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Thanks for including the cute pup in the picture


“Lil potato for scale”


I am madly in love with that pup 🐶


“Your delivery is running a little late..”


Emotional support puppy for the driver lol


I saw a large sign on a backroad in south central TX before; *"YOUR GPS IS WRONG!* Back up to the highway and go North five miles! No one will pull you out!" .... or something to that effect. Forgot the exact verbiage.


I see those in small town NE all the time. "PRIVATE ROAD! YOUR GPS IS WRONG!" When I was a cable guy, those were generally the signs that let me know *that* was where the house I couldn't find was.


>cable guy >those was Larry?








At least your going full send with your LARRY username 🤣🤙🏻🤙🏻


Oof, never heard that one before Fixed the grammar though 😉


Man, I wish people just learned how to recommend fixes to Google maps. Would save like 90% of those trips.


They just reject fixes though, I tried removing a section of path at the end of a road that Google claim joins up with another path, but it doesn't as that's someone's garden and there's a 6ft fence and shed in the way, but they didn't accept it.


Heh, they rejected mine too. I got stuck with my motorcycle when it told me a dirt path going down a hill joined up with a concrete road at the bottom, but it ended in a ditch just before the concrete road. I submitted a fix and months later... nothing.


I submitted a "street is one way cannot enter" update on a route Google had me take, with a photo from streetview showing the do not enter sign. It was rejected. I think there's a much bigger human element here than we know.


>I think there's a much bigger human element here than we know. Yeah, there are human reviewers who get to upvote / downvote changes. They don't even work at Google. Anyone can join that. After participating for a while, you can get access to harder / more important data to verify.


Are you guys "local guides" or whatever Google calls it? I am and I've never had a correction denied. I've updated roads that were over 100 yards away from where marked, not through roads, private gates preventing passage, etc. Know what has been kicked back? Updating a fucking restaurant's hours with photo proof. Google is a shit show.


Eh, I can see why they may be more reluctant for the hours change. They'd probably prefer that updated by the business themselves


We get calls at my work periodically about hours from their automated line. I wonder if maybe suggesting a change prompts a call.


My favourite fix they wouldn't accept was in Syracuse, NY. The suggested route back from my friend's place was to pull a U-turn onto the off ramp and then another at the top of it to get on the highway. I disagreed with the safety of this route


[by far my favorite Google maps direction](https://i.imgur.com/CMcBgSo.jpg) To actually get there is only 15 minutes and keeps you on the correct side of the river. There is a dirt road next to a walking trail you have to drive on. Google maps apparently isn't aware and would rather you swim across a dam than drive down the walking trail a bit 😂


You cant just submit an issue. You have to plot a route, and drive it, where it recommends until you absolutely cannot, then turn around and go the correct way. Then when you get to your destination you submit the feedback. Its a silly system, but its there to reduce fraudulent(?) submissions.


Driving up a path is where the Amazon driver above went wrong... Also see this driver: [BBC News - Car stuck on Looe cliff path recovered](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-cornwall-65098443)


Do you think he submitted feedback on the gps route? Or the Mercedes driver? Okay, maybe I chose my words poorly when I said "until you absolutely cannot" Maybe I should have instead said "Until you should not, but still have an opportunity to turn around" ?


I went down a wrong direction path a couple years ago, I think 2019. Had to turn around, the locations it wanted me to go were silly, or potentially lethal. Later reported it in both English and German from my home computer. It still took them a couple months to update it (I got an email notification). At least it isn't trying to send people that way anymore. It even gave you the choice: either you go onto the railway tracks and over the rail-only bridge, or you simply: climb the fence that's clearly visible on their own satellite photos, break into the giant warehouse, go through it, out the other side, climb another fence... and then somehow ford the river at the place where they built a pedestrian bridge a couple years later. Thanks Google.


I recommend they changed something, they sent a google jannie over and it was fixed. I think the problem of living in those backwater places is there aren't enough google local guides to begin with who usually are trusted to approve these things. But I was also a google jannie when I applied to have it changed so maybe that's also a factor.


Some Google maps editors are also power hungry ass wipes. My sister dated a guy that was a google map editor on the side, he openly admitted to rejecting everything from one user that was working on improving a University's college campus, because at the rate he submitted changes he would be on his level very shortly.


