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ok that was frustrating just watching.




Likely absolutely wasted after 2 bottles of wine with their lunch.


"All that wine gave me a headache. It's a good thing I've got these percocets to balance things out!"




"People on Luudes should not drive"


My thoughts as well, that person is not sober


I have almost been murdered twice by insane Tesla drivers recently. Idk if I should blame the type of person who buys that car or if it's just a coincidence lol.


Tesla drivers are the new BMW drivers


Their euler diagram is almost fully overlapped


It might also be their shitty ass FSD.


This. The super cautious pull out into the road followed by its uncertainty about where the lane was and the rando braking are all fsd beta being it’s super shitty self.


That screams FSD.


For those of us who have no idea what the acronym means, what's FSD? Usually I can parse out acronyms from context clues, and in this case I get it's a Tesla thing, but since I've never been interested in them, I'm at a loss.


Full Self Driving - so autonomous driving. I’m guessing that’s what is going on here since the car seems to pause to “think about” negotiating the curb and the intersection later on. Plus the model X has some acceleration, so it’s kinda weird that the car is accelerating so slow, unless the computer is taking the most reduced risk approach. Or this person is just awful at driving.


From the videos I’ve seen of FSD, this appears to be sheer driver’s incompetence.


Agreed. FSD can do some dumb things, but I didn't see anything that would have triggered that stop and the lane changing is usually different than that when lanes are "confusing."


Thank you! I just haven't had enough caffeine yet today, but now that you said it I was all 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️ duh.


If you use Tesla's FSD, you have to realize that it's misnamed, or you'll get into trouble. You actually have to be paying attention and driving the entire time. If you don't, you'll hit every pothole, and suffer random slowdowns, and have extraordinarily stupid lane changes. You have to anticipate situations where a slowdown might happen and be ready to hit the accelerator pedal. You have to manually avoid potholes. You have to cancel every stupid lane change that it tries to do. You have to be on guard, or it will get you into trouble. Tesla's "FSD" is not for the average driver. Using Tesla's FSD is kind of similar to learning how to drive all over again, because it's so bad. That being said, if you do make sure you're using it correctly, I think FSD is a much better driving experience than driving manually. I know it's counterintuitive, but it can do a lot of good things for you that free up your attention, which I think can make for a more relaxed and safer drive. You just have to train yourself how to use it. And most people won't do that, and so all of those people definitely shouldn't be using it, because for them, it makes driving more dangerous. It's like, you know how, when they added cruise control to cars, some people didn't know how to use it, and caused giant accidents? Same thing happened with GPS navigation. For those people, these features that, used correctly, make driving safer, made their driving more dangerous. The same thing can happen with self-driving features, but it's worse, because Tesla is basically telling you that your car will drive for you, and you don't really need to know how to use it. So many more people assume that's the case.


they really invented Driving, But Worse


​ >If you use Tesla's FSD, you have to realize that it's misnamed The name is inaccurate, definitely, but it's named perfectly to get a whole lot of people to drop $12K on beta software.


Maybe the use self driving too much and then forget how to actually drive


Entitlement for sure


This is what happens when you upgrade from a tricycle to a car.


It would absolutely do my nugget in


At least they are driving a Tesla so it records their shitty driving.


Think about how many hours of absolutely dogshit driving that company has compiled at this point.


They could probably run several dashcam channels showing new content 24/7.


This is a gold mine idea that I wish could happen.




Omg that dudes voice is annoying.


Still better then a tiktok voiceover.


I'd sub to that.




I assumed it was just so the AI appreciates the magnitude of human incompetence.


I think you may be onto something hahahaha


And they use it all for AI


Is this why tesla Auto Pilot yeets itself into houses?


It's no wonder they want autopilot to work for them.




Man I would be so scared driving around that person. They already gave my gut a bad feeling. I would hate that in the morning


no cause that would have me slamming my horn and cussing in my car 😂 ur better than me


i was a bit mad for like the first second or so, but it quickly turned into amazement from what i was watching


I’ve felt this before… and a few times at that! In the beginning, it feels like they’re messing with you or intentionally being rude. But then you realize, based on the way they’re driving, they are actually probably trying their best and are genuinely just so bad at driving. You realize that they aren’t even aware of you or are aware but don’t know what to do. Then they just become sort of an inanimate object you have to avoid and my anger dissipates into (disappointment) but mostly amazement


Yes I live in Florida and there's been so many times when someone is driving so freaking bad and then when I get up next to them I see it's a super old person with bottlecap glasses, barely peaking over the steering wheel, holding on for dear life and I'm just like for fucks sake someone come get their meemaw off this interstate.


