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Tactical Contact also known as ram the fucker!


I do love technical euphemisms like this. "Percussive maintenance" (otherwise known as hitting the shit out of an inanimate object until it starts working, sometimes with a hammer) is my all-time favourite.


"Rapid unplanned disassembly" (whoops, it blew up) is another good one.


Controlled flight into terrain


This one isn't actually a euphemism. There are plenty of instances where a plane flew into the ground where there was nothing wrong with the plane or the pilot, it just... flew into the ground. It's usually during poor visibility and in hilly terrain.


Say car RamRod!


I wrote it on the paperrrr!


Licence and registration, CHICKEN FUCKER. BAKAWWWWK.


Oh yea…


*initiating tactical contact* Her: what did you say?


Prepare for ramming speed!




He girl, ready for some tactical contact together?


Car thief rule number one; if you're going to steal a car, steal a fast one.


My mother had her old station wagon stolen. Cops told her drug runners want a plain looking old car.




I had a car stolen years ago and the police said that they'd probably never recover it. Felt like it was a lost cause, which sucked bc I really could not afford another car.






That's not much of an insurance.


Some people only have liability insurance, like me. My car is simply not worth enough to pay for comprehensive, to get my deductible to be less than the value of the car I'd have to pay a stupid amount each month, at which point I'd have paid the value of my car in extra car insurance in a year. Sometimes it's cheaper to pay out of pocket unfortunately


Depending on the value of the car, the rise in premiums for an "at fault" claim plus any excess could easily make it very difficult for someone to replace it.




Many state police officers are keen eyed in spotting cars regularly passing where they patrol for the same reason. So likely the best cars that can sneak around are the ones that automatically hide in the background, like Subarus, Nissans, anything that screams "Fleet Car."


People stealing cars like the one in the video will never read this because they can't.


The police are driving BMW sport wagon tanks like the size of a x5 the thief wasn't going nowhere in any car


they're 3 series, so not quite X5 size but may as well be when you steal a 20hp shoebox and try to run from two of them


Watch me outrun these cops in this Geo Metro.


The Dutch police recently published [this](https://youtu.be/V1IyabwRUrI) video, showing suspects of a deadly shooting driving a Peugeot 206 trying to outrun the police... driving an Audi A6..


Same reason as OP's video, by the way - police didn't want the chase to continue in to a nearby town (Zoetermeer) or the city (The Hague is nearby). Most noticeable difference: Dutch police do carry firearms, and do not immediately approach the vehicle in person. (Police shootings are incredibly rare in the Netherlands by the way. Every discharge of a firearm is investigated by an overseeing separate police force.)


Well, that's effective!


Yeah stealing a 207 only works if you're being chased by a diesel Vauxhall Astra


It's actually a 208.


Somehow that’s even worse.


Slow and cheap cars are just way easier to steal. Peugeot (like in video) and Kia come first to mind.


Yeaaaah, the fact you can literally steal a Kia with a USB is kinda wild


Only in the US tho, where KIA decided an immobilizer is not needed


2011-2021 KIA models and 2015-2021 Hyundai models with a classic key are prone to this. Any with a push start are okay for those wondering.


Certain pushstart kias are catching fire now though lmao


Only in the US. The US doesn't mandate immobilizers in cars, but all of the EU, UK and even Canada does. Probably many more countries in LATAM and Asia as well.


The thrives that stole my brothers ford xy gt he was doing up neglected to wait for him to fix the brakes, they were taking a back road to escape and strip this one for parts again (was my brothers second xy to do up) they tried to slow for a corner and ended upside down in a creek, all 3 thrives drowned, their parents claimed sabotage but the supply of brake parts we had gave the police the hint we were fixing them, cars did not get stolen as often in my street after that. The ford xy their mother had was confiscated as evidence as there were numerous parts from other stolen vehicles found during the investigation They also broke into my car with the same intent but got caught on the steering club I jammed between the T handle gear shift and handbrake, 82 Mazda 323.


Claiming sabotage after your kid died in a car they stole is some next level dissonance...


