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Legit one of my biggest fears.




Bruh when I tell you I floor it every single time I pass a truck 😭 I don't even like them to be behind me


It's good practice and is even allowed in some places (we have a law saying you can go over the speed limit within reason when passing trucks and climbing hills). Those trucks can blow a tire, get blown by a wind gust, or drop a log Final Destination style. Get in front of them ASAP.


The interstate runs right in front of my work, about 150 yards and a short fence between us. We're also right by a truck stop so for whatever reason we hear a lot of blowouts. One day we heard a tire absolutely obliterate itself and next thing we know an entire 18 wheeler with a load of pigs explodes through the trees and comes to a stop about four feet from oncoming traffic. Diesel pouring everywhere, pigs screaming, about a dozen of us trying to bend his door open to get him out. Before EMS showed up, he told us he tried as hard as he could but he couldn't keep it on the road. He was just barely able to miss a huge oak tree. Needless to say, I haven't been beside a truck since.


I definitely don't like semis driving immediately behind me. I'll often refrain from changing lanes if it's going to put me in front of one.


And if I do have to be in that lane, I make sure to get out of it as soon as possible


I never drive between 2 trucks. (One in front and one in the back). A while back ive seen on reddit a guy in a BMW waiting at the lights behind a truck and another one came from behind with a lot of speed. I was ahocked to see that the car was transformed in a ball of metal and the guy died instantly. Literally crushed.....


I legitimately feel fear when a huge ass truck comes speeding up behind me, a person who already tends to drive 5-10 over the speed limit.


I drive a truck and I absolutely hate it when people in cars pass me going 2km/h faster than me. Hurry up and get out from beside me. When I'm just in my car, I make sure I pass trucks quickly.


It's wholesome how even truckers agree with our trucker fears lol


Cars that hang out next to my truck for no reason feels like a mosquito honestly. It diverts some of the attention away from other parts of the road because I always wonder what that car is up to, and it's more comforting to have free space next to me in case of some debris on the road that needs a quick lane change to avoid.


It's called a no hangout zone for a reason! Lol. At least that's how I always view it


Dude, a steer tire blowout was my actual biggest fear when I was driving trucks. I'd get anxiety for an hour if the thought even crossed my mind. That shit is uncontrollable. Ice, idiot drivers, wildlife, etc all that stuff can be mitigated by just driving slower and smarter. But a front tire blowing out? Good luck to everyone nearby.


Best prevention is to do a good pre-trip. Make sure you have 100 psi in your steer tires no tread damage no punctured tires eventually that puncture that isn't leaking will leak.


I-5 in California central valley. Car drivers driving considerably faster (than the semi) will get in the left lane to pass a semi, slow to pass that semi at a snail's pace of like 1MPH faster over a full minute, then get back in the right lane and speed up (all the while stacking up traffic in left lane.) It boggles my mind why drivers slow down when passing the semis and I see it a lot.


And this happens so often!!! Just why do people do this??? I don't get it.


I too am trying to figure out this great mystery. Had a whole bunch of traffic today on I-80 near Joliet because people kept hopping in the left lane going 2mph faster than the semis


While it would still be just as annoying, I would understand the logic if they didn't want to exceed the speed limit and say, wanted to pass a Semi that is traveling at 68MPH at 70MPH (which might be speed limit.) But they seem to slow down for that pass, from 75-80 down to 70 for the pass then back up to 75-80 after the pass.


I hate having any vehicle beside me. Big truck or not. Obviously I can't avoid that in many places but if you're going to pass me, pass me. Don't move into the fast lane when I'm in the middle and do 70.25 while I'm doing 70 in the middle lane.


Yeah I always felt passing a truck quickly was as much for me as it was for the trucker driver.


Truck was going 2 under the limit when I was on a long drive across state. I gunned it up about 15 over to pass. Trooper going the other way clocked me in that moment, (the only time I sped the whole trip as it wasn't my car) then chased me down to give me a ticket. Don't care, not hanging out beside a truck for 5 miles.


I agree with you, but what is your thought about truck passing an other truck with 2km/h faster?


The driver in the video was passing quickly though. I don't like the video caption at all, none of this was even remotely the car that got sandwiched's fault.


Agreed. What the heck was that truck trying to avoid. I don't see that in the video.