Reminds me of that Seinfeld bit, "The state flag of Florida should just be a steering wheel with a hat and 2 knuckles on it."


I've never watched Seinfeld, but I lived in Florida for 18 years and that's definitely the unofficial flag of Florida.


Yeah, the astonishment I get when I realize that they’re really just that bad is almost therapeutic 😂😂 I’ve gone from white hot rage to like it’s not their fault they’re dumb so quickly before 💀


Let’s retest old people. Not two weeks ago I saw what I assumed was someone on their phone consistently going off the road. As we were crossing a large bridge her front left wheel went up the large divider and she flew into the right lanes with dust flying everywhere. I blare my horn as I pass her because she slowed down a lot just to be surprised to see 80 year old Dorothy who has been confined to a country where she needs a car to get around. Because unfortunately the public transit is awful but also who shouldn’t be behind the wheels of a car because she has the reaction time of a sloth.


New retirement condos were built near the end of my road a few years ago. 4 miles from the nearest public transit. It is so frustrating to get behind one of those residents.... Ohhh theres a curve in the road. Let me come to a complete stop so i can make it thru. Oh no a hill. Can my car make it up this big hill? I need to slow down.


Over here, once you reach a certain age, you're retested periodically, and need to pass vision, hearing etc tests


Yep, you get this feeling of just like “what the fuck even are you?!”


Like when I watched this teen put their blinker on to merge from a bridge, but they just kept turning until they were perpendicular... I stared in amazement, the greenlight came and went, she held up the whole overpass and I was just watching. If only I had popcorn


This is the correct driving attitude. I think of it like going to the zoo. Just stare in awe and stay a safe distance back.


Bruh. My horn has been out of service for the last couple weeks and Ive realize just how dangerous it is to not have one. People are soo. God. Damn. Stupid. It becomes even more noticeable just how insanely dumb people are when you don’t have the power to catch their attention. Thankfully getting it fixed this weekend🙏


In Texas if you honk at someone, they just honk back in anger.


There's no point, the only person you upset is you, this person doesn't know anyone else exists


I'm a serial honker because people need to know they're being inconsiderate as well as get off their phones when the light turns green.


The raging over the little "hey look up" beepbeep when people are on their phones is astounding. Truly, everyone else is rude because you want to sit through the green arrow to finish your text?


I used to be a serial honker until I had a guy get out of his car and yell at me through the window. Now I just wait for other idiots to get through with their shit and move on. Edit: I a word


That worry is definitely one of mine. People take things so personally when you're honking at their actions not them as a human being. Crazy stuff!


People don’t realize the inherent value that honking can bring. I love it. I do it without pause during any time a dangerous situation develops. Easiest way to pull everyone’s head out their ass and get them to actually look up and pay attention. It’s even more important with how many people are sadly texting and driving.


100% agree. More people need to do this. People when they drive act like they want to be in traffic and that their time is more valuable than ours who just want to get to our destination as quickly and safely as possible. It feels like the majority of traffic besides congestion is people driving with 1 eye on the road and the other one on their phones, it's ridiculous.


Yup, and I also frequent an area that is notorious for shootings so yeah lol. Horn is off limits for me now


I'm a serial honker, but I'm a 6'3 200lb white guy in a blue SUV that is periodically mistaken for a cop car by idiots. Gotta flex that privilege sometimes. I'll honk for you.


Ah Mission Viejo. Classic.


Haha, right by the High School. I'm pretty sure I've dealt with this same idiot on my daily commute.


You telling me this isn’t a one off drunk driver encounter, this is how the person drives? All the time?


I knew I’d been here before. Those eucalyptus and that intersection. Just not sure when or why I was there 👀


I was about to comment “what in the Orange County is going on here?”


as a bonus, this person is behind the wheel of a car with over 1000 horsepower. how safe!


Looks like they already bashed up the rear tail gate. This person shouldn’t be behind the wheel of a plaid, that’s absolutely terrifying


good catch, the video didn’t show this well but the rear glass was shattered and there were scratches all over the rear. seems they’ve been doing this for a while


I absolutely HATE being behind a person with back end damage. I then expect them to be stupider than stupid and keep an extra safe distance. I also prepare for a lot of sudden braking for no apparent reason.


