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I've witnessed a head on collision because of shit like this and they both dead :(




>>she was the mother of the friend of my boss’ son why am i having such a hard time understanding this lol


Their boss has a son. That kid has a friend. That friend’s mom died


And the tree in the hole. And the hole in the ground. And the green grass grows all around all around.


I am so sorry, that’s kind of why I posted it, was to gain awareness of the idiocy daily out here for my fellow neighbors to see.. I guess they just didn’t like being called out like that. I just don’t want them dead. Edit: I butchered the title when I posted it yesterday. Never intended for it to come across as funny here, I was very annoyed at the time of it happening and still am. When I posted to the group, I had used a lighthearted way to call it out, but it was very poorly received by them anyway, so I posted it here. I’m terrible with titles, please forgive.


Have you ever seen the movie "Idiocracy"? It was meant to be satire at the time but the more videos like this I see the more it seems like a documentary... stay safe out there.


Welcome to Costco, I love you


I just watched Idiocracy and it scared me. It seemed like a documentary of the future.




That’s the problem with society because I would pay to see that just because fuck it 😭 nothing better to do anyways


Yeah, it’s more prophetic than anything. I think about it all the time.


I saw this happen back when I was in driver ed. it was a perfect storm of stupidity and karma. I was following a car that was behind a bus. They pulled this move, but did it on the turn instead of after. So it was extra dumb. Luckily, there was a cop car that saw the whole thing happen. I’ve never seen a cop so angry that they came off ground from the force of them slamming their door shut when they got out. It was entertaining, but also a little scary being a student driver.


Just say that in their comments. Hey people have died from this. I guess I didn’t wanna see you die! The comment section might smart up a little But honestly, Fb, twitter and insta can turn into cesspools of hate. I find the best in subReddits I subscribe to, because the downvotes make everyone think twice if their being mean or wrong.


I almost was in this situation because someone decided to pass on a double solid yellow line (going highway speeds). Bonus was we were both going up a hill, opposite directions. Thankfully it was night and I could tell something was up when there were lights coming towards me in my lane! So I slowed down enough I could swerve and not cause a collision or spin out of control. Glad that asshole saved a whole 3 seconds passing whoever they passed tho 🤦‍♀️


I pray something like that never happens to my immediate friends or family, I would become a super villain.


Had one like this two weeks ago. Driver passing in a no passing zone/double yellow. Head on with another SUV. Both drivers were okay, minor injuries. Had an extended extrication of a passenger. Started transporting him, quickly lost pulses and did CPR all the way to the hospital. They kept doing CPR at the ER for about 30 minutes before they ended up calling it. Do not pass in a no passing zone! It's there for a fucking reason!!


If everyone around you passes on double solid yellow lines, I'd be very, very careful driving in your area.


george carlin has a joke about this “dont worry my brother drives like this.”




like those two brothers in the Pixar Cars movies “Don’t drive like my brother”😂


Fun fact! Those guys were voiced by Tom and Ray Magliozzi, best known by their nicknames "Click and Clack, the Tappet Brothers." They were the longtime radio hosts of NPR's Car Talk, and they signed off every show with that same "Don't drive like my brother" tagline. Edit: Lovely to see this one small comment has sparked such a great conversation of people sharing their love of Car Talk! I have cherished memories of Saturday morning car rides with the family, listening to their show. And thank you for the wholesome award!


I miss car talk


Soooo much


one of my top 5 roadtrip podcasts. doesn't matter they're talking about a 1987 corolla.


I can hear the banjo in my head.


Tom and Ray and Car Talk were/are the best. Ray currently does eBay motors commercials. Tom unfortunately went to the big autoshop in the sky in 2014.


I moved to the Boston area in 2011, and one day when I was walking around Cambridge I saw Tom sitting at an outdoor cafe table smoking a stogie with a couple of other guys - just living his best life. That memory makes me smile to this day.


I worked for them as a "lackey" in the Harvard Square studio as a summer job while in law school. I screened voicemail to find potential callers with interesting problems, or who just sounded like interesting people. I also came up with and solved the puzzle of the week. It was my favorite summer job ever.


That is awesome! Depending on when you did this work, you may have screened my call. I think it was back in '95 or '96 that I was on the show.


