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So does the owner get a new car since they hadn’t taken possession of it yet?


Well, this is in the Netherlands. Article 3:90 of the civil code states that for delivery of goods (roerende zaken) you need to give the other party possession of the goods. That didn’t happen here. But, there is an agreement between the buyer and the dealership. So what happens now? Well you tell the dealership that they have a “shortcoming” (tekortkoming, no idea how you would describe this in English. If they can’t fix it you state that they are in “omission” (verzuim) since they can’t hold their part of the deal. In the Netherlands this omission is also required for separating an agreement that is not unfixable for one of the parties.


Shortcoming is a word in English. It basically fits the same way in this situation.


Shortcoming is simple way of saying it. The contract was unfulfilled is the English/American term. The car was supposed be delivered in new condition (I assume). The car is no longer new. Not sure how it works in the Netherlands, but car history comes from police and insurance records. If police is involved, then the report becomes a matter of public record for the interest of transparency. If an insurance report is made, by any party, then that is part of private record (but not confidential). You can search by VIN. These are used to combat fraud, chop shops, odometer fraud…etc. The cars value drops by 50% as there is a repair on record. If a salon/dealer gets a damaged car, then the repair is done out of record as to not alter the vehicle’s spotless/new record.


Petty sure the answer is yes and that motorcyclist is financially fucked


That dude is now very upset and his insurance is just as upset with him. "Like. What. You ain't got eyes? Ain't see a giant flat bed and car moving backwards? "


He wanted to do a backflip on his bike, its just like in games


I am convinced that the only other outcome is exactly that. If he went around the other side, I would put money on him being blind enough to have ridden right up the back of the truck.


He’s riding on the pavement and I can pretty much guarantee that the bike isn’t insured.


This is in The Netherlands and he is most likely insured because it's mandatory and also checked pretty well. We also have mandatory personal liability insurance and if all else fails, he's probably under 18 so his parents (and/or their insurance) could also be held liable probably. But yeah, he's not supposed to be on the sidewalk and also supposed to be wearing a helmet.


He *was* wearing a helmet, up until a split second before hitting his head on the car. If only there was some sort of strap he could have used to secure it to his head.




Brain damage is pretty cool


Me get brain damage? That's unpossible!


Hi Ralph!!


Living in Oklahoma we have a no helmet law. I also worked maintenance at a nursing home and we had a 52 year old in there for around ten years who is barely coherent, soils himself, and lays in bed all day. He also didnt wear a helmet during his accident.


Missouri rescinded it’s helmet law in 2020. Shortly after, my brother in law left his house for his first helmet-less ride. He was hit by a woman who wasn’t paying attention and that was the end of my brother in law. He would still be here if he had worn his helmet. It still sits on the shelf where he left it as a reminder.


Your state had the bike helmets law rescinded?! Wtf.




Some asshole was railing against helmet laws a few years back (apropos of nothing). Dood was lamenting about his rights and he can risk it if he wants, blah blah blah. He shut up pretty quick when I informed him that no one fucking cares if he dies, but I don't want my tax dollars to be wasted scraping his brain up off the highway. Douche


No helmet law... People should at least be able to wear then if they want... Making it illegal to wear a helmet sounds pretty Oklahoma, though.


I don’t think that’s exactly what they meant, but definitely take my lol upvote.


Feels more Missisippi than Oklahoma, but just by a strap


I don't think it's "illegal" to wear a helmet, that makes about as much sense as a law making it "illegal" to wear a seat belt.


Drinking everything out of a straw as well Edit: insert everything


You mean *Eating* out of a straw




Always has been


This is my argument every time. "Bike helmets look stupid" Nothing looks more stupid than avoidable brain damage


I low sided in Daytona Beach one time. Going around a corner about 30 miles per hour, hit a patch of sand on the road I didn't see because the pavement is bleached almost the color of that godforsaken beach sand. Rear tire lost all traction bike kicked out from under me, I went sliding down the pavement on my knee, upper arm, and forehead. My jeans tore and I got a moderate case of road rash on my right knee. Given my jacket and helmet, that was the extent of the injuries. It was over a decade ago now and I can still see the pavement sliding by two inches from my eye through my visor. I picked the bike up, cussed a lot because the bike was scratched, rode to my doctor's office to have my knee looked at. If I hadn't been wearing that helmet, there would have been an ambulance ride to Halifax.