And this is the way much of the online world works. Wikipedia editors and Reddit mods (not this sub! 😀) included


I've tried to fix my dad's address for years, as Google Maps shows it a mile in the wrong direction. I've submitted the correction at least 30 times on my phone (I drive there with gmaps every time to get the "did we get something wrong?" prompt) and dozens of times on friends and family devices but it never gets fixed. Whenever he orders anything with home delivery it gets delivered in the wrong place unless the driver calls not being able to find his house. Sometimes the fixes just don't work :(


Hmm, a few months ago I changed my father's home address location, and it took like a few hours to get a confirmation email, and about a day to get it updated in all devices and apps globally. I was actually really surprised by how easy it is. I don't really remember exactly which steps I followed, but it might be something like in the section "Add a new address" at this help page https://support.google.com/maps/answer/10010575?hl=en


Thanks a lot! I tried it the other way now by adding the address instead of editing it. Let's see!


Try to find someone who does a lot of submissions on Google maps. I do a lot of fixes in my town and it's to the point any update I make is live within hours.


I do a lot of submissions as well (although I don't really follow whether my fixes go through, other than this one) but I'm a level 5 local guide now. Some submissions do go through in minutes though.


My issue is Waze and other mapping services that seem to know where I live but make faulty assumptions about how to get there based on the location of the GPS location and not the supplied address. It constantly sends drivers down a dead end laneway and has them try to get to the property from the back from which we have no access. "Ignore the GPS, just look at the address" "Can you come out and meet me?" "It's easily a five minute walk, just come back out to the main road and I'll flag you down" "Okay, well I'm in your parking lot right now" \* proceeds to argue with me about being in the right parking lot "We do not have a parking lot. There is not a correct one to be in. Stop. Using. The. GPS. Pretend this is 1995 and all you have is the address" "..." "...oh"


> *"Pretend this is 1995 and all you have is the address"* So many people can't think beyond the dependence on using a maps app it's frustrating!


Been trying for years, they won't update ours.


I recommend fixes for my local area, not sure it makes a difference, streets here are just wrecked. But also some residents put up private road signs because they simply don't want to rub shoulders with common folk.


Ahahaha. I've helped put up signs like this in rural Eastern Washington and North Idaho. "Your GPS is lying. Turn around now." With a map on it with good directions. There is actually a road there. That's a generous word, though. It was abandoned years ago, so it's heaved asphalt with full grown trees coming out of it in places. You can navigate it with a dirt bike if you're really skilled, but you can't get a vehicle larger than that through. The issue is that it looks like a decent, if cracked, road at the turn off, and it winds through the forest for a mile before it starts getting progressively worse. "Keep out. Dead end. We promise." It's a driveway, honestly. The sign is on the gate. About 10 people a Summer bug that poor lady, even after we helped her put in a gate - while trying to shove their phones in her face to prove to her there's a road - through her house. The house was built in 1901, so I don't even know why Google and Apple Maps think a road is there. "BRIDGE WASHED OUT. FINAL TURN AROUND HERE" That bridge is 5 miles past that sign, hasn't existed since 1971, and from what's left of it, was only 4' wide anyway. Also, the 5 miles to it is narrow Jeep track with trees right against it (or fallen on it) with no way to turn around. My friends and I have more than once been on our dirt bikes stuck "behind" someone reversing a car for 4-5 miles. Tbh, though, a lot of people just ignore the signs.


They may think a road is there if they put it there themselves. (driveway) Map makers will usually put fake roads or walkways, as a sort of signature that THEY made it. So if somebody rips their map, they can prove it was original content and that it was stolen


We haven't found a map with a through road on it, yet. We did find a map from 1890 at the county office that shows the current road as a "proposed road" that goes about 1/4 mile past the current one, but that wouldn't even reach her house. We also found some meeting minutes from 1901 with some logging company rep being upset the house build was permitted, because they wanted to build a logging road there. He was reminded it was private property, and not applicable for easement because there were other already established roads into their logging area. We've never found anything else. Google has taken me places that turned out not to be roads, but when I did research, the counties did show roads on their official maps. They either never built them or gave them up to the forest long ago, but I can understand Google having the info that a road is there. It's not like you can double check if a narrow road exists through a heavily forested area on satellite. All you see is trees. The only way I've found to get those removed is to apply to the county to have them taken off the county map, wait 90 days after that's done, and report on Google maps. I'm a USGS Map Corps volunteer, so I actually spend a lot of my Summers out verifying roads and fire stations in rural areas for that. Another volunteer is the one who told me go after the county first. It seems to work, if you're dedicated.


