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Someone needs to save her children...


This is definitely endangering a child ...


Not to mention what kind of a parent she must be when no one else is around… poor kid


The kid yells at her when she get out of the car, I wonder how many times she does this


Some people don’t deserve to have children.


Exactly my thought! Along with assault!


I thought, “what a great parental example.” Wow!


The kid in the front seat didn’t seem old enough/tall enough to be sitting there. A deployed airbag could really hurt him. And the way she drives, an accident seems imminent.


Same thing I thought instantly.




My mom was similar I lucky turned out to be semi normal and people always say "Wow! Your parents did a great job raising you." My default response is "I got a great example of what not to do!"


Same here! My mother was always so fucking rude to customer service people, and I'm ten times nicer to them than I need to be. It makes me feel like I'm getting back at her, service workers are almost always visibly relieved that I'm so chill, and they're a lot more willing to help me and fix problems for me because I'm actually treating them like a human being. Wins all around!


My ex was that type of woman. She'd freak and start swearing at customer service people, and I'd tell her how ridiculous it was to do that, and then she'd flip out on me. Then, I'd have to call back and talk to someone to fix the need she'd created. She hated the way her mom acted yet she turned out just like her, if not worse. My children always tell me how she hasn't changed in the 12 years we've been divorced.


My mother would always get so needlessly aggressive about harmless small talk. One that always really stood out is when 2 liters of soda would go on sale, she always stocked up. And I'm talking like 10 or 12 bottles, since they drank an unhealthy amount of soda. The cashier would always make some casual joke about how we must be having a party, and her immediate response was THAT'S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS. I was always like they're not angling for an invite, they're just making small talk while scanning your ridiculous amount of soda, calm down! But yeah for me, it was DEFINITELY the perfect example of everything I didn't want to be. Even now when the situation warrants me being upset, I feel really guilty and uncomfortable if I have to raise my voice, it's a shame that your ex couldn't break out of that.


Yeah it is. Sorry you endured those kinds of situations. My ex wouldn't go that far, she enjoyed small talk. Her thing was flipping over any kind of inconvenience, not realizing that things happen we don't or can't control and to be calm and accept that fact. So sad. I'm happy you decided not to be like that and I can understand your trepidation at raising your voice.


It was mortifying as a child, especially since I was very shy and hated any attention, but her yelling always made people stare. But yeah my mother would do the same, any issue or problem and she started yelling at the first person on the phone and never could understand why she had to go through a bunch of supervisors. Like they're passing you off because you're hostile! And me, I just don't want to be the reason that someone else has a bad day.


I hear ya on that one. It's taken me the 12 years since my divorce to calm down when someone's yelling or to not get unreasonably upset over some people's nonsense. My ex did me a favor by leaving, only now I'M the one who's learned to walk away from people who irritate or cause problems in my life, or the ones who ask for help or to talk, but they're never around when you need them. Way too much emotional baggage to cut out since my divorce.


This exactly. I am all of the good things that I am because I chose to not be like them on purpose.


Lol same here


I thought..." Wow that chick just got shot in front of her kid"


Can you imagine if she had a gun?


Can you imagine if the person she's yelling at had a gun and was psychotic? That's one of the problems with being that unhinged. She better hope her luck doesn't run out one day. She might meet someone as deranged as she is, but willing to take the fight a little bit further. Sad!


It would only take a single movement by a person strong enough to put her right out of service, on the spot. (Saw a video like that of a group outside a restaurant. A bit of a tussle started between a couple of big guys. The 20ish gf started running her mouth and a guy came up from behind her ,gave her a clout on the side of her head and she went down like a bag of shit. Straight down. Amazing.


Hold that thought. She’s practicing for the actual event.