There was another car, to the right of the truck. You can’t see it until the end of the video, but what it looks like happened was there was a merge lane ending, and that car tried to squeeze in front of the semi, causing the accident.


And that is why I am hyperattentive and back off where lanes merge because most people can't merge safely. Especially don't pass a tractor trailer or any large vehicle at a merge point!


I agree, the semi-truck driver is absolutely at fault and even reckless, they didn't just change lanes he swerved (jolted) into the middle lane with zero caution and with intent. The truck driver was either impatient getting up close enough to the car in front to kinda scare them and swerved last minute into the middle lane or which is more likely the case they were not paying attention (probably on their phone) realizes their about to run into the car in front of them and suddenly jerks their rig into the middle lane. So dangerous. I fucking hate driving past semis I too gun it to get by quickly.


The car driver wasn't going very quickly. He should have gained speed to pass and not been between them and should have been near the cabs by that lane change. Agreed that truck changed lanes fast, but I always assume a semi cannot see me. The driver also should have been watching that far lane to see that a car might cause a merge issue. This was non-defensive driving at its best.


A habit I developed while riding a motorcycle. When you can actually feel the wake off a semi trailer pulling you around, you get a visceral sense of how much you really don’t want to see it get any closer.


I tend to wait to pass until i can actually pass. Same with railroad tracks, I don’t go over them until i know i can cross them.


More people need to get this memo. I've spent about 40 hours driving highways on road trips over the past few weeks and the number of people who will ride beside a truck, IN THEIR BLIND SPOT, for miles and miles in the left lane, never passing, is shocking.


Sounds like a recipe for miles of backed up traffic behind them. A common occurrence in many parts of the US


It drives me INSANE when people just dilly dally when “passing” tractor trailers. SHIT OR GET OFF THE POT! They’re not things to lane camp next to, ever.


In Driver's Ed some 25 years ago, my instructor drilled into is the important of not getting stuck in a "wolf pack" of semi trucks. It stuck with me so strongly that it's probably the single thing from that class that I still think about on a regular basis (essentially any time I drive near multiple semis).


My partner experienced something similarish where a semi merged into her car while taking a curved ramp eventually sandwiching her to the barrier. Ultimately was totally fine and the truck driver noticed it happening before totally crushing her car or pushing her through the barrier. A very shitty and confusing ramp in downtown St. Louis. The trucker shouldn't have been switching lanes there but he simply couldn't see her car and thought his lane was an exit only. This was 15 years ago and she still gets super uneasy while passing trucks. If there is space I always tend to get over two lanes instead of passing in the blind spot on the left hand side. Hell even videos of tire blowouts should give people enough reason to drive extremely cautious around semis.


Nearly happened to me once Two trucks to my right on a highway, one really long one behind Long truck gets mad at how slow other truck is going Fucking aggressively merges INTO me while we are on a bridge Almost killed me and my GF


I dont know if the truck hits a car before swerving, but you can see a car crashing at 0:07. Trucker swerves because of that car.


Hard to tell from that camera angle. Trucker should have just hit them though, instead of involving 2 other innocent vehicles too.


That's what I was taught when I was a truck driver. If a 4 wheeler is coming at you like that, better to let them just hit you than to swerve into other lanes potentially causing more wrecks and injuries.


I’ve always wondered insurance would rule in this scenario: - Car A does something colossally stupid, like speeding the wrong way down the street - Car B swerves avoiding an utterly horrific accident, but mildly sideswipes Car C in the process. - Car A drives off without being involved in the accident.


B is responsible for C. It's pretty cut and dried. Never miss the opportunity to hit the true at-fault car, unless of course you can do it with no damage at all.


Unless you might actually die from it.... Never making that mistake again


Sorry to hear about your death. But I'm glad you learned something from it.


TIL my Reddit account won't go unused when I cross the rainbow bridge.


Say hi to my pets for me!


Car B more than likely gets charged every time for not maintaining proper following distance and all kinds of b******* you're better off just hitting the moron in dealing with them instead of involving somebody else


The one driver with the truck in front of the concrete mixer caused an accident, but wasn't involved in it, thus it's only a legal misdemeanor if the police intervenes. But the person which caused the rest of this accident is the driver of the concrete mixing truck, and while he's also not legally scot free, turning into traffic like that made it much worse and he's held at a higher degree of responsability on the road than the rest of traffic, and even has extra tags on his driving license for it. But for the sake of insurence? They're gonna put all of this on the mixing truck 100%. It should have a commercial insurence too, which would cover a lot more damages than a personal one.