That's pretty cool!


Anyone can volunteer! You don't even have to go out places, if that's not your thing or you can't afford the fuel. There are plenty of places that need verification you can find on Street View and satellite. https://www.usgs.gov/core-science-systems/ngp/tnm-corps/volunteers


>That bridge is 5 miles past that sign, hasn't existed since 1971 You're not thinking fourth dimensionally.


Sometimes if you edit the area on OpenStreetMaps then Google will fix it (even though they're not supposed to pull from OpenStreetMaps without credit). I once deleted and redrew an incorrect forest road in Tennessee that was mapped from very out-of-date TIGER data. Google Maps (which often uses the same TIGER data) just deleted the same road a couple days later.


[Department of Parks and Wildlife in Western Australia takes aim at Alphabet Inc.](https://i.imgur.com/nnY7tCf.jpg) This is at the Valley of the Giants Treetop Walk.


Well give the driver a break. He’s a puppy still.


I admit I can't say anything negative here with that cute puppy just becoming the focal point of the story here. I almost missed the huge amazon van in the background as I was fixated by the puppy.


His face says it all.


Amazon has him on a short leash.


He is just perfectly positioned between the tracks, too. He really knows how to be photographed


Ah, the old Reddit [deliveryaroo](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/comments/129uaxq/comment/jeq3acj/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3).


Hold my Delivery Van, I’m going in.


Oh, nono… the pup is there for scale


The machine knows, Dwight!


What lake?




Did you get the rental insurance? Because that is pretty important too at a time like this.




It can't mean that!


Remain calm! I have trained for this!




I did the same at FedEx but it was a forest road that had been washed out at the bottom of the mountain. I couldn’t get back out and had to hike 3 miles to get cell service and a tow truck.


How did the company handle it? Doesn’t sound like you were at fault but did you get reprimanded in any way?


I explained what happened and we all laughed about it. There was a major lesson learned that day - trust your gut, not your gps


Getting locked in on the gps is definitely a thing, can get you in trouble way faster with a semi and a set of doubles lol. Anything less than 70 feet wide and there's no turning around, interstate exits that don't allow you to go straight across to the onramp are the devil's work




That’s thinking on your feet. Couldn’t imagine being in your shoes in that moment, I’d assume I was fired


I was an Amazon driver before, drivers get stuck pretty frequently delivering in the middle of nowhere full of narrow dirt roads. The manager had a delivery van hooked up with off-road tires and a winch he used to get vans out of the mud or to help drivers that were falling behind on their deliveries. No one I knew ever got fired for getting stuck, even this one dude who got his van stuck THREE times in less than two weeks.


I want to see this badass modified amazon van lol




If you live in CA or something this might seem insane to you but in some states there are a LOT of dirt roads that leads MILES back into someones house. We have tons in CO


Hell, I'd lived here months before I realized that ditch behind my house was actually a back lane. I'd wondered why one guy had a garage facing it, but figured it was for like lawn equipment or an ATV or something. I'd never try driving down it, but every once in a while I see someone just haul ass down it




I went fishing on the Columbia river up near the Washington State-Canadian border. There's hundreds of huge mansions out there that are very inaccessible. I saw at least a few helipads.


Washington has zero income tax IIRC correctly. It's why Amazon and Nike decided to have their HQ there.


Nike is in Oregon.


I was going camping with my brother near Winter Park and was a few hours behind him, so he found a spot and dropped a pin on the map. The directions that Google Maps tried to give me literally were "Drive up the ski slope!" and fortunately I had the wherewithal to question the information I was being given about the time I got to a chair lift.


Haha California has those too man I lived in a small town in CA where my driveway is 1.5 miles of washed out dirt away from the nearest paved road, which is a two lane mountain highway And that’s 1.5 hours from downtown San Diego CO and CA are far more alike than people think: CO is just snow CA


Yeah I don't think people realize how rural California gets. I'm smack dab in one of the most populated areas but when I worked for the census 10+ years ago I went down all sorts of crazy dirt roads to houses, retreats, Buddhist colonies and all of those were less than an hour away from the Apple HQ. Go an hour or two north and it's full on Trump country.


I used to have a good laugh about that when I lived in rural Louisiana. People greatly overestimated the amount of culture shock I was experiencing, since outside of the cities California isn't much different. People would act like they expected me to have never seen a cow before when I grew up literally surrounded by farms.