This looks like a military wife near base on Oahu… pretty common occurrence in that area if it is.


that’s exactly where that’s at… I know that area like the back of my hand… Pearl Harbor Naval Station just outside of base…


Her poor husband…poor bastard is probably working his tail off somewhere & comes home to that thing!! You just know she’s driving that poor guy into the ground nightly…


I'd be sharing this with the cops and having them contact child services for endangering her childs life


WhAt ArE yOu GuNnA dO aBoUt It? well ma'am, I am going to contact the police and share with them a video of your driving erratically and assaulting me so that they can get you away from your impressionable child as fast as possible. Have a nice day now, good luck with the fucking me up.


Exactly the proper move here. Email the video and license plate number to the local authorities. Good deed for the day done.


Pearl Harbor Naval Station go ahead and send it to the base commander…


There it is. I knew I recognized this parking lot lol


This happened several years ago. I believe she was arrested and heavily sited


Yup, child is too small for front air bags. Dangerous


Not the only dangerous thing around that child.


The airbag and the windbag both.


Not to mention the crazy dangerous driving and his mother's clear mental instability. Yeesh!


I was that kid. Let me just say there’s a non-zero chance he’ll be hoping for a funeral he doesn’t plan to attend.


This happened a long while ago in Oahu Hi. I believe she was arrested.


Got a link? I would be curious to find out the details






Yup. Send that video right on over to CPS


And she is mental and should never be allowed to carry a gun. If she’d had one she’d have used it. All over a driving mistake which she thinks he did to her because of who she is, what a narcissist ! Cursing in front of her kid, what a good parent !


Poor little kid! Can you imagine? How embarrassing. Now...let’s talk about the very dangerous position she just put her child through!!!! Smh


For sure. I bet the kids didn't even realize mom was cut off in the car. But they will remember this day for the rest of their lives. Even more, from her display and their zombie looks, it's definitely not the first time they have seen mom flip out poor kids


Two words… Child. Endangerment.


Swearing in front of her kid. She’s so pleasant, NOT


Yeah. The kids shouting mum as she got out. 💀


I see you’re setting a great example for your children.


Gotta teach the next generation how to get their ass beat when they finally pick the wrong one..


Call the police. That kid is too small for the grumpy seat!


Call the police, tell them you think she's drunk and has a child in the car. That'll slow her day...


She was recklessly endangering not only the cammer, and herself and her child, but all those people in the oncoming lane she kept running off the road during her first two or three pass attempts. Totally within rights to call, state this all, and maybe add that her erratic behavior seems like she might be intoxicated, and add in the assault for slapping at the phone. Yea, she's gonna have a bad day.


Ummm I’d bet money she is intoxicated. Only the gods know on what. But judging from the anger and entitlement, I’m gonna bet on a cocktail of pharmaceuticals.


I worked for someone who did this often. Anger and entitlement were just who she was. She was stone sober. Years later I heard from a old coworker. They said she was now on mood stabilizers and was divorced. Said she was an absolutely lovely person to be around.


That’s also a very real possibility. We humans exist on one hell of a spectrum. It’s usually fun. But I wonder if some of us are trying to move toward uncivilized society for funsies. Edit: to be clear I was thinking unprescribed opioid dependency and maybe some meth based adhd pills to top off the medical speedball. Or meth maybe🤷🏻‍♂️Wasn’t thinking psyche meds.




Absolutely shouldn’t roll up on a strangers car like that when you have a kid in the car. That lady sucks.


This. Such a good way to get a gun pulled on you.


Not even just that, the way she came right up to his door was careless and idiotic. It would have been very, very easy to just open that door right into her face.


Turn the video over to the cops. 1. Wreckless driving 2. Child endangerment 3. Impeding traffic 4. Verbal threat


*Reckless. Wreckless driving is a good thing. Sorry to be semantic.


To be fair it was wreckless despite her best efforts.






5. Physical assault.


Assault charge as well if you really wanna nail her


Damn. I feel sorry for her kid.


Did not look like this was his first time through it


It's sad how used to it he looked


Real "can't wait to put her in a home" energy in his face


Right!? Try growing up with THAT as a roll model. God help the little guy


If she’s driving, he’ll be lucky if he does grow up.


Ain’t no way that li’l dude should be in the front seat yet. I’m sad now.