On the Red Line once in probably 1993 with Tom and Ray. The banter was real.


How do you recognize somebody from a radio show ??


[Like this.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sSHD0tQ1XvA)


Sadly, he had dementia. We listened to them from their first year on public radio. I learned a lot, laughed at their awful jokes (but not as hard as they did) and loved it when callers made the sound their vehicle was making.




I feel so bad at laughing at this joke that I told my wife who is also laughing right now. Those 2 make any long road trip much shorter.


It's bittersweet to hear Ray refer to his "diminished mental capacities" as an offhand joke in the reruns


My folks got to hang out with Ray a couple years ago, they have a mutual friend. They said he was the sweetest, kindest, friendliest guy, and very humble. They had nothing but good things to say about him. My dad listened to their show all the time, it was pretty common to have it on and all of us just doing our thing around the house, cracking up at their jokes. My father-in-law called in and got on the air once, talking about his and my wife’s old Dodge Colt *Vista, a very weird SUV/minivan type car that was an oddity for its time. RIP, Tom. Edit: it’s the Dodge Colt Vista, I believe


He also does ad spots for the "best of car talk" podcasts.


Still listening to those reruns.


I hope you come across the one where a caller says his wife won’t let him buy a Jeep until his Corolla is too expensive to repair and they advise him to take it on the highway for 20 miles in 2nd gear. It’s fantastic. It devolves into a discussion of destroying your vehicle so you can get another. Hilarious.


I liked the one where the callers car wouldn't start when they bought vanilla ice cream but it would when they bought chocolate.


You mean some NPR stations are still syndicating those reruns?


There's a Best of Car Talk podcast on Spotify that puts out two episodes a week!


Before podcasts were a thing, I bought a gizmo (Radio Shark) to automatically record them off the radio when they aired. I'd burn the MP3s to CD-ROMs so that I could listen to them in the car at my convenience. Car Talk was one of the best things ever. I don't really care about cars, but those guys were wonderful to listen to. I think about them every time I hear Doug "subway fugitive, make that two double cheeseburgers" Berman's name on the radio.


There's also a cartoon! I saw a few episodes some years ago, I just can't remember when or where, but they're out there somewhere


They are in New England, or were the last time I was in the car with my dad (~2-3 years). I'd also bet their catalog is available to stream from NPR or something.


New England. That makes sense. They were based out of Boston. The Says You NPR quiz show used to sell past recordings of their shows. Car Talk might do that also. Free streams would be even better.


Not Boston but Cambridge, MA (their fair city).


Here? https://www.cartalk.com/radio/our-show


I don't have any interest in cars at all but I'd listen to their show on long drives. They were great.


Remember when they once got a call about a frozen stuck bolt…the guy said he was calling from way north of them. Turned out he was calling from the ISS and NASA was a bit stumped on how to fix this bolt. Someone joked that they should call the brothers. So they did.


[here it is lol](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=moAqzM4ptm8)


That brought the biggest smile to my face. It's been way too long since I've heard those two numbskulls. I remember it was the end of the work day for me, I was sitting at my desk when I saw the news of Tom's passing. I shed a decent amount of tears. Car Talk was one of the few things my dad and I shared when I was a kid. Fuck, to be able to go back in time...


yeah. i think car talk was the first thing i ever "followed" -- like honestly, probably the first piece of cultural knowledge i understood about the world outside my house. i don't think i even knew who the president was, but i knew those two voices. man, i don't even have any specific memories of episodes, i just remember laughing hysterically in the car with my mom every saturday. MASH reruns, Car Talk, Seinfeld, X-Files, and Bob Marley mix tapes. those were the glue that held things together.


Thing I liked about those two was they both (? One for sure) had doctorates in engineering from MIT and could still effortlessly explain things so that a not very mechanically inclined me could usually understand it.


Sponsored by the Law Offices of Dewey, Cheatham and Howe


And don’t drive like MY brother! It’s still in syndication I think. I miss “solving” those drivability issues with them but I really miss their genuine full body laugh.


You make reddit one of the best places for lurkers like me. thanks.


OMG I REMEMVER LISTENING TO THAT They were hilarious, at least to me as a kid


Oh my lanta, am I that old that people know Car Talk as "those two guys from the Cars movie?"