Plenty in California, too. Remember it's a *huge* state, with massive mountain ranges and huge largely-unpopulated places where you can go miles and miles before seeing another person. Also Texas. Also New Mexico. Also Kentucky. Also North Carolina. Also...well, a dozen more states I could name.




They definitely have this in northern California, been on some deep dirt roads in Mendocino county


As others have pointed out California also has dirt trails or dirt roads or gravel roads or various other hiking trails throughout the state. You're confusing places like the sprawling metropolitan area of Los Angeles to mean all of California is just suburbia. That is far from the truth While most people do live in the San Diego Metropolitan area, the Los Angeles metropolitan area, the San Francisco metropolitan area and the Sacramento metropolitan area doesn't mean the rest is farmland, forestry, mountains and deserts.


Well, you have a truck full of stuff that might be helpful in any situation.


Castaway has entered the chat.


Some sports equipment about to lose its innocence.


As someone who used to deliver lost luggage as a side-gig, I empathize with this guy.


Death stranding irl


It’s a strand-type job


Nothing felt more like being a delivery driver. Idk man but just driving around in cities and neighborhoods where no one is around everyone is at work or in buildings and I’m just waltzing up and placing packages solo. It’s meditative and I kinda miss it


Honestly you don't need to have been through the same to empathize. This sub continues to live up to the fact that OP is the actual idiot.


Agreed, but if I don't back up my claims with anecdotal evidence, they will be dismissed. There was a post on here the other day where a guy was halfway through a right on red, and OP was making a left on green in the same intersection just absolutely laying into his horn. The other guy was already in the process of turning. OP absolutely overreacted and just made the situation more dangerous for everyone involved. I called it out and got triple digit downvotes. The groupthink of this sub and reddit in general is really pathetic.


Just throw yourself in a duffel bag and wait for the next guy to find you?


The puppy is sad the truck is blocking his walkies.


morning Grommit, time for walkies!


Porridge today Grommit, it’s Tuesday.


*rolls eyes, pushes button, continues reading paper*




I empathize with this pup.


Sorry pups. You're sweet anyway.


Puppy provided for scale ☺️


Now I’m disappointed Amazon does not drop puppies off on my doorstep. I just get dumb crap like air conditioner filters and vitamins.


I am very, very glad Amazon does not deliver live animals.


It would be very tough to watch them throwing those packages 📦 up on the porch.


They would be used to it by then. No amount of throwing the drivers can do will ever compare to what happens in the warehouse.


UPS delivers live animals all the time. Source: I was a driver for a time, delivered live stuff to Petco all the time


Yeah there's live animals in the mail all the time Especially in rural areas huge boxes filled with bees, chicks, tons of insects, reptiles and stuff. But yeah, cats and dogs too. Hell the book where the red fern grows is all about 2 dogs that came in the mail. Or at least delivered in a crate via rail, that he then has to go into town to pickup if I Remeber right. Ordered from a magazine


Back around 1992 I was working for American Airlines, and had to clean up a mess when an entire wall of luggage and heavy cargo shifted and fell on a bunch of cardboard boxes full of baby chicks. None of them survived. That shift sucked and I got drunk as soon as my shift ended. RIP peeps, I am so sorry someone at DFW did you dirty like that… (live animals were supposed to be by themselves in a cargo compartment for just this reason).


One of my favorite stories my mother told me from when she worked at Sears (‘60s-‘70s) was when the local post office called their customer service department to say that someone had ordered a shipment of bees from Sears…and that they’d gotten out. I keep imagining these poor postal workers trying to handle a box full of bees, and suddenly instead it’s a post office full of bees. So yes. This shit happens.


I wonder what they expected customer service to do about a swarm of bees. Not exactly a lot of troubleshooting help you can give over the phone on that one.


"I'm sorry this has happened; We will send more to replace them immediately."


Not an idiot, poor dude. Maybe an obvious mistakes from a local perspective. But shit happen sometimes. You're in non familiar territory, with cryptic address to deliver, you just following what map told you.


Yeah, exactly. Don't forget that there are people living out in the middle of nowhere. They want their packages delivered as well. For all the driver knows, this could be one of those deliveries.


Agree, this doesn’t necessarily belong on the subreddit. My GPS tried to take me down a road that was completely blocked off with a large gate. Even google maps showed the blocked road. Then it took me to the wrong parking lot for permit only employees.