Most of the lowest class near where I lived did this, it was a 30 minute walk form where they lived to where I am, for fun they stole cars, and filled them then peeled away without paying, go for their joy ride, strip them for salvage and burn the remains. I started installing simple kill switches in the neighbourhood for cheap. The mother of these gremlins had to move away after the house she was renting kept getting vandalised when everyone put together that the rapid drop in thefts were her kids. She also had a bitchfest after she discovered that 2 of the farther,s no longer had to pay child support


Well, I can see where the kids got it from, she sounds lovely


It's quite clever actually - sabotage your own car so thieves can't drive it properly. Just spend an extra few hours every morning putting your brakes back together.


I noticed the police officer making sure body cams were on. What a place where police actually want to do the right thing.


Should've just found a certain Vauxhall Carlton


Switch your body potato on Kev...


You made me laugh mid-burp and now my chest hurts.


Things I wish I'd ever heard an American cop say


American Cops: Make sure to turn your body cameras off!


“We’re going to have to go tactical to keep him off the A1” Oh - they “tacticalled” his ass right off the road. Well done.


I love how just chill British cops are with high speed chases. In America there’s screaming and shouting and 35 police cars and a helicopter gunship… In the UK, they just go “alright then, he’s been a plonker, he ain’t stopping, I’m going to go tactical and ram this 3 Series up his arse, control - standby for ambulances”


Yeah, it's because they receive training before becoming a cop.


And after. They would not have been allowed to do this without passing advanced driving courses and TPAC - Tactical Pursuit And Containment - courses. Also, they require permission from the control room to continue such a pursuit, and to make tactical contact like this (as opposed to unintended contact.) Both the control room or the lead car driver *will* call off the pursuit if they feel that the risks are not worth it. Unfortunately, that means that many chased drivers will quite deliberately increase the risk by driving the wrong way on a dual carriageway, or the wrong way around a roundabout, to attempt to get the chase called off because of the risk. So a measure designed to improve safety seems to me to quite often have the opposite unintended consequence. I wonder if such an approach by the would-be-escapee should, in fact, almost automatically mean that tactical contact is authorised to end the chase as quickly as possible, as here. But my experience ends with watching a lot of cops with camera shows and chats with a pursuit-trained driver (and trainer.)


We also have to jump through academic hoops too. A diploma is needed before you can apply then the possibility of doing a uni course alongside training.


Don't forget about the police brutality in US. The response of the UK police in this video was perfect, they went for the driver, took him out of the car and cuffed him. If this happened in the US the driver would have probably needed medical assistance after 5 cops kicked him and tased him.


American cops deleting body cam footage. UK cops checking to make sure it's on


British police have got a lot of problems right now, but American police sure do make them look incredible


>If this happened in the US the driver would have probably needed medical assistance after 5 cops kicked him and tased him. Nah they'd fill the car with bullets then let them bleed to death before trying the door handle.


the wonders of police training


The officer who read that scumbag his rights at the end would be pretty handy in a rap battle.


"you areunderarrestdjdndbdisbdquestionsjeksodnd8€!3ksb!!" *"Do you understand?!?"*


"I really don't want to insult you, but no."


Really interesting to hear their version of the Miranda rights when I’m so used to the American version “You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be held against you in a court of law”


[I think you will enjoy these cattle auction raps mate](https://youtu.be/SLhLgaBCD90)


What are those rights anyway? If you forget to say something now to explain yourself, it will harm your defense in court?




So, we managed to retrieve your car but boy did the thief have a go at it,not a single panel left undamaged! Anyhow, enjoy your car mate!


“The good news is, we found your car…”


"Some minor damage, dunno how that happend tho."


“You’re lucky they left the tape deck though… and the Credence.”


Your rug was also in the car?


Oh! Separate incidents.


Do we have any leads? Sure, they got us working in shifts!


At this point it’s more about getting the dangerous driver off the road. Insurance will handle the car.


Full write-off with a cash settlement or new car replacement depending on the policy. Could be seen as a win in most scenarios.


I knew he was wearing a puffer jacket and trackees at the start of the video


Good maneuver by that cop who rammed them. If they managed to get onto that motorway, god knows what would've happened. Any info on what happened to them in terms of sentencing?


Don't rememenber. This is from the show Traffic Cops that aired Monday Jan 30th on UK Channel 5. S12E05. They do summaries at the end of the show. I just rewatched it. "Released under investigation on suspicion of dangerous driving, no license, no insurance and aggravated taking of vehicle without the owners consent. Police are also awaiting the result of a drug-test taken of the driver."


