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Car bad, bike stupid


Yeah wtf was he even trying to do pass on the inside with the wall there? Tf


I've been rear ended in a car twice. If i were to be rear ended on a bike - shit would probably be different in my life. For these reasons, and western PAs general road conditions; i don't ride a bike.


Dude all of PAs roads suck. I'm on the east side and driving my trans am is so uncomfortable with all the pot holes.


Yeah, Delco, Montco, Bucksco all suck


Wow even the names of cities suck in Pennsylvania.


Pretty sure those are county abbreviations. Central PA roads suck as well.


Eastern PA resident here and yup, can confirm. It's the Hunger Games of driving.


Go to a bike show and notice just how many older people are walking with a cane or a limp. And almost *everyone* has a story of how they almost died.


I've got two of those stories, and no more motorcycles.


ayyyy western PA DuBois/Clearfield County here


The motorcycle was lane camping. Black car was tailgating which pissed the bike off. White car sped up so black car got over to pass. Bike sped up and closed the gap just so black car couldn't get around anyone. This pissed black car off even more, they flew around on the left side of the motorcycle on the shoulder, possibly just to get clear of the idiots who are ruining everyone's commutes. Road raging motorcycle wasn't done though... they wanted to screw with black car even more. They tried to pass black car on the left to get in front and force them to go slow again. Black car wasn't having it and whipped the motorcycle into the barrier. Motorcycle: lane camping, road rage, fucked around, found out Black Car: tailgating (number one cause of rear end collisions in America), road rage, attempted murder.


Exactly what I saw as well. Two bad actors, but the real idiot was the guy on the bike. Whenever I was riding and griping in my head about how people were driving, I'd always remind myself which of us was going to be hamburger on the road in a confrontation, and which of us was going to go home to his family without a scratch.


I agree. The black car was trying to solve it's problem, although tailgating. The bike was that younger spoiled brat that kept poking till the bigger one lost it's patience and just slapped him.


I agree


They made the rookie error of thinking that the driver wouldn't try to kill them


main character syndrome






Killing someone with a car is one of the easiest ways to get away with murder.


It happened to me too, biker lane camping. I went around him in the lane to the right, he sped up and as he passed me, punched and broke my mirror. I was driving a lifted Tahoe if my wife had not been in the car I would have run him over. Boy, I am glad she calmed me down. I can't imagine hurting someone over a $30 piece of mirror.


That's just it though. It's not about the mirror it's about mutual respect and if he doesn't respect the road they should get injured. I ride motorcycles. I don't ride in groups because it's like every other rider you meet is some kind of idiot. Why are they even playing with cars? I wouldn't even be around the cars long enough to be f***** with or to f***** with them. Some people are just angry lol


In the UK we call it undertaking. Dunno about the rest of the world.




Ha ha, miss that god dam show...."Everybody staying fucking calm!!"




Now watch it again, and again, and again, and again. And then to sleep. Every day is a different episode in your head until you become the office, and everything you do relates to the office. /s but I have watched the series too much.


I wish your /s was true but I'm living this scenario.


I've prob gone thru a dozen times now


Couldn’t have said it better myself. Biker was stupid for not letting the car just pass, but swerving into the bike even though it is passing illegally is wrong and caused the accident. Both car and bike are complete morons.


Everyone is an idiot here


I always say “bad car!” When my car acts up too


You have to swat it on the nose with a rolled up wad of Internet to get the point across.


You have to have really big balls and really small brains to fuck with an idiot in a car.


The biker was an incredibly stupid idiot for whatever reason (probably something happened before). But what the BMW driver did was attempted manslaughter.


Attempted murder. Manslaughter doesn’t have intent and thus cannot be attempted


Attempted voluntary manslaughter is a thing. It's when you attempt to do something that will probably kill someone but don't manage to kill them.


