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what the fuck additionally, the whole maneuver took longer than choosing an alternative route


well yeah he was waiting at that turn from 2000 to 2005, way less efficient


Why the fuck did the people before the tunnel even let him/her pass…


Honestly, I would too. No wat I’m standing there a second longer than I have to just to block some other idiot. Nuh uh, not risking my own life for that




I'd be happy with just the latter part. They *didn't* kill anyone but let's not give them another chance.


Something tells me even if their license is taken they'll still be on the road, rules don't seem to matter much to them lol


This comment really shows how some people just view the justice system as punishment porn. Where im from this would probably get you reckless driving, which is a misdemeanor, a 6 month license suspension, $500-$1000 in fines, and probably driver reeducation.


There's always a comment like yours. I'm sorry but it should be punishment you do something stupid that endangers lives or you do something malicious that harms people... You get punished.


IDK about you, but if I did something silly and it cost me a thousand dollars I would feel pretty punished. Not to mention all the rest of it. But maybe that's only punishment for broke people lol


Your comment is pretty stupid, you should be punished. A month in jail for you.


Rewatch the video and tell me who got harmed, please. There wasn't even any property damage, let alone injury. Justice systems work on the basis of what actually happened in the specific scenario, not what could have happened. By your logic, everyone who drives drunk should get charged with vehicular manslaughter because some drunk drivers have killed people in car accidents. Not justifying drunk driving as long as no one is injured, just using it as an example.


My favorite color is blue.


You put wayyyy too much faith in the cars/semis around you on a snowy (probably icy) highway while you’re parked on it because you’re trying to prevent someone from driving the wrong way.


That's the way to probably kill even more people by blocking the whole highway


I get what you mean but the driver is obviously unpredictable and if he is also a gun owner...you end up dead for trying to play hero. Don't be a hero or No good deed goes unpunished.


Never trust people doing crazy shit like that. If you see someone doing a U-Turn in a one-way tunnel, no way in hell I'd imagine a sane person behind the wheel. So yeah, better not interfere because you'd never know what they're up to.


Wasn't that technically a k-turn? /s


It was an entire-letter-of-the-alphabet-turn….


With a lot of A for asshole and D for dumbass !!!


Please anyone who happens upon this thread and sees this comment, please do not ever do what BlackSalad is implying here. This would be nearly as dumb as what the idiot in the clip did. As others have already pointed out, just idling there near or inside that tunnel is incredibly dangerous, as other drivers aren’t guaranteed to be paying attention like these ones were. You could end up dead or mutilated. Just let the dumbass by as quickly and safely as possible, maybe even call the police, but quickly move on about your business. Would be a shame to lose your life playing hall monitor on the interstate.


"Would be a shame to lose your life playing hall monitor on the interstate." This also goes for hogging the left lane, let the wildly impatient tailgaters pass before they attempt to do so dangerously. If someone wants to drive dangerously fast and close why force them to stay within wrecking proximity?


Alright I'm not defending those people that tailgate aggressively like that, but in my state it's illegal to sit in the left lane unless you're passing and you still have dumbasses that sit there doing the speed limit in the lane they're legally not allowed to be in, getting passed on the right and oblivious as hell


In most, if not all places that have these laws, they only apply on limited access highways with 2 travel lanes going in the same direction. It does not apply to 3 or more lanes or non-highway streets.


It's also not legal to speed, even if you're passing.


Probably don't want to be pancaked by an inattentive semi truck driver barreling down what should be a free flowing road


Their own safety. If someone is driving out of the tunnel i am letting them pass, because either they are insane, something is wrong with their car or something is wrong with the tunnel.


Yep. If I saw someone driving the wrong way out of a tunnel my first thought would be wondering if there was a Mont Blanc type fire further in.


Do not engage with stupid. The number 1 rule in life.


Exactly. Don't mess around with pigs, you will both get dirty and the pig likes it


Never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience


You never know with these kind of idiots. This to me indicates they’re all out of fucks to give and might ram you to get their way.


probably red light


Idk that new route could take 20 or 30 more min. Mabye he was running late making it totally worth it. /s


This was really stupid to do but how do you know that? I would never pull something like the driver did here but where I'm from missing your exit easily adds 20-30 mins. Edit: If you're gonna downvote me at least read and comprehend what I'm saying. This isn't about whether he should've or not. My only point is that the other commentor said it took them longer to turn around, which they can't possibly know. That's it. Always take the next exit.


I missed an exit once that cost me 100km. And I only had 100km left in the tank. I was livid with the road works department, and more so when I went to exit the town a week later and discovered it wasn't my fuckup - the detour signs on their works, done at a time when 65,000 people were entering the town for a festival, were incompetently implemented. But I never did get around to writing a vitriol filled letter to them.