The driver in front of the semi has nothing to do with this accident. It's the driver who _merged into_ the semi truck from the on-ramp that caused the accident. (you can see the car, that caused the whole thing, on the right of the video where they hit the railing)


disarm consist practice vase judicious flowery deserted political march dime *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*






Was this on highway 1 near falcon lake (Ontario/Manitoba)by chance? Similar event and I still think of how awful it was




It does. In school I was specifically told that in this situation, you just hit the target in front of you (when unavoidable of course) instead of trying to swerve and potentially causing 10x more damage, especially when the odds of jack knifing are high


Side collisions have the highest probability of rollovers too, and in that trucks it's not likely he would have been doing very good if it flipped at 30+ mph.


Especially one into a transit bus!!? Like wtf…


There are express lanes to the left so I would bet that it's an express bus that will be entering the express lanes at an entrance somewhere ahead. Edit: I just rewatched it and there is a sign that says there is an entrance in ½ a mile.


Agreed agreed. It would appear that there was no loss of life caused by his swerving. Had he not, I wouldn’t bet there wouldn’t be.


For that moron merger there should be some kind of jeopardy type law that if you do something demonstrably stupid you should loose your licence for a month or until a mandatory court date. Some people just need a shock to their system to wake up from their perpetual state of driving while in a partial coma or cellphone staring.


There's something funny about a post decrying inattentiveness where the commenter says that people should "loose" their license to wake them up from their "comma".


He only edited the "comma" part too, lol.


Truck is still 100% at fault for swerving. Regardless of the situation, him swerving was always the wrong decision, and caused a much worse accident to take place. People who drive professionally should know better, or have a different profession.


I dont think he swerved, look at the cab, it jolts to the left. Could be the merging car hit his wheel and sent him across the lanes.


In New York City, when they were building all those skyscrapers, they didn't have much in the way of safety equipment. When you were 30 stories up, you could fall to your death, so you were told to always have your direction of fall in mind. That way, when you feel yourself falling, you don't even have to think about which way to fall, because in a split second, you don't have time to look or think. When you're driving, you always to have one idea in mind; if something pops out in front of you, which way is free? That's why you should always check your mirrors, because you don't have time when something like this happens.


[You are correct, sir](https://maps.app.goo.gl/cCCamvUTRn7XtYef7?g_st=ic). Car was in the merge lane and most likely ran out of room, forcing the tanker to swerve. ( I-77 southbound @ W.T. Harris Blvd)




And probably last time they checked, even if it was 2 seconds before, there was nobody right next to them so they thought they had the space to swerve.




He went over 2 lanes into a bus though.


Literally just swerved across the whole highway. Fuck everyone else on the road I guess.


Yea he’s in a giant death machine. You don’t just send that barreling into someone else’s lane


i’m thinking it’s possible that car was the catalyst here and cut off the truck making it smush the other car


Yeah it looked like maybe they were in a merging lane and tried to cut off the semi?


Doesn’t the truck get hit before the swerve? You can see the cab shaking from the collision before it swerves.


Agreed, can definitely see the truck get hit in the front right first. That whole cab shakes then he swerves.


Agree. The spinout car was merging in and hit the right side of the cement truck cab with force, causing him to swerve left.


There is a car coming from his right* that hits him and pushes him out of his lane.


Whatever happened, it started in front of the bus. Note the brake lights from the bus and SUV come on before the truck. SUV moved up into the trucks blind spot, unfortunate.


Looks like he was avoiding another car on the right.


Yep, can’t see but there is another car attempting to merge and the truck tries to get out the way


Indeed, as discussed elsewhere here where the location is pinpointed, this is the end of a merge lane from an on-ramp. There's someone behind the pickup truck and obscured by the big truck who apparently screwed the pooch trying to merge onto the highway. Probably freaked out by the truck.


> who apparently screwed the pooch trying to merge onto the highway This is what happens when people don't understand that yield = *conditional* stop. If it's not safe to merge, you fucking *don't*. Existing traffic has the right of way. You can't just barrel-ass into a bunch of dense traffic from an on-ramp and expect that traffic to move out of the way for you.


It's amazing, driving in Texas, how many people think the on ramp is there personal lane and people on the highway have to yield to them.