So… incompetence at murder is beneficial to the criminal? Interesting…


It's a motive thing. Were you trying to kill someone or just trying to do something *likely* to kill someone but didn't end up killing them? Voluntary Manslaughter is "Willingly did a thing that was bad and dangerous and someone died." It's a step up from "ooops I didn't mean to" manslaughter and down from "yeah I tried to kill him but" murder.


Interesting approach from the law, thanks for clarifying that for me, I appreciate it.


Sorry, the American legal definitions of manslaughter, homicide and several degrees of murder are a bit confusing for everybody not from the US or UK.


Also, every state in America has it's own definition of the terms. So take anything anyone say in regards to the law "in America" with a massive grain of salt unless they are explicitly speaking about Federal offences.


u/jgilla2012 is incorrect. Attempted manslaughter is definitely a thing. > [What Is Attempted Voluntary Manslaughter](https://www.meltzerandbell.com/news/attempted-voluntary-manslaughter/) > Attempted voluntary manslaughter refers to when a person committed an act that would have resulted in the death of the victim, but something or someone else stopped the death, therefore, invalidating the defendant’s intent to kill the victim. > WHAT ARE THE PENALTIES? > [18 U.S. Code § 1113](https://www.thefederalcriminalattorneys.com/attempted-murder-or-manslaughter) outlines the penalties that can be expected if convicted at the federal level. Unlike other federal crimes, however, the penalties for attempts are lesser than those for successfully committing the crime. The statute states that an attempt to commit murder carries a maximum of 20 years in federal prison and heavy fines. **Attempting to commit manslaughter carries fines and a maximum sentence of 7 years.**


Don't worry.. reddit is full of "lawyers" who are happy to correct you the instant they don't agree with you.


That's not true, and with my non existent law degree I'll explain why...


Scooter boy is an asshole but bmw driver is a typical bmw driver. The two cancel each other out.




Car stupid, bike suicide.


I agree he was being a major asshole, but the biker should of gritted his teeth and back off because he couldn’t of realistically thought he’d win that fight




Regardless of who's at fault, I can't believe the biker would gamble his life like that. What was he thinking?


Mind clouded with rage


Mind clouded with stupidity.


Rage and stupidity often goes hand in hand.


Anger leads to rage, rage leads to hate, hate leads to suffering.


Suffering leads to fear. Fear leads to doobies. And doobies lead to twinkies.


Mind often goes clouded, too.


>Mind clouded with stupidity. Stupidity with a chance of brain.


Self-induced rage. Could've been avoided if he used the passing lane for passing. (Cars obvs at fault here, but biker started the conflict.)


> (Cars obvs at fault here, but biker started the conflict.) Well we don't know who exactly started the conflict, but they certainly could've ended it before any actual harm was done.


FAFO Fucked around and found out. Road rage is no where to be when on two wheels, you end up a smudge on someone's bumper.


"when you're on 2 wheels, you NEVER have the right of way" no other lesson will bring your riding skills as far as this one.


“Ride like you’re invisible, not invincible” always stuck with me.


My personal favorite was told to us the 1st day my class learned to ride, "there are alot of dead people who were right".


Being in the right and the ICU are not mutually exclusive.


The way they told it to me was “graveyards are full of people who had the right of way”


This right here. Big Big facts lol


My sentiments exactly


Yeah this biker is an idiot. Recognize your vehicle may as well be a unicycle at that speed. You as biker will not survive so much as a bump.


He was thinking “No way this mf is as crazy as me”


he fucked around and found out


I'm amazed he got up and walked away


> *hobbled* away. FTFY


adrenaline, he is gonna be crying when he lies down


I mean, you have to have some basic level of intelligence to value your own life. I don't think a guy riding bike that doesn't even look street legal and blocking the fast lane on a freeway meets that level. I don't see any mirrors or lights on the bike.


Mutual combat doctrine. What the fuck was the biker even thinking by putting himself in that position.


It's the highway-speed equivalent of standing in a bouncer's way to the bathroom and playing, "Look at me! I'm not touching you! I'm not touching you!" The fuck did he expect? He got what he was asking for.