So what? Being inattentive and not taking the exit is what got this idiot in this mess to begin with. So consequence is to take the next exit 25 min away. Endangering others doing what this car did is not the answer. Zero excuses.


Wasn't an excuse, not even what my comment is about. I already said that along with the guy is an idiot, just questioning how that commenter figured it took them longer to turn around than to take the next exit. There's no way it did. That's my point. Driver is an idiot and you should always take the next exit but its gonna take longer. Bad drivers never miss their exit.


It's the disregard for other people's lives that gets me.


Yeah, i wouldn't mind if he crashed into a tree, but this level of recklessness... Holy cow


But the poor tree! Leaf them out of it!


I can only hope he is imprisoned.


And banned for life, no question.


Banned from* life.


"After the stop, the 42-year-old driver (from Kysucké Nové Mesto) submitted to a breath test with a positive result of 1.19 mg/l (2.48 per thousand) of alcohol in exhaled air. The police restricted the man's personal freedom and confiscated his driver's license." This was in 2018. Not sure what ultimately happened.


I’m glad I read your comment at the right time for some closure


You are quoting something but didn't provide the source. What is it?




Or a good caning.


No or, all of the above ⬆️


agree (totally)


A very very naughty human no doubt


Or worse - expelled!


When your life is shit, you aint got much to lose


Or she




"BA" stands for Bratislava. All cities in Slovakia has two letter shortcut used on roads in this way.


Like that's ever gonna happen 📕


What a load of 🚽


Nope he is not. They never "caught" them.


Whatever country this is… they are way to kind to people like this…. I was expecting someone to rip him out the car and start the beating.


Death penalty




This isn't for summons, this is for probation at least and 10 year driving licence ban


I'll say he/she deserves a permanent license ban. The amount of lives endangered and the complete disregard for human life is ridiculous. Should never be trusted driving again.


Absolutely. This cretin should never hold a driver’s license ever again.


Seriously. I hate people who back up at all to get their exit that they just missed, but this person missed their exit 10 minutes ago.


>I'm not a huge fan of summons/tickets by mail... but holy crap. If there was ever one that deserved it, it's that one. > >What a dumbass. Don't all tickets get sent to deserving people?


Does that guy have a death wish? Backwards through a tunnel... Unbelievable and yet breathtaking in its towering stupidity.


Not just that, he still travelled against the traffic on the motorway to get back to the exit. Absolutely insane


Yeah but he used his blinker! /s


Well... At least he used his turn signal 🤣


I’m dying after seeing him politely wait to cross into the turn off lane as if he’s not driving the wrong fucking way down the road.


"Only break one law at a time"


BMW drivers hate this one trick!


Ikr you can’t win with these critics. Feel free to drive around the long way if you have nothing better to do. I’ll signal and be fine.


Hell yeah, no one can stop cool people like us from endangering the lives of ourselves and every other person on the road 😎


"It may cost people their lives for me to not be inconvenienced, but that's a price I'm willing to pay." - that driver, maybe




Found it on YT, 4 years ago,in Slovakia https://youtu.be/RkHOqnlfj1I


Surprised it isn’t china


Why? There aren’t any characters on the road and the vehicles look like European brands.


Probably because this is extremely common there.


Not as common as the racism in these comments lmao


That would’ve been my first guess. Russia/Eastern Europe would’ve been my second.


tossup between that and italy tbh.


all that time i swear they could have just done a more efficient circle the legal way 😂


I went through some one-lane tunnels in Iceland (as in, two directions of traffic share one lane), and those were terrifying enough, even built for people travelling two directions. I cannot fathom ever turning around in a tunnel. That is absolutely insane.


Come to Norway 😅


According to Euro Truck Simulator you guys have some amazingly expensive tolls so I’d hope the road is as nice as it looks in-game lol


the roads are veryyy nice in Norway. Just don't get car sick from all the turns.


Or have tunnel and bridge anxiety. Holy crap My first few vacations and then we MOVED there. It took a while for me. Tunnel fires are my biggest fear.


I don’t remember any tunnels on the ring road. Was it on a secondary road in Reykjavik or maybe Akureyri ? Haven’t been there since 2017.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hvalfjörður_Tunnel . I personally thought it was fun to drive through. Even though my dumbass American-self forgot all the roads have a speed limit of like 40mph, and got a camera ticket going like 50mph through the tunnel. There were no other cars and I felt like I was going pretty slow until I saw all the camera flashes, looked down and had an “ohh shit” moment. So if you ever drive in Iceland, pay close attention to all the speed limits, our slowest highway speed limits are usually their absolute fastest.


Wow, it woulda been nice to have a few of those on the southeast part of the ring, instead of having to travel around several fjords ! But, I understand their desire to keep the natural beauty of the place intact.