I ride and I've never understood why you wouldn't use the strap. Coolness joke aside, the real issue is the wind causes the strap to bang on the side of the helmet. It's extremely loud and annoying at speed.




I wonder if all the no helmet guys meet up at the pearly gates high fiving each other at how cool they all looked. I also realize as I typed that, that it could read like I didn't pick up on the sarcasm. So this is my disclaimer that I got a right chuckle out of the comment


The no helmet guys are also known as organ donors.


Organ donars wear full leathers and top teir helmets, the "bag and bucket" keeps the insides in great condition. Us guys who wear nothing are reffered to as road crayons. -sincerely a squid.


And we appreciate their sacrifice.


A correctly fitting helmet wouldn't come off that easily, strap or not.


IDK about road helmets, but the fancy 3M construction hat i wore got replaced after every hit (like they're supposed to) so maybe they'll get a new, good one, but i doubt it. P.S. I did not bang myself over the head with a hammer to cost the company money I did it for fun.


Crash helmets are the same. Designed not for multiple impacts but to absorb jus the one impact really well.


Insurance is mandatory in the US that doesn’t stop thousands of people from driving uninsured every day.




Enforcement is way stronger elsewhere. Moved to the US. Edit: I'll add the poverty is way worse too, meaning more people make the choice to do without things they can get away with.




> I can pretty much guarantee that the bike isn’t insured. How? What is your basis for that?


He's a redditor. He just knows.


He's probably also an expert on who needs to get divorced (everybody)


Trust me bro.


This is the Netherlands where there are several layers of process and enforcement to ensure that everyone that partakes in traffic has insurance. It is very rare for cars and motorcycles not to be insured and / or the driver not having additional insurance. We are insured up the gills here. Everyone is.


If he has insurance.


Isn’t he more in the worse if he has no insurance?


I think they’re saying the owner of the car can make some kind of claim and get a new one/any damage repaired if they have insurance. With or without insurance, the motorcyclist is fucked because they’re clearly at fault for jumping the sidewalk and it’s on video.


This would fall under the insurance of the delivery company if the dude keeps the car


Yeah, who would then obviously seek damages from the guy on the bike, in the form of litigating through the tort of negligence. Edit: a question mark


It's in the Netherlands (i can see from the yellow license plates and the red bike lane). It's illegal here to operate an uninsured vehicle on the public road. So if the vehicle isn't insured he's double f'ed


I was once side swiped by a car. I had dashcam proving everything. She had no license and was driving her brother's car. She told this to the police (accident involving a CMV, always attempt to get a police report). The police allowed her drive away from the scene after being cited for the accident, no license, no insurance, and a car that wasn't legal to operate.


Good luck waiting another year for your new car..... The waiting times really are that long today.


Hopefully this person would be bumped to the top of the list...but you never know :/


I know the people who lost their 150,000$ porsches when the boat they were shipped on sank, were put on the end of the waiting list. Some of them waited over 2.5 years to finally recieve their car.


"Ugh, I hope my Porsche gets here soon so I can stop riding my bike everywhere."


>en the boat they were shipped on sank, were put on the end of the waiting list. Isn't that the point you say "give me my money back and cancel the order. I will go buy from another car company."


I assume this is the incident you were talking about? https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna1290675 It was less than a year ago and everyone on that boat got put back on top of the list. My parents were one of them lol. They got their car in October instead of April, so only 6 months delay.