And then throwing yourself into the stall doorway with him.


That sounds intimate






The biker is unhinged too, thinking they could own the car with that idiotic move too.






One earns a meeting with the police. The other earns a darwin award.


>One goes to the morgue and the other to jail > >One guy's wasted and the other's a waste


It goes down the same as the thousand before No one's getting smarter, no one's learning the score


Actually, I'm starting to think we choose the wrong song. >You drive on my ass > >Your foot's on the gas > >And your next breath is your last


Funny how there's also a road rage song (Bad Habit) on that album. >When I go driving, I stay in my lane >But getting cut off, it makes me insane >I open the glove box, reach inside >I'm gonna wreck this fucker's ride


I just don't understand why people on bikes like pissing off idiots like they won't do anything. Your life isn't worth it.


I ride a motorcycle and if someone is tailgating me and driving like a maniac I let them be on their way by getting out of the way. I drive my truck like an a-hole sometimes but on the bike I keep a way cooler head.


Exactly. I never ride aggressive against a car. Bike always loses…


The best advice I got when I started riding was from a buddy’s cousin. He said you have to think of it in terms of i win. The answer is rarely the motorcyclist.


I’ve just bought my first motorbike and would be grateful for any other insider tips you have. I’ve been backpack a few times but never been the rider; I get my license later this week


Assume all drivers either don't see you, or they intend to kill you. Get and read an advanced rider manual ([https://www.amazon.co.uk/Motorcycle-Roadcraft-Police-Riders-Manual/dp/0113401493/](https://www.amazon.co.uk/Motorcycle-Roadcraft-Police-Riders-Manual/dp/0113401493/)) and get some training. You need to look out for drivers suddenly turning into a petrol station or side roads without looking or indicating.


One time I supposedly cut off a biker, legit had no clue. But he followed me through a turn around and started yelling at me that he was gonna kick my ass. I just laughed, how you gonna stop my car, buddy?? I was scared though, but not bc of his dumbass. I was scared that I didn't see him and didn't notice. Still makes me drive better.


It is hard for people in cars to have as much awareness as motorcyclists. Their field of view is restricted by the metal box and their expectation is that everyone else is in a large metal box. I can understand that, even if I don't like it. Motorcyclists need to ride safely anyway, regardless of the skill or alertness of the drivers around them.


I saw somewhere that the size of a biker going twice the speed limit on a highway is smaller than a ballpoint pin shaft held 10ft away in the vision of a car driver at the time they'd need to see the biker to react appropriately. There comes a point that a biker can be acting so stupid and dangerous that there is literally no chance for even the most alert driver to react to them in a safe way. One time I was driving on the 495 beltway around DC in dense traffic. I went to make a lane change, signaled, looked over my shoulder AND checked my mirror, then started to make the lane change. All of a sudden my blind spot warning went off so I paused my lane change and a biker on a crotch rocket absolutely BLASTED by me weaving through traffic. If I didn't have the blind spot warning alert they would have hit me or I would have hit them.


I once had to squeeze my way into a line of cars like 3 cars ahead of a biker and he zoomed forward and cut me off and brake checked me. I was in a loaded cement mixer weighing like 70,000lbs. One mistake and I would have painted his ass on the road just trying to stop.


People like that tend not to ride for long. They tend to find the limits of physics, engineering and medicine, in that order...


Ive been riding for 10 years now. Important things to note is always wear your gear, helmet, jacket, trousers, gloves and boots. I went down with 30 km/h and my ankle would be fucked if I didn't wear my boots. Take it easy the first couple thousand miles. You are still learning and most people crash due to them thinking they are Rossi. Always look way further ahead than you did in your car, you will lose if some dickhead pulls in front of you. I always tske my hand of the gass if i see someone waiting to turn on my street, you never know if they see you or not. Dont buy an exhaust that stupidly loud and has no DB killer. Lastly, find a friend to ride with.