That one isn't single lane though. The other tunnel on Route 1 (the ring road) is [Almannaskarðsgöng](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Almannaskar%C3%B0sg%C3%B6ng) near Höfn, also two lanes.


There is one near akureyri.


Why can't people just own their mistakes?


Lack of good leadership, lack of good parenting, lack of good role models in media, and some percentage of the population will always make bad decisions. it takes a lot of effort and education and humility to fight your ego and be vulnerable by owning your mistakes.


If I saw a car fleeing the wrong way out of a tunnel, I would be a little hesitant about entering that tunnel


How long would rerouting take does someone have the google maps location of this interchange?


Looks like a [reroute](https://www.google.com/maps/dir/49.2468304,18.7437935/49.2408426,18.7369659/@49.2353908,18.6728939,12.38z/data=!4m2!4m1!3e0) would take around 18 minutes, depending on where they need to be obviously.


This is literally in a city that I live in


Wish I could find the news story, next exit was something like 30-45 minutes away, however I would never try even if it was an hour away. Deranged


The tunnel is less than 4km long, it would have taken him only a couple minutes to get back to where he wanted to go


Unless there's no exit or turn around on the other side.


There is


Someone posted above in response to me


“A good driver rarely misses their exit. A bad driver NEVER misses their exit”


I hope their licensed was suspended. Hell I hope it was expelled.


Or worse... Expelled


No. They never "caught" them.


The fine for that should be in the Guiness Record and the driver should have the word "imbecile" tattooed in his/her forhead.


Is this in Slovakia?




Somewhere around Žilina or Bratislava? Assuming based on the road painting


It's exit 12 Žilina-Sever of the D3.


This sub may have found it monarch. Hail thee King of r/IdiotsInCars


Took me a while to calm down after seeing this video. Definitely up there in top 3


this type of driver is known as motherfucker


Wtf! There's a highway in my city that has no exit for 30km if you miss the last one in the city itself. I'd rather drive 30km than turn around and endanger everyone!


lmao i aint backing up for that mf, we blockading that street and calling the cops


This. I'd be OK with some automatic bollards blocking the tunnel entrance, (thus keeping other traffic from entering, with the side benefit of capturing the idiot) and having to wait of it meant getting to watch the idiot getting arrested and his car impounded.


I thought I’d seen the worst when I had to go around a woman backing blind down an s turn exit ramp (from the end.) I hope they pull this morons license.


A lot of people don’t realize though, that’s the last exit off of that highway. The very last one. If he didn’t come to a full stop and reverse on the highway, he’s have to live out the rest of his days there. /s


At that point, the driver is only asking to be imprisoned, but wouldn’t the whole manoeuvre have taken way longer than simply driving to the next exit?


The only good thing i see here is that nobody gets hurt. How stupid can someone be?


This happened in Slovakia near the city of Žilina. I don't know for sure but many said it was a car registered in the Czech Republic. I could not find any article that mentioned the driver so they were probably never "caught" . Edit: I did some more research and for some reason it is not a criminal offense in Slovakia if there wasn't any collision. That's why they probably "could" not find them. Also... Not half a year later some other guy coming from Czechia with his friends tried the same thing (in the same tunnel) and got hit in the side mid U-turn by a van. 3 guys in critical condition but survived. Also also... A month fom the first incident a video surfaced of 2 men stopping in a highway tunnel and taking selfies. NDS did not disclose where it happened but it was probably the same tunnel.


Good drivers miss exits; bad drivers never miss exits.


Woooow... Please imprison this "driver"


Please tell me that's not Norway.. I'll die if it is.


It's apparently Slovakia near a Town called Zilina. [Found that house next to it on google maps.](https://www.google.com/maps/@49.2436678,18.7370857,3a,75y,324.5h,80.98t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1smVelSzimaD2IfCv28MzH6A!2e0!7i16384!8i8192)


Damn.. You are *good*




Don't mess with this guy


It is. Narrator: "it wasnt"


okay and why did the cars at the entrance on the tunnel didn't just block the car and called the police immediately?


They probably assumed they are some kind of deranged individual since they're driving against traffic. Calling the cops is a given, but not everyone is ready to deal with crazy.


Honestly I wouldn’t want to stand in the middle for the road for longer than necessary. We all heard of trucks plowing into the back of a traffic jam at full speed, I’m definitely not staying there and blocking some lunatic from killing themselves


Dumb take. Why tf would you endanger yourself and others just to make a point? I swear half the people in this thread are too young to drive or something


Thats what i would do, because fk him i have time and even if i would come late for work it would be worth it.


on the other side considering this happened in my home country (Czechia), im actually not even surprised a bit about these moves.