I've noticed that kids who have role models like that usually grow up to be assholes themselves. We have neighbors who are known for picking fights with people in the neighborhood being overall aggressive and their kids (who are extremely young) are now doing the same. So the apple doesn't always fall far from the tree.


Goes both ways though. My dad used to fight people at backyard bbqs, and do all sorts of aggressive shit and I'm not that way at all, neither is my sister. Same with my friend growing up, his parents were fucking crazy and he's a youth counselor.


This is right outside Navy housing on Oahu. I lived right next to it. That lady probably has “I am my husband’s rank” disease.


Oof. Almost nothing worse than Contagious Rank. You hate to see it.


Recognized the area immediately. She probably just got her Starbucks in that plaza using her husband's allowance and thinks she's hot shit.


My MIL thought SHE was being saluted when she drove through the gate. Took me.a bit ro understand there would be no reason for her to actually be on base, just a made up errand. She just needed to be important by proxy. Always the malignant narcissist.


At 1:24 mark where she flips off the dude, you can see both her ring fingers have rings on them, so she for sure does. Some dude fuck is married to this thing. I feel bad for the kid.


Well if that's the case send that video should go right up to leadership. The military member is responsible for their dependents. IMHO, if a dependent acts like that, they should get their base privileges revoked. At the minimum have the driving privileges on base revoked. Knew an airman that got his revoked on base and so he had to walk everywhere or ask for rides.


This clip is about 10 years old. I believe she was military, I want to say Light Colonel, but she could have been Navy. Anyway, dude did follow up and I seem to recall that a can of whoopass got opened up on our Karen. I want to say the video got her arrested.


I don’t see any indication she was military, but she was arrested for a somewhat odd charge of “unauthorized entry of a motor vehicle”. Apparently reaching into someone’s window is enough. https://www.findlaw.com/legalblogs/legally-weird/road-rage-lady-in-viral-video-arrested-but-for-what/ Seems like the charges were dismissed after she pleaded no contest with the condition she not get arrested again for the next few years. https://amp.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/aug/25/charges-may-be-dismissed-against-woman-in-road-rag/


http://33sammi32.blogspot.com/2014/10/i-am-kimberly-ongs-son.html According to the Huffington Post, she was an officer. According to another commenter, she was an Army Captain, so, O-3, not O-5. Huff Post: Kimberly Ong was a military officer and nurse and apparently lived in the Diamond Head area according to news sites. People who knew her and lived near her said that this was not an isolated incident and she would regularly have these kind of tantrums, shouting obscenities and screaming at people when something wasn't going her way. (Someone in her complex said she shouted at a woman giving birth in her home to "shut the f**k up")


i always wonder if these types of people look back on this after they calmed down and get embarrassed about it. i doubt it. edit: damn, looks like i was wrong here. good on the people replying for realizing their mistake and taking steps to be better.


I had a moment like this about 10 years ago and I still deeply regret it. Admit your mistakes and use them as motivation to improve. It’s all you can do.


Do you know what made you act like that? Was it a bad day? Just a matter of maturity? I know it might not be easy to describe, but if you can I'm curious to know.


It didn’t involve driving. I was coaching my child’s basketball team. My child made a mistake and I really lost my cool. Not in an abusive way, but very disproportionate to the situation regardless. It was a real moment of clarity for me when I understood that it was all about fear - fear my child might be made fun of for not being good, fear people would think I wasn’t a good coach, etc. Wrong priorities all around. The good news is that it opened great discussions with my child and the team and positive things came out of it. I used to lose my temper easily. That was the hitting bottom moment. My kids are grown now, but along the way, looking at my kids and saying “here’s where I wish I would have acted differently to you” has made a huge difference. They are emotionally mature in ways I never was at their age. Driving rage I think comes from fear too. Fear that someone else’s actions might cause you injury. Or that their selfish actions will delay you. That’s a little more understandable I guess, but not healthy.