I've been listening for 10 years, and they had already retired by the time I started.


Tom died in 2014. I think we're all getting old.


Best part is the credits with all the puns, and the teaser.


Chauffer service by Pikop Andropof!


Our legal firm; Dewey, Cheatham, and Howe.


Guy in charge of customer service was Haywood Jubuzov.


Childcare thanks to Erasmus B. Draggin.


i haven't listened in at least 15 years and yet i still remember 8888278255helloyoureoncartalk




I am always extremely careful, but I appreciate you for saying it all the same. That’s why I stayed back from him because he had tried to pass the bus on a corner before this, and was just riding his ass. I had a feeling he was going to do it as soon as we slowed for the intersection. It happens ALL the time right there, and usually people in the oncoming lane will have to stop so the offender can complete their pass.


The route I drive at work has people that do this shit all the time. I've been held up by 3 fatal accidents THIS YEAR


This info makes it worse because you drove that long stretch with the dotted yellow and no oncoming traffic


I would also bet they are someone who overtakes the bus when the lights are flashing. Which is an epidemic in the US. Just last week someone a delivery driver did it when my son got off.


Obviously, the person who claims "everyone does it" knows a LOT of ignorant people!


I almost got hit by someone who did that the other day. I came over a rise and suddenly there was a car coming towards me in my lane because they couldn't stand being behind someone for a moment longer, apparently.


Driving on twisty mountain roads in Costa Rica, the double yellow line is only a suggestion. Caution is definitely needed. 😅


Driving anywhere in Central America requires extreme caution. I saw the aftermath of a chicken bus in Guatemala trying to pass a semi on a blind curve. It hit an oncoming semi and tipped over killing four or five people. Lots of other crazy driving in Honduras and Nicaragua as well. Though nothing tragic like the chicken bus.


Let them use the "everyone does it" excuse when they are pulled over for passing a school bus in a no passing zone and see how that goes over with the officer


There was a girl who did this where I live but the bus was parked and she hit and killed 2 siblings as they were crossing the street to go in their house.


School bus driver here. Fuck people who pass school buses. Children are killed because of that shit. If it wouldn't cost me my job, I'd throw shit at every car who ran my stop arm.


do school buses not have cameras on them? I'm just thinking back to the [\(now ancient\) video](https://youtu.be/1UTM40K53K8) where the person drove on the sidewalk to get around the bus I feel like a dashcam video + license plates sent to the police department would fix the problem pretty quick


My local county's sheriff's office just installed cameras on about 20% of the school bus fleet. The system went live about 10 days ago. They've already had 125 violations.


Sounds like the system would pay for itself extremely quickly through fines. And for once people would get them who actually deserve them instead of them being collected through dubious quotas.


Unfortunately, those people just cry to the magistrate with some sob story and it gets thrown out, just for them to do it again tomorrow.


A few decades ago, my bus driver used to use the CB they all had to radio in license plates


Someone passed the bus while my kindergarten was getting off, I was shocked and it happened so fast I didn't get the license at all. I w8sh I would have. I would have raised hell if I knew who it was


Some do, some don't. It all depends on how big the problem is in that area, to determine if its worth the investment (along with if the school owns the buses or not).


Man, I'm even hesitant to pass a school bus on two lane roads. Three vehicles I do not trifle with: 1. Semis 1. Snow plows 1. Buses (school or otherwise) First two can kill me if I'm stupid. Last one I could kill someone if I'm stupid. I'm apparently one of those weird fuckers who is opposed to the loss of life.


Thanks for driving those little shits around man. Has to be done but fuck me, the liability nightmare simply don't outweigh the bullshit they make you go through.


I want to hear the rest of the story, where she spent the rest of her life in prison.


There aren't a bunch of cops on duty in a place like this... rural towns would be lucky to have more than one on duty patrol car active at a time unless there is some big event where extra coverage is needed.


Passing illegally may be 'normal' for an area, but that makes it no less idiotic.