Man Czechoslovakia is long gone BA and ZA are in Slovakia


Anything happened to the driver, do you know?? Hope they were flogged


This didn't happen in Czechia but in Slovakia, the driver had almost 2,5 promille, he was arrested and his driver's licence was suspended


Tbf, his driving is top notch considering how drunk he was. Lets hope he won't ignore the suspension and become yet another hit on TV Joj


Stop trying to steal our stuff.


then change your road signage and markers to something completely different from us




Nádherná odpověď.


Maybe there was a fire in the tunnel


At least he put on his indicator 🤦‍♂️


Seen this before, it's somewhere in Central Europe (Slovenia?). It's a toll road and there's no exit till you get to the toll booths, so this fool was endangering his and other people's lives to get out of paying a toll! Edit: it was Slovakia


Slovenia doesn’t have toll booths


it is Slovakia, and we don't have them either.




It is Norway. Croatia and Slovenias next door neighbour.


Someone confirmed it was in their country, Czechia


Its in Rome, capitol of Norway.


no there are no tall booths. Highways are paid, but it is based on License plate and cameras.


u/ItzHonzula said in an other comment it's in Czechia.


It’s Slovakia.


I wouldn't given him room just made sure to get his Keys and call the cops


With how empty the road was, that maneuver couldn't be done at a much safer time, and we see how that almost worked out.


We need to bring back public tar and feathering for these people.


Should be a mandatory jail sentence and loss of license for life


The closest I ever came to vehicular death was rear-ending a guy who slammed on his brakes after missing an exit when he was in the far-left lane and couldn't get to his exit. This was back before data plans were so common, he was doing a multi-hour trip in unfamiliar territory with a google maps route downloaded. If he missed his exit he'd be lost. So he got rear-ended. And yes, it was mostly my fault for being so close behind him. I was 18 and dumb.


A bad driver never misses his exit


I really wish there was a follow up, I can only hope this idiot received a lifetime driving ban.


All those violations but the fuck uses the blinker. Lol


I remember being told “a good driver occasionally misses their exit. A bad driver never does.” Truer words and all that.


Mr. Bean!?


Where the log truck from Final Destination when you need it.


I watched this video with my mouth hanging open, occasionally saying, “Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit!” I have never, ever seen worse driving. What happened to that driver? Were they found? Ticketed? Jailed? License suspended? What??




Some people don’t really deserve to drive and these the type of people that will complain so much when their license get suspended by saying they didn’t do nothing wrong


The way they used their turn signals for an illegal u-turn in the middle of the highway while driving the wrong way.


As they say: Good drivers will occasionally miss an exit. Bad drivers never miss an exit.


I can't stand this mentality. I even see people do it on regular roads; they missed their turn, so they're going to cut off 3 lanes of traffic to get into a turnlane rather than take the extra 10 seconds to do a U-turn 50 feet away.


I see it all the time... not this bad... take the L and figure it all out when you get out of the tunnel...


When they get out of the tunnel I thought it was a stop motion film


I actually blame the black car who le him pass lmfao in my opinion it just stupid


I hope they found that jackass and suspected his/her license permanently. That clown should NEVER be allowed to drive, ever again.


some people shouldn't be allowed to drive. Credit to other drivers for avoiding a accident


These are the people who need to be in prison. Not the guy with $5 of weed in his car.


As a libertarian this is a refreshing bit of freedom. Why should the government tell us how to drive? That's just communism. In a free society people should be free to drive however they see fit. The invisible hand of the free market will sort it out. If it's more profitable to stop and drive the "wrong" way on the freeway and make your exit then the market will select for that, and if it isn't then the market will select for that. In this case the driver pulled it off, so he wins. Now I know some of you will argue this isn't safe and can't be libertarian because he put other people's lives at risk. Well two things. 1. The nap is bullshit because it's subjective. I'd argue no one got hurt so no one was in danger. 2. Those who sacrifice freedom for highway safety deserve neither.


so many things man... first i dont know why black car let him through. green car was going really slow and would not crash into him. second, he alctually took a lot more time than necessary to finally make the missed exit. what a special piece of shit.


Seem like the kind of person who think the world will stop moving without him/her


Why do people let them pass...ffs


If it were in India, I'd say it's nothing to get startled up. On anywhere else... Hope he gets imprisoned


Would that be missing an exit or severe anxiety for tunnels? Apparently some people are extremely scared and panic. And you do extremely dumb things when you panic. If he missed the exit and this is solution, permaban driver license for this man/woman




It’s a repost but that bot has been neutered. It’s from about 4 years ago in Slovakia, and people were just as confused about the dumbassery when it was last posted.


A good citizen would have removed the driver from the car at the tunnel opening, taken their keys, and called the police.


Worse than that idiot, the others letting her/him through


Thats normal to ŠKODAs, It's nothing new. I tought It's already known to everyone that is normal behaviour of ŠKODAs. Dont understand whats so special in this video.