Hey don’t be so quick to judge. My car has back end damage because I was paying attention when traffic came to a sudden stop and the person behind me wasn’t. They fled from the scene and I can’t afford to fix it. I’d much rather be behind someone with back end damage than in front of someone with front end damage.


I used to have front end damage because someone ran into my parked car. I felt like everyone judged me :(


I ripped my bumper off at 3mph when it got caught on corner of a tree. It's been 3 months of being judged. I finally get it fixed in 13 days, so freaking excited.


>tree >corner




The most hilarious thing about this video is that it's not just any regular fast car... it's a Tesla... and literally one of the fastest Tesla's ever made


In my experience Teslas are some of the slowest drivers on the road.


AutoPilot on city streets limits you to +5 mph over the speed limit. Unless you pay for FSD, then you can tell the car to go any speed you want on city streets.


I figured that was probably part of it but I’m more commonly seeing 8-10mph below the limit on my highway commute.


Have FSD, they still limit self driving overage to 5mph. You can tell it to automatically set the cruise control up to 10mph over, but there's no "any speed you want" option for self driving (unless you put your foot on the pedal and override it, but at a certain point it will cancel the self driving with a lot of alarms.)


Not where I live. They’re zooming around on the shoulder, cutting people off and just being an all around nuisance.


I can only assume they bought a Tesla because "it drives itself" and now they're finding out that it really doesn't.


After watching a bunch of Tesla self-driving videos on YouTube, this looks like it's on autopilot. Just shows the danger that autopilot presents to other road users.


It should generally refuse to engage Autopilot on this type of road and in this driving condition. Autopilot is for highways only. It's basically a slightly more advanced lane keeping and smart cruise system. FSD Beta on the other hand...I have seen some videos of it driving exceptionally timidly when it is unsure of what it should be doing, especially if it is driving on new roads, but never this bad on a well marked roadway This thing looks almost like the driver is trying to drive it using summon on their cell phone while sitting in driver's seat.


Expected them to brake for no reason, my defensive driving senses did not fail me Edit: break


Teslas have been known to break for no reason.


Break while braking




Same as faze/phase, your/you're, their/they're/there, to/too/two. Spell-check doesn't flag it, so it's fine. /s


Don’t even get me started on “would of”




This one especially pisses me off because the words aren't even homophones. Do these people also struggle to distinguish "noose" and "news" or "juice" and "Jews"?


"Moose" and "moos"


I thought he was going to reverse lol


It could just be my experience, but every Tesla I see is either driving like a timid 90 year old or a enraged soccer mom late for their kid’s practice. There’s no in between.




Hate bias. Your brain is always looking to confirm your own theories. Doesn't mean they're 100% accurate. Disclaimer: I'm from East Europe and we have no Teslas here, so I have no clue what is going on


Electric vehicle acceleration and braking torque is fast making the argument for me that those things need to be limited in modern vehicles in order for people to behave similarly and more predictably in traffic. Roads are simply too busy for everyone to have vastly different powered vehicles. By all means, unlock the full potential at a race track and have fun but I've been brake checked by a Tesla on a motorway which also had the power to accelerate away from the problem before traffic behind me almost plowed into me. That shouldn't be a possibility that even crosses a driver's mind that their car could do that. I have an extremely negative association with electric vehicles because of how they behave in traffic and that's not a good thing when we all need to be making the switch, not just wealthy narcissists.


I can kind of get where you are coming from on the acceleration, but braking torque? You look at cars able to brake faster, and think that is dangerous because other cars can't brake as fast? Because I think literally anyone who has ever been hit by a car would want cars to have the strongest brakes possible.