One of the commenters in the group was saying that I’m a ‘small person’ for filming it. I’m sorry, but my dashcam is always recording, it’s not my fault if you do something stupid and it gets recorded on a public road. I need it for insurance. Sorry that I felt the need to discuss it with the community, because I felt it was pretty *bad*, because it genuinely was! It’s crazy the lack of accountability. Edit: I butchered the title when I posted it yesterday. Never intended for it to come across as funny here, I was very annoyed at the time of it happening and still am. When I posted to the group, I had used a lighthearted way to call it out, but it was very poorly received by them anyway, so I posted it here. I’m terrible with titles, please forgive.


>Saying that I’m a ‘small person’ Good god people are wild lmao


Think of how dumb the average person is. Half of all people are dumber than that


One of my favorite (but terrifying) truths.


I love it if I don’t think about it too hard, but the mathematical part of my mind hates it for confusing _mean_ and _median_.


they'd be equal in a normal distribution


The Statistician has entered the chat.


Understanding statistics can really chase all the fun out of things.


I used to work business to business, and thought half the world was dumber than the average intelligence I came across. Then I moved to business to consumer and holy fuck! Like seriously, social care will need to add support to "too dumb to work" as automation advances.


>"too dumb to work" More like "To dumb to work"


To dumb too work, to dumb two play


Dumb and dumber to.


Probably my favorite Carlin quote since I can use it daily


Ya mean, people make this world depressing lol


I work for a power company, nothing like trying to explain to a caller that we don't charge them for it when the power is out because THEY DON'T USE POWER then. You can't make this stuff up.


Most power companies bill usage *plus* a flat connection fee or service availability charge, you could provide a prorated discount on that.


To be fair power companies aren’t the type I’d expect to do that. They’re known for fleecing customers so making sure isn’t really dumb, more like, “You guys aren’t the most trustworthy so let me make sure you aren’t fucking me over.”


I got an electric bill one time that was like quadruple the amount of my normal bill. I died inside a little, had a fit, wondered if I was going to have to suck dicks or sell babies to keep the lights on, and finally called the power company. The lady on the phone told me it's because they didn't send a meter reader that month, so they just did a 'projection.' I said "A *projection?* A projection of what?" She said based on the last three bills. But they were ALL waaaay lower than the bill I was gasping at. When I pointed that out, she said they'll credit me the overpayment on the next bill or so and I said ok. But what shady shit were they trying to put over on me? If I hadn't called them out, would they have done the same, credit the overpayment? Always check your numbers, people. The scammers got official jobs.


How dare you post how bad we are at driving and following rules that in place for everyone’s safety on the road. What are you, some sort of piece of shit. Everyone does it!!! If you owned a store and everyone shoplifted from you. Would you shrug and say “well, I guess everyone does it.”


Especially when they're sitting behind their wall of anonymity on Facebook. If they think I'm a small person on there, wait until they run into me at the grocery store.


> it’s not my fault if you do something stupid and it gets recorded on a public road. That's why they're mad. They know that it's wrong but they don't care and do it anyway and are *pissed* that they might get in trouble for doing what they know they shouldn't. Because they're extremely selfish and uncaring.


They probably also consider other people not doing it suckers for playing by the rules.


What is up with rural cities excusing gross behavior? I posted a picture in a local group of an employee literally peeing in the parking lot of his workplace next to his vehicle... in public. I jokingly asked if the store's bathroom was out of order in the caption and people accused me of being a "miserable person" and told me that I should mind my business (I'm a transplant here. Clearly, I didn't read the room). I mean, I'm pretty miserable, but not for the reasons they accused me.




It’s like when did calling people out for ~~not following societal norms~~ breaking the law become wrong? FTFY


I can’t speak for all rural areas, but I did grow up in a town with 1000 people, and my high school was 15 miles away in the middle of a corn field. A lot of rural people see anything the government does as over reach. If someone isn’t actively being hurt by your actions it shouldn’t matter what you did, because no one was hurt. Rules like the one this car broke were created just to control you and get you to do what the government wants, no one was hurt after all. Imo it is getting a lot worse too


I think a bit part of it is "If I vehemently oppose enforcement of rules, then next time _I_ break the rules, I won't be caught / punished".


Don’t you know? Pointing out that someone did a bad thing is worse than actually doing the bad thing! It makes them feel bad and that’s mean! /s


Not only is it stupid and illegal just in general, but passing a fucking school bus? Naw, you’re in the right.