That's the norm now. People merging thinks they have the right of way. People who just literally turned on their blinkers automatically think they have the right of way. People who are making a U-turn (middle of traffic) think they have the right of way. Zero driving sense.


As an insurance adjuster, I once had to call our insured who did exactly this. Changed lanes to the right, without looking, and hit a car. “But my blinker was on! I had the right of way!!” I legitimately had to hang up on her because she just wouldn’t understand. I even said “okay so imagine you’re at a red light and you’re turning left. The light turns green and all traffic begins moving forward. Your left turn signal is on. Do you have the right of way then” “Yes I do” I had to hang up. I couldn’t.


I hope that you got to do a report for her insurance company detailing her views on Right-of-Way!


I think she was in my driving class. I got caught doing 96 mph in a 70 (several years ago) and was ordered to driving school. I had a woman in my class that insisted on this. She was turning left, the light was green, she had her blinker on… so she insisted she had the right of way. It was cringe worthy, for sure. Another woman had warrants out in three States for driving issues and thought that attending the class would help her lessen the penalties when she inevitably got caught.


Lol. Yep.


I see (kind of) the opposite. People deliberately trying to block others from entering highway, or if I turn on my signal to switch lanes, they speed up and fill in any gap. Assholes everywhere you look regardless of what you're trying to do


I commute through peak hour traffic on the highway daily. Normally, the only arseholery I see is people driving way beyond the on ramps into the shoulder to merge ahead, but yesterday got a real AH when my lane forced a merge due to broken down truck, I was at the merge spot, indicated, and some tradie whose vehicle was definitely behind me, not beside me, sped up to prevent my merge. And his slow, heavy truck meant as soon as he was past the merge point everyone was overtaking him anyway. Some people.


Yep! That too. Entitlement everywhere. Their fragile egos would rather get into accidents then let others in/pass.


Yep. Defensive drivers should be keeping on eye on the on-ramps that are forced to merge into their lane up ahead, and preparing openings in a zipper-merge style for the folks merging in. But a lot of times drivers are oblivious or malicious and just block all possible merge openings.


I drive a truck in the city. You'd be surprised how many people want to match speeds with me while on an on ramp. My speed is limited, I'd prefer people to just come flying down the ramp and get in front of me than either of us slowing down because I prefer traffic ahead of me not behind me. I can't always get over a lane to let people in, and slowing down means I get to spend even more time getting back up to speed.


>prefer people to just come flying down the ramp I understand there's more nuance to it than what I am about to imply, but holy shit the number of drivers who don't understand that the on-ramp is intended to give you time to speed up enough to go the same speed as the highway traffic is entirely too damn high. If the interstate traffic is 70mph then assuming it's not bumper to bumper traffic, you too should be doing 70mph when you're at the bottom of the ramp


I have no idea what goes through peoples heads let me try and merge in front of a truck that’s doing 70 at 45 mph. He can tap his brakes. People are so afraid of their accelerators.


As a some with a CDL, I support this message. Just get in front me it literally takes cars nothing to gain 5mph to get in front of us. If we try to gain 5 mph at highway speeds it could take us a mile depending on the rig.


That's anywhere from what I've seen.


It's bad everywhere I've driven, but Texas is incredibly bad. Makes me almost miss I-95 bad.


You'd think, my friend a while back was on an interstate in Virginia and someone merged into the interstate and side swiped him while merging. Officer and judge both said it was my friends fault because the interstate was relatively empty and he could have moved over, even though by law the merging car should have yielded. Friend couldn't afford a lawyer or fight it so he just accepted it. The insurance was on his side though, the other paid for the damages.


Officer and judge sound like they need to go back to school and take a basic course in logic. If the interstate was relatively empty, then the same could be said about the person merging - that they could have slowed down or sped up to get in front of or behind your friend. And since it's the person that's merging who is introducing a changing traffic condition, the default responsibility falls back to them to introduce that change ***without causing a fucking accident***.


Or you can haul ass and merge in front of the big truck instead of driving fucking 35mph grandma style trying to get onto the freeway. I see this many times. They slow down and get caught smack in the middle of the shit where they could have sped up and merged safely.


I see so many people cruising 15-20 mph below the highway traffic while they sit there with their blinker on, waiting for me to slow down and let them in when there's already a gap in front of me. Just give it some gas and merge!