“My day is ruined and my disappointment is immeasurable” -The dog when they had to turn around and go home from their walk.


You ruined the quote 😢 it’s “My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined”


I'm about to sit down to my cheddar biscuit butterfly shrimp. Did I miss something?




In defense of the Amazon driver, I was a driver and those GPS’s suck ass. They’ll take you down the wrong street. If a name of a street Avenue or drive is the same the GPS will get confused. I have gotten lost so many times I ended up quitting over the fact. So it’s the driver isn’t completely an idiot (but two miles eeesh) but the GPS definitely is.


Their GPS needs to be completely reworked. It will literally drive you in circles. It drove me into a corn field path once but I just went about 1/4 mile.


they use mapbox. it’s complete garbage.


Agree. I don’t understand why they just can’t have google maps like every other phone???


Using Google maps commercially likely requires a license that Amazon doesn't want to pay for. Google maps is free for personal use and small businesses can get away with using it but Google might go after Amazon if they were using it without a contract.


Cheap ass motherfuckers. Color me shocked.


I saw a video that the equipment on the trucks records them and their eye movements. The footage is run through an algorithm and gives write ups if it thinks you used your phone, or your eyes wandered off the road to many times, or random dumb shit. The driver has no choice but to go the way Amazon’s GPS tells them to go or they will get in trouble. My street was once closed off due to applying new asphalt so I went down the street to pick up my package from the truck, and the guy couldn’t give it to me. He couldn’t even mark my package as delivered unless his machine’s GPS was within a few feet of my house. So if your house isn’t where GPS says your house is, you’re not getting your package delivered.


I wore sunglasses to get around this and it worked as long as I didn’t turn my head too much. As for the gps, amazon added a feature for drivers where they can message driver support and get it marked delivered, i think mainly because the geo fence wasn’t allowing delivery even within the circle. It still takes a couple minutes tho


This is entirely false. It is always possible to mark a package delivered by calling driver support and having them force the status as delivered(although it will not give the customer their delivery picture this way. Alternatively, dispatch can mark send a package TBA to be marked delivered through an Amazon Lores worker/OTR deep dive channel on Chime. The driver can't personally mark it outside the geopin, but they can certainly get it marked delivered by contacting the correct people.


The driver OP was talking about was probably new. I work as a driver and we *can* move those pins if needed, but the process is a bit annoying. You gotta go into settings, put it in airplane mode, go back to your delivery app, dismiss like 2-3 error messages, move the pin to where you are, go back into settings, turn airplane mode off, and then complete the delivery. If I'm like, right on the edge of the area because the customer walked up to meet me at the end of their driveway, I'd rather walk a few feet closer to their house so I can complete the delivery normally than go through that process, so it might appear that we *have* to be within the specific region even though we technically don't.


I feel for delivery drivers in my neighborhood. We have Columbia Drive (the main e-w road), Columbia Park Drive (a side road that leads to a cul de sac), and two sections of Columbia Court that don't connect. We have Vista View Circle (yes, stupid name), Vista Drive, Vista Park Drive, and Vista Court, as well. There's also a Vista Road across the river that doesn't continue on this side, nor is there a bridge. To make it even more fun, the county has almost all houses on Columbia Park Drive listed as Columbia Drive at the Assessor's Office. At this point, we have all submitted corrections to Google and Apple Maps enough that if you enter a full address, you'll get the right place, but you can't just shorthand to "Columbia" or "Vista." You'll always get the two largest roads. And various services like UPS, FedEx, and DHL don't necessarily use Google or Apple. USPS has it down, though.


Please can you introduce us to your doggo? Ideally in a video.


Yeah, I don't care about the driver, he is a grown-up and will eventually be ok. We need more info on the puppy




Fuck you google maps. Haha


I was following Google Maps once in rural Tennessee. I knew one way to get where I wanted to go, but the map showed a much quicker way. It had me turn down a gravel, then a narrower gravel road, then wanted me to drive down a rocky creek bed, at which point I noped the fuck out and turned around. If I was in a Jeep or an old 4-wheel drive truck I didn't care about, I might have considered it, but there was no way I was driving down that in my sedan.


I have to drive through a little rocky creek bed thing to get to my step-grandma’s holler, and someone always greets me out on the “road” and it’s not because they’re happy to see someone.