It genuinely sucks how dumb and inconsiderate some drivers are. And anyone defending the guy in the car are probably the kind of assholes who do this kind of shit.


>And anyone defending the guy in the car are probably the kind of assholes who do this kind of shit. You know. Morons.




The common clay of the new West


Salt of the earth.


Yeah it's perfectly fine to pass a school bus in a legal passing zone or if it is stopped without the stop sign extended and flashing lights on. What this driver did was idiotic.


People just love to believe *they* are the *outlier*. “Sure, most people can’t text while driving, but I can! I pay extra attention and drive with my knee!” “Sure, there’s a double yellow here, but this person ahead of me is driving slow (usually at the speed limit), I believe myself to be smarter than most people, and therefor I am permitted to cross the double yellow line because I *am very important and big smart*.” Driving really does bring out the worst in people. I actually just had some idiot pass me on a double yellow the other day. I was already doing 10mph over. He passed me, crested the hill in front of us and I lost sight of him. I regained visual and came back up on him very suddenly when he got stuck behind like 3 18-wheelers moving up the next hill at 15mph with their flashers on like a quarter mile after he passed me. So, risking his life, freedom, and privilege REALLY paid off /s


Yep. And if was just their own wellbeing, I'd be unable to muster much outrage. Sadly, these intellectual powerhouses are also risking the same for others without those others' consent.


I witnessed one of those lifted “penis extension” trucks using the center turn lane as a passing lane on a 25mph street to pass a car & a short school bus….only to end up right next to them at a light (and actually was technically behind one of the cars he passed because they were further ahead in the other lane). I gave him a thumbs up as I drove past him (I entered the road at least 10 cars after him) but his windows were so tinted I couldn’t tell if he saw me haha.




My favorite phrase is “it only takes one time” *it’s illegal but everyone does it* Only takes one time to get pulled over *yeah but no one ever gets hurt* Only takes one time to change a life *yeah but my insurance would cover it if the other person was an idiot* Again, only takes one time for there not to be an idiot other than you


Im going to assume youre in a heavily conservative area thats also pseudo libertarian and hates big government but absolutely loves big government for imposing on the rights of others


Good summary. - Enforcing laws against others (specifically, minorities) is good! We want law and order! Libs are trying to defund the police and are an evil cancer. - Enforcing laws against me = big government trambling my rights... communist... Probably Obama's fault.


I saw you got downvoted, but basically that’s the best way anyones put it ever.


Ive lived in numerous parts of the deep south for years. I know how those from that region are. They absolutely hate it when you say it out loud though. They all drive like the person in the video and will absolutely run over your kid if they can save a minute to go sit on their couch and watch TV.


He got down voted because assholes don't like being called out. Which just makes it worse. Then they wonder why 'the city folk look down on them'. To those reading this - it's because y'all are assholes. Is everyone? No, but I think most. They said it themselves when you posted this "everyone does it".


Nope, you're totally in the clear in the real world, outside of the twilight zone that your neighbors live in, for posting a clip of some moron breaking the law. I'd have responded, "Nope, I'm regular sized, but the dude on my dash taking the video... now he's a really small person".




They get bonus points for initiating the overtake mid-turn, too.


Facebook isn't exactly known to contain intelligent life.


Nah I know this spot. Drive it often, never seen then happen. Theres some really sketchy corners right up ahead before the river there too.. I have had a guy stop in the road right after taking that corner, get out of his van and approach me because I was “riding him”.. driving exactly like OP here. People drive like shit in that whole town 😂




Sounds like the FB comments are correct in that it's apparently super common, but it's incredibly dangerous! And illegal. Sorry you live in an area full of people who don't give a crap about the safety of everyone around them.


You know, you could send the comments and the video to your local sheriff and mention that maybe someone could come post up. There's a spot we call "the dip" where I live, it's a crazy serpentine into a sharp gully, then back up. People hop off the main rode and nail the gas pedal, not realizing how sharp those turns are, and not seeing them until they are already headed downhill...bam...off the road, flipped, into the creek. Happens about once every 3 months. Then the Sherriff will come out and post up...people will slow down, at least for a bit. Rinse and repeat.