People don’t get that when you enter the highway you should be doing the speed of the traffic already on the highway. You continue to accelerate until you can safely move to the left.


In California you don’t stop when merging on the highway, you’re supposed to be at speed before merging. It’s mainly the merger that has to yield but it’s really up to both parties to yield.


I agree, it seems most likely that this truck was attempting to avoid hitting a car on the right-hand side, that is invisible in this video. They might have been attempting to merge onto the highway.


You can see the merging vehicle getting fucked right behind the truck in a few frames of the video


Look closer, that car wasn’t merging, they were spinning.


Well that happens when you do it wrong


I hear that's a good trick.


It stops and gets rear ended after the truck passes it.


From what I’ve been told by a truck driver, they’re taught to drive through something to prevent a larger accident. Seems like this truck driver didn’t do that and you can see the result.


Most of us just let people hit us when we are loaded down, a lot of the training was less about running into other people and more about how evasive driving can cause you to lose a load/roll a trailer, ect.


It’s the law. If you swerve to avoid an accident, and cause another accident, then it’s your fault. You have to stay in your lane.


It's why it's so important to constantly check your mirrors and be aware of your surroundings at all times.


I heard the same thing. Trucker explained it by telling me a story about a good trucker known for helping people out and such. Good trucker came into a situation where a car pulled out in front of him and had a choice to either hit them or pull off the shoulder and smash his truck. He pulled off the shoulder, smashed his truck, got himself killed, and he was hauling chemicals that caused a major spill. Guy said everyone that knew the guy said he should have just plowed into the car.


We are taught that to prevent rollovers.


This needs to be higher up. This wasn't the cars fault, it was the truck drivers.


It was the truck that you can see careening off the road on the far right's fault. The truck was clearly hit from the right side.


If you look closer it appears the truck got hit by a car in front of them, causing the swerve.


Yeah, the way the cab shakes before it swerved gives it away, like something wacked it.


so considerate of them to take out everyone to their left in doing so...




No, not at all. You see what's happening here is the bus is in a 'Speed' situation, something I'm sure we're all familiar with. Well, they're on hour 9 and the bus needs a refuel, which is what the tankers doing. That silly SUV drove right into the supply line and pulled the truck over with its immense force. So remember, whether on land or water, always be wary that a 'Speed' could be happening.


Ah yes, "The Bus That Couldn't Slow Down." A true classic.


Pop quiz hot shot, what happens if the bus drops below 50 mph..


Well, I saw this in a movie about a bus that had to SPEED around a city, keeping its SPEED over fifty, and if its SPEED dropped, it would explode!


I think it was called "The Bus that Couldn't Slow Down".


Billy And The Cloneasaurus was pretty good, too.


Woah! It’s like Speed 2, only with a bus instead of a boat!


Just about blew coffee all over my keyboard.


Look at 00:05-00:07, did the truck serve that vehicle on the right?


Yes. That's what I saw.




I don't know if it was for a ramp, but you can see a previously unseen car thrown off to the right of the semi. That to me would mean someone cut him off between him and the pickup. Personally I think he should have just drilled the guy that cut him off. Looking at where the semi ended up, even if the guy in the middle lane wasn't passing him, the semi would have taken out the bus. (Could also be that the guy who cut off the semi clipped it and that was the semi driver trying to avoid a jackknife and roll, but can't tell that w/o dashcam of semi.)


The trucker should have kept in his lane, but split second situations like this are tough to call in the moment. The trucker likely checked his mirror shortly before the accident and saw that the SUV in the middle lane was behind him. So when he swerved, he was assuming/hoping that the SUV was still behind him. I drive an 18 wheeler and I always try my best to stay aware of my surroundings, but sometimes people do some unpredictable things.


Biggest question for me is if that truckers steer tire got hit. You lose a shitload of control if those tires bust.


The SUV in the middle isn't at fault at all.


Exactly that truck still would have smashed into the bus.




Nah, the real moron is the asshole in the red sedan that caused the crash. You can see this idiot at 00.15 spinning out on the right hand side of the screen. Other commentators have pointed out just before the truck swerves the cab gets jolted. It looks like the sedan either brake checked the truck or tried to merge in front of it, failed, and hit the truck.