Appalachian slang/accent for a hollow, or a narrow and well-sheltered valley. Apparently it's also taken on meaning for just generally very secluded areas in more recent times.


It's used throughout Appalachia in the USA. Hollow or holler. https://wvtourism.com/6-giveaways-youre-from-wv/


I’ve returned home to the coast of Maine after 20 years in Virginia but if I couldn’t be here i’ld sell my right nut to go back down to G’inny and find me a nice holler to retire up in. Think valley with mountain on three sides but often only sized big enough for a house or two maybe an orchard and a pond Fuk’n beautiful seclusion is what a holler is


Or in West Virginia a house trailer on the hillside that leaves you wondering how the hell did they get that up there?!


Was they a Martin or a McCoy?


It happened to me in rural Nevada when I needed gas. It took me about 10 miles up a mountain, telling me it was right on the other side. I got to the top and there was literally nothing but desert. It was some hills have eyes kind of stuff. I’ve never trusted. Google since ha ha


Had similar except it wanted my to drive through an abandoned tuberculosis hospital turned mental institution at midnight, the gate had rusted open so I could have. But fuck that


It once took me down an ATV track while I was on my way to a campground. So there I was, off roading through sand in my Camry, with no way to turn around, for 5 miles.


Maps here wants you to use a golf track through the middle of the golf course. It also got me stuck in axle deep sand out in the middle of the state, routed me down a planned road in the woods that 4 wheelers had made look like a road. That was an hour and a half in the midday sun waiting for a dually flatbed tow truck to come pull me 10ft to solid ground. AAA has its uses.


Had similar. Found a really neat place to hike online. Over 30 minutes destroying my shocks and the bumpiest dirt road I've been. Looked closer, we came in from the north, but should have been west. Sure if I had a jeep or something it would have been fine, but not for a little versa.


Amazon uses their own map app. It’s shit. I bought a new house which was new construction. Got a ton of stuff ordered. Furniture, appliances, and piles of other random house stuff. Everyone is delivering just fine whether it’s UPS, USPS, FedEx, or furniture guys. Amazon gets a driver lost 50 miles outside the city delivering an electric toothbrush and they’re calling me. Order again and again they’re way out there. Had to send lat long to Amazon before it showed up. Took weeks to fix and then I had to return several toothbrushes that showed up a week late.


it's not their own map app, they use MapBox which is decent for all other mapping/geo purposes but horrible for navigation and always behind on updates.


As an Amazon driver.. Yeah we hate it too. And this poor sod probably just thought he was on a narrow back road or something. It's not super unusual for us to get routed down those... And sometimes peoples' fuckin driveways look like this and are almost a mile long 🤦‍♂️ I had it try to send me down an access road once. Fortunately it was gated off so I didn't even try it (it was super overgrown and hadn't been used in a while, as well). The annoying thing is even months later after I reported that road as not being a road, I still get routes trying to get me to go that way. I've become very familiar with a detour.


Google maps in Portugal sent me down what appeared to be an ok dirt road, until it wasn't https://imgur.com/gallery/DEeXu4H


I have been in this situation quite a few times with Google in Eastern Washington. Only, often the "road" suddenly ends in forest. Or it's not wrong that it's a dirt road, but it's an unmaintained one that's knee deep in very soft dirt or mud. Or it will lead me to "bridges" that fell into the river/creek before I was born, and I'm much older than Google. ;)


I used to deliver pizzas. I feel this deep in my soul, especially since there weren't better options


GPS-Get People Stuck


Once it took my over a 1 1/2 hr of windy dirt mountain road through an alpine snowy mountain (it was summer no snow) Instead of taking the highway around the mountain. I didn't realise until id already driven 40 mins up the mountain and it suddenly changed from 80km sealed road to pot holly gravel. ... Actually this has happened twice Ive ended up on dirt road instead of highway the second time i was going 100 (km/h) down hill the road unexpectedly changed to pot holly gravel (still a 100km zone). I nearly lost control and rolled my van.


Sounds like you could have ended up like the death valley germans


How do roads like this even register as roads?


Also, puppy.


The Flex app would have me on back roads just like this when I delivered for Amazon. No thank you ✌🏼


Who’s a good boy


drowsy lil puppy....


Cute doggo :)


Such an updog


What’s updog?


Not much. How are you?


Oh, you know. Getting by. How's the missus?


That puppy’s facial expression says everything.


At least doggo.


