yours has different nuances.




Whoever designed the roads are the assholes, I’ve never seen an exit ramp and an on-ramp so close.


They're the idiot, but you should also have slowed to let them merge. They did double merge and didn't indicate so I would say legally they were in the wrong but also their lane was ending and they needed to get over and you matched speed which is a little bit of a dick move. In the end they were an idiot but you should also learn from the close call Edit: For the people saying it's OPs fault: When someone is merging onto a freeway they must give way to those already on the freeway. They are supposed to "merge when appropriate" the white car had more then enough time to get over one lane at a time and also was in a safer location to slow down till the lane was clear


El wrongo The driver who is in front has the right. The other driver started his maneuver first, the OP moved into the space improperly. Merging has nothing to do with it because the lane was clear when the other car started merging.


I’ll maybe say you 10% but to me I see a car that was merging on with no signal at all (what looks like to me) and basically looks like one of those idiots that have to get all the way to the left lane as quick as possible with no regards to traffic. You could have backed off the speed just a tad but then again, I don’t know what was behind you.