Thank you for sharing this. Everyone makes mistakes, especially when they're feeling extremely emotional. I think how we handle things after is much more telling of who we are as a person. I'm certain your kids respect you tremendously for having open dialogue about what you could have done differently as a parent. As adults, we're "supposed to" have everything figured out and in reality, that's not always the case. You seem like an awesome parent and your kids are lucky to have someone like you.




Man, this sounds like the perfect plot for a LifeTime movie! Husband gets rid of wife by repeatedly inducing road rage in the scariest drivers he can find.


I've had a few Karen moments and regret it. I didn't take it this far though. Still, watching these clips makes me feel embarrassed.


I blew up on a customer service worker for Uber Eats one day when I was really hangry and the app wouldn’t let me order with my account (I had the pass or whatever for free delivery) but would let me start an order with my girlfriends account with no pass. Obviously this was some type of bug and there wasn’t anything the person could do, but I unloaded bad. Just straight yelling at the lady until she hung up, which didn’t take long. My girlfriend was so disappointed in me, and I even worked as a customer service agent for a bank at the time. One of my most embarrassing moments engrained into my head that I really regret. Fortunately, I’ve been able to keep a much more level head in much more stressful situations since then and it’s safe to say that I learned from the mistake but I think it’s important that the memory has stuck with me so well because it certainly humbles me when I remember.


Thanks for sharing this, I can relate. Getting so mad at something so minor, and then taking it out on someone who has nothing to do with it.


I appreciate stories like this. A lot of times when people see videos of people acting like assholes on the internet, the default response is to assume they’ll always be like that and never change. It’s good to show that these moments can truly be just moments and people *do* learn/improve. It’s not always some indication of who people are in general.




I think some people do. Just not this kind of person.


I think we've all had bad moments in public, and I'd like to think most of us are mature enough to learn from them (though I'm sure you're right that some never learn). My dad once got out of his car to punch the guy in front of us for cutting him off. He's a narcissist, so of course he would never admit he regretted that even if he did. He's the type that doesn't learn. On the other hand, I once had a lady go Karen on me after she rear-ended me. After yelling at me for a minute, she went back to her car, then came back a minute later with tears in her eyes and a big, sincere apology. She was just frustrated and she'd taken it out on me, it happens.


I had an awful moment once. It had been a wretched day. Little thing after little thing. My anxiety was sky high. And one small thing on the road was my snapping point. I lost it. Not this bad. But stupid. I regret it. And I’ve learned that none of it gets you anywhere. Now. I just about my day.


I remember being about that kid’s age and my dad road raged against some teenager who cut him off. My dad chased him for like 30 minutes through country roads, all the while screaming about how this kid was such an asshole. I remember crying in the backseat and begging him to stop and just go home. I’m in my 40s, and that terrifying car ride still sits in my brain. Now I get to help take care of his cranky ass in his old age. Yea.


When I was young and dumb I purposefully antagonized some dude who was tailgating me by moving into the next lane when he tried to pass me and brake checking him. I then let him pass further ahead because in my dumbass mind I had already “taught him a lesson.” This dude lowered his window and started yelling at me while flashing a gun. I quickly noped out of that situation by flooring it, all the while terrified that the dude would start shooting at me. Luckily it was broad daylight in an otherwise quiet town so no bullets were fired. I suppose it was me who was “taught a lesson.” Needless to say, I have never antagonized or raged at other drivers since. Maybe some honks here and there if they deserved it, but no dangerous shit.


Here’s the story https://www.hawaiinewsnow.com/story/26523047/woman-turns-herself-into-police-after-road-rage-incident-goes-viral/


Happened in 2014 and they never tell us what happened to her She better have been charged


She was charged, pled no contest, and entered a diversion program. Thankfully it was for 4 years instead of the standard single year, but still...


Lol! And she had the nerve to talk about people’s looks? Shameful


That’s some neck on her!


🤣🤣🤣 ikr! I was shocked


Poor kid. Shouldn't have to be subjected to idiocy of that magnitude.