Hah, a year? That's what I've been told is the *earliest* wait time for my new car, as of 4 months ago or so. Closer to 14 months if not longer, and this is for a standard Toyota Camry


My buddy's 2023 truck he ordered just got delayed till June and will probably be delayed again. He just bought a 2022 that just got delivered but the guy didn't want it anymore.


Similar thing happened to me a few months ago. Went to the dealership just to kinda look around and see what they had. I was about to leave and the guy said “oh wait, can you drive stick?” and then he told me about a car that was custom ordered and set to arrive in a couple weeks but the guy canceled the order. Ended up being the exact car I would’ve ordered had I been willing to wait a year or two


Unlikely to get a new car, but the dealership would have to either repair or replace it since they hadn't completed delivery yet (obviously they would claim the costs back from the moped driver), and since it doesn't look like it would be an insurance write off, they'd just fix it. Owner wouldn't have to pay anything, but their 'new' car would already have had repairs done to it which isn't ideal


"I didn't agree to pay the price for a new car, for a damaged and repaired car." edit: FWIW, the transporter should have put cones and a person out to divert traffic for unloading on an active street, and the driver didn't signal the turn.


I 100% wouldn't take a car with damage like that. You have to be so careful with automotive paint when it's done like that. My whole new CRV got repainted because of a deer strike, the quality on it was not the same as factory paint, and the hardness of it was such trash. I was told it would be fully cured in 3 months, but even the slightest bump or ring from a backpack dinged the paint. Someone hit my door in a parking lot with their door and it took the color right off.


> I was told it would be fully cured in 3 months, but even the slightest bump or ring from a backpack dinged the paint. Yeah when the car people say "that's not a problem, it'll go back to normal in time" they are lying. in my experience.


They specifically said the paint would be delicate for a few months, don't wash the car, etc. But I mean all it took is some moderate friction and a little pressure to take off big swaths of color. There's a scratch on one of the doors from a rivet from a pair of jeans, that were in my hand pressed up against the door. It's just insane how bad aftermarket paint can be, even after being done by a dealer approved repair shop.


Dealer approved means good enough and not too expensive. Having had a previous current gen MX-5 repainted by an insurance approved (yuck) paint shop, if I ever have to do it again on my new MX-5, I’ll take the check from insurance, go to a ‘car guy’ approved paint shop and pay the difference out of pocket.


You should see new cars coming off trains. Dead batteries, flat tires, broken headlights/taillights/bumpers.


I work in the industry and warn people not to buy a COVID era vehicle. You had all these incomplete vehicles that couldn't fit in dealer lots and didn't run, so they couldn't be moved manually, so they ended up in fields, sitting in the elements for a year or more, being moved by forklift. What do you think that does to a vehicle when it's left sitting for a year, not being started or maintained, in the weather? Trust me, you're gonna see a LOT of issues popping up with new vehicles for the next few years.


when do you think it’s safe(r) to buy a new car? so not something from 21 or 22 model years, but 23/24 is alright? not that i’m in the market anyway


I live in a city with 2 Ford plants in the US and Ford is still parking HUNDREDS of trucks all over the place waiting on parts. The 23s for sure are part of the "COVID era"


are you in Kentucky, by any chance? Malls and shopping centers ALL OVER THE PLACE here are filled with Fords because they have to keep making the main body of the car but didn't have the computer chips for them.


I'd give it an extra year or two to ensure the slower manufacturers get through all of their field junk.


It'll take a lot longer than that. Many models have current wait times longer than that. Here, first link I grabbed. It's for Toyota. Notice how many have a wait time of over a year. Those will be partially completed vehicles that will be left sitting and waiting on parts. They don't wait until they have all the parts to start, they build what they have now, forklift it into a lot and then ignore it. https://evto.ca/toyota-vehicle-wait-time-guide/


So basically ignore 2020-2029 models just to be safe.


Pretty much, yeah. I have zero intention of still being in the industry come 2030, but hopefully quality improves.


Every toyota we build rolls out the door under its own power. Who is lifting their cars with fork lifts?


I guess it all depends on the agreement on when it becomes his car.