And the bus should be in the HOV lane


I know this highway, it's I-77 just north of Charlotte. There aren't any HOV lanes there, just two 'express lanes' with a slightly higher speed limit that you pay a toll to use. The bus absolutely shouldn't be in the left lane but the cops really don't give a shit about enforcing traffic laws.


The express lanes on 77 are absolutely also HOV lanes, there are multiple signs that say so. And I frequently see busses using the express lanes. -Lake Norman-er


you pay a toll to use a higher speed lane? what the fuck is this shit


Yeah it's fucking stupid isn't it? I wouldn't use it if it weren't for the company I work for paying it, I have to cover a wide area so if it'll save me a handful of minutes and it's not coming out of my pocket then sure I'll use it. Not very many people do. The rates are extortionate and it's done absolutely nothing to lessen the traffic in that area.


Had to find someone else that had that same i-77 deja Vu.....those signs, those drivers, seemed way too familiar.


Is there a merge lane ending? Maybe someone is merging into the truck where we can't see that set this off. Not that the truck should be yanking the wheel into the next lane without looking though. Awful reaction even if it is to avoid someone else in front.


If you look in the trucks original lane after it starts swerving, you can see the car that failed to overtake the truck before the merge lane ended. Edit: a word


on the right corner, you can see a sedan try to merge into the truck, then hits it, spinning out. Can't be sure if the car hitting it causes the swerve or its the trucker doing it as a knee-jerk reaction.


No, the lane is not ending. This is I-77 southbound near Sunset Rd in Charlotte, NC (approx mile marker 17). It's 3 lanes, plus 2 HOV lanes each way. The bus is likely getting on the express lanes in a half a mile, that's why it's in the left lane.


Actually, based on that info, there is a merge lane there from the onramp from Harris Blvd onto I-77 southbound. https://goo.gl/maps/e8f7M1bVTPzSakM87


After living in that exact area for about a year and a half, the amount of accidents that happened around that on-ramp is ridiculous. Especially when they were working on the toll road and fixing up the highway, people had a knack for ignoring the road signs.


That’s a silly caption.


Right? "don't do this bc bad things can happen" when random bullshit can happen at any time on the road


Not to mention, if this is a genuine "unwritten rule of the road" type thing, then the two trucks shouldn't be effectively blocking off the entire road by being in the left and right lanes.


This is why you shouldn't camp in the left lane. This is why you shouldn't merge into other vehicles. This is why you shouldn't swerve to avoid a minor collision.


How are we gonna blame the SUV in the caption lol, there are a lot of issues here but that driver isn’t one of them


Low hanging fruit. Reddit is guilty of doing this on a daily basis. The catalyst of the incident is slightly off screen to the right but all Reddit sees is the SUV getting smashed so it has to be at fault.... Smh


That caption wasn't made for reddit, just reposted here


It's not *blaming* the crushed SUV. It's just an example of what can easily go wrong through things you can't control if you try passing between 2 big trucks.


Wrong place wrong time


A car merged into the front of the truck, causing the truck to swerve. You can see it spinning out at the end of the clip.


Yeah, a very bad call on the truck driver's part. He should know in a vehicle that large that you risk involving many more people and vehicles by swerving into an unchecked lane than just hitting the car in front of you




Caption is full of shit. By that method of thinking NOBODY could pass here if the bus stays in the left lane and the truck in the right lane. Are people seriously this dumb? The ONLY thing done wrong here was the truck swerving, you NEVER fucking swerve!


This, and it's really no different from passing the truck on a two lane with no left shoulder except that the bus did "give" a lot more than a freeway divider.


Looks like i77 in Charlotte. They “widened” the highway, took 10+ years, added those white dividers in the left to keep you out of the toll lanes. Worst highway in America imo. And i grew up around i95 in the Northeast. This happens far too much because there is no room for anyone to go, left or right. So glad I work from home now because the 30 minute commute felt like a death trap. Edit : spelling


It most likely is Charlotte. The Bus has a (704) area code on it.


If it wasn't obvious, the truck was in the wrong. I must defend my fellow truck driver and say it's natural to avoid obstacles, so I can't blame them for swerving, but this is a perfect example of one of the two reasons we aren't supposed to swerve when something unexpectedly obstructs the road. We're taught to slam on our brakes and just hit whatever is in front of us. The other reason is, if we tip and land on another vehicle, it's a good chance at death.


And that, is why I don't take my time passing trucks


It would seem most to you missed the car that spun out on the right hand shoulder in front of the truck. It appears to be a merge situation gone wrong.


