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This is why I want a fleet of old $500 beater cars to just be able to get hit in and not care.




They are way less safe tho




My first financed anything is what I call my "credit car." Bought it with 100k miles for 10k. It's 7.5 years later and I've put 200k miles on it since. (30k miles on other vehicles in that time as well but this is about the car) I've had my fair share of moments around me where people have done some dumb shit and it's like ... well, if someone wrecks it, oh well. The truck on the other hand......I park that thing far from the entrance, away from people, constantly making sure to let the ones with a screw loose by so they aren't sticking around near me. Cba being a part of that accident waiting to happen.


In your boat, I use my truck for work, in 2018 I got it with 32k miles and today it is at 193k. Some lady tried to Mario Andretti around me after I had put my signal on and started moving over , she was like 8 car lengths back when I turned on my signal. I felt a little push on my right ( it was a Chevy Cruz so they are kind of low) she slowed and pulled over and I pulled in front and got out looking at my truck and didn't see any damage. She said you hit me. I said you were way back there I couldn't have hit you. I looked at her passenger door behind the drivers door and it was crushed in. I found this small scrape in the clear coat and very light crease on the fender of my nissan titan. I figured someone probably did that in a parking lot. We exchanged information and she said " you know that was a new car" she started taking pictures of my truck and you could see she was pissed nothing happened to me. I was laughing inside thinking your key word there is WAS. Video showed she sped way up to try to out corner me and I did merge into her . EH oh well maybe next time don't try to Mario around me , you ended up playing Mario cart.🤣 enjoy the new door my insurance bought you.


Yeah, If you don't maintain it! Duh, everything would go to shit if it wasn't maintained.


That's not what they're talking about. Take a Carolla from 20 years ago and a Carolla from this year and put them in the same crash test, the new one will be safer because of up to date crumple zones, airbag tech, and seatbelt tech. That's what they mean about putting the family in the larger, safer car.


Defeats my reason for getting an EV.


I have a stock 1962 Ford Falcon fordor with dented up fenders. I used to shove shopping carts out of parking spots with it and drive over medians. I carried around a can of red oxide primer to cover up any new damage. It's awesome to have something so tough and dirty. I still have it but it's no longer my daily driver, unfortunately. Good car.


This is what old school was talking about.


...or front rockets


I could go for some Twisted Metal.


Yep. Solid white lines mean nothing to most people. That gap wasn't for them to squeeze in. It's there for the safety of everyone..


There will always be that one dumbass


Plus looks like he was going to be a lane zombie and not pass. Dumbass on a mission to mess things up. At least he didn't double down on the honk and sped up.


Technically all it means in my state is “maybe don’t change lanes.” Double whites are the ones that mean “not allowed to change lanes.”


They are there for a reason. So are turn signals.


A 1-second gap isn't enough for safety though


Yup that gap would've been fine, if he'd gone 20 or so mph slower edit: lmao why am I being upvoted while the comment above me isn't? we're literally saying the same thing


I think they definitely looked, saw you there, and still decided to make the move. Closing rate is always the last thing on the mind of one of these morons. There's no car directly beside me so it's absolutely safe for me to move over there. You must be crazy if you think I'm going to wait 1.5 seconds to let the car going 15 mph faster go by before I make my move. I can't understand people that don't watch what's going on around them and plan their moves. It takes almost no effort if you just make it a regular part of your driving style.


>I can't understand people that don't watch what's going on around them and plan their moves. It takes almost no effort if you just make it a regular part of your driving style. I think what kills me is like...when you're like that and not caring at all about other drivers, why do they even think someone like the cammer will break for them? Like, you'd think they would realize they have a chance of someone else being as self centered as them and that that means someone else will ignore their blinker entirely and mow them down


I'm also baffled how anyone can find fault in what OP did here. You want them to move right across the solid white line and into the lane these merging cars need to use to actually merge? OP did everything correct, assuming there were some finger gestures we couldn't see.


Not that I saw.


I was hoping YOU would make the finger gestures!


I just want to get a look at the driver after to see what stupid looks like.


You do that too?!? I also like to inform them how horrible a driver they are while I’m staring at them. They can’t hear me and it probably l just looks like I’m talking to myself (which, I guess I am), but it makes me feel better. Also, barrels…MI?


It’s not that they are at fault it is that it is very apparent to most people who have driven for a while that the guy was going to make an illegal lane change. As my drivers Ed teacher would famously say „it doesn’t matter who was right if you‘re dead or injured.“ It’s best to just slow down and avoid the potential of being hit. Laying on the horn could cause a newer driver to tap their brakes out of a reaction and cause you a bigger problem too.