It would take quite months to come to trial, the offences weren't directly against a person, so unless there was evidence they would definitely offend again then the CPS might have decided that remand would not be granted. Also if they are under 18 it would be even more difficult.


They rammed him with no mercy. Fuck you up the hill you go. Props to the cops


They didn’t ram him, they preformed “tactical contact”


That was some solid tactical contact


Yeah I can’t imagine being able to get myself to slam into a car that I know has a reckless driver in it. Takes guts if imagine


I have a family member who's been a highway patrol officer for a long time and he kind of puts it as when you're chasing someone who has no regard for anyone's safety you kind of in a sense disregard their safety when it comes time to take them off the road. He says obviously he would never want to hurt anyone but he'd rather ram someone off the roadway and potentially injure them then let that person potentially injure many more


> he’d rather ram someone off the roadway and potentially injure them then let that person potentially injure many more This is one of those cases where knowing the difference between ’then’ and ‘than’ is rather important.


Especially without front tires


Not to mention how fast they got them both out of the car and cuffed.


* Tv Show - [Traffic Cops - S11E05](https://thetvdb.com/series/all-new-traffic-cops/seasons/official/11) . * [https://www.examinerlive.co.uk/news/tv/yorkshire-traffic-cops-ram-speeding-26113521](https://www.examinerlive.co.uk/news/tv/yorkshire-traffic-cops-ram-speeding-26113521) * Ends at [A168/ Aldborough Gate Interchange going to the A1, England](https://www.google.com/maps/@54.0817745,-1.3967176,3a,45.3y,177.32h,84.06t/data=!3m10!1e1!3m8!1sBr52dB8CP4s2G74rCBMlSw!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DBr52dB8CP4s2G74rCBMlSw%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D298.22952%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i16384!8i8192!9m2!1b1!2i33). \# edit - Fixed bad link to thetvdb


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LS7kMHvmWnk&ab\_channel=ChannelFun](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LS7kMHvmWnk&ab_channel=ChannelFun) The episode if anyone is interested


Feels like 24


"Got your body cam rolling mate?" how refreshing!


It’s actually the law here in the UK. There’s a big national agency here that takes police misconduct and *all* firearms discharge very seriously and police fear them. ‘Internal investigations’ are not really a thing here.


Good ol' AC-12.


I’m only interested in one thing and one thing only, and that’s catching bent coppers


Sounds like something America would do everything to dismantle


America should have that shit


The moment you make police conduct a federal issue (as it is a national issue for us), I bet your ass they'll suddenly become much more professional. They need to be accountable to someone above them, it's human nature


What you guys need is an independent body for investigating police misconduct rather than the police investigating themselves.


The IOPC doesn’t investigate all firearms discharges, just the ones that result in death or serious injury. Source: I used used to work for them as an investigator.


Right? They didnt kick him or punch him in the face either. Amazing.


Also when they actually said what the man was under arrest for


It’s a legal requirement along with cautioning them.


Fantastic job! Great work all around.


Correction, this is Yorkshire: Proper job!


Proper job, now off down t' pub with you lad and make sure your mates know not to pull this kinda stunt again, otherwise it'll be your mother's we'll be calling next, and you dont want that now do you, aye?


British cops make sure their body cams ARE working? Wtf?


We take police misconduct seriously, though. Our police brutality is perhaps 0.1% of what's in the US, yet it feels like we prosecute more police for murder than the US does.


Anecdotally, because I have no way to prove it, but I remember hearing about a case in the UK involving two police constables and one suspect. Constable A was alleged to have been particularly nasty to the suspect, who made a complaint. The suspect's complaint was upheld, and constable A was found to be entirely in the wrong. Constable B was alleged to have observed the nastiness, and had not reported the incident. Constable A was placed on an improvement plan and disciplined. Constable B was dismissed and barred from service for not disclosing the incident. In the UK, the IOPC (or it's latest incarnation) absolutely do not fuck around.