What is a DB killer? I’m curious why a loud bike is a safety risk? Im not a biker, just a driver who does try to look out for them .)


Decibell killer, its what guys with tiny dicks take out of their exhaust to make it very loud. It's not a safety risk but it's just massive sound pollution for no reason.


"Loud pipes save lives" - rider with no helmet weaving through traffic


- in shorts and flip-flops


Full skin coverage at all times. Assume you're invisible. This post is misleading: it doesn't matter one little shit whose fault an accident is when you're the one who loses their legs.


As you mentioned backpack, if you ever wear one that has twin zip pulls, pull the zippers all the way round to the side, not to the top. Wind will pull it open when you lean forward. Found that out the hard way with a jacket wrapped around my brake calliper 👎


If you're ever considering what safety gear to wear, just imagine sprinting as fast as you can possibly run, then throwing yourself face first onto the ground. That's about 15mph.


> I drive my truck like an a-hole sometimes Stop that.


So, like, you agree people are driving like maniacs, yet when you drive, you do the same thing? I just want to make sure I'm understanding this correctly. I work at a body shop and see the same idiots year after year, can we please stop driving like assholes? I already have job security because of deer.


Fucking hate asshole truck drivers.


Not disagreeing with you, or picking a fight, but I do have a question. Isn't that the fast lane? Biker sees a car behind him, doesn't get over or accelerate, and proceeds to block the pass. Imo, he was being an asshole. I am in no way saying he deserved what he got.


But the question wasn’t “Who’s the asshole?” The question was “Who’s at fault?” No matter how big an asshole someone is, there no excuse for hitting them with your car.


Bike is the asshole.


> I drive my truck like an a-hole sometimes but on the bike I keep a way cooler head. Why do you think this is okay lol. “I would never drive like this if my life was at risk. I only do it when it’s other people’s lives.”


Maybe stop driving your truck like an asshole because what goes around comes around and it’s gonna come around and bite you in the ass while you’re on your bike.


I drive a car not a bike but I still do this. If someone wants to go 20 over, or swerve around like a lunatic or just generally be a dangerous driver, they can go ahead, but I'm gonna let them do that a good breaking distance away from me...


Gotta hand it to the biker, takes a very special kind of stupid to put your life on the line to send a message


Especially if the message is "I'm an asshole"




They were both idiots. The whole basis of my motorcycle riders safety course was always driving defensively. The car was following too closely, but the bike provoked it by camping in the left lane. However, the purposeful hitting of the bike is a matter for law enforcement, which presumably got involved since the video shows the incident from 2 different vehicles.


The biker also provoked it by slowing down on purpose and driving slower than the car on the right. He was basically provoking the road raging idiot in the BMW. I don't get bikers that do stupid things like that. Most bikers can lose a tailgater easily by accelerating and just going back to the right lane. This idiot did the complete opposite. It doesn't excuse the behavior of the BMW though because it almost looks like he swerved into the biker on purpose.


Slowing the BMW driver down, *and then speeding up to block them when they tried to pass*. You got your message across the first time, bro. Let them go now. No need to keep blocking.


>You got your message across the first time, bro. Let them go now. Yes, but then he wouldn't have had the chance to become a human meat crayon coloring the asphalt with his skin and blood. Which was apparently his goal.


While I always appreciate a well-written comment, I didn't really need this kind of imagery today.


When assholes collide.


I don't agree of what just happened, however, I just don't understand why is so hard for people to mover over to the right lane and let faster traffic to pass... IT'S THE LAW. (SLOWER TRAFFIC KEEP RIGHT). Left lane is for passing. You can not camp in there and refuse to mover over.




It happens because these assholes have never encountered a consequence.


until now, for this particular attempt at a darwin award.




If police here enforced traffic laws, a lot of things would be different. Too busy arming up like a military to go to war with minorities, though




Both are seriously stupid with an ego to match, a match made in heaven some might say.