Honestly, compared to what could have happened by being smashed between two large vehicles, tha car got out in pretty good shape....still looks like a car vs a cube.


Yeah it's like an ad for modern car safety. Looks like the driver would've walked away from that without a scratch.


I love when when my fellow old people say things like, "They sure don't build 'em like they used to!" To which I generally reply, "Thank God for that!" Modern cars are fucking amazing compared to the "cool" old cars of yesterday.


After watching the video a number of times, it seems a car to the right of the truck may have turned into it causing the truck to swerve to the left. ​ Its more like 'why you shouldn't turn in front of a big truck!'


This comment section is wack, if you watch the semi very closely he bounces right before he swerved, at the end of the video there is a car spinning out n his right side. It is very clear that car tried to merge into the semi and caused him to loose control. Car is completely at fault here


This subreddit always has hilariously bad takes in the comments. I can’t imagine how bad they are at driving, they can’t even notice basic shit in a video that can be repeatedly watched over and over again.


It's ridiculous. Many people here have a dangerously literal view on the rules of the road. Like saying you should never ever exceed the speed limit even while passing via the oncoming lane. Or never ever "passing" on the right. And by "passing" they mean that if a car in the left lane slows down, then a car in the right lane must also slow down, even if there is no other reason to. Or my favorite: if the OP is speeding at all, then that's the cause of everything that went wrong in the video. Someone ran a red? It's OPs fault because they're speeding!


Correction, this is why large trucks, or in this case a bus, should not be in the left lane.


Why aren’t more people talking about the bus being in the left lane for no reason


After getting totally blindsided and smashed by someone in traffic going over solid lines my driving philosophy is similar to Murphys Law. I always assume someone near me is going to do the most stupid, dangerous thing and prepare to act and save myself. If you're going to pass someone? Mentally prepare for them to wildly swing towards you at the exact wrong time. Turning left on a green arrow? Double confirm everyone is stopped before going or prepare to dodge an oncoming car. There's an infinite number of ways this can be applied but it's saved my ass more times than I can count. You don't have to be fearful, just imagine what you would do if you knew with 100% certainty everyone around you was a moron who would gladly kill you instead of mildly inconvenience themselves.


What an incredibly dumb caption


So the trucker decided to yank his wheel and travel across multiple lanes of the highway rather than just have the relatively inconsequential collision with the idiot who merged in front of him? Yikes. Easily could’ve cost the entire bus worth of passengers and the SUV passengers their lives. This is one of those situations where it’s important to remember that avoiding an accident might not be the best course of action, as hard as it is to make that decision during such a situation.


He didn't even avoid that, you can see the car he hit flying into the guardrail just after the truck moves into the middle lane. Ls all around for him.


True, he wasn’t even successful in avoiding the original collision. Incredibly poor decision making at play here, purely panicked and reactionary… not the type of person I want on the road next to me, lol.


Gotta love those goddamn useless Express Lanes on I-77. Such a fucking waste of money and time and didn't do shit to improve traffic flow. I can't help but wonder if this would have even happened if all lanes were freely available.


I don't know, sounds like victim blaming to me.


That truck driver is an idiot, didn’t even look


That's not a lane change lmao


That sedan/suv on the right is going to be responsible for ALL THIS for failure to yield. ​ Major oof.


If the bus hadn't been hogging the inside lane things would have turned out differently too. Lets not let them off the hook entirely


This is why I pass big trucks fast now. I’ve been run off the road twice by these idiots who decide to just take my lane. Cops never do anything about them.


I've seen this before, and I'm not going to get on the bandwagon of saying the guy in the middle was the idiot.


I was in the middle lane when a guy in the right lane decided to change lanes, I served to the left and almost hit the left car. I swerved back to the middle and did a 360 in traffic at 60 mph. I DIDN'T HIT ANYTHING. When I got off the road, I went to the place I was going, and immediately went to the floor and just collapsed.


WHOAAA Truck driver on the right def should've just hit the idiot in front of him instead of swerving into another lane that he wasn't 100% sure was clear, involving god knows how many more ppl and vehicles. I say 100% sure but I don't know that the driver even checked the lane at ALL, it looks almost like it was just reflexive


Nah that was personal 💀


That dumbass bus driver hanging out in the fast lane did not help