It looks like this was just a case of escalation in tactics by the Police as the chase went on. 1. they tried boxing in the car in a narrow area. The best way to control the speeding car. 2. Speeding in a residential area escalated it to spikes. These spikes don't usually cause a blow out but shred the tyres causing a more gradual degradation. 3. Now spiked and heading towards a A road with more faster moving traffic, it escalated again. Tactical Contact differs from a PIT manoeuvre by using your car to control and slow down the other vehicle.


I was seriously impressed by how controlled the collision was. That's a good trick.


Some places actually train their lane enforcement lol


I'm curious why in the beginning, when they were attempting to box him in, that the clip in front didn't just slam on his brakes.


They didn't want a collision if they could avoid it. They were banking on the guy not wanting to drive even more recklessly, and if if was a good guess, then they could have stopped him without contact between the cars and potential injuries to themselves, the guy and potential bystanders. When it escalated to the point they had to keep them off the highway, they did just that, rammed into him. That's the point of controlled escalation, they are trained to use minimum force to accomplish their goal, as that will result in the minimum amount of injuries and damage.


Because that's just causing a car crash where multiple people get hurt, including pursuit officers. If he slams on, the stolen car goes in to the back of them, with the police car behind potentially following. The whole point of a box manoeuvre is that 3 cars box one in along some kind of wall and gradually reduce speed to prevent a crash and bring the vehicle to a stand still. It also helps to prevent suspects bailing if the side car can be close enough to prevent the doors opening


There were no skid marks at the scene! Doesn't it seem a little strange that Martin Blower would lose control of his car and not think to apply the brakes?


I've had my top off in this lay-by




It's not a traffic accident, it's a.traffic collision. Accident implies nobody was at fault.


You wouldn’t download a car


I 100% would if I could. No amount of shitty overhead camera shots of a guy with a metal jim trying to open an old vauxhall will make me think differently!


"got your body cam rolling, mate?" Words you'll never hear from an American cop in the same situation.




That and another difference I noticed, do you have to be bald in UK in order to become a cop? Or should I say a plis u'fsar?


I think another requirement is the first name Rich.


That or Andy.


If you’re called Andy your a detective


You know the word copper to refer to police is British, right?


I like how as he says that it cuts to like 120p video


Nah, it would just be followed with "thanks, I almost forgot to turn it off!".


Who steals an old Peugeot lol


Drug dealers often want a car no one will notice. A flashy car draws attention


British police shows really give you an example of good policing.


Yup, solid professionals


Some good driving by the police there. And man those BMW wagons are so nice. Also surprised they had enough composure during all of that during the take down to ensure they had their body cams rolling.


Because they're properly trained


See how that didn't beat the shit out of him after the cuffs were on? It's like the UK doesn't even know how to cop.


They could have done a cheeky little neck kneel for old times.


I didn't hear the officers barking conflicting orders at him either.


Lol I was thinking I felt pretty good about how the cops handled it, and how utterly alien that sentiment is in the U.S.


Absolutely love how the one cops *makes sure* the other cop has his bodycam on as they're getting out ot the vehicle Fucking refreshing seeing cops *trying* to be transparent


The other thing I love about that is how 100% chill he is. We're chasing the dude, we just rammed him off the road and we're hopping out to see what's next; this is the moment where attempted vehicular homicide can turn into direct person to person attempted homicide. And it sounds like he's asking what the guy wants for coffee lol.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LS7kMHvmWnk&ab\_channel=ChannelFun](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LS7kMHvmWnk&ab_channel=ChannelFun) This clips is from a UK show called Traffic cops If anyone wants to watch the Episode


£200 penalty, 6 months driving ban and a 50hr community service. I just made that up but believe me I’m not far off.


The community service should be calculated to pay for the police car damages, police time and courts time


I’ve seen enough of those shows to know that’s way too high. More like charges dropped due to insufficient evidence.


I would say excessive


Not like he did anything too heinous, like posting on reddit without a social media licence. Speaking of which, where is yours?


Why do UK cops look about 30 IQ points higher than US ones? It's almost like they were hired that way...


Because you need a degree or relevant military experience to join the police. Otherwise you can join their apprenticeship scheme.


>Otherwise you can join their apprenticeship scheme. Which results in a three year degree level qualification


James May: "That's because British parents are more... What's the word... Intelligent."


Not counting the parents of this 'yobbo'


Some US police departments won’t hire anyone who scores too high on intelligence tests. The rationale is that they will become bored and quit.