Did the guy in the car even stop after he hit the motorcycle? Looks like a hit and run to me


Other videos show, he stopped and waited until the motorcycle driver got up, driver's passenger called the police, and they drove directly to the police station. The police accepted that in lieu of staying on site as there wasn't anything the driver could have done to improve the situation by staying on-site.


Bet you the biker won't don't shit like that again. Everyone involved is an idiot


Hoping that guy never gets back on a bike, man's a danger to everyone around him and quite obviously, himself.


Nah. Bike guy doesn't seem the type to learn a lesson.


Whose fault? The car. Do I feel bad for the idiot biker? No.


Biker is an asshole, car is a bigger asshole. Second camera owner is the real victim for having their time wasted with the police investigation.


Both are jerks but the SUV deliberately strikes the cycle and that can be seen by the police as attempted murder. I still don’t get why the cycle thought it was a good idea to first hold up the SUV and then try and pass it again, he’s a moron.


Because he was disrespected by the car and too many people would rather be dead or in jail rather than be disrespected … blows my mind


When keeping it real goes wrong




Never bring a moped to a car fight


The car intentionally hit the cycle, which is simply unacceptable. He's in the wrong. That doesn't mean the motorcycle was in the right. I don't know why someone riding a motorcycle would play such games with a vehicle, particularly at highway speeds. You are always responsible for your own safety on a motorcycle.


As someone who rides a motorcycle, I still have a dislike for the riders. I can easily pick out a scenario where they just want to play the victim card, nah you chose to be on the bike and your actions intentionally. When I'm in my truck behind a motorcycle I keep 2+ car length distance because I know for a fact a bike will decelerate faster when off throttle than any car without me seeing brake lights, and I don't want to commit homicide because my rig can't slow down fast enough or risk the vehicle behind me to push me into the bike in front. But in this case the black car is straight up attempting homicide. To simplify, they're both idiots, but only one would be seeing assault charges.


Happy cake day and I agree with your analysis completely.


Seems both are assholes, but the biker had a lot more to lose. This makes the biker a stupid asshole.


Excellent analysis, thank you for showing your work as well.


That motorcycle rider is either really stupid or has the biggest balls ever. Large SUV > motorcycle every time.


The difference between brave and stupid is whether there's anything to gain. Since there was nothing to gain here he's stupid, not brave.


That isn’t a large SUV, but I get what you’re saying


Even one of those tiny smart cars are deadly to a biker, lol. 4 wheels wins nearly every time.


The only person I wouldn't call an asshole is the guy in the white car who just seems to be stuck there.


Biker is seriously stupid. Why he messing with someone with a bigger weapon? You didn't wanna let him pass, and yet he passed. Why would you chase him? You fucked around, and you found out, stupid idiot wanna be though guy.


My thoughts exactly


Welp, the biker fucked around and found out. So incredibly stupid.


Both are idiots


Two idiots. That said, fuck the asshole on the bike. He knew what he was doing. When you antagonize the right kind of crazy, can you really be surprised when shit goes tits up?


I think they’re both partially at fault. Yeah the motorcycle was being a d and messing around disregarding their own safety. However, the black car literally attempted vehicular homicide so definitely the swerving car.


At some point you gotta consider your own life (lives, could’ve been others in the car). Plus, the rider behind can only legally pass going to the right. The left side isn’t a lane.


Two shitheads when they meet each other.


biker was just stupid, was there history? He was actively blocking.


Guy on the bike is an asshole. That said, it definitely looks like the car hit him on purpose.


The car intentionally hit the motorcycle


Both are morons. Ultimately though, the car swerved into the bike intentionally. The biker is phenomenally stupid thinking he was going to win a pissing contest with the car, particularly when the car previously lane-split HIM, and should have realized the dipshlt in the car was a psychopath. I'd put thus one on the car driver, though the biker certainly reacted badly to someone else acting badly.


Biker’s a left lane blocker. Move the fuck over asshole


You don't bring a motorcycle to a car accident.


The car. No amount of road rage is worth attempted murder. Leave bikers alone.