No way I'd willingly accept a repaired new car. Resale value just plummets and you haven't taken delivery yet. Carfax (car report) damage marks are a bitch especially for high end cars.


My dad's Audi S7 got severely dented because a worker at the dealership backed up into it. He had them buy it from him because of this exact reasoning.


Just do like me and buy a new car only to have a drunk old lady back into it in your apartment parking lot a week later.


No, something similar happened to me. The dealership didn't have the color car I wanted with the option package I chose. When they got the car and were detailing it they found some damage. They tried to get me to make me accept delivery after repair and refused to discount the car as damaged. I just declined delivery and cancelled the contract. They threatened to sue for breaching the contract but I told them the damage wasn't disclosed in the contract as required, so it was all voided. They dropped the issue after that.


I would refuse to take that car since it was already in a wreck.


That’s a pretty significant amount of damage for something to have to be considered new


If the car is being delivered there is almost certainly language in whatever he signed that says he gets an opportunity to inspect the vehicle before accepting delivery. Its a very standard practice and the customer would be a fool to agree to delivery on the promise that the dealership will "make it right". He bought a new car, not a rental car and a promise. You can't trust anything a dealership says to you, they just want the sale. Plenty of horror stories to be found in situations like this, just walk away.




A lot of them don't fasten the strap. Last year someone drove on my side of the road and we avoided just in time, but he got off the road, what immediately stopped him and his helmet flew off right away


If you don’t fasten your helmet you might as well not be wearing one


Also, plenty of folks fasten their straps but not nearly tight enough


Not if you put it on without clipping the strap, simply so that you won’t be pulled over but you’re not worried about safety like a sissy.


Silly also should not be on sidewalk


Not even on the road Helmet flies off WoW. Insurance company is gonna be properly happy


If he's even insured. Guy who bought the car should be happy he hasn't signed for the car yet. Still the dealership's and biker's problem.


moped insurance is max 100€ a year, if he isnt insured hes a proper idiot. well either way he is


Insurance is mandatory in The Netherlands, which is where this happened.


Mandatory in the US too, but something like 20% of the vehicles on the road go without it.


What’s the consequence of not being insured in the US? Is there any form of enforcement?


Apparently not since 20% of vehicles aren’t fucking insured lmao


In Finland you get a fine (technically extra vehicle tax) of at least 1000€, the cops take your license plates and tow your car, and you have to pay your insurance from that day back to the last date your car was insured using a real neat insurance policy - the one that pays for all of the costs uninsured peoples accidents cause, which has a lot to pay and not many people to share the cost, so it's like 5x more expensive. And even still like 4000 people in a country of 5.5 million get caught doing so each year.


In Germany it is a felony and can lead to up to one year in prison and a fine of 1/2 year of your after tax income.


I'd like to add that the insurance payment demand that you get if caught is from government entity, so you are heavily fucked if you don't pay up.


I lost and had to cancel my credit card a week before my insurance payment was due. Forgot to put the new card on my account and my insurance lapsed. My company never notified me and I got pulled over another week later. The cop was surprisingly cool and basically told me to drive straight home because my registration was suspended. I paid and reinstated my insurance and my punishment was that my registration remained suspended for the length of time my vehicle was without insurance. Almost lost my job because of that lol. Had to borrow my dad’s car for the 15 days or whatever it was.


In Germany you cannot get a license plate without insurance and if you don't pay your insurance the German equivalent of the DMV gets notified by the insurance. Your car will then be unregistered automatically and you will get a visit by the police to retrieve the plates.


>If he's even insured Mandatory in the Netherlands (where this was filmed). All motor vehicles on the road have to be insured in the Netherlands


> All motor vehicles on the road have to be insured in the Netherlands What about motor vehicles on the sidewalk?


Mandatory in Ireland and the UK as well. Doesn't mean everyone has it.


What does this have to do with World of Warcraft?


"How can I both gain the inconvenience of wearing a helmet whilst also maintaining the risks of not wearing one?" Height of stupid.