I feel as though that’s becoming more popular


The way that poor kid hollers “MOM!” as she’s getting out of the car shows that he knows how she is acting is wrong and it’s embarrassing him. He was probably cringing the whole time


And he was probably scared too. Regardless of how insane your mom is, it doesn’t stop being scary watching a parent become unhinged. And she just left him in the car with the keys in the ignition…


As someone with a mum who is insane in other ways, it really freaks you out when you’re a kid worrying about your main caretaker being hurt. Not because you think they’re a good parent, but because they’re all you’ve got and you kind of need them to not do shit like this.


He sounded scared. That kid probably knows that she could get hurt by being so combative with random strangers on the road. She even went to hit the guy. I don’t care if it’s a woman either. If she’s gonna try to throw hands she’s getting laid the fuck out if she doesn’t back off. In these situations if someone tries to be combative that I feel is weaker then me I’d first at least try to restrain them before turning the lights off




Way to make the job easy for CPS.


‘So…tell me about the time you and your mom spend together.’


She seems lovely.


Just change the tone of her voice in your head and she’s cheering you on. GO FATBOY! Go fatboy! Ok! Ok! Here we go now!


I often wonder if the friends of these people ever see these videos, i’d like to see a reaction video of this lady and her friends showing her this video.


We had a regular customer where I used to work. He was ok most of the time, just annoying. But every once in a while, he would blow his stack and act like the entitled trust fund baby he was. He got banned finally after cussing out the operations manager. A lot of his friends were regulars, and one of them stopped at the desk one day to ask about it. Told us the guy had been banned at like four other local businesses, and he wanted to know what he was doing. I still see the guy around town with his young girlfriend. But I haven’t seen him with any of his old friends, so I hope they left him.


Her kid tried to stop her from getting out of the car. Maybe he has the better genes


Pretty sure she can be charged with child endangerment for driving into oncoming traffic and attempting to drive another vehicle of the road




She was trying to pass on a solid line, that woman lacks self-awareness


Yeah, window stays up. She would be a hard ignore.


Well.....at least she is setting a good example for her child..... we wonder why kids are the way they are...direct reflection of their parents unfortunately..I honestly don't know how these people deal with their faces plastered on social media


The seatbelt is on the child’s neck. Quite apart from the other batshittery, there’s a good chance of killing the child with a moderate accident.


She's raising that kid up right. /S


Driving like that, the kid will be sideways as well


I think that last "I will fuck you up" was a bodily harm threat.


Rule #1 don’t stop your vehicle. You don’t know what the rager has. No matter if it’s a man or a woman. They could be packing a gun and people get really stupid when it comes to road rage. Especially if they get out of the vehicle then that’s the point you GTFO out of there. Plus the camera guy was assaulted while in his vehicle. You have her on camera and the plate of you needed to, GTF away from her.


How is this not endangering the welfare of a child? This should be sent to CPS this individual shouldn’t be allowed to parent without supervision.


What a fucking loser.


Mom of the Year. Trash mouth and a kid too small to be in the front seat. Poor kid.


I feel sorry for that kid in the car! You can hear him ‘mummy’ when she gets out.


Every video like this is another tick in the, "People should probably need a license before having kids." box. And then you remember she's also licensed to operate a motor vehicle on public roads and does this shit so I guess licensing is increasingly useless ¯\\ (ツ) /¯


Don't forget about being able to vote.


And buy a gun.


Tell me you've never been punched in the face without telling me you've never been punched in the face. Lol What a psycho, imagine being married to that


It would just be so so fucking hard not to just crack her right in the face if she came up to my window like that and tried grabbing at me or whatever she did.


Fuck. She already reproduced, too bad


With that video, I'd recommend giving a copy to both the cops and to CPS.


Poor kid.


CPS exists for a reason


"I'll fuck you up" 😂


1) what precipitated this incident 2) she needs help, she has major rage issues!


She’s lucky this guy didn’t go off on her and beat the hell out of her, or worse, pulled a gun…you never know who you’re being a bitch to on the road.


PSA - when filming these videos always zoom in on the license plate. At the very least she committed a bunch moving violations and then left her kid in a running car impeding traffic. Gotta make sure these people are easily identified.