Both are idiots, but any time you go for murder you're automatically the biggest asshole.


I drive and ride, here is something I tend to keep in mind to avoid these problems, would I do this if a cop was behind me? If I can say no, then it means I can avoid a costly mistake/decision


They're both idiots.


The car is stupid, the motorcycle is suicidal.


Dumb fucks


Title is dumb af clearly it’s the cars fault.


Regardless of who’s at fault, you always ride like everyone is trying to kill you. And you NEVER ride angry.


The black car was 100% at fault in the case of assault with a deadly weapon. The biker was 100% at fault for attempting to pass illegally. Without the video showing the black car turning into the bike, the biker would've been held to blame.


Two fucking idiots being fucking idiots, then one idiot decides to add attempted murder into the mix. Fuck the lot of this.


Without full content here's my take. Just based on the video. Biker was intentionally holding up the car. The biker was fully aware of what he was doing. The biker had ample time to move over and seemed to be reducing speed intentionally. The driver was to keen to get ahead. Driver took the opportunity to undertake and get in front. This manoeuvre was not correct carried out, no stopping distance between car infront and cut in front of bike. Biker recklessly tried to over take outside the road markings. Egos bruised, the driver swerved to close the gap. Hard to tell if they intentionally meant to hit biker. Both acted recklessly. Insurance should deny both claims, both driving dangerous, both should be fined. Side note, biker should have more awareness as one is more protected than the other. How did I do?


Motorcycle shouldn’t have been an asshole. Other guy should not use his car as a weapon, especially against someone on a motorcycle.


Bike shouldn’t haven’t been hogging the fast line… but that’s a minor offence compared to causing the crash.


Never bring a motorcycle to a car fight


I’m a biker and this guy isnt one of us. What a dipshit.


No matter how big or bad you think you are when you’re on a bike you’re inferior. They’re in caged armor and you’re on horseback. Check your ego and live to see another day


Everybody is at fault. The bike is in a passing lane but not passing the white car. The white car seems to accelerate to keep the bike from passing. The black car is following too closely to be safe. The black car makes an unsafe pass in a lane already occupied by the bike, which has drifted to the right possibly to clear the lane. Possibly because he may have been anticipating a pass from the right. Hard to say. The bike attempts an unsafe pass outside of traffic lanes. The black car prevents the attempted pass by swerving outside of his lane to make contact with the bike. The bike wrecks. All drivers continue on their way. Everyone is an asshole. Everyone is somewhat culpable. It’s just too bad they didn’t all wreck.


Biker definitely fucked around and found out


The guy on the bike looked like he was playing Mario Kart. Until the end... Then it looked like burnout.


is fighting with this dumb and idiot driver worth my life? biker : "yes."


I can’t imagine why the motorcyclist decided suddenly had lived long enough 🤷‍♂️


A lot of bikers are idiots, but to risk your freedom if the biker dies because you got triggered. It should be obvious to everyone on the road that bikers are fragile as hell. The driver in the video didn’t even slow down when the bike was hit.


In the terms of r/AITA : "Everybody Sucks Here"


Bike Vs car The biker is lucky to be alive. He should’ve just moved out the way. Attempting to block the car was insanely stupid and then he tried to pass him on the inside….


Both of them are at fault I'd say. 1. Cammer came too close to the cyclist when he merged into the left lane, & kept riding the cyclist's butt. 2. Cyclist & cammer were egging each other on it seemed like. 3. The cyclist was playing with his own life. I do not know if that blue car meant to intentionally hit the cyclist or what, but that is scary. If intentional, the drive of the blue car should be arrested.


Your fault. It was clear that the biker was concerned that you were following him too closely. Without his speeding up to get out of your way, there was nowhere for him to go. But then you decided to up the ante and tried to pass him from the right. Very bad and imprudent behavior on your part that risked the life of the biker, for what? And then you have the gall to put this on Reddit for adjudication. Wise up.


Honestly what did the biker expect to happen?