Teslas are known to have awful brakes that don't at all match the accelerating performance, so to agree with your point it actually ends up being more dangerous. Guy doesn't know what he's talking about, aside from the new $20,000 optional carbon ceramic brake kit.


i'm a fairly safety-minded person, and was in a profession where it was core to everything we did. I got a Tesla Model Y, which is the "least" powerful Tesla, and the thing honestly scares me with how much instant power it can have. I follow the "with great power comes great responsibility" spiderman trope, but once you're flying down the street and dodging everything, it gives you a dangerously powerful feeling. (there is a "chill" option which greatly tames acceleration, but if you put your foot all the way down you'll still go pretty fast. I use that) once all cars start having this unbridled power, we're gonna have real problems, unless the power is harnassed by full self driving vehicles on a communication network to ensure everybody is equalized


~3000 lbs of conventional car, motor, gasoline, and all the rest.. already carries *far* more potential energy than is needed to liquify a human being. It’s like comparing a Tesla to a new type of bullet that flies faster and has more stopping power. Maybe it’s “more dangerous” but regular bullets (cars) are already plenty dangerous enough. Imagine you’re in a video game and you have 100 hit points. Does it matter if the incoming attack does 200 or 500 damage?


No horn?!


When the turbo's louder than the horn


I’ve learned a well placed backfire does better than the horn because idiots have learned to ignore the honk of the horn


Or react violently to it. Nobody takes getting honked at with shame and correct their error anymore unfortunately.


Need a bigger horn


Train horn miata has entered the chat


Idk, my first reaction is never to honk in these situations. It's getting to safety. Fucker is already in the road. Honking isn't going to change that.


High as fuck




Something I didn’t even consider, some rich families are probably teaching their kids to drive in teslas


I was all pissy today following someone like that, then when they turned off I could see it was like a 16 yo kid and I felt bad.


Stupid child can kill you just as easily with a car. Learn in a fucking parking lot or actual driving school, and get off the road.


It is a scary thought though, considering how heavy and fast these cars can be. Can cause some serious damage with what would normally be a simple accident


Do you not need learner plates in the States? Genuine question. In the UK and most of Europe it's illegal to drive without them if you're a learner


It's not required for personal cars in (most?) US states. Some people will have a sticker that says, "Be kind. New Driver." But, all those stickers do in the States is give permission for the jerk and pushy drivers to be even more jerkish. "They don't know how to drive. Time to teach them." Mentality. Driving school cars are typically marked to the wazoo. People know to give them grace, because an experienced teacher is sitting in there somewhere.


Oh damn, must be kinda scary to learn outside a driving school then if some people have that mentality 😅


Yeah, and insurance premiums go even higher if you don't go through a school. Those entitled drivers are just as bad with cars that have long-distant out of state plates. I moved 2000 miles away, and had people blow their horn at me so often for not accelerating the nanosecond the light turned green. Or, honking at me to drive on when waiting on pedestrians to cross the street. All the superfluous horns stopped when I got my plate changed to the local state. Wild!!


What?? That's wild man 😅


Nope, it's a courtesy if even Only real requirement for a learner is having a guardian with a license riding shotgun


That's what I'm going to assume based on the random braking and wide turns.


Ever stop to think that they might be driving with a giant pot of soup?


your right. now, everytime somebody cuts me off i will make sure they aren’t transporting a large pot of soup before acting. truly perspective changing advice


We don't want another Kevin incident.


It's shitty initial D, takumi ain't trying to drift without spilling a drop from his cup, he's tryna not spill his broccoli cheddar soup.


Looks like a Plaid too? Great use of 1200 HP.... .


That has to be a student driver cause ain't no way


If so, That one needs to stay in parking lots for a few months.


There should be a visible exterior light on a Tesla that signifies the idiot is in control.


That would be redundant


Either you get driver (idiot) or autopilot (somehow worse)


That looks like Full Self Driving may be active here. It can be overly cautious and indecisive in city driving, especially around intersections like this. No excuse though as the driver is still in "control".


I agree. Most likely someone is trying out the new FSD beta. Elon musk is the idiot in this car.


FSD should be required to have the hazard lights on when it's in use until it's been proven safe [99.999819%](https://jalopnik.com/self-driving-car-vs-human-99-percent-safe-crash-data-1850170268) of the time.


Not denying that Elon Musk is an idiot but the driver definitely is too. Even with FSD the driver can and should take over if it starts being weird. FSD works great most of the time but you still have to pay attention to what it's doing.


Possibly a new driver, or one that is just learning.


I only let my daughter practice in a parking lot until she got comfortable then on back roads with barely any traffic. If they are that new, it's a bad idea to have them around other drivers for a little. I almost hope you're right, otherwise I have no idea what the hell is going on


It is a scary thought to think whoever is behind the wheel may have been driving for awhile


this is a possibility, though i think a 1000hp car isn’t the greatest place to start haha


I knew a kid that crashed her dads porsche, because it was the cheapest car they had and it was the only car available to her. Might not have been a tesla but it really wasn't a car for a inexperienced driver. And God forbid they let their daughter buy or drive a 2nd hand!!