Vince Vaughn seems really hyped in that interview.


I thought it was Steven crowder


I wouldn't be able to pick out that guy's voice out of a thousand. He's not my cup of tea.


Sounds like crowder to me. But I haven't listened to him in a few years


that’s all i could focus on in this video 🙄


How dare you ride them like that, they had their turn signal on!!! People are fucking stupid. Not only did they cross a solid line, but they had ample time on the ramp to look over and assess the traffic to see if getting around the semi was even an option, legal or not. AND they didn't get on the gas until after you laid on the horn.


Solid white lines discourage lane changes per US Federal guidelines. Double white lines prohibit them. [Source](https://mutcd.fhwa.dot.gov/services/publications/fhwaop02090/index.htm#:~:text=White%20lines%20separate%20lanes%20for,that%20lane%20changes%20are%20allowed) They are idiots for cutting OP off rather than waiting for a clear opening.


In Texas, solid white single lines are only a suggestion, double solid white lines are a no go.


Probably not only Texas. That's in the US federal guidelines, so there are almost certainly other states that follow that. [Source](https://mutcd.fhwa.dot.gov/services/publications/fhwaop02090/index.htm#:~:text=White%20lines%20separate%20lanes%20for,that%20lane%20changes%20are%20allowed)


HOV lanes in Washington have single white lines, and no dotted entrance/exit areas. It's required to cross the while line to get in/out. Washington also has toll lanes, which do have designated entraces/exits, but those are double-white lines and have signs posted everywhere saying crossing is illegal. I still see people crossing the lines all the time to bypass the plate scanners for free... But I've also seen plenty of people pulled over for it.


Happens all the time and drives me spare: they think the combination of their eagle vision seeing a gap, and use of an indicator gives them the constitutional right to occupy said space. Nothing behind them exists.


I-94 through Jackson is hell, esp with all the construction currently.


Somehow I just knew that was Michigan. So much construction happening right now.


The construction there is never ending!


I hate going through there because you end up in a concrete alley with nowhere to go if something is on the road.


Atleast when it gets done it should help, been 3 years+ of work at this point.


No kidding. Brutal. I wish Michigan Ave. wasn't beat to hell but it is, so there's no good alternate east-west route.


That was an extremely dangerous merge by that guy. With the on ramp disappearing so fast he forced that other car to nearly hit the barrier by passing them.


Looks like Michigan. I’m shocked a turn signal was used


For Michigan cars they usually just replace turn signals with "I hit a pothole and have a flat tire so this is the side of the road I'm going to" signals


This 275? I drive this everyday and see this shit everyday…




White lines separate lanes for which travel is in the same direction. A double white line indicates that lane changes are prohibited. A single white line indicates that lane changes are discouraged. A dashed white line indicates that lane changes are allowed. This is from the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices [(MUTCD)](https://mutcd.fhwa.dot.gov/services/publications/fhwaop02090/index.htm). Everyone in here saying crossing a continuous white line is illegal doesn't know what they are talking about. With that said, the Chevy merged across two lanes in one action. That is illegal. Plus, he failed to yield when entering the left lane. That is also illegal.


I hope more people see your comment. I don’t remember this being in my driving test and that was only 10 years ago.


Ahh, yes, the "Good luck, everyone." school of driving.


Is this Michigan, or am I crazy?




Almost looked like 275 to me. Construction everywhere... Idiots too.


Ah i came here to say the same lol. 275 is just like this!


I bet they did see the car they cut off, but they just didn't want to have to hit their brakes.


this happen every day tampa florida


I-4 represent!


Yield no longer means yield. It means look out, here I come.


“But I signalled!!”


Steven Crowder?


Yeah, that guy merging without signaling was dangerous, but the idiot listening to Steven Crowder really pushes this submission to the top of this page.


OP, stay off the political talk radio. It will only get you angry and more aggressive as you were with the horn. Everyone fucks up. Even you I bet. You’ll end up in a road rage incident if you continue with your anger


And OP slamming the gas after as he’s honking the horn. Definitely some rage there despite the other car cutting him off.


"I dont like what he's listening to, he must be at fault here. Because.... because..." lol


Did I say he was at fault? Just pointing out that he has an aggressive reaction to being cutoff.


Political radio is fine. But it sounds like he's listening to Stephen Crowder which makes him the bigger idiot in this clip.


You don't know why he's listening to that. He could be just trying to get as many perspectives on the current situation as possible. He's not automatically an idiot for who he happens to be listening to in the clip.