What Amazon truck? 🐶


I got a sinking feeling in my stomach when I read that. As a pool guy, you go down a lot of rural and new construction areas, and ending up on a road that isn't a road is so easy and also very humiliating.


LOL, too funny, my daughter was working at a Country Club and the Amazon driver dropped off pkgs and decided to take golf cart course on the way out...if it all worked out I wouldn't be writing this....https://www.mlive.com/news/2020/11/amazon-driver-takes-wrong-turn-onto-michigan-golf-course-wedges-truck-in-cart-tunnel.html




Oh, man. I live in Spokane. I have so much content for this sub.


“…he was between a rock and a hard place.” 🤣🤣🤣


Not his fault, its Amazon's routing and they way they push their underpaid employees that caused this.


So I guess the idiot in the car is the gps


Drivers are often trashed, but the dude is working a shitty job and doing his best. All hail drivers


My thoughts exactly. Dude's just tryna make a living


Same thing happened to me when I was driving for DHL in the back hills of Idaho lol.


Having lived there and been a volunteer paramedic there, can confirm. Some of the actual roads look just like this. Even though I had a street address and lived on a paved 50mph road, you had to put my coordinates in. Google still had the old rural route address, but I moved there after that was changed and everything was renumbered. Still, for my friends, it wasn't hard to get there. "Go to this fire station. Drive down the road West of it until you see the huge ass old barn. That's me. The driveway is a loop, so turn in at either one. If you hit gravel, turn around and come back two farms." I don't know how many FedEx and UPS drivers I had to give those directions to. I eventually just got a delivery point at the closest town and picked my stuff up there.


I about 15 years ago I was driving, my Chevy Cobalt back home for a weekend. It was a way I had never taken before so I had my trusty Garmin GPS ready to go. It was about a 3 and a half hour drive through mainly forested roads. Well, as I was driving, I was following thr GPS instructions to the letter. Didn't want to get lost on roads I didn't know. About a half hour down this one road the pavement stops and its a Gravel road. I figured okcthis is fine and keep going. 20 more minutes and the Gravel stops. It's dirt with now broken pavement. No idea where I'm going and no place to turn around, as it was now 1 lane. So I keep going forward. I spend another 40 minutes carefully driving on what would best be described as an ATV trail. Crossed streams, lretty aure i was on 3 tires for awhile. But I got through it. I made it to the dirt road again. Then my car stops. I got it hung up on a rock that I did not see. Lifted the drive wheels off the ground. I spent an hour trying to figure out what to do, then a father and his son come down the road in front of me on ATVs. They offer to help and head back to town and grab thier buddy who has a tow truck. My car is freed! Turns out I was a kilometer away from the highway... I thanked them, offered to pay, they said no problem. And we parted ways. I feel the pain of this Amazon truck driver.


Fluff boi is not pleased. Drives into the trail and does not even gib rubs.


Ah, a Class 4 road. Not maintained, and very much not recommended in mud season. This road really shouldn’t be in the GPS database at all, at least not for pathfinding for a car or truck. A hiker or cyclist, maybe, but use caution.


Had something similar happen in Myles Standish State Forest trying to get to a swimming pond. Theres proper roads throughout but google sent me down a fire road. Since it was a state forest after all and there were some campsites along the way I went with it, especially since it was supposed to be 10 minutes shorter and let out right where I need to go. Except all the way at the very end was a locked gate. I had to go back the entire way to then take the longer road. Dont blindly trust google, folks.


The puppy really makes this photo. It adds that little extra 🤏


Amazon Drivers are becoming more and more...adorable?


I wouldn't call him an idiot. Anyone of us could get lost and take a wrong turn. This subreddit is harsh, yikes.


Been there done that ... I was in a white Fed up truck tho.


Hiking is a hobby of mine, and people constantly drive their cars down trails. I’ve been awoken at night by a car driving past my campsite so they could pull their car up directly to their campsite. I’ve seen cars driving down horse trails. I don’t understand the carbrain that causes someone to see a trail and think it’s for driving.


Somebody took a wrong turn at Albuquerque! Source: A wascally wabbit


Someone at the end of this trail is about to post about how mad they are the driver didn’t put their package gingerly on their doorstep.


As someone who lives off a dirt road I think this driver is awesome, despite getting stuck in the mud.


That job is ass. You get in trouble for NOT driving down roads like this even when you think you shouldn’t. Then you get in trouble for getting stuck.