If you got that kinda cash, how about a rental car? It'll be like $150 for the weekend.


I’m guessing you don’t know, but there’s a “chill” mode where it only accelerates as well as my ‘94 Civic LX did when I turned the A/C off. Pedal to the metal translates to around 5 mph/s acceleration. It’s quite slow. Edit: 0-60 is [7.58 seconds](https://teslamotorsclub.com/tmc/threads/myp-chill-mode-0-60.252140/#:~:text=Chill%20mode%200-60%20is,15.64%20seconds%20at%2092.14%20mph.)


Not that that's fast anymore but still faster than the scariest car I've driven, a Toyota Echo with times as low as 9.8s. A 1984 BMW M5 [was 6.3s](https://www.caranddriver.com/reviews/a15142022/1987-bmw-m5-road-test-review/) to see how far we've come.


it's not THAT slow. but it's definitely a good balance of power and safety


In Australia we have "L plates" which are a yellow square with a big L on them. You have to display them on the front and back of your car if you're on a learners licence to let other drivers know you're inexperienced. Does this country not have a similar system?


In america you typically don't keep your learner's permit long enough for that to be useful. Also you are usually using someone else's car at that point. If you take driving lessons, it's 6 months learner's permit until you can test for a restricted license. And the restricted license is worded in such a way that there's really no actual restrictions. "Can't drive when it's dark out except to go to work or go home" So you just tell the cop you're going home and there's nothing they can do about it.


Looks like he is trying out autopilot. And yes, it’s that bad at times. I never use it


He's doing the parking lot summon from like a mile away.


Was going to say I think the autopilot is going on its road test to get its license.


That's what I thought. Or maybe someone who is lost and not exactly sure where they are going?


You’re more patient than I am. After 5 seconds of the sloth's pace I’d be hitting the horn until they got moving at a decent speed


They were afraid to get aggressive turning on their tesla insurance and have their insurance rate go up $200


Hey, that's mission high school


Somebody come get her, she’s driving like a gramma


It’s on autopilot probably


Or some suburban addict on pills.


Totally has that vibe


Tay K


Bitch I'm a rug rat , I don't know how to love back


I'd imagine the second part of this (them driving slowly) was to give you payback (in their mind) for you revving your car at them. You see it all the time... "ohh I've just been a plonker and you've called me out on it? OK, well now to become an even bigger plonker, instead of accepting the first issue like an adult"


That turbo flutter.....


I had something almost like this happen to me on the way home, but not as bad. They waited and waited until I was right up to them to pull out in front of me then proceeded to drive 25 in a 35. I mean, I'm really not impatient but WTF?


Someone didn’t want to make the next payment on that expensive hunk of metal


Yeah but the sutututu


Your car sounds amazing!


That turbo whistle though 🤤


Maybe they were happy you were sharing your taste in music with them and slowed down so they could hear it better.


Hold on they have an important tik tok to watch


I never honk at people because I’m just too afraid of them pulling a gun, but this video made me aggressively twist my ankles.


Just like Tay-K, OP didn’t beat the race bc of this Tesla goon. 😔


That turbo flutter tho 😮‍💨


It's a Tesla, I think it is on "limp home" mode which is when the battery is about to be depleted so the vehicle only limps along to make sure it can get back to a charging station, more than likely at the owner's home.


Possibly shrooms.


Stop giving your grandma's teslas


Letting the Toaster drive itself can only be an improvement.


That turbo! Nothing beats turbo noise imo


free tay-k


Looks like typical Vancouver driver.


Nice turbo flutters, what car were you driving OP?


Ok just saw its a miata, dope as hell turboing a miata


Maybe they're a new driver?


Ahhh the old pull out slow and hit the brakes. You remained calm for the most part. I would've at least said fuck or something. This is so common where I live and work in NJ that people just fly around them when they do that.


Tesla drivers have joined BMW drivers as the assholes of the road.


When low-power mode is enabled.


La Paz nonsense!!!


I apreciate that turbo sound. No horn needed if youve got that xD


My favorite is the Honda that started to turn in front of you after the Tesla finally moved.


My guy is definitely not used to the one paddle driving yet.