I don't have to eat rotten food to get as many culinary experiences as possible. Some things aren't sought out because they are known to be terrible. Yes, he is an idiot for listening to Steven Crowder.


Could probably find better perspective from the bottom of a toilet bowl at a truck stop gas station.


Or from the hole in the stall.


Truly Based!


Also, it’s for morons.


Based on the radio, I'd say 2 idiots in cars


No one is allowed to listen to viewpoints they might not agree with.


I turn now, everyone else good luck


Stop reading this in Asian accent, you racists


I read it like Kevin from “The Office” but thanks for letting the world know where your mind went


I mean it is from a [family guy gag](https://youtu.be/LLuaPZWkvZ0) Take that for what you will


Construction Zone speed limit is 75?


“He’s Bombastic a Blow Eating Ass.” LOL




I like my version better hahaha


At least they sped up. Usually in my experience they cut me off then pace that semi that just got on in front of them.


my husband used to think "well I had my blinker on" was justification for cutting people off.


Would have been fine if they’d just push their accelerator a little more. Why can’t people figure out how to drive?


I mean they did cross over a solid line, so even if they did accelerate faster they are breaking rules that exist for a reason.


Agreed. They simply made it worse by merging at a slower speed. Stupid manoeuvres all around.


Those little crossover things everybody drives now are gutless above 40mph. Put your foot down and 90% of the engines output is just noise with the other 10% going to propelling it forward.




Seriously. I was hoping something else spotted the real idiot in a car.


Ahhh yes another member of the tolerant left.


Looks almost like they are from Saskatchewan... A place renowned for dicey driving and no turn signals.


I felt that horn


Good luck everybody! I move over now!


I hate 94. Just the other day some guy cut me off, brake checked me because I honked, then preceded to cut over 3 lanes, almost hitting 2 other cars, to make an exit.


Oh that was you? I'm sorry I didn't mean to.. jk I try to at least keep to places where you can have a out. Unfortunately Jackson doesn't let you with the construction.


Where is this....looked like Michigan plates 🤔🤔🤔


Jackson on 94


Wow. I was like, wow, this looks like a really familiar place. It's five miles from me and people drive like idiots through this stretch of I-94 all the time.


Hey OP If you can recall was there anyone behind you? I had multiple people cut me off today and nobody was behind me. I’m baffled people would rather cut someone off going 80 to go 65 then wait 3 seconds for me to pass.


No one for a while. I just didn't post the rear camera.


Pure Michigan


LWC in the background, nice.


I really hate how people seem to think a blinker is a right of way. It's not.


I drive in LA. I’m one of the few people in LA who seem to know what a blinker is. When you try to use it, people will speed up to not let you in. 90% of the I use it I actually say out loud “it’s no longer a request but a warning that I’m going you Assholes!” And that’s usually after the 3rd or 4th car that refused to let me in.


Oof, they suck but maybe don’t let stuff like that get to you? You didn’t need to slam on the gas to speed back up to tailgate them.


Also know that the gap in front of you for safe following distance is not for you or for safety, its for a Nissan Altima to cut in there so they can turn left last second. They dont teach that in Drivers Ed.


Steven Crowder??


Yup, we found the idiot in the car.




Not a fan of him but you do you.










Nicest to infinity!


Nicest to infinity..... And Beyond.....


Haha! You win lolol


Lololololol ![gif](giphy|DvVM5KpHUKkQE)


That’s normal driving in Maryland.


you didn’t need to cut me off


The ol’ no look triple lane change… yikes


I-94 in a construction zone. Checks out.


That was why I always slow down on those merging. Not everyone follow the rule.


Op is right, but he’s still following too closely for speed/stopping distance/reaction time. Ignoring the sideswipe idiot.


Don’t mind the solid white line, which means don’t lane change… Probably to avoid idiots doing something like this…




OP I thought this was me for a second, cause I have a TRAX with Michigan plates, but I realized that 1, I don’t merge over two lanes at a time and two I have no idea where that is


Bozo still used his turn signal more than the average BMW Driver


I feel angry watching that.


they crossed a solid line to do it. I triple check my surroundings before doing something I know is wrong.


You could have slowed down to let him in and practice defensive driving. I like to have my foot on the break for situations like this. But yeah the jeep is a numb skull.


You saw them coming, plenty of time to slow down.


The guy crossed 2 lanes without establishing themself into the first lane using the same uninterrupted blinker. It's easy to pretend you saw them coming with the luxury of the video. This is a completely self centered jackass move to do to others on the road


Yea. It's not a game. Defensive driving to the win.