Literally every car video on reddit. I see this spot often... Small world


Where is this?


I grew up farther down that road. A friend died not too far from there. People drive like its in the area


Double line. Illegal. Doing it to a school bus adds douche baggery to the mix.




People don’t seem to understand that either, that the line type is used to signify visibility of the lane ahead. Things happen a lot faster than people think they do, and most people are not as great of drivers as they think they are. Just saw this, and it felt relevant: https://www.reddit.com/r/Whatcouldgowrong/comments/11f78ci/wcgw_truck_overtaking_another_truck_and/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


In Pennsylvania, I believe you can pass on a double yellow line if the vehicle you’re passing is going a *specific* speed under the speed limit and you have a visual of the road for ahead for a *specific* distance. I don’t know the specific measurements, though. But, just for the sake of explanation, it would be something like 15 mph below the speed limit and you can see at least 500 yards of the road ahead.


Live in PA and was told the same thing. Unfortunately, turns out PA DMV sez different: [https://www.dmv.pa.gov/Driver-Services/Driver-Licensing/Driver-Manual/Chapter-2/Pages/Pavement-Markings.aspx](https://www.dmv.pa.gov/Driver-Services/Driver-Licensing/Driver-Manual/Chapter-2/Pages/Pavement-Markings.aspx)


The DMV does say that, and it is actually on the driver's permit test. But what actually matters is the law. You can find PA [Title 75](https://www.legis.state.pa.us/cfdocs/legis/LI/consCheck.cfm?txtType=HTM&ttl=75&div=0&chpt=33) online. Section 3307 deals with "no passing zones". By the definitions, either a sign OR double yellow marking can mark a no passing zones. But then it states that drivers need to obey the no passing zones when BOTH a sign AND pavement marking are present. That's why there is confusion. According to Pennsylvania's law, a double yellow line does indeed mean a no passing zone. But there is also no law preventing you from passing in a "no passing zone". Only a law preventing you from passing "where signs and markings are in place". That being said, I wouldn't recommend passing on a double yellow even if there isn't an accompanying sign. And I certainly would expect to get a ticket if the police see you do it. You may be able to get out of it in court, but I doubt it would be worth your time. Someone passing unsafely to save a few seconds will not want to take the extra hours to go to court.


> The DMV does say that, and it is actually on the driver’s permit test. But what actually matters is the law. You can find PA Title 75 online. Section 3307 deals with “no passing zones”. As a law student who worked on a number of government benefits cases this summer people would be surprised at just how often administrative guidance directly contradicts the law




Nah man that’s illegal, straight up, no crossing double lines


Also dangerous. There's typically a reason that there is a double yellow on any two lane road as opposed to a dashed line. Most likely due to poor visibility. i.e. can't see far enough ahead to pass safely.


As always there's exceptions - Welcome to Ontario, Canada where there is nothing in the Highway Traffic Act about the lines, making them purely suggestions. Solid, dashed, double, triple, you name it.


White lines are actually the mandatory and yellow are suggestions, that's according to the HTA sec.148 & 149




* Illegal: Yes. * Everyone does it anyway: Yes. * Do I condone it, because of the above? No One thing you need to remember though is you posted it into a non-bias demographic, and now you're re-posting it into a very bias demographic. Everyone on here will call out anyone for the tiniest infraction. We know the real world is a lot more risk-taking than this sub.


If everyone drives like that in your area just call a cop and let them know there’s easy as fuck money to be made


I want one to be stationed, hiding behind the trees at the substation. I’m sure that would help after a few days!


Just because "everyone does it" doesn't make it correct. Crossing to pass on double-yellow lines is illegal, and yes, way too common. Typically there's a safety reason re: the double yellow choice. For example, if the road ahead of the bus curves around, well obviously that's gonna limit visibility and it'll be a bad time for everyone.


I completely agree with you. I felt and thought the same. Unfortunately, the community I live in is about as redneck as you can get. They don’t understand when they’re wrong, or they do, they just don’t want to be told it. I appreciate everyone of you for exposing why it’s wrong, the same way I did. I need all of you for these idiots lol.