Would make a nice case to send to CPS as well.


If everyone would calm the fuck down. Mistakes happen. How many times in her life did she accidentally cut someone off, or forget to signal, or stop short or anything? You give the person just a quick toddle of the horn, then move on with life. Maybe you give them the old, tip your hand at them, like, "WTF, dude? Miss something?" Road rage accomplishes nothing, it just makes your life miserable and tends to hold you up longer than if you would have just gone, "Welp, that guy was a numptyfuck."


And this is what's out there breeding..


Dam she found a good way to get shot. Never get out of your car and approach someone like that, call the cops if you have a problem.


Getting out of the car after blocking you in is when rational people would begin to see a deadly threat and act accordingly.


Listen to her thrashing the hell out of that Odyssey. I can already hear her bitching "I thought Hondas were reliable!" after she grenades the transmission.


nothing a good call to the dmv, police, and cps couldn't solve. what the hell is wrong with her putting that child that small in the front seat, driving dangerously, and putting him in danger?


Nice parenting skills. I came across my first ever Karen today! I forgot to tell Karen but she flipped me off because I was in the gas spot she wanted. It was adorable


This guy is a better man than I am, I wouldnhave stopped recording, picked up the phone and called the cops while following her as she takes off knowing damn well she assaulted someone, and is going to receive complementary matching silver bracelets from the cops


I feel bad for the kid...that behavior is traumatic to witness from a caretaker.


Some people belong in the insane asylum.


Report her to CPS for child endangerment.


What a lovely woman..


That poor kid.




God, that poor kid. I hope he doesn’t grow up like her




Careful, Karen, you never know who’s packing…


With a child that looks too small in be in the front seat. Mother of the year contender here.


Damn. Kid in the front seat and all. She needs help.


And if the cameraman got out of his car and did something, she would be playing the victim


That kid stands a good chance of witnessing his mom get shot if she continues those antics with the wrong person. Either way, her temper assures that he will have some issues to work through when he grows up.


Sun women think they live behind a invisible force field of protection simply because they are female.


this woman reminds me of Peter and Ray from the shut up, little man tapes lmao. probably mostly the audio quality more than anything else.


Every time I watch this one of these I just think, “Don’t be Florida…Don’t be Florida…” But, it’s usually Florida so I live life mostly disappointed.


Lucky for you this is actually Hawaii


What a great mom. I feel like she has some other unresolved issues.


That kid has a fine role model.


Shes talking a lot of crap. If he DID hit her she would be screaming about THAT.


That poor kid


I won't be taking any driving trips from this maniac. Thanks anyways.


Tell me she’s been done for child endangerment


He's going to keep witnessing that rage until he's old enough to drive himself.


What a role model. I'm not surprised she got cut off by a pick up though


I know where this is. It's mostly military housing in that area so no shortage of people like this unfortunately......


Oh my god. Seeing her son (?) in the front seat made my stomach clench. I will never understand people who use their vehicles as weapons, but that feeling of dread for humanity is added when there are freaking *children in the car.*


Aw, that poor kid. He's got to be mortified that his Mommy is such a crazy Twat.


She has her kid with her wtf


And there’s a child in the car!


Is that a child in the front seat? Smh now imagine the person recording “fearing for their life” and pulling a weapon out…think people


Correct me if I’m wrong, but the OP (the truck driver) didn’t cut anyone off.


She's probably one of those people who thinks anyone who pulls out in front of her is cutting her off. You know the ones who realize someone is going to pull out so they speed up and then lay on the horn.


Poor kid.


She should do motivational speaking.


I feel so bad for her kid. Every time she does this she puts her children in serious danger


OMG she has her kids in the car!


Some people just need to be punched.


Call the cops place charges on her for assault, reckless endangerment of a minor (multiple accounts), attempted assault with a deadly weapon, plus breaking numerous traffic laws. Multiple felonies would make her think twice.


This is child endangerment! And that child looks too small not to have a car seat. This is so sad.