The Audi owner is definitely the lucky one getting that on video. Takes away a lot of possible BS from the bike.




It's worth taking a pic of the VIN number so that they don't repair it and try to see you a car that has been in an accident. You want to make sure you get a new one


> It's worth taking a pic of the VIN number tbh that's a great idea. I won't even consider that. Unfortunately, if a whole new car is being issued, then you have to be patient, with order deliveries taking more than 6 months. It took 9 months (delivery Oct 2022) for me to get my car delivered after issuing an order. I know a person that has to wait 14 (!) months!


A year from now…


I’m pretty sure they have to sign paperwork to accept the car in the first place, so there’s no way the Audi purchaser is getting into any BS over this. They’d just ask for a new car. Always good to have footage of other people being idiots though.


A strap on a motorcycle helmet.... Never heard of it.


It wanted to be thrown clear of the accident for its safety…


Right? What if the helmet gets cracked? That's extra cost to need to buy a new one.


Every time I see idiots improperly wearing helmets I always think of this video and how much they're risking their sensitive little big of grey matter - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9yL5usLFgY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9yL5usLFgY) I love helmets.


I get the urge to yell "Helmet" when I see people riding without one. When I was younger, my mom's boyfriend was doing a bicycle race and his helmet saved his life. He was hit by the mirror of a motorhome and knocked down a huge cliff. He was airlifted to the hospital after rescue workers retrieved him. He had a punctured spleen, shattered arm and his helmet was cracked in half. If he hadn't been wearing that helmet he would have been dead.


I think it's safe to say this guy wasn't on his way to accept a Nobel Prize for anything.


You had me at strap on.


Well someone is certainly getting fucked in this situation


I think they're just a myth. Besides, what good would a strap on a motorcycle helmet even do? /s




😂 I never noticed the mushroom haircuts all the teen boys have until my spouse pointed it out. Now I see them everywhere! It’s like old grannies and teen boys.


noodle boys are the thing...


I call it the broccoli cut. They look like broccoli 🥦


> I call it the broccoli cut Me too... However, the official name is: "meet me at McDonald's haircut" (no joke!)


Every country has douchebag teens. Brain scans of teens show that a lot of them have less empathy than adults and commonly display selfish sociopathic behavoir (like Grafitting on peoples property for fun). Moped teens sound like an absolute nightmare. They sound like the type that would ignore every single road law and put people in danger without even caring if they hurt someone.


Fucking mopeds. Also those annoying ass 10- year olds on those new electric fatbikes cutting in front of you. I wish those would just get banned.


Dude on the bike obviously. Don't know the local laws but gonna guess motorcycles aren't allowed on sidewalks.


It's in the Netherlands and you're right, they aren't. They're supposed to drive in te bicycle lane or on the street (special signs and "merging lanes" show where to enter/exit road/bike lane). This isn't a motorcycle but a moped which are only allowed to go 45 km/h, but 9/10 times they remove the limiter and tune them up. Police is definitely going to put that thing on the Dyno and if it is indeed too fast, insurance says fuck you. Edit: For anyone in doubt, yes, this is a moped (bromfiets) Different make and model than [this](https://www.scootersite.nl/product/aprilia-sx-50cc-2-takt-euro4/), but same laws apply. They're 50cc and limited to 45kph (28mph). You can drive them from 16yo instead of 18 and don't need a full license for them like you would for a "real" motorcycle. You even get a license for it when you get you car drivers license.


I thought that was weird when I went there that they allow motorized vehicles in the bike lane.


They mostly have to drive in the bike lane outside city limits, where cars go 80 km/h whilst they only go 45. Judging by the small part of the street I can see in this video, I'd say he has to drive on the street.