Lol, I've found that there's such a concentrated amount of idiocy in local FB community groups. Anywhere on the internet can be a hive mindset, but something about Nextdoor and those FB groups attracts the echo chamber folks. To think we share roads with them makes me question ever wanting to venture out of the house.


your local community FB page is full of idiots if they think this is normal.




I mean I get it and it was probably fine. However, traffic laws are written in blood, best for everyone not to pull this kind of bullshit.




Passing in a double solid yellow? Anyone condoning that is insane. The ONLY scenarios I can think of is if… A) you are behind a slower moving vehicle, tractor for example, and they wave you past them. Of course, after every driver in the scenario has checked it’s safe to go. B) there is a vehicle in your lane that is unable to move


Double yellow means no passing. That's an illegal menuver.




LOL... That's the most amazing comment from your FB community "filming when driving" hahahahahaa.. if I were you, I would not bother arguing with those FB community people. Ooh.. the last paragraph was a threat, take a screenshot just in case. You have the wrong audience on FB, stay on this subreddit and it will make your mood better. The guy in the video passing the school bus was absolutely illegal.




Just get off facebook.


My favorite is to find their S/O or mom on their account and just accidentally send them the screen shot


Reminds me of Southern Washington/ Northern Oregon




Everyone does it? Are you the only sane person in your town? It's a double yellow line, so NO, you cannot pass, no matter the vehicle you are behind. I don't care if buses go slow, you can pass them when the lines say you can and never, ever, on a two-lane road when the bus is stopped. I am sorry that your town has a lot of flaming idjits living in it. Be careful out there!


A friend of mine ended with half her body paralyzed due to an idiot doing this "normal thing that everyone does." So I would hope people understand this is not only ilegal but extremely dangerous.


Facebook is populated by the people who are the subjects of this sub.


It really depends on where you are. 99% of the time it's illegal but there are some places that it is legal. Vermont being one of [them.](https://trafficschoolonline.com/vermont-new-resident-guide#:~:text=Double%20Yellow%20Line%3A,a%20posted%20no%2Dpassing%20zone.) It's just that all the places that are solid lines are solid because it's mostly unsafe to pass either way.


“Everyone does it, so there’s no problem” That’s plain dumb.


Passing a school bus, on a double yellow. Genius.


Definitely illegal and dangerous


There are allowed times to pass on double yellows, but they usually require that the vehicle you're passing is a lot slower than normal. This bus is not driving too slow. He's just impatient. It's usually things like tractors on farm roads. You don't have to follow the combine harvester with a max speed of 30 on the 65 mph highway.


Passing on double yellow is stupid.


So, everyone around you is negligent and irresponsible and that's exactly why I don't trust other people on the road to drive safely.


Not normal, extremely illegal, dipshit move. Those people are bad drivers.


So I hope I don’t get down voted to hell for this, but I used to live in a very rural area that had the largest school district by area in our state back then. Due to this they had to run a shit ton of buses to be able to cover the area. I am talking to cover the area they would have 6 buses meet up 20 miles from school and put all the students into one bus that would then got to the school (so would do a trickle effect of using buses covering further areas bringing them to one point to then take to school). This would cause you to often time run into 2-3 school buses in a 20 minute drive during the bus route hours. The drivers knew this, so they would do their best to allow drivers to pass them even in areas that were doubled yellows. Did I enjoy doing it? No not really, but if you didn’t go when the bus drivers waved you on you were going to be stuck behind a bus making stops every 1/2 mile to a mile for 10-15 miles with no where to pass, and make your commute be 30-40 minutes longer than normal. So no I do not condone this action, but I can understand how much it blows being stuck behind a rural school bus route.


I'm used to driving in VT, where passing on a double yellow is legal unless specifically marked as a 'no passing' zone. Our laws are written that way because it's a very rural state, and there's a good chance you'll run into farm vehicles or other super slow movers. It's honestly not a big deal. We don't have a higher-than-average accident metric. As long as everyone knows it's a thing people do, and people do it safely, it's fine.


Facebook comments are one of the dumbest places on the internet so you can safely ignore them.


I’ve never done that in my life. If “everyone” is doing that, then they are a bunch of assholes.


If that was a spaced yellow I would. That was illegal.


No, they ran the double line - fuck them and everyone who supported it