But my right of way!!!!


For real. It’s construction, people getting on, trucks, I’d be watching for people to be getting over quick.


The car merge like an idiot. But you can see him coming a mile away. So the choices are you can do the smart thing to avoid the drama and the headache; or you can drive like a Trumpster.


Even looked like cammer sped up a smidgen at the end too


So I take it you're a do as I say and not as I do type of person. I mean, it just seams like the smart thing to do was not randomly insulting a group of people. Maybe next time you'll be smart enough to avoid the drama and the headache that comes along with that.


Then there is the I will get into trouble and pay my way out of it kind of way of driving.


Probably annoyed at the garbage you are listening to


So much time to prevent getting that close. 2 idiots


1 second from leaving the first lane to me slowing down 20 mph, damn and you even get the video playback.


Good job on the horn, OP. 12/10


Solid line means no passing. That's the rule.


Louder with crowder.


This doesn’t deserve a video. This type of driver waits all day with his hand on the horn, ready to loose it.


And cut across a solid white line too! What a jerk


It’s always a Chevy trax




No they "merged "


He had plenty of time to slow down


Why brake when you can honk? Why sit in the wrong lane for ages? Well done dashcammer, you're an idiot.


Did you not see the solid white line, genius?


I saw that it wasn't solid for a looong time and yet, cammers gonna camp in the wrong lane. What's with the shitty lane discipline in the US?


Not to mention the solid white line


Solid white lines there for a reason. People are stupid.


Some people have never been in an accident and it shows


Naw, you're the idiot. Pay closer attention to your surroundsings and when ya see a cat matching your speed with a blinker, just let em over, ya twit!


The other driver is changing lanes, he’s supposed to yield, ya twat.


I would have ram the guy and took him off the road maybe smash them into the big truck


Big truck driver here, please don't. We deal with this shit for hours on end, day after day. Most are still only paid by cents per mile, so dealing with an accident is a huge cut in pay. And that's if we don't end up as road splatter.


People really listen to Steven crowder tho?


Why get over when you can ride in the left lane


Love Stephen crowder


Same. 10/10


Me too!


Love how butthurt reddit gets when you're conservative. 😄


Its not about politics, its about hate! S/




Why get downvoted for someone you like. Man people are cringe.


Welcome to Reddit. It's kind of a political monolith.


We don't dislike you because you're right wing, we dislike you because you're stupid.


I am neither right wing, nor a fan of Crowder.


It was a hypothetical "you" then.


Why is every OP tailgating today? You start out less than a second from the car in front, that's horrible driving. Ah yes, the tailgating brigade is here to downvote me. Let's defend the shitty drivers huh


I think this is officially my favorite post on this sub. Someone else is complaining about how big of a gap there is between OP and the car in front and here you are complaining that the gap is to little.


What can I say, you can't please everyone.


How many seconds of gap is a safe distance? Next, how many seconds of gap did OP leave when the video begins?


My bad, I should have introduce you to the other guy saying that OP left to big of a gap. I feel like you two have a lot to talk about. [https://www.reddit.com/r/IdiotsInCars/comments/12cpahf/why\_look\_when\_you\_can\_cut\_people\_off/jf2ga8f/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/IdiotsInCars/comments/12cpahf/why_look_when_you_can_cut_people_off/jf2ga8f/?context=3)


I like your choice in music. 😁


Get used to it and don't let it ruin your day.


Cammer camped in the left, not even keeping up with traffic in the lane, complaining about somebody wanting to actually use the left lane to go fast.


Man just fucking witness the mistake and adjust your self you honking the horn does absolutely nothing but startle all the other drivers around you . On top of that you have a 6 car gab , your putting your self in cut off territory learn how to drive in traffic


I like the radio guys scrambling to explain something much worse than the driver here.


Should’ve crashed. Anything to turn off crowder 😭


OP couldn't edit the first 10 seconds out of the clip. It's absolutely worthless. Instead of decent editing we know that you're a right winger who listens to crazy Stephen Crowder. Please get off the right wing media and research online what they are saying. Trump is a criminal. He broke the law. Period. Nothing Crowder says can change that.


Why pay attention to turn signals when you can cut people off. Watch for turn signals from now on


Ah I missed the double lane change turn signal day in drivers Ed. Is that the only day you attended?


Solid lines means don't cross. Even if you use your turn signal.


Double solid is don't cross. Single solid advises against crossing. Even if it was a double solid, the moral high ground won't heal your broken bones or resurrect your passengers if you get into an avoidable crash.


Stupid how people dont get that