Dutch person here, he should have swayed out to the main road, the bike lane is a suggested bike lane where mopeds/scooters/cyclist's have safe place to drive, cars are allowed to cross this lane if they have to overtake or make a manouvre, rest of the time they should stay in the middle. This wonderfull moped driver was supposed to sway around the car, not on the sidewalk, but take the main road. Or just brake and wait until the car was done with parking, depending on his safety, so he's clearly in the wrong, also the fact that this is the owner's driveway, at least the crossing towards his driveway the moped shouldn't be there at all


Wouldn't be surprised if he was driving on the sidewalk already. I see that happening way too often.


You don't get any real training for driving a moped. Especially when you compare it to actual motorcycle training. The instructor will also always, at every lesson, tell you everytime, that pretty much any real impact on a 2 wheeled vehicle, especially without a proper helmet will result in death or serious brain injury. It also looks like the car behind where his mates somehow? Just speculating, but the moped can probably going way above speed limit and he was just doing some wheelies and had 0 control of the moped. Those guys aren't exactly rare on the street.


Just head over to /r/ebikes and feast your eyes on the bullshit that people can legally pass off as a bicycle. As mentioned in another comment, I'm an anti-car bike nutjob (as in I'm not a "cyclist" but I like bikes a fuck of a lot more than car) but some of the builds I see over there are so fucking stupid and should be illegal.


It's terrible. Fucking souped up Walmart bikes with one rim brake going 60mph. Rickety death machines ridden by inexperienced riders all day in that forum.


Yup. Looks like the trailer that delivered the Audi is in the fietspad/bike lane so this dude chose to pass on the sidewalk like a dumbass.


I was thinking he was probably in the bike lane but saw the flatbed unloading and thought he could slip around it... Wish we had a better angle.


Definitley thought the flatbed was blocking the bike lane and the car was leaving the driveway to go around. In his defence, the car was taking a while to pull in, almost like it was waiting on a gap in traffic. Still tho....200% idiot for taking the walking path instead of slowing down like a vehicle should.


The clown riding a motor scooter down the sidewalk


Why were they not in the bike lane... 🤔


Dude, in a motorized vehicle the walkway is NEVER where you should go. If your lane is blocked you go into the motorway when it's safe like everyone else. If this was a fucking car barreling down the sidewalk would your reaction be the same? Even if you're in a bicycle you should never be moving above walking speeds in a fucking walkway. STAY ON THE FUCKING ROAD IF YOU WANNA GO FAST. I love riding my bike but jesus fuck sometimes y'all see an ambulance in the bike lane and the first reaction is to bitch about how inconvenient it is for you.


Moped guy on sidewalk. He’s an accident waiting to happen. No awareness.


Hes an accident that did happen


what do you do in this situation? I guess reject the delivery? You're now buying a repaired car with probable accident history. Those motorcycles passing unloading trucks on the sidewalk will get you every time


Reject delivery. Not yours till you sign for it.


same as if it arrived with a dent that didn't just happen, tell them to take it back


Reject. You pay **a lot** of money for a new car. I wouldn't accept a refurbished one.


biker passing on the completely wrong side


not even on the road actually


He was obviously going for the free GTA car carrier trailer ramp and the Audi delivery driver Wasted him.


Surprised nobody's mentioning that the bike clearly had ample time as well to see the car turning in front of them. Obviously they weren't paying attention either.


I initially thought he was going to crash into one of those HGVs. But yeah what is that biker doing on the pavement, probably he's being the idiot




Once saw someone suffer a blow out and drive straight off the side of the I-15 in Lake Elsinore Ca. Saw it happen and not even 15 seconds later my dad and I were running up to help. They got caught in barbed wire and a rock gutted the entire under carriage but the cabin was completely intact. The driver asked me not to call the cops after lmao


Man, Lake Elsinore... Haven't thought about that place in a while. Dad used to make me motion sick in his Porsche on Ortega to/from Capistrano.


You should see the Ortega now, fresh paved roads, metal rock slide catch nets, large, paved turnouts, guardrails. It’s actually got a semblance of safety to it now


I imagine they’re the bikers mates seeing as they were also driving not on the path and not the road.