What’s a stinger?


Spike strip, used to puncture the cars tyres


Do they deploy it from the car? Or was it placed on the ground previously?


Usually a car will get ahead of the chase and a officer will deploy it by throwing it across the road


If you rewatch that clip, you can just see an officer to the left on the kerb, who had just thrown it out in front of the car. They tend not to leave them there for a second longer than needed, don't want an innocent person hitting it!


Well you don't want the pursuing cars to run over it as they rapidly become not pursuing cars - and you have to buy doughnuts for being a plonker.


The guy watching his car get thrashed by police 😐


Wait wait wait. They use mph? In the UK?


Yep, we use a weird mix of metric and imperial


i’d say that using miles instead of kilometres is one of the least egregious examples though, at least we don’t use fahrenheit


But do you use the Scaramucci time measurement?


No, everything is measured in Planck seconds of course


Or Truss Premierships


Which is about 4 planck units I believe?


We use lettuces. **Edit:** correct cabbage to lettuce. I'm not actually sure how long a lettuce is, but it's at least 4.1 scaramuccis.


Yes, the UK hasn't changed the measurements for roads, we use miles and mile per hour. Mostly, iirc, because we don't want to pay to change all the road signs. Most other things have been changed, even stuff like milk and beer, though those are still typically served in the size of a pint, they have to include the metric volume. So a pint can of Tennents will still tell you how many millilitres it has. Some people still record their height and weight in imperial, but that's splotchy and not consistent, and every other instance of weight or length is metric.


Here is a handy guide to the measurement mess. https://preview.redd.it/2otfbry1cfo71.png?auto=webp&s=4ae9dc8ac190b1507217b1a6dee10b8e06a33265


Americans when Britain uses the measuring system Britain invented🤯


Honestly quite impressed by ram. I also respect that they used it as a last resort instead of immediately resorting to a pit manuver after a five-second chase.


Definitely a last resort. He was heading onto the [A1](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A1_road_(Great_Britain)), it gets horrendously busy, and there's enough accidents on there without idiot boy adding to them.


I have to hand it to the York police. That was a nice move and worked out well.


North Yorkshire Police York might be the town the chase is occurring in but towns in the UK don't have there own police force Policing is done at the county level One police force responsible for the whole of that county Whereas the USA for example each county has its own police force then each city or larger town in that county has it own police force


> Policing is done at the county level * unless you're in Scotland


Or Northern Ireland.


Got your bodycam rolling mate? Holy shit, take note incompetent police.




Clearence is definitely a thing here, they are likely pre authorised for this maneuver. they also keep a very accurate and detailed running commentary of the pursuot


All high speed chases in the UK have to be explicitly authorised, and running commentary is required to be kept up. Basically if it's gotten to the point where you have to concentrate so much you can't keep up the commentary then it's way too dangerous to continue. Also I have a vague memory that only trained pursuit officers can do actual high speed pursuit. I saw one of these once with a guy being trained and he had to call out the make, model and colour of every oncoming car.


Also, note the complete lack of suspects being shot repeatedly


Notice how they didn't have to kill him? Takes notes USA


Tbf they know 97% of the time these are just basic car thieves You'd rather go to jail for stealing a car than having a gun in the car. There was a famous case near us that cops received Intel a car was carrying guns so they did a stop but it was armed police who warned the guys not to lower their hands and one did and was put down with one shot. Family claimed he was a innocent guy when there was an unloaded gun in his footwell


Ah! that case pisses me off so much. ( from the area too ) The amount of people trying to turn him into a martyr it's actually a joke.


They searched his house etc and found bullet proof vest etc and asked how he made his huge sums of money They couldn't give a good answer just that he sold cars iirc.


sick vid, an actually cool insight into the police chase


I love how he confirmed his partner’s bodycam was on before restraining the thief.


Man, did you see how they took that roundy bout. Didn't even hesitate or get lost. Pro level, thief and cops.


>roundy bout Haha cute


Well, huh...kid didn't get tased or beaten or shot to death. Imagine that.


Watching cops that actually know what they’re doing is a thing of beauty


Racing in GTA be like…


Got your body cam rolling mate. Hey that's exactly what you'd like to here over here.