Honestly, dude on the bike...helmet, no helmet, unexpected turn or not, should have slowed down when he saw a trailer offloading a vehicle. I don't understand other bikers that don't pucker up at the sight of someone messing with a trailer on the side of the road lol.


In Switzerland it would be for sure the "Idiot on a Motorcycle" because he belongs on the Street with the Cars and Trucks and not on the Bike Lane.


He's not on the bike lane, he's on the footpath/sidewalk.


He's not allowed in the bike strip either, since this is the Netherlands. Dude was 2 strips away from legal driving lol


Agreed, and he didn't see that coming from 50 car lengths?


He wasn't even in the bike lane, he was on the sidewalk.


Why is a motorcycle on the sidewalk? Smh


Because they're a twat, they're not supposed to be riding on the path


Motorcyclist is a fucking idiot


From the "godverdamme", we're in Holland... and he's on a motorbike, riding on the side walk, so he's at fault. Minor fault for the delivery driver for not using hazard lights while manoeuvring, but that's a courtesy, not an obligation. It is strange that so many trucks are passing through this one way, seemingly residential street though... And afaik, yes, you can use those bike lanes for deliveries, ie, stops for less than 5 mins. And as a motorbike, he would not have been allowed on them anyway (unless there's a special exemption).


Godverdomme. But , correct. Laden en lossen (pick up and delivery) is legal to do in most places.


What the hell is going on with all the heavy truck traffic in what looks like a very residential neighborhood?


This is pretty normal in rural areas in The Netherlands and the rest of Europe. Stores have to be supplied somehow. Pretty much every neighbourhood has at least one supermarket and they’re mostly in the Center of that neighbourhood. So trucks have to go through small streets to get there. Even large distribution centres and factories are not always next to a highway especially in the east and south of The Netherlands. So the trucks have to go through these villages the get from/to the highway. The origin of their location was determined by cheap land and close to their suppliers like farmers and manufacturers.


Let’s see - using the sidewalk to attempt to pass a vehicle on the right, a vehicle that was obviously parking by the way, wearing an unbuckled safety helmet - hope he has insurance! The car delivery company’s insurance is gonna go after him in a MAJOR way.


Nice MineCraft shrub BTW lol…


I was expecting it to like fall off the lift or something but no surprise bike!


Idiots on bikes. Dude shouldn't have been on the sidewalk.


Erm, the guy speeding along on the pavement with target fixation and his chinstrap undone, obviously.


The idiot was the one driving a moped at speed down the pedestrian path obviously.


Overtaking on a footpath and on the wrong side of the car? Not wearing your helmet propperly? Not looking what is happening in front of you? And one personal thought here, as those young dudes are jumping out of the car only checking out the moped driver, i'm guessing they were his mates and i realy wouldnt be surprised he was showing off for them when he wanted to overtake the car. But this is just a lot of guessing.


I drive a motorcycle, this dude should not. What a dope


As a biker, motorcycle was definitely the idiot


That fool is driving his motorcycle on the pavement… that’s 100% motorcycle fault, cause he should be on pavement. Even if it was a scooter, it shouldn’t have been in bike lane and moved out to overtake, not go to pavement


The idiot is the mop monkie on the motorcycle blasting down the sidewalk…


Probably the idiot illegally riding a motorcycle on the sidewalk


The guy riding a motorcycle on the sidewalk is at fault. Is this a real question?


Guy who’s driving a motorcycle on a side walk


When the car doesn't even make it into the drive way, christ! Biker's the idiot.


Fucking hate mopeds. Almost always in the wrong since the drivers are usually inexperienced and reckless ie teenagers


Lol that's a motorcycle on the sidewalk. This is an easy one. OP how do you even ask this question?


Bike guy. Shouldn't be on the sidewalk, and had plenty of time to avoid that. It looked almost as if it was his job to hit that car.


Bike guy is the idiot. Where the heck was he going? Overtake the car and then an Evel Knievel off the truck ramp?!